River City Wrestling has made the following announcement concerning their upcoming show:
November 18 line-up announcement
River City Wrestling
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Bellaire Baptist Church
105 W. Clovis
San Antonio, TX
Doors open at 6:45 p.m, show starts at 7:30 p.m.
Tickets are $7 in advance, $10 at the door
Advance tickets will not be sold after Friday, November 17, 5 p.m. Order advance tickets online at rcw-wrestling.com or call (210) 842-8398
RCW Promoter Brandon Oliver's team:
"Team MEX" -
NWA World Tag Team Champion/RCW Champion -
"Hotstuff" Hernandez with the RCW Tag Champs "The Texas Treats" - Don Juan & Chris Marval and CMLL Star - Sicodelico Jr.
Commissioner Yebisu's team:
"Team International Power Station" -
"The Smashing Machine" - Ikaika, Big Japan Star - Masada and just announced on the team ... former high school football stars "One Man" Mike Dell and his teammate "Mr. Showtime" Scott Summers!
Also featured on the card:
Making his debut in RCW, B.J. Turner
"Bling King" Quinten Allen
"The Nerdy Boys" - Kris Kronie & Johnny Ender
"The Hardbodies" - JT Lamotta & Joey Spector
Making their RCW debut, VooDoo & Justin 2 Fine
Riley Burke
American Championship Wrestling released the following information concerning the upcoming show:
November 19th 2006
"The Venue"
ACW is proud to announce that November 19th will feature the in ring return of "The Enigma" Albert Ybarra.
Enigma will be in action, the only question is whom will he choose to face at the Venue? The Office has granted him the power to choose whom he will fight. The only info the ACW office has received is a quote from Ybarra, "I've never been afraid to dance with the devil".
Matches already announced:
"The Enigma" Albert Ybarra vs. an opponent of his choice
Darin Childs vs. Dragon X
Fresh off the IWA Mid-South Double Death Tournament Darin Childs is set on beating some respect back into the youth of
Brett Thunder & Skitzo vs. The Dogg Pound
This is the Finals of the TWE #1 Contendership Tournament. Winners will face the Children of Pain at TWE's Starwarz.
Biohazard vs. "Showtime" Scott Summers
After a simultaneous pin last month these two are set on proving who is better. THERE MUST BE A WINNER!!!
Renegade vs. Johnny Rage
The loser of this match is fired and if Rage does not compete his will be relieved of his duties as an ACW wrestler.
ACW HEAVYWIEGHT CHAMPION "One Man" Mike Dell & a mystery partner vs. Rudy Boy Gonzalez & a Mystery Partner
Last month the Venue was turned upside down when the TWE vs. ACW feud hit a brutal climax and November will only be more violent and full of surprises.
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