Seguin Activity Center
Saturday April 3, 2010
(note: Results directly from
Match 1: Les Mayne vs. Wallace Gordon
TWF Heavyweight Tournament Semi-Final Match
-Les Mayne, accompanied by former tag team partner and new TWF Commissioner, Tom Donovan, boastfully claimed that the next Champ was here and that Gordon was no match for Les Mayne. A few minutes into the match, Joey Figueroa comes ringside to watch. Wallace, who was dominating the match, soon became too distracted by Joey's appearance which would ultimately cause his defeat when he turned toward Les Mayne top find himself caught in the "Headliner".
Winner: Les Mayne
Prince Al Farat interrupted the show to let everyone know that he, "is the best in the TWF and would claim the championship later that night". He then began to belittle the TWF Superstars as well as the fans, until Chaz Taylor appeared in the ring to give Farat a piece of his mind (and his fists). Fighting back, Farat found himself on the losing end when Taylor took Farat's patented spike from Al's boot and used it against him. Referees rushed to the ring to separate the two and the crowd erupted with joy as Farat meagerly made his way back to the locker room.
Match 2: Jen Alise vs. Erin Star
TWF Women's Championship Match
-The women fought back and forth until Erin Star stole a victory with her feet on the ropes. As the ref was raising Stars' hand in victory, Owner of TWF, Jimmy Perez came forward and informed the ref that her feet were on the ropes and to restart the match. Erin argued with Perez about his decision and found herself on the wrong side of a school-boy roll up leaving Jen Alise still the TWF Women's Champion.
Winner: Jen Alise
Match 3: Dane Griffin vs. Al Farat
TWF Heavyweight Tournament Semi-Final Match
- Dane Griffin came to the ring anticipating a fight but got something of a surprise when Tom Donovan along with Les Mayne and the New Church came out instead of Al Farat. Donovan informed Dane and the fans that due to Chaz Taylor's attack on Farat earlier, Farat would not be able to compete in the tournament. Dane quickly stated he'd be happy to take a bye to advance. Donovan retaliated with the comment that "If Les has to wrestle you have to wrestle!". Donovan then told Brother Luthor of the New Church to get in there and get him. The bell rang and Dane was ready. Unfortunately Luthor was not. Upon entering the ring he found himself thrust down to the canvas and put into a crossface. Luthor tapped within moments leaving Dane Griffin with a record setting 8 second victory over Luthor and advancing to the Finals.
Winner: Dane Griffin
During Intermission the Chamber of Commerce was in attendance for a ribbon cutting ceremony. The ring was filled with members of the Chamber, the Seguin Activity Center, TWF wrestlers as well as some of the fans. After the ribbon was cut a comment was made to Jimmy D. Perez by Tom Donovan. Both men exchanged words when Donovan issued a match to Jimmy. A hair vs. hair match for the May 1st show. Obviously a one-sided idea since Donovan doesn't have enough hair to cut, Jimmy said he would put his hair on the line but if he wins, Tom would have to thank all of the fans at the door as they leave and thank them smiling. The fans erupted with cheers of wanting to see these two go at it, and what do you know, Tom Donovan accepted.
Match 4: Shawn Houston vs. Joey Figueroa
#1 Contenders Match
- These two had met previously a few months ago and fought to a time limit draw. Tonight we would have a definite winner who would become the #1 contender to the Heavyweight Title. With the old phrase of' "tourn-about is fair play", Wallace Gordon decided to interfere in this match against Joey which led to Shawn Houston walking away as the #1 contender.
winner: Shawn Houston
Match 5: Mr. B vs Ryan Johnson vs Blair Spykes vs Mysterious Q
TWF Zero Gravity Championship
- I can't begin to describe this match! Between the fans chanting "That was awesome", "Ho-ly crap", and "TWF, TWF" to the high flying moonsaults and aerial assaults over the top rope, this match lived up to every bit of its name. In the end it came down to a 450 splash on two opponents at the same time, crowning the first ever TWF Zero Gravity Champ, Mysterious Q.
Winner: Mysterious Q
Match 6: Les Mayne vs. Dane Griffin
TWF Heavyweight Tournament Final Match
- This was a battle that could have gone either way. Either way until a flying clothesline from the top rope by Dane missed Les and landed on the ref. Tom Donovan rushed to climb in the ring and stood by his former Tag Team Champ, Les Mayne. He pulled a Slap Jack from his pocket and grinned at Dane asking, "It appears it's two against one Dane, what will you do now?". Les Mayne shouted, the same as if it were an echo when, Tom Donovan hit Les Mayne with the Slap Jack from behind. Les fell forward into Dane who gave him K9. The ref slowly made his way to make the 3 count resulting in your new TWF Heavyweight Champion, Dane Griffin.
Tom Donovan and Dane Griffin congratulated each other and began kicking Les Mayne while Tom claimed that he carried him the whole time they were champions. Jimmy Perez entered the ring and approached Dane asking him why he would do such a thing. Donovan pulled Jimmy away from Dane and as they argued, Dane hit Jimmy in the back with the Heavyweight belt. Tom proceeded to kick Jimmy who was laid out on the ground then grabbed the microphone and told Jimmy, "See ya next month!".
Winner: Dane Griffin, TWF Heavyweight Champion
TWF Heavyweight Tournament Semi-Final Match
-Les Mayne, accompanied by former tag team partner and new TWF Commissioner, Tom Donovan, boastfully claimed that the next Champ was here and that Gordon was no match for Les Mayne. A few minutes into the match, Joey Figueroa comes ringside to watch. Wallace, who was dominating the match, soon became too distracted by Joey's appearance which would ultimately cause his defeat when he turned toward Les Mayne top find himself caught in the "Headliner".
Winner: Les Mayne
Prince Al Farat interrupted the show to let everyone know that he, "is the best in the TWF and would claim the championship later that night". He then began to belittle the TWF Superstars as well as the fans, until Chaz Taylor appeared in the ring to give Farat a piece of his mind (and his fists). Fighting back, Farat found himself on the losing end when Taylor took Farat's patented spike from Al's boot and used it against him. Referees rushed to the ring to separate the two and the crowd erupted with joy as Farat meagerly made his way back to the locker room.
Match 2: Jen Alise vs. Erin Star
TWF Women's Championship Match
-The women fought back and forth until Erin Star stole a victory with her feet on the ropes. As the ref was raising Stars' hand in victory, Owner of TWF, Jimmy Perez came forward and informed the ref that her feet were on the ropes and to restart the match. Erin argued with Perez about his decision and found herself on the wrong side of a school-boy roll up leaving Jen Alise still the TWF Women's Champion.
Winner: Jen Alise
Match 3: Dane Griffin vs. Al Farat
TWF Heavyweight Tournament Semi-Final Match
- Dane Griffin came to the ring anticipating a fight but got something of a surprise when Tom Donovan along with Les Mayne and the New Church came out instead of Al Farat. Donovan informed Dane and the fans that due to Chaz Taylor's attack on Farat earlier, Farat would not be able to compete in the tournament. Dane quickly stated he'd be happy to take a bye to advance. Donovan retaliated with the comment that "If Les has to wrestle you have to wrestle!". Donovan then told Brother Luthor of the New Church to get in there and get him. The bell rang and Dane was ready. Unfortunately Luthor was not. Upon entering the ring he found himself thrust down to the canvas and put into a crossface. Luthor tapped within moments leaving Dane Griffin with a record setting 8 second victory over Luthor and advancing to the Finals.
Winner: Dane Griffin
During Intermission the Chamber of Commerce was in attendance for a ribbon cutting ceremony. The ring was filled with members of the Chamber, the Seguin Activity Center, TWF wrestlers as well as some of the fans. After the ribbon was cut a comment was made to Jimmy D. Perez by Tom Donovan. Both men exchanged words when Donovan issued a match to Jimmy. A hair vs. hair match for the May 1st show. Obviously a one-sided idea since Donovan doesn't have enough hair to cut, Jimmy said he would put his hair on the line but if he wins, Tom would have to thank all of the fans at the door as they leave and thank them smiling. The fans erupted with cheers of wanting to see these two go at it, and what do you know, Tom Donovan accepted.
Match 4: Shawn Houston vs. Joey Figueroa
#1 Contenders Match
- These two had met previously a few months ago and fought to a time limit draw. Tonight we would have a definite winner who would become the #1 contender to the Heavyweight Title. With the old phrase of' "tourn-about is fair play", Wallace Gordon decided to interfere in this match against Joey which led to Shawn Houston walking away as the #1 contender.
winner: Shawn Houston
Match 5: Mr. B vs Ryan Johnson vs Blair Spykes vs Mysterious Q
TWF Zero Gravity Championship
- I can't begin to describe this match! Between the fans chanting "That was awesome", "Ho-ly crap", and "TWF, TWF" to the high flying moonsaults and aerial assaults over the top rope, this match lived up to every bit of its name. In the end it came down to a 450 splash on two opponents at the same time, crowning the first ever TWF Zero Gravity Champ, Mysterious Q.
Winner: Mysterious Q
Match 6: Les Mayne vs. Dane Griffin
TWF Heavyweight Tournament Final Match
- This was a battle that could have gone either way. Either way until a flying clothesline from the top rope by Dane missed Les and landed on the ref. Tom Donovan rushed to climb in the ring and stood by his former Tag Team Champ, Les Mayne. He pulled a Slap Jack from his pocket and grinned at Dane asking, "It appears it's two against one Dane, what will you do now?". Les Mayne shouted, the same as if it were an echo when, Tom Donovan hit Les Mayne with the Slap Jack from behind. Les fell forward into Dane who gave him K9. The ref slowly made his way to make the 3 count resulting in your new TWF Heavyweight Champion, Dane Griffin.
Tom Donovan and Dane Griffin congratulated each other and began kicking Les Mayne while Tom claimed that he carried him the whole time they were champions. Jimmy Perez entered the ring and approached Dane asking him why he would do such a thing. Donovan pulled Jimmy away from Dane and as they argued, Dane hit Jimmy in the back with the Heavyweight belt. Tom proceeded to kick Jimmy who was laid out on the ground then grabbed the microphone and told Jimmy, "See ya next month!".
Winner: Dane Griffin, TWF Heavyweight Champion
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