The much anticipated invasion of American Championship Wrestling by the entire roster of Texas Wrestling Entertainment took place Sunday, and while TWE dominated the early matches, it was ACW who made the final stance. While some wrestling cards are filled with great matches and other cards are marked by significant or historical moments, this evening's show had both. Fans of wrestling should make note of this card as beginning of a new era in San Antonio Independent Wrestling.
The show began as Ring Announcer Chris Jordan introduced the two men whose match last month was interrupted by the initial TWE invasion. The referee for this match was the returning Jay Magnum. Dragon X and Cobra were allowed to complete the match this time as the two competitors battled evenly. The match reached it's peak when Cobra hit his finisher "The Snakebite" and scored the pin.
Before the next match, Jordan introduced the leader of ACW, Prince Fontenot who explained why he helped Jacob Ladder defeat Rudy Boy Gonzalez last month by spearing RBG during the ACW title match. When Rudy came out from the back, Gonzalez explained while he had respect for Prince as a bodybuilder and as a business, as a wrestler RBG felt he was going to teach Prince a thing or two. A series of matches were set up and in the words of RBG "Let the games begin!"
Prior to the second match, Rachel, the self-appointed commissioner of ACW, came out to join Chris Jordan and Raiden on the announce team. The match was a special stipulation match set up last month where Renegade was facing Showtime Summers. If Renegade won, the racist Summers would have to wear a Sombrero and if Showtime won, Renegade was to have his head shaved. Alex Marrozos was the ref for this match. These two big men clearly don't like one another and Summers spent much of the match alienating the audience and the announce team. It looked like Renegade was going to win the match as Summers seemed far to distracted to concentrate on Renegade. However in the end Summers was able to grab the pin while using the ropes for leverage. While Renegade protested the loss to Marrozos Summers sneak attacked him and with the help of Commissioner Rachel, went to work on shaving Renegade's head. After removing most of Renegade's hair, Summers made his way to the lockerroom pausing to grope several members of the crowd on the way, even planting a full kiss on one male crowd member.
The third match was the first of the interpromotional matches of the evening. While TWE was represented by Simply Luscious. ACW was represented by Sumie Sakai who is well known along the east coast and in Japan. This match was originally supposed to have taken place back at "When Worlds Collide." These two women both have incredible reputations and were slow in starting as they each gauged the other's talent but as the action heated up the crowd was amazed by the skills and maneuvers. TWE scored the first points of the night as Simply Luscious pinned Sakai.
Match # 4 was a special six-man interpromotional match. ACW was represented by J.J. Wakefield, Cobra and Tito Sanchez. The TWE team was Bigg Dogg, Skitzo, and El Latino. The crowd was evenly split between the two teams. The action started as Latino faced his former trainer Sanchez, but the personal issues between these two were only a background factor of this match. All six men contributed to the action which spilled out of the ring on several occasions. While Sanchez and Cobra were occupied outside the ring by Bigg Dogg and Latino, Skitzo was able to grab a pin on J.J. Wakefield. Neither Sanchez nor Cobra were able to make the save so TWE went up 2 to 0.
The fifth match might well have been the match of the night as TWE TV title holder Brett Thunder faced ACW Texas Champ One Man Mike Dell. Both titles were on the line in this match and both men were determined to represent their promotions well. This match had a twenty minute time limit and never has 20 minutes passed so quickly. Both men fought hard but neither could gain the advantage enough to score the 3 count. Just as it appeared that Dell was going to win, the time limit expired and the match was declared a draw by referee Alex Marrozos. Fans began chanting "5 more minutes" and ACW Commissioner Rachel allowed the continuation. The action continued as Thunder regained his composure quicker than Dell jumping out to to an early advantage. When Thunder went for a high cross body block off the top rope Dell was able to step out of the way, leaving ref Alex Marrozos to take the full force of the move. While Marrozos lay unconscious on the mat, Dell regained the advantage and may even have gotten the victory had there been a ref to make the count. When Dell went to check on Marrozos, Thunder was able to roll Dell up. This time however, a second ref ran to the ring. TWE referee Rick Porter slid into the ring counting the 1-2-3 and giving Thunder the victory, unifying the two titles. Thunder, who had won the TV title with an assist from the Children of Pain last month at a Splashtown show actually owes the CoP indirectly for this second belt as well. If Rachel had not restarted the match, Brett would not have won the title. Although Rachel has loyalty to ACW, one has to wonder if her past difficulties with Dell and the opportunity to gain another debt from Thunder might not somehow be part of this story. Whatever the case, TWE now stands 3-0 in the interpromotional battle.
The next match was for the ACW Tag Team Titles held by the team of "Ultimate Chemistry" Johnny Rage and Rudy Russo. The challengers from TWE were the team of Cowboy James Claxton and Windwalker. Although its not known if this team has worked together before, the Cowboy and Indian team showed an incredible amount teamwork, matching the champs move for move. The even hit a tandem move that resulted in the pin as TWE took the titles and moved to 4 and 0. But before the pair could celebrate the victory, Commissioner Rachel made her presence known. Since, as she put it, the Children of Pain run the show here, the new champs first title defense was next.
Out came the challengers, Darin Childs and Jacob Ladder. Ladder and Childs hold the TWE tag titles, but those titles were not line tonight. Windwalker and Claxton put up a valiant effort, but after the tough battle just moments earlier, were unable to overcome the offense of the veteran team of rulebreakers. The Children of Pain were surprised by the new champions' toughness but eventually regrouped and grabbed the pin. For the second time tonight, the ACW Tag Titles changed hands. For the second time tonight Titles were unified. But for the first time tonight ACW wrestlers came out victorious head to head. The score now stood 4 to 1 in favor of the invading TWE.
Prior to the main event, Prince and RBG came out. Rudy asked for the microphone. So confident that he was going to be able to beat the body builder, Rudy stated he was willing to wipe the slate clean and put everything on the line in this one match. By everything he meant more than just the pride of one promotion over another. Rudy explained that he had grown to like the Venue and was going to be wrestling for control of the Venue. If Prince lost to Gonzalez, then TWE would be taking over. The sound person was going to be fired, the announce team was going to be fired, the ticket seller would be fired and Rudy was even considering changing the bartenders. Prince accepted this stipulation and the fight began. Rudy proved to be a master tactician in the match, frustrating Prince by avoiding the offense of the powerful wrestler. When the two locked up, Rudy worked Prince to the mat and repeated "Time to go to school!" He then began grinding on Prince. Prince eventually regained his feet and was able to hit some hard shots on the twenty-plus year veteran. The advantage shifted back and forth but Rudy's experience appeared to be the deciding factor. Hitting an impressive fall away slam from the second rope, Rudy seemed ready to celebrate his latest victory. From out of nowhere however, Prince hit Gonzalez with a spear and went for the cover. Jay Magnum went to count the pin, but the wrestlers from TWE emerged from the lockeroom and pulled the ref from the ring. They then filled the ring and began pounding on Prince. The ACW wrestlers came out quickly to defend Prince in unity. As the TWE crew left the ring hurriedly, the ACW wrestlers seized control. The Venue was safe for now, but as fans chanted for both TWE and ACW the tension of the standoff filled the room. Rudy swore that the war was far from over. The next stage will be coming soon.
American Championship Wrestling vs. Texas Wrestling Entertainment
The Venue
Sunday August 27, 2006
Match # 1 - Dragon X vs. Cobra (win)
Match # 2 - Sombrero vs. Hair Match
Renegade vs. Showtime Summers (win-Renegade's head shaved)
Match # 3 - ACW vs. TWE Women's Match
ACW Sumie Sakai vs. TWE Simply Luscious (win)
Match # 4 - ACW vs. TWE Six-Man Tag Match
ACW Team - J.J. Wakefield, Cobra & Tito Sanchez vs. TWE Team - Bigg Dogg, Skitzo & El Latino (win)
Match # 5 - Title vs. Title match
ACW Texas Champion One Man Mike Dell vs. TWE TV Champion Brett Thunder (win and new Texas Champion)
Match # 6 - ACW Tag Title Match
Champions "Ultimate Chemistry" - Rudy Russo & Johnny Rage vs. Challengers TWE's Cowboy James Claxton & Windwalker (win & new champions)
Match # 7 - ACW Tag Title Match
Champions James Claxton & Windwalker vs. Challengers "The Children of Pain" - Jacob Ladder & Darin Childs (win & new champions)
Match # 8 - ACW vs. TWE for control of the Venue
ACW Prince Fontenot (win by DQ) vs. TWE Rudy Boy Gonzalez