TWE regrets to announce the 8/20 Gym Warz was canceled in large part due to an injury that was suffered by TWE star Hector Navarro.
Two weeks ago Navarro contracted a type of Staph infection, and it had been thought to have been treated. During a match in Del Rio Texas, Navarro then injured his left thigh, and had what doctors had determined a pull, and slight tear of his Quad muscle, and he was given instructions to rest.
Navarro was scheduled to appear at the Dollars for Dreams charity event in College Station 8/18, followed by NWA-Anarchy 8/19, then the next day 8/20, Gym Warz in San Antonio.
Navarro did a radio promotion in College Station the afternoon of 8/18, but then his health turned for the worse through out the night. He did not wrestle. On the night after the College Station event, Navarros mother informed TWE CEO Rudy Boy Gonzalez, who along with Skitzo, Brett Thunder, and Big Dogg, Navarros replacement, was enroute to Cornelia, Ga, that Navarrox condition had gotten worse and he was admitted into a College Station Hospital, and is listed in critical condition.
Navarro is under a Doctors care and his condition has slightly improved, but is still listed in critical condition as of Sunday evening. Sunday morning Navarro underwent surgery to relieve preasure on his leg from the swelling.
TWE and its crew wish Hector a speedy recovery. Navarro is a large part of the TWE crew and prayers are going out for him.
Out of respect for Navarro, the 8/20 Gym Warz, is being rescheduled to a later date, as it is an event that he helped build up, and needs to be part of.
TWE apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused to any fans that were looking forward to this event. Sometimes life is more important that wrestling.
Thank You for your understanding.
Rudy Gonzalez
Texas Wrestling Academy
Texas Wrestling Entertainment
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