July 5th
San Antonio
1st Annual Texas J-Cup is coming to San Antonio.
If you’re a cruiserweight, and want to participate, contact TWE Office at ph# 210.394.5958, submissions or referrals can be sent to http://www.blogger.com/www.texaswrestlingentertainment@yahoo.com
8 of the top Jr. Heavyweights / Cruiserweights in Texas are being contacted and confirmed, for the first ever J-Cup Tournament to showcase the top 'under 220' individuals.
Saturday July 5
7:00 pm
San Antonio, TX
More details coming
Terry Taylor Clinic August 16
Terry Taylor Clinic August 16
Texas Wrestling Academy will be holding a professional wrestling clinic on Saturday August 16. Times are 9-4pm. An event featuring the clinic participants will follow that evening.
Guest Trainer will be TNA's Head Talent Relations Agent Terry Taylor. Taylor is a 29yr veteran and is responsible for creating the Developmental program WWE uses to create its stars. Taylor will be sharing and assisting with valuable information for those individuals that are serious about making the transition from the 'Indys' to the 'Big Show'.
For more information contact Rudy Boy Gonzalez at 210.394.5968, or email texaswrestlingacademysa@yahoo.com
Requirements: Participants must be in a wrestling school, workers or referees. Females are encouraged to participate. To be part of the evening event, individuals MUST have gear. No sneakers or cutoffs, Hot Topics, etc, etc...
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