American Championship Wrestling started the weekend off early with a series of matches interspersed between the sets of Metalfest Thursday night at Graham Central Station. This was a show that won't soon be forgotten as Heavy Metal fans were exposed to the excitement that is Independent Wrestling.
The Wrestling started off with Ring Announcer Jeff Houston who seemed a little out of place in his dapper "Best Dressed Man in Wrestling" attire, but Jeff did an outstanding job introducing the matches, pumping up the crowd and giving the respect to the bands who performed. Referee duties were split between Jay Magnum and Alex Marrozos. Several times during the night the trio of sexy divas, Cat, Rachel & Star came to the ring area and thrilled the crowd.
Match # 1 featured El Latino facing Berry. Latino quickly gained the support of the crowd despite, or perhaps because of his aggressive and antagonistic persona. Berry responded well with his athleticism, but Latino's experience and rulebreaking tactics prevailed as Latino scored the pin with both feet on the ropes.
Match # 2 saw J.J. Wakefield face Ricky Rhodes. Wakefield did little to gain the crowd support by yelling insults in their direction. Rhodes came out to a more solid support and played that to his advantage, even leading the crowd in a chant disparaging Wakefield's masculinity. The two fought hard and impressed the crowd with their skills until Wakefield was able to gain the upper hand and score the victory.
In the third match fans were treated to a hard hitting triple threat match. Showtime Summers, who was accompanied by Cat vs. Texas Renegade vs. Johnny Rage. All three men in the ring had issues with the other two and no alliances lasted long. This was a very violent and hard hitting match as these three are among the toughest men in San Antonio wrestling. In the end, Johnny Rage apparently decided that he was more interested in seeing his former tag partner Renegade lose than in winning the match. With the help of a strategic distraction from Cat, Rage slammed Renegade and allowed Summers to gain the advantage and the pin.
The fourth match saw Rexx Reed face Prince. The crowd was clearly into the wrestling by this point, passing up the opportunity to watch heavy metal bands on the other stage to enjoy the hard hitting action of ACW. Reed is quickly becoming one of San Antonio's favorite bad guys with his size, look and athleticism. Prince is an incredible specimen of natural body building and strength. Together, these two men put together an incredible match with moves usually reserved for much smaller men. The match ended in Prince's favor as few men can recover from his spear. After the match, fans showed Reed respect for his efforts in the losing cause.
In the fifth match, ACW Heavyweight Champion One Man Mike Dell defended his title against one half of the Texas Treats, Don Juan. During the entire evening, no one managed to antagonize the crowd of heavy metal fans more than the dancing and hystrionics of Don Juan. But Don Juan and Mike Dell more than demonstrated their skills in the ring and out, gaining the approval of the crowd. At one point Dell backdropped Don Juan over a railing onto the hardwood dance floor, causing the crowd to cheer as one. When the match returned to the ring Dell managed to maintain his advantage over Don Juan and scored the pin, retaining his title.
Next was the three-way Diva Lingerie contest between Cat, Starr and Rachel. While Starr was declared the victor by the crowd cheers, the real action came afterwards as first Cat and Rachel took the whipped cream to Starr and then to each other. Things really got hot in a manner that might not have been expected at an all-ages show, but no one seemed to complain. That is until Darin Childs and Jacob Ladder came to the ring and attacked Starr and Cat. In response to this, Simply Luscious made her way to the ring. Luscious complained about the spectical in general and the attack of the women in specific. The CoP offered her this solution: "Got a problem with it? Do something about it!" They told her if she could find a partner, she could step into the main event against them. But the main event was a Child's Play Death Match! This didn't frighten Luscious in the least. The "toughest woman in wrestling" introduced her partner.... Showtime Summers!
The main event gave the fans everything they could handle. The blood flowed freely as the 4 combatants battled in and out of the ring. Chairs, thumbtacks and a staple gun contributed to the violence. Heavy Metal fans who had never seen such action were awestruck by the level of violence as the blood literally poured from the fighters. Just as the action reached its peak, Showtime Summers showed his true colors, turning on his partner and slamming her to the thumbtack covered mat. Darin Childs quickly moved in and scored the pin.
Following the match, Rudy Boy Gonzalez , chairman of Texas Wrestling Entertainment, accompanied by the team of Brett Thunder and Skitzo rushed the ring, clearing the ACW wrestlers quickly. The TWE team challenged the CoP for the TWE Tag titles currently held by Childs & Ladder, but the CoP deferred, stating that the belts would be defended at TWE's STAR WARZ show December 3rd. If Skitzo & Thunder can win the qualifying tournament starting Sunday, they could have the honor. Fans of Heavy Metal were thrilled and entertained by the event. Many should find there way to the show Sunday at 4PM at the Venue 800 Lexington. The official results listed by ACW are:
El Latino defeated
JJ Wakefield Defeated Ricky Rhodes
Showtime won a 3-way dance against Johnny Rage & Renegade
Prince Fontenot beat Rexx Reed
In what is certainly a Match of the Year Candidate: Mike Dell Successfully defended the ACW Heavyweight title against Don Juan?
In the craziest Threesome/ 3-way/triple threat, Star won a Lingerie Whipped Cream Hot lesbian Action match that was as graphic as you could imagine against Catirina and Rachel Putski At one point Rachel had to be restrained from getting completely naked as she groped the other girls.
The Main event saw the TWE/ACW Tag Team Champions successfully defended the straps against Showtime Summers & Simply Luscious in a Childs' Play Death match in which Summers Turned on Luscious allowing Darin Childs to pin the toughest woman in wrestling. This match was incredibly violent and bloody.
Match # 1 - El Latino (win) vs. Berry
Match # 2 - J.J. Wakefield (win) vs. Ricky Rhodes
Match # 3 - Triple Threat Match
Showtime Summers w/ Cat (win) vs. Texas Renegade vs. Johnny Rage
Match # 4 - Rexx Reed vs. Prince (win)
Match # 5 - ACW Heavyweight Championship
Challenger Don Juan vs. Champion One Man Mike Dell (win & retains title)
Match # 6 - Three way Diva Lingerie Whip Cream Contest
Rachel Putski vs. Cat vs. Starr (win)
Match # 7 - Main Event - Child's Play Death Match Tag Team
Children of Pain - Darin Childs & Jacob Ladder (win) vs. Simply Luscious & Showtime Summers
TWA Friday
The Texas Wrestling Association held a show Friday night at the Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym. Due to scheduling conflicts, the Scene was unable to be present for the entire event. Watch for a full report. TWA has announced that they will be running shows EVERY Friday night from now on at the gym located at 2000 S. Presa. Doors open at 7 PM and the matches get started around 8 PM.
Texas Wrestling Association
Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym
Friday, October 20, 2006
Match # 1 - Muñeco Nexxus vs. Ave Fenix (win 2 falls to 1)
Match # 2 - Berry vs. Dragon X (win)
Match # 3 - Gato Diabolico & Diablo (win 2 falls to 1) vs. Horoscopo & Vikingo
Match # 4 - Virus vs. Gabe the Babe w/ Sin-sational Sal (win)
Match # 5 - Lucha Estrella
Crazzy USA & El Ilegal vs. Atrevido & Ultra Man (win 2 falls to 1)
RCW Announces Details for Nov. 4
River City Wrestling has released a poster for the upcoming show. The Poster can be viewed at the RCW web page or the RWC myspace page Details from the poster include the following information:
The show is at the Hope of Glory Church Gym 339 West Hutchins. Doors open at 6:45 Matches start at 7:30. Tickets are $8 in advance or $10 at the door. Call (210) 842-8398 for more information. Buy advanced tickets through paypal from the Official RCW webpage. Wrestlers featured on the poster include: Quintin Allen, Hotstuff Hernandez, One Man Mike Dell, Chris Marval, Don Juan, Kris Kronie, Johnny Ender & Hardbody Andrew Dalton.
PWI Tonight, ACW Sunday
Just a reminder. Pro Wrestling International Entertainment is running a show tonight at S.P.L.A.C.H. Sports Bar, 905 Nogalitos. This is their Halloween Bash which will feature Halloween Activities for the kids. The Show Starts at 8 PM.
American Championship Wrestling has issued the following information concerning their show Sunday:
"The Venue"
800 Lexington
San Antonio, TX
Bell time: 4PM
already announced:
Rachel Putski vs. Cat vs. Star in a ACW Diva Costume Contest!!!
"One Man" Mike Dell Signed another open contract and will defend his ACW Heavyweight title Against anyone man enough to sign the dotted line.
First Round of the Tournament to crown new #1 Contenders to the TWE TAG TEAM TITLES:
Brett Thunder & sKiTzO vs. Former ACW Tag Team Champions "Cowboy" James Claxton & Windwalker
Also Scheduled to appear: Jacob Ladder, Darin Childs, Showtime Summers, Don Juan, Spiro, Prince Fontenot, Rexx Reed, Dragon X and Berry
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