Friday TWA Lucha Libre
Texas Wrestling Association returned to the Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym Friday night with a marathon show which featured 5 matches, each with 2 falls out of 3 rules. The referee for the evening was Juan Diego who showed his favoritism for the Rudos in the very first match.
Agua Man faced the veteran Technico Semental in the first match. Despite scoring the first fall on a slow count pin, Semental couldn't overcome the odds as Juan Diego assisted Agua Man to the next two falls.
The second match featured Berry against Ozzy Manson in an exciting match. Manson showed some solid, innovative offense while Berry's resilience allowed him to reverse the momentum, winning the first fall by pin. The second fall went back to Manson who pinned Berry following a particularly hard slam. Berry never seemed to recover during the third fall and when Manson applied an arm submission hold, Berry was forced to tap.
The next match featured a tag match of Rudos versus Rudos. The team of El Zombi and Comando Jr. seemed to have the crowd support based on the respect paid to 30 year veteran Zombi and the incredible athleticism of the mini Commando. The team of El Diablo and Gato Diabolico are two of the best luchadores in San Antonio and were unconcerned with the crowd support. In the first fall, Commando Jr. pinned Diablo following an impressive chain of moves and counters involving all four men. The team of Diablo and Gato Diabolico came back in the second fall scoring a double pin. In the final fall, the referee Juan Diego asserted himself, openly assisting the team of Diablo and Gato Diabolico and then counting the pin.
The fourth match was also a tag match. The Rudos team of El Ilegal and Desertoro faced the Technicos Gato Jr. and Brindis. Gato Jr. and Brindis are extremely athletic and did well in countering the rulebreaking tactics of Ilegal and Desertoro. In the first fall Brindis submitted Ilegal but the rudos came back in the second fall with Ilegal pinning Brindis. In the third fall Juan Diego tried to assist the rudos, but the technicos overcame the odds and Brindis pinned Desertoro.
The main event featured four of the top luchadores in San Antonio. The Rudos Mr. Muerte and Ave Fenix faced the Technicos Lemus 2 and Chief Battu. Muerte & Fenix had some difficulty with their teamwork early, missing some opportunities. The Technicos took advantage of this lack of continuity and scored an early pin when Lemus covered Ace Fenix. In the second fall, the Rudos got their teamwork together and when Battu appeared to be injured in out of the ring action, Ave Fenix was able to submit Lemus. After the fall, Battu left to the back, leaving Lemus to face both rudos alone. The odds were too much for Lemus 2 and in the end, not only was he pinned, but Ave Fenix managed to remove Lemus' mask. Fortunately Lemus was able to cover his face with a towel and make it to the back. This rivalry has been taken to a new level and will undoubtedly continue into the future.
Texas Wrestling Association
Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym
Friday, August 11th, 2006
Match # 1 - Agua Man (win 2 falls to 1) vs. Semental
Match # 2 - Berry vs. Ozzy Manson (win 2 falls to 1)
Match # 3 - Tag Match
El Zombi & Comando Jr. vs.. El Diablo & Gato Diabolico (win 2 falls to 1)
Match # 4 - Tag Match
El Ilegal & Desertoro vs. Gato Jr. & Brindis (win 2 falls to 1)
Match # 5 - Main Event - Tag Match
Mr. Muerte & Ave Fenix (win 2 falls to 1) vs. Lemus 2 & Chief Battu
Saturday PWI Show at SPLACH
Pro Wrestling International returned to S.P.L.A.C.H. Sports Bar Saturday Night with six exciting matches. New Alliances were formed, new faces debuted and new champions were crowned. The referee for the evening was Terry Sleaze.
The first match was for the light heavyweight championship held by Dragon X. The challenger was Berry. These two high-flyers wowed the crowd with their skills and it looked as though Berry was set to take his first singles championship but the masked man from Japan managed to reverse the momentum and when he hit a ddt off the send turnbuckle, scored the pin and kept his championship.
In the second match, Blue Angel was defending his US Title against Blaine Steele who came to the ring with his manager The Hustler. The crowd was all over Steele who seemed greatly distracted by the abuse of the fans. Despite the interference of The Hustler, Blue Angel managed to fight through the odds and hit a top rope elbow on Steele and scored the pin, winning and retaining the title.
The third match was a triple threat Lucha match featuring Lemus 2, Mr. Muerte & Atrevido. This was an exciting match with plenty of high impact action. Lemus worked as the Technico and Muerte was the Rudo and Atrevido aligned himself with either wrestler as it seemed to benefit him. When Lemus pinned Atrevido, the emotions between Muerte and Lemus boiled over. The two exchanged words in Spanish and English, setting up a one on one match with extreme rules for the next show (September 23rd)
The next match was for the PWI International Title held by the big Brazilian Mojo. The challenger was J.J. Wakefield who came to the ring accompanied by The Hustler. The match was extremely hard hitting and although it wasn't announced as being no disqualification, the Referee Terry Sleaze allowed the use of chairs and even a table into the ring. The Hustler was unable to help his man when Mojo slammed Wakefield through the table and scored the pin.
The fifth match was supposed to have been a tag match featuring The Hustler and Ryu against the PWI Champion Mad Dog Ken Johnson and Skunk, but since the Hustler had been injured during a home invasion earlier this month, Hustler had brought in a special replacement in the form of Mombasa. The Exotic Mombasa and Ryu took an early advantage on the eccentric Mad Dog and Skunk but slowly the fan favorites began to seize control. When it looked like Mad Dog and Skunk were going to win the match, four men emerged from the back, wearing jerseys proclaiming them the "210 Mob." Blaine Steele, JJ Wakefield, Ozzy Manson and Ricky Rhodes joined Ryu, Mombasa and Hustler in beating down Johnson and Skunk. Things were looking bad for Johnson and Skunk when two more men emerged from the back as Johnny Rage and Renegade rushed in to make the save.
The main event was for the Tag Titles currently held by the team of Ozzy Manson and Ricky Rhodes. The champions didn't come to the ring alone however. The Hustler as well as the other 2 members of the 210 Mob, Steele and Wakefield, joined them ringside. The Challengers, Manny Villalobos and Bobby Garrett didn't have to face the entire group for long as Mad Dog, Skunk, Rage and Renegade joined the crowd of wrestlers surrounding the ring. The balance of power restored, the action remained pretty much inside the ring. The team of Villalobos and Garrett showed outstanding ring work, keeping Manson insider the ring for the majority of the match. The frustration began to get to Rhodes who was unable to get past the referee and help his partner. The champions never really got things going their way and when the wrestlers on the outside of the ring began brawling with one another, referee Terry Sleaze managed to keep his focus on the action inside the ring. As all four men battled inside the ring, Sleaze chose to show some leeway. Recognizing the importance of the title match, and that titles cannot change hands on a disqualification, Sleaze allowed the action to continue and counted 1-2-3 when both members of the champs were pinned by the challengers. As the members of the 210 Mob retreated to the back, the new Champions, Villalobos and Garrett celebrated in the ring with the other wrestlers and with the children in attendance.
Pro Wrestling International
S.P.L.A.C.H. Sports Bar
Saturday, August 12 2006
Match # 1 - Light Heavyweight Championship
Champion Dragon X (win and retains title) vs. Challenger Berry
Match # 2 - US Title Match
Champion Blue Angel (win and retains title) vs. Challenger Blaine Steele with The Hustler
Match # 3 - Triple Threat Lucha Libre Match
Lemus 2 (win) vs. Mr. Muerte vs. Atrevido
Match # 4 - International Title Match
Champion Mojo (win and retains title) vs. Challenger J.J. Wakefield with The Hustler
Match # 5 - Tag Team Match
Mombasa & Ryu with The Hustler vs. Skunk & "Mad Dog" Ken Johnson (win by disqualification)
Match # 6 - Main Event - Tag Team Championship Match
Challengers Manny Villalobos & Bobby Garrett with Johnson, Skunk, Renegade and Johnny Rage (win and New Champions) vs. Champions Ricky Rhodes & Ozzy Manson with The Hustler, Wakefield & Steele
Upcoming Events
- Show Dates and Details are subject to change without notice. Always check with the promotion to confirm.
- ****************************************************
- Saturday April 30 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday May 7 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday May 13 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday May 27 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday May 28 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday June 4 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday June 10 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday June 24 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday June 25 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday July 2 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday July 8 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday July 22 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday July 30 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday August 6 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday August 12 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday August 26 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday August 27 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday September 3 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday September 9 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday September 23 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday September 24 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday October 1 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday October 14 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday October 28 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday October 29 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday November 5 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday November 11 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday November 19 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Friday November 25 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday December 3 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Friday December 9 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday December 10 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- ****************************************************
- Please send results from any San Antonio area wrestling shows to (include "Wrestling" in subject line)
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