RCW Show Saturday 11-18 River City Wrestling held a big show at the Bellaire Baptist Church Gym Friday Night and a capacity crowd was treated to five matches featuring RCW favorites and several new faces. The main event blew the roof off the house. The show got started when Ray the Voice introduced ring announcer Jeff Houston who called out all the participants in the night's main event. RCW President Brandon Oliver lead Team Mex to the ring. Hotstuff Hernandez, Sicodelico Jr., Don Juan and Chris Marval entered the ring like they owned it. Next Commissioner Yebisu lead out the members of his team: The new IPS, including Masada, Ikaika, One Man Mike Dell and Showtime Summers. The stipulations for the main event were then announced. The Cage Match will be handled "Wargames" style. Two men would start, every 90 seconds a new man will enter the ring, alternating teams, until all 8 men are in the ring. From that point on, wrestlers are eliminated by pinfall or submission. The winning team will have control of RCW for the next 4 shows, while the losing team will lose the services of their manager. A coin toss was held to determine which team would have the advantage of entering the ring first. Team Mex won the toss, but the wrestlers were ready to get the action started and a brawl broke out. The wrestlers in the lockerroom had to come out to break up the melee.
When the ring was finally cleared, the first official match of the night was announced. Nasty Nick Daniels came out first. Next the music of the Nerdy Boys hit and Johnny Ender & Kris Kronie came to the ring. Ender explained that while the Hardbodies have their "Hardbody in Training," or HIT and the Texas Treats have their "Treats in Training," or TITs, the Nerdy Boys now have a "Nerd in Training," or NIT. With that said, Kris Kronie introduced to the crowd his "brother" Bodhi. Bohdi and Daniels entertained the crowd with a humorous match with the smaller Bodhi struggling to get his offense in on the taller Daniels. Bodhi eventually turned things his way when he hit a head butt from the top rope and got the pin on Daniels.
The second match saw two new more new faces. Total Playa Scott McKenzie came out accompanied by Naughty Nicky. McKenzie's opponent was "The Cruiserweight Killer" B.J. Turner. The fans took a wait and see attitude to the newcomers at first, but it wasn't long before they realized that these two wrestlers were something special. The match basically blew the crowd away, and when Turner finished the match with a curb stomp variation followed by his 12 point stretch, the crowd responded with a standing ovation.
Next was a triple threat lumberjack strap match as 12 fans were selected to serve as the lumberjacks. First out was the Bling King Quinten Allen, who proclaimed he was RCW's master of the strap match, and that he was so confident that he would put his "Bling King" title on the line. Next out came the newest member of the Hardbodies, Joey Spector. The final competitor was Mr. Beautiful Rudy Russo who was welcomed back by the RCW fans. Normally fan lumberjack strap matches are one sided as the fans protect their favorites and wail on the other wrestler, but this was a triple threat match with no real fan favorites involved, so all three men took a fair amount of straps to their backs. It was Spector, however who took the worst of it. Huge welts were raised on his back by the end of the match. Quinten Allen scored pins on both men with a dual leg drop off the top rope. After the match, the fans chanted "Thank you Spector" for the beating he had taken for their enjoyment.
The next match was a tag team match. The first team came to the ring and introduced themselves as Nikko and Franco, "The Perfection Connection." Their opponents were the Nerdy Boys. The Nerds were outweighed by over 150 lbs by the muscular Nikko and Franco. Ender and Kronie were used to being underdogs however and put up a solid showing, negating the size and strength advantage but Perfection Connection was not above using some double team tactics which resulted in a violent slam on Kronie and Nikko covered him for the pin.
The main event was next. A ten-foot cage was set up around the ring and was stabilized with two platforms on opposite corners. The first two men in the ring were Don Juan and Ikaika. Every 90 seconds a new man entered in this order: Sicodelico Jr., Mike Dell, Chris Marval, Showtime Summers, Hotstuff Hernandez and finally Masada. This was a high action match which clearly earned a "Match of the Year" consideration. The eliminations came as follows. Mike Dell was eliminated first, having missed a cross body from the top platform on Hernandez who followed up with a power slam. Next Hotstuff was eliminated when Ikaika splashed him from the top of the cage. Showtime was eliminated by Sicodelico Jr. Next Chris Marval was submitted by Ikaika. Next eliminated was Ikaika, who caught Don Juan's moonsault from the top of the cage. While Don Juan recovered from that incredible move, Sicodelico Jr. was unmasked by Masada and Yebisu hit him with the green mist through the cage. Masada then made the cover, eliminating Sicodelico Jr. leaving only Masada and Don Juan. A few moments earlier, Brandon Oliver and Hotstuff had slid a table into the ring and now both Masada and Don Juan battled to gain control. The final moment came when Masada positioned Don Juan on the table, climbed to the top of the cage then hit a 450 splash through Don Juan and the table. Referee Alex Marrozos counted the pin and the match was over.
After the match, Hotstuff Hernandez challenged Ikaika to a title match at the next show. Ikaika accepted. This should be some match as with this match, Ikaika is the only man to have pinned Hotstuff in RCW. The match will headline the show on December 2nd at Mission Park 6030 Padre Drive, taking place at the "San Antonio for Jesus Explosion from Noon to 10 PM. This is a FREE EVENT and the wrestling will take place from 2-4 pm. This will be the last RCW show of the year and fans are invited to come out and see the first of 4 shows controlled by Yebisu's new IPS. Check out
www.rcw-wrestling.com for all the details.
River City Wrestling Bellaire Baptist Church Gym Saturday, November 18Match # 1 - Nasty Nick Daniels vs. "Nerd in Training" Bodhi (win) w/ Johnny Ender & Kris Kronie
Match # 2 - Total Playa Scott McKenzie w/ Naughty Nicky vs. BJ Turner (win)
Match # 3 - Three-Way Fan Lumberjack Strap Match
"Bling King" Quinten Allen (win) vs. Hardbody Joey Spector vs. Mr. Beautiful Rudy Russo
Match # 4 - Tag Match
"The Perfection Connection" - Nikko & Franco (win) vs. The Nerdy Boys - Johnny Ender & Kris Kronie w/ Bodhi
Match # 5 - Main Event - 8-Man elimination Cage Match
Team Mex - Don Juan, Sicodelico Jr., Chris Marval & Hotstuff Hernandez w/Brandon Oliver vs. The New IPS - Ikaika, Mike Dell, Showtime Summers & Masada w/ Yebisu (win)
PWI Saturday Night Pro Wrestling International Entertainment held a show at SPLACH Sports bar Saturday night. This report comes directly from their web page
Pro Wrestling International Entertainment had a great show this past Saturday November 18, at Splach Bar and Grill. We had a huge turn out of fans and friends, as well as PWI regulars. PWI featured a series of 3 exhibition, qualifying matches. Debuting UWA talent such as Boogeyman, Sensational Sal, Chino, Dingo, and the most impressive talent being Problems.
The PWI show kicked off with our Commissioner Rick the Stick, addressing the fans, thanking them for a great year, and giving them a taste of what's to come in 2007. The mic was then turned over to our Ring Announcer J. D. Kingston, who then introduced the referee for the night, today's most athletic referee, Terry Sleeze.
The first match featured, 210 Mobs J.J. Wakefield, accompanied by 210 Mob Leader Ricky Rhodes, and WWE prospect Bio-Hazard (Jakus Pliskin). The match started off quickly, with some text book wrestling holds, but escalated into a brawl shortly into the match as Bio-Hazard became annoyed with the antics of J. J. Wakefield and Ricky Rhodes. Afer a Northern Lights Suplex and a Neck Breaker from Bio-Hazard, it was time to put Wakefield away. Bio-Hazard quickly slapped on his modified Cobra Clutch Submission, which left J. J. Wakefield with no choice but to tap out. After the match Ricky Rhodes entered the ring and signaled for the Tag Team Champions, Blaine Steel and Ozzy Manson. The 210 Mob began to gang up on Bio-Hazard. As Ozzy Manson and Ricky Rhodes set up Bio-Hazard for a Top Rope Superplex, Mojo emerged from the locker room, stopping the assault, and attacking Ricky Rhodes. Both Bio-Hazard and Mojo cleared the ring.
The second match of the evening was for the PWI Light Heavyweight Championship, currently held by Dragon X, who has had three month run with it. Dragon X defended his title against Gabe the Babe, and Lucha Star Gato Jr, in this three way match. It was fast paced, hard hitting, and full of high fly action. Dragon X was about to put away Gato Jr. until Gabe the Babe close lined him from behind, sending him outside the ring. Gabe the Babe quickly capitalized on the situation, by pinning the already knocked out Gato Jr, to become the new PWI Light Heavyweight Champion!
After the second match Rick the Stick entered the ring, to once again thank the fans for all their support, until he was interrupted, and bullied by all four members of the 210 Mob. As the team of Ozzy Manson and Blaine Steel, began to verbally assault The Houligans, regarding past events concerning their ongoing feud over the Tag Team Titles, Ricky Rhodes snatched the microphone from Ozzy's hand and directed the assault on Mojo, calling him a "Brazilian Gorilla", and insinuating that Mojo was avoiding a confrontation with him. At this time Mojo answered Ricky Rhodes call, and made his way to the ring. As Mojo climbed into the ring the 210 Mob scattered. After Mojo spat on Rhodes and called him a "little girl", he then answered Ricky Rhodes challenge for the International Title naming Ricky as his opponent for the night. The 210 Mob made their way back to the locker room, but Ricky Rhodes continued his rant. The fans clearly stated their support for Mojo by drowning out any sound that may have come out of the 210 Mob, by chanting Mojo's name. Rick the Stick thanked Mojo and stated "That's How You Take Out The Trash"!
The third match was for the PWI World Title, currently held by Madd Dogg Ken Johnson. His opponent for the night was the crude cowboy from Sweet Water Texas, Bobby Garrett. This match had all the ingredients for being a great contest, with all the knowledge and experience of both competitors. However, the match quickly spiraled into a slug fest, favoring Bobby Garrett. As Madd Dogg, began to fight back, Bobby Garrett reversed the momentum of Ken Johnson continuing the beat down the Champion. The brawl eventually spilled outside of the ring, where referee Terry Sleeze called the match, but neither opponent would let up on the other. The action continued through out the crowd as Madd Dogg threw Bobby Garrett to the fence and also on top of the merchandise table. Bobby Garrett tried to regroup by running back into the ring, but Madd Dogg Ken Johnson was right behind him, lifting Bobby up and hitting him with his signature Tomb Stone Pile Driver.
The next match was for the International Heavyweight Title, featuring the challenger, Ricky Rhodes, 210 Mob Leader, and the Champion, Mojo from Brazil. This match was previously scheduled to be the main event of the evening, however the tension between Mojo and Ricky Rhodes could not be delayed any longer. As Ricky Rhodes hit the ring, accompanied by the entire 210 Mob, fans anxiously awaited the arrival of Mojo, while heckling the members of the Mob. Mojo made his way through the crowd with his International Title, and Brazilian/US flag in hand. The match began with a series of chain wrestling, and looked like it would be a sportsman like match, until Ricky Rhodes quickly turned the tide with a drop toe hold, and disrespectful slap to the back of the head of Mojo. Mojo shook it off and tied up with Ricky once more, with Mojo giving Ricky Rhodes a hammer lock, spinning him around and returning the favor with a slap of his own, sending Ricky Rhodes outside of the ring. As Ricky Rhodes reentered the ring, Mojo became distracted by Ozzy Manson and Blaine Steel, which allowed Ricky to attack Mojo from behind, and continue his assault on the champion. Ricky delivered a series of punches, but Mojo began to fight back, sending Ricky Rhodes to the corner, and giving him a Stinger Splash. Mojo went for the pin, but Ricky kicked out before the 3 count, and gave Mojo a low blow. The match continued with Ricky Rhodes delivering a vicious clothesline to Mojo. Rhodes then wasted time talking trash to the crowd, and Mojo was able to regroup and catch Ricky Rhodes sending him to the canvas with a Choke Slam. Mojo then went to cover Ricky Rhodes for the pin. At this time the other members of the 210 Mob rushed the ring, but Mojo quickly defended himself. This gave Ricky Rhodes time to get on his feet charging Mojo with a clothes line, however Mojo was able to duck out of the way and kicked Rhodes in the gut. He followed with his signature move The Skull Buster, scoring the win.
The main event of the night was for the PWI Tag Team Titles. The 210 Mob, once again hit the ring, but this time it was Ozzy Manson and Blaine Steel without their leader. Their opponents for this event, were Sidney Australia's own The Houligans, Crazy Jimmy and Bull Harley. The match featured rule breaking antics by both teams, as well as high impact moves. The Houligans easily became the fan favorites. Both teams consistently countered each others offense through out the contest. In the end it seemed the Down Under on Blaine Steel would crown the Houligans as the new Tag Team Champions, but once again the remaining Mob members emerged from the locker room, breaking up the count, which ended the match in a disqualification, and the title remained in the hands of the Mob. The 210 Mob ganged up on The Houligans, and it seemed as though they would continue to punish them, but Mojo and Madd Dogg Ken Johnson charged out of the locker room, to once again "Take out the trash!" As the 210 Mob regrouped, they pointed out that the titles could not change hands on a DQ, and they remained the champions. At this time PWI Commisioner Rick the Stick interfered and stated that he was "tired of the 210 Mobs antics" and got his revenge by stripping them of their titles. Rick the Stick declared the titles vacant, and announced that a tournament would be held for the tag team titles after the new year.
Pro Wrestling International SPLACH Sports Bar Saturday November 18, 2006
Match # 1 - JJ Wakefield vs. Bio-Hazards (win)
Match # 2 - 3-Way Light Heavyweight Championship
Challenger Gato Jr. vs. Challenger Gabe the Babe (win & new champion) vs. Champion Dragon X
Match # 3 - World Title Match
Challenger Bobby Garrett vs. Mad Dog Ken Johnson (win & retain title)
Match # 4 - International Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger Ricky Rhodes vs. Champion Mojo (win & retain title)
Match # 5 - Tag Team Championship
Challengers The Houligans - Crazy Jimmy & Bull Harley (win by DQ - titles held up) vs. 210 Mob - Ozzy Manson & Blaine Steele w/ Ricky Rhodes
ACW Sunday Show
American Championship Wrestling held a show Sunday afternoon at the Venue and fans were treated six matches involving the wrestlers of ACW and the TWE invaders.
The first match saw Ricky Rhodes facing Prince Fontenot. The Lone Star Kid Rhodes put up a good effort against the bodybuilder Prince, but few men can match Prince's raw power and when he hit the spear, the match was over.
The second match was the finals of the Tag Team Contenders Tournament to name the challenger to the TWE Tag Titles to be defended at Star Warz on December 2nd. The team of Skitzo and Brett Thunder faced the newly formed "Dog Pound" team of Bigg Dogg and the Xtreme Bulldawg Rexx Reed. The Dog Pound outweighed the smaller team by over 200 lbs, but the emotion and energy of Skitzo and Thunder helped overcome that disadvantage. The end came as a huge surprise when Thunder hit his own partner with a superkick, perhaps gaining some revenge for a perceived betrayal months ago when Skitzo and Hector Navarro won the tag belts in a match in which Brett Thunder had started out as Skitzo's partner. With the victory, The Dog Pound is set to face the Children of Pain for the belts in 2 weeks. TWE CEO Rudy Gonzalez came out to admonish Thunder. As punishment for this betrayal, Thunder will have to face Skitzo at Star Warz in a Fan Lumberjack Strap Match defending his TWE TV Title.
The third match was originally supposed to be a one on one match between Darin Childs and Dragon X who had demanded a match against a title holder. Since Childs holds the Tag Belts for both ACW and TWE with Jacob Ladder, Childs qualified. Before the match could progress too deeply, Enigma entered the ring area and announced he was exercising his option to choose his opponent by making this a three way match. There was a lot of action in this match and at one point it appeared that Enigma had dislocated his shoulder, but he popped it back in place and got back in the ring. The end came as Darin Childs was close to submitting Dragon X with a Dragon Sleeper and Enigma hit the shining wizard on Childs. Enigma covered the unconscious Dragon X and got the pin. After the match, while Enigma and Childs faced off, deciding whether to shake hands, the Dog Pound came out and attacked Childs and Ladder. In response the Children of Pain announced that the match at Star Warz was going to be a Child's Play Death Match.
In the next match, Johnny Rage and Texas Renegade faced off in a Loser Leaves ACW match. These two former partners have been feuding for months with Rage appearing to be dodging the Renegade. In this match there was destined to be a winner and an end to this feud. The fans were treated to a hard hitting match with some of the most violent blows of the night. It was Renegade who won the brawl, costing Rage his job.
In the next match, Showtime Summers and Bio-Hazard met up. Last month, the two took part in a match in which the end came with both men's shoulders on the mat. This mat was set up with the stipulation that there must be a clear winner. In the first few minutes, the two wrestlers had two double pins and a double count out. Clearly these men are evenly matched and the fans appreciated the action. The end came out of nowhere when Bio-Hazard hit Summers with a vicious kick. ACW fans expressed their appreciation for both wrestlers with a "more of that" chant.
The main event was a Mystery Partner Tag Team Match. Representing TWE was Rudy Boy Gonzalez and his mystery partner Dusty Wolfe. Representing ACW was One Man Mike Dell and his mystery partner Jacob Ladder. The veteran team of RBG and Dusty started slow, but their experience eventually took over and they began to control the match against the make-shift team of Dell and Ladder. As the action spilled out of the ring, Ladder and Wolfe brawled in the crowd being chased down by referee Rick Porter. Dell and RBG were in the ring as Showtime Summers ran to the ring. Fans were shocked however when Summers turned on Dell instead of helping the ACW team. Gonzalez grabbed the pin and the victory for TWE. In his anger, Dell began yelling at Summers and Gonzalez. Gonzalez said if Dell had a problem he could come defend his ACW Heavyweight Title at Star Warz. Dell agreed, but it was revealed that the special referee would be ACW's Prince Fontenot.
As a result of this night, 3 matches have been announced for TWE's Star Warz on December 3rd. The show will be at the Harlendale Recreation Center at 7227 Briar Place. Doors open at 6:30 with the announced bell time at 7 PM. Check out the TWE web page www.texaswrestlingentertainment.com for details as advanced tickets are now available.
American Championship Wrestling has announced that their next show on December 17th at the Venue will be the 1st Annual Lone Star Classic. A 16 man tournament including Biohazard, Joey Corman, Darin Childs, Massive, "The Enigma" Albert Ybarra, TWE's Skitzo, Renegade, "From PWE in Atlanta" Kid Ego Jr., "the Obsession" Kaleb Konnley, Bobby Hill, "Too Hot" Kyle Matthews. More names to be announced. Tickets are only $7. Check out the ACW web page www.americanchampionshipwrestlingsa.com for details.
American Championship Wrestling
The Venue
Sunday November 19, 2006
Match # 1 - Ricky Rhodes vs. Prince Fontenot (win)
Match # 2 - Finals TWE Tag Team Contenders Tournament
The Dog Pound - Bigg Dogg & Rexx Reed (win) vs. Skitzo & Brett Thunder
Match # 3 - Triple Threat Match
Darin Childs vs. Dragon X vs. Enigma (win)
Match # 4 - Loser Leaves ACW Match
Johnny Rage vs. Renegade (win)
Match # 5 - Showtime Summers vs. Bio-Hazard (win)
Match # 6 - Main Event - Mystery Partner Tag Team Match
TWE Team - Rudy Boy Gonzalez & Dusty Wolfe (win) vs. ACW Team - One Man Mike Dell & Jacob Ladder
SWCW Announces Show
Southwest Championship Wrestling has announced a show for Saturday December 9th. The show is at Premier Cheer Gym 2439 Castroville Road in San Antonio. Doors open at 5PM, Bell Time is at 7 PM. Call (210) 364-0509 for more information