Upcoming Events
- Show Dates and Details are subject to change without notice. Always check with the promotion to confirm.
- ****************************************************
- Saturday April 30 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday May 7 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday May 13 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday May 27 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday May 28 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday June 4 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday June 10 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday June 24 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday June 25 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday July 2 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday July 8 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday July 22 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday July 30 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday August 6 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday August 12 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday August 26 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday August 27 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday September 3 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday September 9 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday September 23 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday September 24 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday October 1 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday October 14 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday October 28 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday October 29 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday November 5 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday November 11 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday November 19 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Friday November 25 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday December 3 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Friday December 9 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday December 10 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- ****************************************************
- Please send results from any San Antonio area wrestling shows to bayou_926@hotmail.com (include "Wrestling" in subject line)
Monday, October 30, 2006
Late Weekend Report
Mexican American Wrestling returned to Sociedad Cruz Blanca Friday night with a show of 5 matches. The show started off with a match featuring Gabe the Babe facing Berry. "The Kid" was the referee for this match and did a good job for his first match. As Gabe began the match, the crowd quickly recognized that he was more a "cry baby" than a "babe" and didn't let him forget it the entire match. Berry did his best to remain focused and ignore Gabe's histrionics. As the two finally got into the match, Gabe was quick to recognize Berry's single minded attitude and was forced to resort to rulebreaking. In the end, however, Berry was able to hit his finisher "The Crunch-Berry" and score the pin.
In the second match, Gato Diabolico faced Vikingo. Mano Negro was the referee. These wrestlers faced each other with caution, recognizing the skill and experience of the other. The two went back and forth until Gato was able to lock in a submission hold and gain the victory.
The third match was supposed to be Diablo challenging for El Zombi's Cruiserweight title, but Zombi was unable to make the show, so Diablo was stuck without an opponent. At this point MAW Heavyweight Champion Virus came out and boldly stepped into the ring for an impromptu title match against the game Diablo. Although Diablo showed heart, he was clearly not prepared for this challenge and made one mistake which allowed Virus to gain the submission victory.
The next match was a tag match featuring four of the best luchadores working in San Antonio. These wrestlers didn't disappoint either The technicos Ave Fenix and Atrevido faced the Rudo team of Lemus II and Virus. Although Virus doesn't specialize in the Lucha Libre style, he did a good job of keeping up with the others, but would you expect less from the champion? The crowd seemed determined to turn the rudos against one another, but despite their differences, Lemus and Virus would have none of this. The distraction however may have come into effect as Ave Fenix was able to submit Virus for the first fall. The Rudos evened the score in the second fall as Lemus forced Atrevido to submit. In the final fall, Virus was embarrassed as Ave Fenix managed to submit him for the second time in one night. Despite this, Virus insisted that this didn't qualify Ave Fenix for a title match.
The main event was a Hair vs. Hair match between Mr. Muerte and Chief Battu. Muerte was accompanied to the ring by Lemus II and Battu was with Ave Fenix. The referee was Juan Diego. This was an impressive match as neither men wanted to lose their hair. Juan Diego seemed to favor Muerte in this match so things did not look good for Battu. Even so, Battu did manage to jump out to an early lead by pinning Muerte early. In the second fall, Muerte evened the score with a submission victory. In the third fall things went crazy as the two fought out of the ring and into the crowd. When Battu pulled a table from under the table and positioned the stunned Muerte, the crowd was amazed as Battu actually climbed to the top of the ring post and dropped a devastating elbow on the masked man. Muerte never fully recovered from that and was pinned shortly afterwards, meaning Muerte was going to get a hair cut. Referee Juan Diego offered to take the hair cut for his friend. In the end, both men got their heads shaved.
Mexican American Wrestling is planning 2 more shows this season at the Sociedad Cruz Blanca location. The last show will be the Friday following Thanksgiving and should be a major event.
Mexican American Wrestling Sociedad Cruz Blanca Friday October 27, 2006
Match # 1 - Gabe the Babe vs. Berry (win)
Match # 2 - Gato Diabolico (win) vs. Vikingo
Match # 3 - Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger Diablo vs. Champion Virus (win & retain title)
Match # 4 - Tag Match
Ave Fenix & Atrevido (win 2 falls to 1) vs. Lemus II & Virus
Match # 5 - Main Event - Hair vs. Hair
Mr. Muerte with Lemus II vs. Chief Battu with Ave Fenix (win 2 falls to 1)
PWI at Mission Massacre II Saturday
Pro Wrestling International Entertainment joined several bands to participate in a block party outside Bruno's Sports Bar on Mission Road Saturday night. Despite the cool temperatures and the crowd unfamiliar with local wrestling, the wrestlers put on a good show from top to bottom. J.D. Kingston handled the announcing duties and Terry Sleeze handled the referee duties.
In the first match, Ricky Rhodes was accompanied by fellow 210 Mob members Ozzy Manson and Blaine Steel. Rhodes opponent was Gabe the Babe. Although Rhodes and the 210 Mob resorted to rulebreaking tactics early, Gabe the Babe clearly alienated the crowd early with his antics. The crowd actually cheered for Rhodes when he scored the victory with a sit out power bomb.
The fans support for Rhodes didn't last long. In the second match, Rhodes accompanied 210 mob member JJ Wakefield to the ring and the crowd and Rhodes exchanged a few choice words. Wakefield was facing Berry and Bobby Garrett in a 3 way match. For most of the match, Berry and Wakefield teamed up to attack Garrett in a face paced match. The alliance however would break down whenever either was close to a pin. When Wakefield turned on Berry and hit his finisher, it was Garrett however who snuck in for the pin, surprising Wakefield, Rhodes and the fans.
The third match was a rematch for the Tag Titles between challengers The Houligans Crazy Jimmy and Bull Harley and the Champions the 210 Mob Blaine Steele and Ozzy Manson. Both Teams are experienced rule breakers but the Houligans gained the crowd support early. Referee Terry Sleeze had his hands full as both teams took advantage of double teams and other rule breaking tactics. It seems only reasonable that the match ended in a disqualification when Sleeze caught JJ Wakefield in the ring attempting to help his 210 Mob teammates. The Houligans won the match, but of course the titles could not change hands. The Houligans seemed determined that there will be another night.
The 4th match was a US Championship match between challenger Bio-Hazard and Champion Papa Gallo. This was a fascinating match as both wrestlers showed incredible mat skills. Moves and counters were exchanged and neither man let up for the entire match. The end came when Papa Gallo locked in a Texas Clover Leaf submission while dragging Bio-Hazard away from the ropes.
The main event was for the International Championship currently held by Mojo. The challenger for this match was The Great Ryu. Mojo was clearly the biggest fan favorite of the night as Brazilian flags were in abundance ringside. These two men have a long rivalry and know each other's moves well, so it is no surprise that the wrestling in the match quickly escalated into a brawl, spilling out of the ring. Ref Terry Sleeze showed leniency, allowing the fight to continue even when a large chainlink fence segment was pulled from under the ring and used as a weapon. Eventually, it was Mojo who prevailed in this test of wills, but Ryu seems on the brink of taking this title.
PWI will return to SPLACH Sports Bar at 905 Nogalitos on Saturday November 18th.
Pro Wrestling International Mission Massacre II Bruno's Sports Bar Saturday October 28, 2006 Match # 1 - Ricky Rhodes with Ozzy Manson & Blaine Steel (win) vs. Gabe the Babe
Match # 2 - 3-Way Dance
JJ Wakefield with Ricky Rhodes vs. Berry vs. Bobby Garrett (win)
Match # 3 - Tag Title Match
Challengers The Houligans - Crazy Jimmy & Bull Harley (win DQ) vs. Champions The 210 Mob - Ozzy Manson & Blaine Steele with JJ Wakefield
Match # 4 - US Championship
Challenger Bio-Hazard vs. Champion Papa Gallo (win & retain title)
Match # 5 - Main Event - International Championship
Challenger The Great Ryu vs. Champion Mojo (win & retain title)
LLM Sunday Night at Colt 45
The San Antonio Independent Wrestling Scene finally made it out to Colt 45 south of town at Applewhite and HWY 16 for one of their Sunday night Lucha Libre shows. Lucha Libre Mexicano runs shows every Sunday at this location just south of Loop 410. Tonight's show featured 4 matches all refereed by Juan Diego. The cool temperatures and the early darkness due to the end or day lights savings time contributed to a smaller crowd than usual, but everyone in attendance had a great time hurling abuse at the Rudos and cheering the technicos.
The first match featured two newcomers. Technico Vago de Texas faced Rudo Mystery Man. This match was typical of a local Lucha show opening match as the two luchadores were anxious to show the crowd their best. Vago took the first fall, and Mystery Man took the 2nd and 3rd falls.
The next match was a tag match featuring the Technicos Ave Fenix and Semental against the Rudos Muneco Nexxus and Furia del Sur. In the first fall, the incredibly popular Semental pinned Muneco Nexxus. During the second match, the action fell out of the ring and Furia appeared to be injured as he left to the lockerroom, leaving Nexxus to fight alone. Nexxus did not have to face his opponents alone for long as Mystery Man returned to the ring and took his place as the partner of Nexxus.Muneco Nexxus responded to this by pinning Ave Fenix. In the third fall, Ave Fenix was able to submit Mystery Man. After the match, the Technicos attacked Referee Juan Diego who is well known for favoring the Rudos.
The 3rd match was an incredibly enjoyable match which incorporated much of the best of Lucha. Technicos Ultraman and Nacho Libre faced Rudos Lemus II and Crazy. The fans clearly had fun and the luchadores also showed that they were enjoying themselves. The first fall went to the Technicos when Nacho Libre submitted Lemus. The 2nd fall went to the Rudos as Crazy submitted Ultraman. The third fall went to the Technicos as Ultraman pinned Lemus at the exact moment that Lemus succeeded in removing the mask of Nacho Libre. Nacho did a good job of keeping his face covered so fans will never know if it was Jack Black or not.
The Final match was a todos match, where all the Luchadores fought battle royal style. The wrestlers were eliminated in this order: Nacho Libre, Ultra Man, Crazy, Furia del Sur, Mystery Man, Semental, Ave Fenix. This left Lemus II and Vago de Texas. In a surprising finish, Vago removed his own mask, and threw it to Lemus. As Vago rolled on the mat, covering his face with his hands, Referee Juan Diego saw Lemus with the mask and disqualified him, giving Vago the win.
Lucha Libre Mexicana Colt 45 Sunday October 29, 2006
Match # 1 - Vago de Texas vs. Mystery Man (win 2 falls to 1)
Match # 2 - Tag Match
Ave Fenix & Semental (win 2 falls to 1) vs. Muneco Nexxus & Furia del Sur (replaced by Mystery Man)
Match # 3 - Tag Match
Ultraman & Nacho Libre (win 2 falls to 1) vs. Crazy & Lemus II
Match # 4 - Todos elimination match
(order eliminated) Nacho Libre, Ultra Man, Crazy, Furia del Sur, Mystery Man, Semental, Ave Fenix, Lemus II & Vago de Texas (win)
Friday, October 27, 2006
Another ACW in IWA-MS Deathmatch Weekend
Here you have it wrestling fans. All eight girls are announced as well as the main event stipulation. First, let's get to all eight girls....
1.) Simply Luscious
2.) Amy Lee
3.) Lufisto
4.) Riptide
5.) Mayumi Ozaki
6.) Mickie Knuckles
7.) "Hardcore" Heather Owens
8.) Rachael Putski
The first round match ups and stipulations will be announced in the next few days.
The MAIN EVENT stipulation will be.....
Also remember that there will be a NON-TOURNAMENT match on this card, to be announced later as well.
The event and info for this event as well as the Double Death Tournament is below. For more info, you can email Patti at rottenwife@aol.com
Capitol Sports Center
1915 Gladden Road
Plainfield, IN
Bell time (for both days): 7:30pm
Ticket Prices: Single Days- $30, $25, and $20
Both Days- $50, $40 and $30
(If you have a frequent buyer's card, and have earned one free show, you may use it on one of these events but NOT both.)
You can also reserve or order your tickets through paypal, just email Patti at rottenwife@aol.com
Thanks and hope to see you all there!!!
December 2nd RCW Details
RCW at San Antonio for Jesus Event, December 2 details
River City Wrestling will be a part of the San Antonio for Jesus event, presented by Youth Outreach Ministries.
Saturday, December 2, 2006
Mission County Park
6030 Padre Dr.
The event is from noon - 10 p.m., but RCW will have its show from 2 - 4:00 p.m.
More details soon to come.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
RCW Announcements
Rivers City Wrestling issued the following information today:
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Big Japan's Masada and CMLL's Sicodelico Jr. added to November 4 show Big Japan's Masada and CMLL's Sicodelico Jr. have been added to River City Wrestling's November 4 show at Hope of Glory Church, 339 W. Hutchins, San Antonio, TX. The doors open at 6:45 p.m. and bell time is at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $8 in advance, $10 at the door, and advance tickets are on sale now by calling (210) 842-8398 or visiting rcw-wrestling.com. The current line-up on November 4 is as follows: - RCW Champion/TNA Tag Team Champion Hotstuff Hernandez For more information about this event, call (210) 842-8398. |
RCW Fan Group on Yahoo!
River City Wrestling now has a fan group on Yahoo. To join this group visit the page at http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/rcwfans/
RCW Tickets on Sale
Thursday, October 26, 2006
RCW tickets are on sale NOW! SAVE $2 PER PERSON!!! Tickets are on sale NOW for River City Wrestling event on November 4 TNA's Hernandez of the LAX comes to the Alamo City River City Wrestling will present an unique fundraiser for Hope of Glory Church on Saturday, November 4. Pro wrestling returns to the spiritual confines of the Hope of Glory Church, located at 339 W. Hutchins in San Antonio. Doors open at 6:45 p.m., and the show starts at 7:30 p.m. Advance tickets are $8, and $10 at the door. To purchase your advance tickets, call (210) 842-8398 or visit rcw-wrestling.com. Ordering online through PayPal is fast, easy, secure and FREE to sign up! By ordering advance tickets, you save $2 per person! Appearing at the event will be two-time TNA Tag Team Champion and current RCW Champion Hotstuff Hernandez of the Latin American XChange, as well as RCW Tag Team Champions The Texas Treats (Don Juan & Chris Marval), "One Man" Mike Dell, Joey Spector, The Hardbodies, The Nerdy Boys, "Bling King" Quinten Allen and more. This event helps raise funds for the Hope of Glory Church, a small church on San Antonio's southside. For more information, including how to purchase advance tickets, call (210) 842-8398, or visit rcw-wrestling.com. |
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Dragon X Speaks Out
Dragon X Speaks out on his Status in ACW
The office of American Championship Wrestling just received the following letter from Dragon X:
I am fed up with the lack of care in which ACW handles my career. I have been working for ACW for years and no one seems to care, ACW doesn't put me in a position to succeed. I have done what no one else can do, I have pinned Jacob Ladder and I should have been the ACW Heavyweight champion, but due to the lack of respect the Office shows me I was screwed, and the situation went unresolved. Now they let a retired AAA Star run out of the crowd and attack me and of course no action will be taken. I am tired of this, I want a match on November 19th that means something; I want to face a champion. I don't care if it is Texas Heavyweight champion Brett Thunder or One Man Mike Dell; I am not going to be disrespected anymore.
ACW Launches New Web Site
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
ACW Announcement
Here you go, all 8 Double Death tag team participants have been announced. They are:
1.) "Baka Gaijin": "Mad" Man Pondo and "Too Tough" Tony
2.) Freakshow and Insane Lane
3.) Corporal Robinson and Dysfunction
4.) "Mr. Insanity" Toby Klein and The Necro Butcher
5.) Ian Rotten and Tank
6.) Darin Childs and Jacob Ladder
7.) J.C. Bailey and "The Psycho Shooter" Drake Younger
8.) "Die Hard" Dustin Lee and Vortex
Doors Open at 6:30 and Bell time is 7:30
Ticket prices for this single day event are: $30, $25, and $20
Tickets for two day passes to this and Queen of the Deathmatches are: $50, $40, and $30
There you have it folks, all 8 teams are announced. Look for more info on this as well as the final lineup for this year's Queen of the Deatmatches in the next couple of days. If you haven't already ordered your tickets, tickets can be purchased online via paypal or if you wish to reserve your tickets, then just contact Patti at rottenwife@aol.com.
RCW Announcement
Brandon Oliver
Monday, October 23, 2006
Big Wrestling Weekend Report - Part 3
American Championship Wrestling presented their second San Antonio Show in less than 4 days Sunday as they returned to the Venue at 800 Lexington with an action packed show featuring the wrestlers of both ACW and their rival promotion TWE. Jeff Houston called the action and the referee duties were split between TWE head official Rick Porter and ACW official Alex Marrozos.
The action started quickly as the first match was a tag team qualifying tournament match to determine the top contenders to face the current ACW & TWE Tag Champions The Children of Pain - Darin Childs & Jacob Ladder. The winners of this match will go on to face the winners of a second qualifying match to name the Number One Contenders to the TWE Tag Team Championship at TWE's big Star Warz event on December 3rd. The participants in this afternoon's match were the team of Cowboy James Claxton & Windwalker and the team of Skitzo and Brett Thunder who have appeared to put their differences behind them. The team of Claxton and Windwalker have been together for enough time that their chemistry has really started to click. In fact they briefly held the ACW Tag Champions before being forced to defend them to the CoP immediately after winning them in a very tough match against the former champions "Ultimate Chemistry" Johnny Rage and Rudy Russo. Skitzo and Thunder had teamed together earlier in their careers, but had a falling out when Skitzo and Hector Navarro won the TWE Tag Championship earlier this year. Clearly these are two young but well qualified teams. The action was crisp and nonstop, with both teams taking advantage of the fast pace. All four men tagged in and out of the action rapidly as each team tried to gain the upper hand. The ending came when Skitzo set up Windwalker for a top rope splash. While Skitzo climbed the turnbuckle, Thunder made a blind tag. Skitzo hit the splash and Thunder rushed in to make the cover, scoring the pin for his team and advancing in the tournament. For a moment there seemed that there might be some disagreement between the two victors, but TWE CEO Rudy Boy Gonzalez came to the ring and refocused the pair on their goals. All four men in the battle then shook hands to the appreciation of the crowd.
The second match was a continuation of the cruiserweight rivalry between Berry and Dragon X. These two high-flyers have faced each other numerous times throughout South Texas. This afternoon's match was indicative of the skills possessed by these two as each strived to gain a decisive victory. This match might well have been the best in their series until Dragon X went for a high cross body off the top rope just as Berry went for a drop kick. The two hit the mat in a sickening thud and lay there as referee Alex Marrozos started the ten count on both men. Before Alex could reach ten, however a young man with pink hair jumped into the ring from his position near the bar. Long time fans recognized the man as former AAA and ACW star Enigma. Enigma hit both combatants with Shining Wizards and left the ring in a hurry. The bout was declared a "no contest" but the cruiserweight division of ACW took notice that things just got a whole lot more interesting.
The third match was supposed to have been a loser leave ACW match between former partners Johnny Rage and The Texas Renegade. Johnny Rage, however, came to the ring with a pronounced limp and claimed to be injured and unable to fight. This infuriated the Texas Renegade who came out demanding a match. In response to Renegade's demands, Mr. Beautiful Rudy Russo came to the ring to attack Renegade, taking Rage's place in the match. Rage remained ringside to watch his current partner battle his former partner. Although Renegade towered over Russo, the beautiful one showed his skills and craftiness in not only keeping the match close, but in taking control of the action. Renegade never seemed to be able to focus on Russo as long as Rage was nearby. It turns out that Renegade was right to worry about Rage as he clearly played a big part in the outcome, pulling Renegades feet out from under him, allowing Russo to gain the pin.
At this point there was a Diva Costume contest featuring the three young ladies from Thursday's lingerie match: Cat, Star and Rachel Putski along with a stunning newcomer Justice Dunn. The Children of Pain, Jacob Ladder and Darin Childs were the judges and clearly appeared to favor Rachel and the crowd seemed to appreciate Rachel's charms as well, but Justice Dunn took the victory and stepped out of the ring. At this point, The CoP declared there to be "consolation prizes" for Cat and Star. The "prizes" turned out to be vicious slams by Darin and Jacob who left the ring with Rachel, all three laughing at the devastation they had inflicted.
After the ladies were helped to the back, the action continued with a rematch from Thursday Night's Metalfest show as the Xtreme Bulldawg Rexx Reed faced Prince. Reed was representing TWE in this match and Prince represented ACW, so even though The CoP and Prince have never gotten along, Jacob Ladder and Darin Childs remained ringside shouting what might be considered encouragement for Prince. This was a hard-hitting power match between these two incredibly strong competitors. Fans ringside showed their support for both men and were amazed by the action, especially near the end when Reed actually kicked out of a pin following Prince's finisher the Spear. Prince seemed shocked by this, but did not let up, chasing after Reed who was forced to resort to using his chain on Prince, causing a DQ. Immediately afterwards, Ladder and Childs rushed into the ring, pounding on Reed until Bigg Dogg appeared from the back to save the Xtreme Bull-Dawg. The two shook hands and declared themselves entered in the tournament for the TWE Tag Titles. Announcer Jeff Houston proclaimed the team "The Dog Pound" but would not clarify whether it was Dogg or Dawg. Only time will tell which is top dog on this team. In response to this, The Children of Pain announced that the match at Star Warz on December 3rd would be a "Child's Play Death Match."
The next match was a Triple Threat Match featuring Don Juan, Bio-Hazard and Showtime Summers. While this was supposed to be an every man for himself match, Bio-Hazard seemed to have other plans. Bio-Hazard quickly convinced Summers to join forces to lay a beat down on Don Juan, and although Summers and Bio-Hazard did exchange some blows in the match, the focus often returned to Don Juan who clearly had gotten under the massive Bio-Hazard's skin. This was a very exciting match, and might even been considered the best match of the night up until the amazing ending. As Bio-Hazard applied an Indian Death Lock on Don Juan, Summers went to attack Bio-Hazard who reversed the momentum and hit a German Suplex on Summers. Both Summers and Bio-Hazard's shoulders were on the mat as Referee Rick Porter counted three. Simultaneously, Don Juan tapped out to the pain from the submission hold. Porter was forced to declare the match a "no decision," shocking some fans ringside who clearly wanted a victor in the match.
For the Main Event, ACW Heavyweight Champion, One Man Mike Dell issued an open challenge to everyone in the back. The man who came out, however, to accept the challenge was probably the last man Dell expected to see. TWE CEO Rudy Boy Gonzalez marched to the ring. At first, Dell refused to believe RGB was serious, but Rudy can be pretty convincing when he gets serious, so the two squared off. The background between these two men could pages as it was clear that this match was more than just a title match. As the two men exchanged moves and holds, the crowd watched in awe, not knowing what would come next. Both TWE fans and ACW fans shared their concern and their approval over what was happening in the ring and as the excitement began to rise, RGB struck with a superkick to the face of ACW Referee Alex Marrozos. Almost before Alex hit the mat, TWE ref Rick Porter rushed to the ring, but Dell was not going to be caught in a match with the odds stacked against him and slammed Porter violently to the mat, leaving the match with no referees. The lockerroom spilled out to the ring with TWE represented by Skitzo, Windwalker and Brett Thunder, while ACW was represented by Darin Childs, Jacob Ladder and Showtime Summers. As the commotion began to settle, the crowd, along with the TWE crew cried for a continuation of the match, but with no more refs available, it just wasn't possible. However, a special interpromotional tag match was set up for the next ACW show as Mike Dell and a partner of his choice will face RGB and one of his men.
ACW returns to the Venue on Sunday November 19th in what promises to be an exciting afternoon of wrestling. Check out the web sites of both ACW and TWE as well as their myspace pages for official announcements concerning this show, TWE's Star Warz and other upcoming events.
American Championship Wrestling
The Venue
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Match # 1 - TWE Tag Team Championship Contenders Tournament Qualifying Match
Cowboy James Claxton & Windwalker vs. Skitzo & Brett Thunder (win)
Match # 2 - Berry vs. Dragon X (no decision-outside interference)
Match # 3 - Texas Renegade vs. Rudy Russo with Johnny Rage (win)
*** Special Diva's Halloween Costume Contest***
Cat vs. Star vs. Justice Dunn (win) vs. Rachel Putski
Match # 4 - Rexx Reed vs. Prince (win - dq)
Match # 5 - Triple Threat Match
Don Juan vs. Bio-Hazard vs. Showtime Summers (no decision)
Match # 6 - Main Event - ACW Heavyweight Championship Match
Champion One Man Mike Dell vs. Rudy Boy Gonzalez (no decision)
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Big Wrestling Weekend Report - Part 2
Pro Wrestling International Entertainment returned to S.P.L.A.C.H. Sports Bar Saturday night, and holding true to their promise continued to present shows that improve each and every time. The announcing duties were handled capably by J.D. Kingston who manages to provide play by play and information without interfering with the action in the ring. The referee Terry Sleeze had his hands full with all the action.
The first match saw the continuation of the feud between Berry and Light Heavyweight Champion Dragon X, whose title was on the line. These two have engaged in a series of matches which have usually gone the champion's way, but tonight looked like it might belong to Berry. As the pair countered each other's favorite moves the crowd seemed to shift their loyalties between the men, applauding rather the skill of both combatants than that of their favorite. Berry seemed to have the match under control but Dragon X mounted a comeback, culminating with a corkscrew moonsault off the top rope for the pin.
Prior to the second match, Showtime Summers came to the mike. He introduced his protege Papa Gallo (the erstwhile Blue Angel) who berated the crowd as being undeserving of his presence. Summers then revealed that his match against International Champion Mojo had been declared a non-title match. Showtime vowed to punish Mojo tonight. Afterwards, Showtime deliberately and maliciously hurt Announcer J.D. Kingston's feelings. What a mean person!
The second match was the unveiling for PWI fans of Gabe the Babe. Formerly Raiden, Gabe revealed himself to be little more than a petulant child in need of a spanking. Gabe's opponent, Lemus II seemed quite willing to administer this punishment. Gabe avoided contact for several minutes, earning the ire of the crowd who rechristianed him "Baby." When Lemus finally managed to lock Gabe up, Gabe surprised the crowd by showing he could actually wrestle. The match was well contested by both men, but the veteran Lemus showed he was prepared for anything Gabe threw at him, and in the end, scored the pinfall with a small package.
The next match featured former tag partners Bobby Garrett and Manny Villalobos who had fallen out at the last PWI show. The crowd clearly supported the Texas Wrestling Legend Villalobos over the younger Garrett who had attacked Manny during a title match last month. Although Garrett appeared to be the stronger and quicker of the two, Manny's experience balanced the match. The two battled in and out of the ring, forcing Referee Terry Sleeze to chase them through the crowd in an effort to get the match back in the ring. Eventually Garrett decided he had had enough. Garrett walked out saying he had "kicked the Old Man's ass enough for one night." Manny wasn't satisfied with this and demanded that next month, the two meet in a lumberjack match so Garrett couldn't run.
In the fourth match, The Texas Renegade challenged Papa Gallo for his U.S. Title belt. Papa Gallo was accompanied to the ring by his "Sexy World Order" partner and mentor Showtime Summers. Renegade was clearly the larger and stronger of the two, but from the beginning, Gallo and Summers played mind tricks, apparently passing a foreign object back and forth and teasing at outside interference throughout the match. Both Renegade and the ref were frustrated by the antics of the pair of rulebreakers. At one point, when Renegade seized the advantage, sending Papa Gallo to the outside of the ring, Showtime Summers grabbed his protege and loudly berated him, physically challenging him to step up his game. Papa Gallo responded well to this tactic and regained his advantage for a period. As Renegade once again turned the momentum in his favor it appeared the title was going to change hands. Summers leaped to the ring apron, phsically interfering with the action and helping his man block a sunset flip and gain the pin, retaining the title.
The Tag Team Championships were up for grabs in the next match. The Champions Ozzy Manson and Blaine Steele were accompanied to the ring by their 210 mob co-hort Ricky Rhodes. The challengers were The Houligans - Bull Harley and Crazy Jimmy, who had been stripped of the titles 2 months ago, never losing them. Both of these teams are experienced rulebreakers and cared little for the fan's support, but the crowd clearly chose the rough men from the Australian Outback as their favorites. Referee Terry Sleeze had his hands full once again as all of the men involved used rulebreaking tactics and more action seemed to be going on behind Sleeze's back than in front of him. Despite the 3 to 2 disadvantage, the Houligans seemed poised to take the titles... That is until the odds shifted even further. While Sleeze was distracted by the action outside the ring, 210 Mob member J.J. Wakefield emerged from the lockerroom, rushing into the ring and hitting Crazy Jimmy with one of the belts. When Sleeze turned around, Manson had Jimmy covered, and before Bull Harley could save his partner, the 3 count was made and the 210 Mob scored the victory. Afterward, Ozzy Manson addressed the crowd and the Houligans, proclaiming that even though they had not beaten the Houligans for the title earlier, this victory made it clear and undisputable... The 210 Mob are Tag Team Champions, like it or not.
In the next match, PWI Heavyweight Champion Madd Dogg Ken Johnson defended his title belt in a 3-way match against 2 worthy opponents. From the orient, The Great Ryu and from the 210 Mob, Ricky Rhodes. Madd Dogg came to the ring accompanied by his best friend Skunk, while Rhodes came accompanied by all the members of the 210 Mob. In all, Terry Sleeze had to keep track of 7 men in this match. Madd Dogg started the match strongly, clearing the ring and issuing beatings on both of his opponents. Eventually, Ryu and Rhodes had to make an alliance to combat the wild man. This slowed Johnson down considerably, but alliances in 3 way matches never last long. Skunk as well as the 210 Mob inserted themselves into the match often and ended up brawling outside the ring as well. In the confusion, Madd Dogg was able to take advantage of the situation and took the victory by pinning Ricky Rhodes. Afterwards the 210 mob attempted to beat down Ryu, Madd Dogg and Skunk, but that plan backfired and Ozzy Manson ended up on the receiving end of a tombstone piledriver from Madd Dogg for his trouble. The 210 Mob retreated to the lockerroom to regroup and plan for another day.
The Main Event was the previously announced non-title match between International Champion Mojo and Showtime Scott Summers, who was accompanied by Papa Gallo. This was an outstanding match with both men imposing their will on the other. Summers and Gallo continued their mind games on the big Brazilian. Mojo responded with a few mindgames of his own. It was Papa Gallo's presence ringside that became the deciding factor in the match. Gallo gathered the International Championship Belt ringside along with his own US Title Belt. Papa Gallo then created a diversion by tossing one belt into the ring. Mojo managed to get the belt but as Referee Terry Sleeze tried to get that belt away from Mojo, Papa Gallo tossed the other belt to Summers behind Sleeze's back. Summers was then able to whack Mojo across the head and dispose of the belt in one motion. Sleeze, having missed the subterfuge had no choice but to count the pin on the dazed Mojo. After the match, Summers and Papa Gallo gathered up both belts and retreated through the crowd. Even though this wasn't a title match, Summers left the ring in possession of the belt. Mojo could not contain his fury and charged after them, chasing them into the lockerroom. The battle most likely continued and will continue for some time.
PWI Entertainment announced a special event for next weekend. Mission Massacre II is a heavy metal rock fest held at Bruno's Sport's Bar at 1807 Mission Road. October 28th. PWI wrestlers will be competing at the show starting at 6 PM. This should be an exciting evening.
Pro Wrestling International
S.P.L.A.C.H. Sports Bar
Saturday October 21, 2006
Match # 1 - Light Heavyweight Championship
Challenger Berry vs. Champion Dragon X (win and retains title)
Match # 2 - Gabe the Babe vs. Lemus II (win)
Match # 3 - Bobby Garrett vs. Manny Villalobos (win via countout)
Match # 4 - US Championship
Challenger Texas Renegade vs. Champion Papa Gallo with Showtime Summers (win and retains title)
Match # 5 - Tag Team Championship
Challengers The Houligans - Bull Harley & Crazy Jimmy vs. The 210 Mob - Blaine Steele & Ozzy Manson with Ricky Rhodes & J.J. Wakefield (win and retains title)
Match # 6 - Three way for PWI Heavyweight Title
Challenger Ricky Rhodes with 210 Mob vs. Challenger The Great Ryu vs. Champion Madd Dogg Ken Johnson with Skunk (win and retains title)
Match # 7 - Main Event - Non-Title Match
Showtime Summers with Papa Gallo (win) vs. International Champion Mojo
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Big Wrestling Weekend Report - Part 1
American Championship Wrestling started the weekend off early with a series of matches interspersed between the sets of Metalfest Thursday night at Graham Central Station. This was a show that won't soon be forgotten as Heavy Metal fans were exposed to the excitement that is Independent Wrestling.
The Wrestling started off with Ring Announcer Jeff Houston who seemed a little out of place in his dapper "Best Dressed Man in Wrestling" attire, but Jeff did an outstanding job introducing the matches, pumping up the crowd and giving the respect to the bands who performed. Referee duties were split between Jay Magnum and Alex Marrozos. Several times during the night the trio of sexy divas, Cat, Rachel & Star came to the ring area and thrilled the crowd.
Match # 1 featured El Latino facing Berry. Latino quickly gained the support of the crowd despite, or perhaps because of his aggressive and antagonistic persona. Berry responded well with his athleticism, but Latino's experience and rulebreaking tactics prevailed as Latino scored the pin with both feet on the ropes.
Match # 2 saw J.J. Wakefield face Ricky Rhodes. Wakefield did little to gain the crowd support by yelling insults in their direction. Rhodes came out to a more solid support and played that to his advantage, even leading the crowd in a chant disparaging Wakefield's masculinity. The two fought hard and impressed the crowd with their skills until Wakefield was able to gain the upper hand and score the victory.
In the third match fans were treated to a hard hitting triple threat match. Showtime Summers, who was accompanied by Cat vs. Texas Renegade vs. Johnny Rage. All three men in the ring had issues with the other two and no alliances lasted long. This was a very violent and hard hitting match as these three are among the toughest men in San Antonio wrestling. In the end, Johnny Rage apparently decided that he was more interested in seeing his former tag partner Renegade lose than in winning the match. With the help of a strategic distraction from Cat, Rage slammed Renegade and allowed Summers to gain the advantage and the pin.
The fourth match saw Rexx Reed face Prince. The crowd was clearly into the wrestling by this point, passing up the opportunity to watch heavy metal bands on the other stage to enjoy the hard hitting action of ACW. Reed is quickly becoming one of San Antonio's favorite bad guys with his size, look and athleticism. Prince is an incredible specimen of natural body building and strength. Together, these two men put together an incredible match with moves usually reserved for much smaller men. The match ended in Prince's favor as few men can recover from his spear. After the match, fans showed Reed respect for his efforts in the losing cause.
In the fifth match, ACW Heavyweight Champion One Man Mike Dell defended his title against one half of the Texas Treats, Don Juan. During the entire evening, no one managed to antagonize the crowd of heavy metal fans more than the dancing and hystrionics of Don Juan. But Don Juan and Mike Dell more than demonstrated their skills in the ring and out, gaining the approval of the crowd. At one point Dell backdropped Don Juan over a railing onto the hardwood dance floor, causing the crowd to cheer as one. When the match returned to the ring Dell managed to maintain his advantage over Don Juan and scored the pin, retaining his title.
Next was the three-way Diva Lingerie contest between Cat, Starr and Rachel. While Starr was declared the victor by the crowd cheers, the real action came afterwards as first Cat and Rachel took the whipped cream to Starr and then to each other. Things really got hot in a manner that might not have been expected at an all-ages show, but no one seemed to complain. That is until Darin Childs and Jacob Ladder came to the ring and attacked Starr and Cat. In response to this, Simply Luscious made her way to the ring. Luscious complained about the spectical in general and the attack of the women in specific. The CoP offered her this solution: "Got a problem with it? Do something about it!" They told her if she could find a partner, she could step into the main event against them. But the main event was a Child's Play Death Match! This didn't frighten Luscious in the least. The "toughest woman in wrestling" introduced her partner.... Showtime Summers!
The main event gave the fans everything they could handle. The blood flowed freely as the 4 combatants battled in and out of the ring. Chairs, thumbtacks and a staple gun contributed to the violence. Heavy Metal fans who had never seen such action were awestruck by the level of violence as the blood literally poured from the fighters. Just as the action reached its peak, Showtime Summers showed his true colors, turning on his partner and slamming her to the thumbtack covered mat. Darin Childs quickly moved in and scored the pin.
Following the match, Rudy Boy Gonzalez , chairman of Texas Wrestling Entertainment, accompanied by the team of Brett Thunder and Skitzo rushed the ring, clearing the ACW wrestlers quickly. The TWE team challenged the CoP for the TWE Tag titles currently held by Childs & Ladder, but the CoP deferred, stating that the belts would be defended at TWE's STAR WARZ show December 3rd. If Skitzo & Thunder can win the qualifying tournament starting Sunday, they could have the honor. Fans of Heavy Metal were thrilled and entertained by the event. Many should find there way to the show Sunday at 4PM at the Venue 800 Lexington. The official results listed by ACW are:
El Latino defeated
JJ Wakefield Defeated Ricky Rhodes
Showtime won a 3-way dance against Johnny Rage & Renegade
Prince Fontenot beat Rexx Reed
In what is certainly a Match of the Year Candidate: Mike Dell Successfully defended the ACW Heavyweight title against Don Juan?
In the craziest Threesome/ 3-way/triple threat, Star won a Lingerie Whipped Cream Hot lesbian Action match that was as graphic as you could imagine against Catirina and Rachel Putski At one point Rachel had to be restrained from getting completely naked as she groped the other girls.
The Main event saw the TWE/ACW Tag Team Champions successfully defended the straps against Showtime Summers & Simply Luscious in a Childs' Play Death match in which Summers Turned on Luscious allowing Darin Childs to pin the toughest woman in wrestling. This match was incredibly violent and bloody.
Match # 1 - El Latino (win) vs. Berry
Match # 2 - J.J. Wakefield (win) vs. Ricky Rhodes
Match # 3 - Triple Threat Match
Showtime Summers w/ Cat (win) vs. Texas Renegade vs. Johnny Rage
Match # 4 - Rexx Reed vs. Prince (win)
Match # 5 - ACW Heavyweight Championship
Challenger Don Juan vs. Champion One Man Mike Dell (win & retains title)
Match # 6 - Three way Diva Lingerie Whip Cream Contest
Rachel Putski vs. Cat vs. Starr (win)
Match # 7 - Main Event - Child's Play Death Match Tag Team
Children of Pain - Darin Childs & Jacob Ladder (win) vs. Simply Luscious & Showtime Summers
TWA Friday
The Texas Wrestling Association held a show Friday night at the Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym. Due to scheduling conflicts, the Scene was unable to be present for the entire event. Watch www.saluchalibre.blogspot.com for a full report. TWA has announced that they will be running shows EVERY Friday night from now on at the gym located at 2000 S. Presa. Doors open at 7 PM and the matches get started around 8 PM.
Texas Wrestling Association
Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym
Friday, October 20, 2006
Match # 1 - Muñeco Nexxus vs. Ave Fenix (win 2 falls to 1)
Match # 2 - Berry vs. Dragon X (win)
Match # 3 - Gato Diabolico & Diablo (win 2 falls to 1) vs. Horoscopo & Vikingo
Match # 4 - Virus vs. Gabe the Babe w/ Sin-sational Sal (win)
Match # 5 - Lucha Estrella
Crazzy USA & El Ilegal vs. Atrevido & Ultra Man (win 2 falls to 1)
RCW Announces Details for Nov. 4
River City Wrestling has released a poster for the upcoming show. The Poster can be viewed at the RCW web page www.rcw-wrestling.com or the RWC myspace page www.myspace.com/rcwwrestling. Details from the poster include the following information:
The show is at the Hope of Glory Church Gym 339 West Hutchins. Doors open at 6:45 Matches start at 7:30. Tickets are $8 in advance or $10 at the door. Call (210) 842-8398 for more information. Buy advanced tickets through paypal from the Official RCW webpage. Wrestlers featured on the poster include: Quintin Allen, Hotstuff Hernandez, One Man Mike Dell, Chris Marval, Don Juan, Kris Kronie, Johnny Ender & Hardbody Andrew Dalton.
PWI Tonight, ACW Sunday
Just a reminder. Pro Wrestling International Entertainment is running a show tonight at S.P.L.A.C.H. Sports Bar, 905 Nogalitos. This is their Halloween Bash which will feature Halloween Activities for the kids. The Show Starts at 8 PM.
American Championship Wrestling has issued the following information concerning their show Sunday:
"The Venue"
800 Lexington
San Antonio, TX
Bell time: 4PM
already announced:
Rachel Putski vs. Cat vs. Star in a ACW Diva Costume Contest!!!
"One Man" Mike Dell Signed another open contract and will defend his ACW Heavyweight title Against anyone man enough to sign the dotted line.
First Round of the Tournament to crown new #1 Contenders to the TWE TAG TEAM TITLES:
Brett Thunder & sKiTzO vs. Former ACW Tag Team Champions "Cowboy" James Claxton & Windwalker
Also Scheduled to appear: Jacob Ladder, Darin Childs, Showtime Summers, Don Juan, Spiro, Prince Fontenot, Rexx Reed, Dragon X and Berry
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
TWE and RCW announcements
The Texas Wrestling Entertainment web page has been updated with a new newswire report and 4 big dates for 2007 announced:
Texas Champion Mike Foxx has signed on to Star Warz December 3rd. Foxx has stated that he hasn't defended the Texas Title since Worlds Collide, and he has issued a challenge to ANYONE that wants a crack at the belt to sign the dotted line. Mike Foxx has been considered one of, if not the top independent talent in Texas. Foxx has met such opponents such as Jared Steel, and Hotstuff Hernandez as well former WWE star Rodney Mack and current star Charlie Hass, as well as current TNA stars Matt Bentley, Konnan and Lance Hoyt. Foxx defeated Japanese star Kazushi for the Texas Title in late 2005 after losing it in mid 2004 to former NWA World Champion AJ Styles. Foxx has vowed not lose it again until he is good and ready to move on.
Several dates have been added to the TWE calendar. TWE will present 4 Texas Shows through out 2007 each one 3 months apart. These events will be IMPACT, DRIVE, WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE, and STAR WARZ. TWE has vowed to not break any rules but instead, to create them. 'The only way the 'independent scene' is going to be taken seriously by public, is if it presented in a big time way. The Texas shows will be just that.' said CEO Rudy Boy Gonzalez. 'Furthermore, the talent, as well as the 'promoters' in the area must all play by the same rules, and that is to take this line of work seriously, and not as a hobby', he added.
The voting for the Shocker vs ???? is pretty even with Don Juan and Rudy Boy Gonzalez tied as of today.
March 4th 2007 - TWE presents IMPACT '07
June 3rd 2007 - TWE presents DRIVE '07
September 2nd 2007 - TWE presents WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE '07
December 2nd 2007 - TWE presents STAR WARZ '07
For more details check the official TWE web page www.texaswrestlingentertainment.com
RCW Show Dates
River City Wrestling has announced the following dates:
Here are the three remaining dates for 2006:
Times and locations for November events TBA.
Saturday, November 4
Saturday, November 18
Saturday, December 2 - Mission County Park
RCW will be releasing further details very soon.
(210) 842-8398
Monday, October 16, 2006
Weekend Report
Mexican American Wrestling returned to Sociedad Cruz Blanca Friday Night with a card of Lucha matches which entertained the crowd of children and Adults alike. Due to a scheduling irregularity there were actually two Lucha Libre shows on the same night as Texas Wrestling Association was running over at the Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym. Several Luchadores managed to work both shows. The Scene was only present at the MAW show. If a report from TWA is made available, The Scene will print it here.
In the first match, El Diablo face El Vikingo who was returning to action following a prolonged period away from the ring. El Diablo was the rudo in this match and was aided in his cause by referee Juan Diego. Despite the odds, the veteran Vikingo was able to stay one move ahead of Diablo and managed to score the pin with a roll up.
The second match involved Horoscopo and Gato Diabolico. In this match, the rudo Gato Diabolico managed better than the previous match, scoring a submission victory.
The next match was a special event "Students Match" triple threat elimination match featuring 3 young men who were appearing in their first match outside the training ring. Vikingo Jr., Pyro and David el Destructor all made their way to the ring, but before the bell, Lemus II made an appearance. Lemus offered a few words of wisdom from a veteran of the lucha wars. If the 3 students are wise and listened to his message, they could learn a great deal. The match itself was actually pretty good considering the youth and inexperience of the three combatants. Each was able to show some maneuvers in the ring and each showed some personality as well. David el Destructor was first eliminated by Vikingo Jr. Shortly thereafter Pyro pinned Vikingo Jr. If these three stick with it, and pay their dues, they may someday earn the right to be called Luchadores. Congratulations David, Pyro & Vikingo Jr.
In the fourth match, Lemus II returned, accompanied by his partner in the match Dragon X. Their opponents for this match were Atrevido and Berry. This was an incredibly entertaining match which was hotly contested. It was unfortunate that the match ended in a disqualification as Lemus II unmasked Atrevido. Tempers were extremely high and it is clear this rivalry is far from over.
In the fifth match, Lucha Legend El Zombi defended his Mexican Cruiserweight belt against Ave Fenix in a 2 falls out of 3 match. Although Zombi is not what most would consider a cruiserweight he showed that he still has a few moves left over from a career spanning 3 decades. Ave Fenix is one of the top luchadores working this area and started the match strongly, scoring a submission victory in the first fall. Zombi however seemed to grow stronger as the match continued picking up submissions in the next 2 falls, retaining the belt.
In the main event Mr Muerte and Chief Battu faced Virus and Crazy USA. MAW Heavyweight Champion Virus looked strong in this match and Crazy showed some incredible maneuvers as the Rudos took it to the Technicos. Mr. Muerte and Battu were not going to go down easily and actually took the first fall as Muerte submitted Crazy. In the second fall, the Rudos gained some measure of revenge as Virus submitted Battu. In the third fall, things got a little out of hand as the battles spilled out into the crowd and tempers flared. Taking advantage of a distracted referee, the rudos faked a foul and got Battu disqualified, earning themselves the victory. After the match, Mr. Muerte expressed his disapproval with Battu physically pushing and kicking at him. To settle this dispute a Hair vs. Mask match has been set up for the next show.
Mexican American Wrestling
Sociedad Cruz Blanca
Friday October 13, 2006
Match # 1 - El Diablo vs. Vikingo (win)
Match # 2 - Horoscopo vs. Gato Diabolico (win)
Match # 3 - Students Match - 3 way elimination
Viking Jr. vs. Pyro (win) vs David el Destructor
Match # 4 - Tag Match
Lemus II & Dragon X vs. Atrevido & Berry (win)
Match # 5 - Cruiserweight Title Match 2 falls out of 3
Champion El Zombi w/ Vikingo (win 2 falls to 1) vs. Ave Fenix w/ Atrevido
Match # 6 - Main Event - Tag Match 2 falls out of 3
Mr. Muerte & Chief Battu vs. Virus & Crazy USA (win 2 falls to 1)
Other News and Notes
Texas Wrestling Association will hold an American Style show next Friday at the Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym at 2000 South Presa. The Doors open at 7 PM
Southwest Championship Wrestling held a show on Lackland AFB Saturday Night. The Scene was unable to get on base due to the security threat I obviously pose, but the reports are that the crowd was large and loud as the airmen reacted positively to the wrestlers in the ring. If the results are made public, The Scene will reprint them here.
Southern Thunder Pro Wrestling will be holding a show Sunday November 5th at 4 PM at the Smoke Pit Round-Up "Banquet Hall" at 11635 Lower Seguin Road. This is in Shertz behind Randolph Base.
Texas Wrestling Entertainment has issued the following statement concerning the ACW show Thursday: "TWE isn't sanctioning any TWE tag team title match at the ACW Metalfest show." The TWE Tag Team Championship is currently held by the Children of Pain Jacob Ladder and Darin Childs who are scheduled to appear on the card but not as a team. They are scheduled to face each other in a rematch of a feud the two had in Georgia this past year.
Prince Fontenot of San Antonio's American Championship Wrestling and current heavyweight champion for Victoria's Prime Time Wrestling recently completed the purchase of Red's Gym at 12066 Starcrest. Prince has asked the Scene to extend this invitation to any wrestlers working for any promotion in San Antonio. Any wrestler living in San Antonio may get a special price of $30 a month membership to the gym. Any wrestler from out of town, coming through San Antonio may visit and use the gym for a free session. Prince stated this is his way of giving something back to the guys.
Friday, October 13, 2006
RCW is Set to Return!`
The message is simple, RCW is returning with three confirmed dates this year beginning with a show November 4th. Oliver promises more details soon in the form of videos and posters. Speculation is bound to arise over details concerning the talent, the venue and the dates of these shows. The best information will be found at www.rivercitywrestling.net or at www.myspace.com/rcwwrestling. When details are officially announced, the San Antonio Independent Wrestling Scene will publish the information here.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
ACW Announces Cards for 19th & 22nd
ACW Card for October 19th
FIrst Round in the # 1 contender Tournament for the TWE Tag Team Championship. Winners of the Tournament to get a title shot against the Children of Pain at TWE's Starwarz
also confirmed for the show: Showtime Scott Summers, "International Superstar" Spiro, Prince Fontenot, The Texas Renegade, and as always ACW promises a slew of surprises. DO NOT MISS THIS SHOW!!!!
Tickets are only $10 and are available at Red's Gym located at 12066 Starcrest Dr # 210 San Antonio, TX 78247.…Tickets can also be ordered by calling (210) 414-5256, E-mailing Darin@Childrenofpain.com , Jacob_Ladder@satx.rr.com or message ACW at www.myspace.com/ACW_SA
TICKETS ARE CHEAPER THROUGH PRE-SALE!!! ONLY $10 for the HUGE October 19th show! Pro Wrestling plus 30 Metal Bands!!!
Tickets for the October 22nd Extravaganza are only a mind-boggling $7 Pre-sale or at the door, but make sure you buy your tickets early for October 19th, they are limited and Cheaper through Pre-Sale
Brett Thunder & SkItZo
Windwalker & "Cowboy" James Claxton
"One Man" Mike Dell or Don Juan
"The Texas Wrestling Diva" CAT
"The Princess of Darkness" RACHEL CHILDS''
also confirmed for Oct 22nd at the Venue: Jacob Ladder, Darin Childs, Showtime Scott Summers, "International Superstar" Spiro, and Prince Fontenot.
TWE Fan Vote
Date: | Oct 10, 2006 11:44 PM |
Subject | Your Vote Is Needed. |
Body: | TWE in San Antonio, Texas is in negotiations with TNA and AAA wrestling star Shocker. TWE is opening its matchmaker book to you the fans as to who you want to see wrestle this accomplished superstar. All you have to do is go to www.texaswrestlingentertainment.com and go to the message board and vote. Don't forget...YOU VOTE COUNTS. |
Monday, October 09, 2006
ACW Metal Fest Pre-Sale Tickets
Tickets are only $10 and are available at Red's Gym located at 12066 Starcrest Dr # 210 San Antonio, TX 78247Â
Tickets can also be ordered by calling (210) 414-5256, E-mailing Darin@Childrenofpain.com , Jacob_Ladder@satx.rr.com or message ACW at www.myspace.com/ACW_SA
A four team tournament has been announced to crown a new # 1 contender to the TWE Tag Team Championships. The winner of the tournament will Face the Children of Pain at the TWE Starwarz event on December 3rd
First round match on Oct 19th at Metal fest
Former RCW Tag Team Champions the Nerdy Boys
"The Dogg Pound" Big Dog & Rexx Reed
First Round match on Oct 22nd @ the Venue
Brett Thunder & Skitzo
Former ACW Tag Team Champions Windwalker & Cowboy James Claxton
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Huge updates concerning October 19th & 22nd
"One Man" Mike Dell's open challenge for the ACW Heavyweight championship title match on October 19th has been answered by none other then former ROH star "Delicious" Don Juan!!!!
also confirmed: ACW just got a whole lot nerdier!!! Making their ACW debuts on October 19th, one of San Antonio's most beloved tag teams and former RCW tag Team Champions The Nerdy Boys!
On October 22nd ACW is proud to announced that one of the best tag Teams in Texas as well as the country will be in make their ACW debuts. Former TWE & RCW Tag Team Champions The Texas Treats will be in Action
ACW Diva Costume contest added to the already packed October 22nd show at the Venue at 800 Lexington!!!!
Friday, October 06, 2006
ACTS Wrestling Alliance
ACTS Wrestling Alliance
Rivers of Life Church,
3559 E. Evans Road,
(830) 228-4419
Mark Von Erich, General Skandar Akbar and Slam Shady grapple in the ring. 5 p.m. Free admission.
The Scene has researched and found the following information: ACTS stands for Athletes Committed To Serving. They run Christian themed wrestling shows out of the Fort Worth area. The do not have a web page. Mark Von Erich is the "stage name" of a wrestler who has also worked as Mark Valiant. Mark claims to be a cousin of the Von Erich brothers and to have received permission to use the name.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
More Details on Upcoming Shows
Aside from Spector and Rexx Reed who have joined the QFC Roster, the announced show for Saturday October 7th in Austin includes matches featuring El Latino, Tommy Gunn, Tito Sanchez and Blue Angel, all of whom have made recent appearances in San Antonio.
Card Announced for Lackland Show
Match list for the Lackland show
Dragon Vs. Barry
Vega Vs. Euro
Blane Steele Vs. Cobra
Virus Vs. Renegade
El Latino & Prince Fontenot Vs.
Tito Sanchez & Johnny Rage
Day of event prices $10 floor & $8 Bleachers
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
SWC Lackland Show Details
Some info I got for the Southwest Championship Wrestling show at Lackland on OCT 14: Advanced tickets are $7.50 floor/$5.50 Bleachers..tickets can be bought at all Lackland fitness centers, Skylark Community Center and Lackland Youth Center. The event is called "The Final Resolution" starting at 7PM OCT 14 AT THE Chaparral Fitness Center Bldg 7346. More info at 671-3191.
October Indy Wrestling News
American Championship Wrestling has scheduled 2 shows in San Antonio in upcoming weeks. On Thursday October 19th, ACW will be part of Metal Fest at Graham Central Station. On the following Sunday, October 22, ACW will return to the Venue where it is expected the war with TWE will continue. ACW has issued the following press releases in the past week:
Sunday, October 01, 2006
| LINE UP FOR OCTOBER 22ND OCTOBER 22ND LIVE FROM THE VENUE!!! Already announced - New ACW Heavyweight Champion "One Man" Mike Dell will sign an open contract and challenge any willing participant no matter their alliance, Be it ACW, TWE or Any other promotion. Prince Fontenot calls out the Children of Pain #1 contendership match to the TWE Tag Team Titles Brett Thunder & Skitzo vs Cowboy James Claxton & Windwalker Also the Return of "The Extreme Bulldog" Rexx Reed and #1 contendership to the ACW Tag team titles Jacob Ladder, Darin Childs and Rachel Putski seem to be losing control of ACW and October 22nd should be the most Chaotic and combustible show in recent history |
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
| ACW JOINS METAL FEST ON OCT 19th ALL AGES SHOW!!!! American Championship Wrestling presents: Blood, Sex and Violence ALL AGES!!!! |
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
| BANDS ANNOUNCED FOR ACW / METALFEST ON OCTOBER 19TH Bands already announced for Metal Fest: Chaotic Visions MDK Fallen Grace Feral Son of Adam Another Dying Story Sin Wicked South Sin Broken Seal Master so High Dysfunctional news Soi Poy Dead Hour Awaken the Fallen Until we erase PLUS 10 MORE BAD ASS METAL ACTS TO BE ANNOUNCED!!! |
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
| MORE WRESTLERS ANNOUNCED FOR OCT 19TH INCLUDING MIKE DELL Current ACW Heavyweight Champion "One Man" Mike Dell Has agreed to make his first Title defense at METALFEST on October 19th!!! also confirmed: "Showtime" Scott Summers, The Texas Renegade, Prince Fontenot, "The International Superstar" Spiro, and "The Xtreme Bulldog" Rexx Reed. More names coming soon American Championship Wrestling presents: Blood, Sex and Violence and don't forget, October 22nd ACW is back at home in the Venue at 800 Lexington, San Antonio, TX |
PWI Show October 21
Pro Wrestling International Entertainment has scheduled a show for Saturday Night October 21st at S.P.L.A.C.H. Sports Bar at 905 Nogalitos. The Scene has been informed that this will be the last outdoor show for PWI this year as they intend to move to an indoor location nearby in November.
TWE News
Texas Wrestling Entertainment will be on the road this month with shows scheduled in Caldwell and Giddings. Additionally, fans can expect a TWE presence at the October 22nd ACW show at the Venue.
The following information was posted on the TWE Newswire on 10/1 :
Don Juan nearly captured the TWE TV title from Brett Thunder on 9/22. Don Juan is now on the hunt for Thunders title and feels confident he will take it away if given a second chance.
On Wednesday, September 27, Hector Navarro was finally released from St Joseph's Hospital in College Station Texas. This has been a long and trying 5 week and 3 day stay for Navarro and his family. Hector must now face a long rehab of learning how to walk again, as the final surgery he received was on his leg to remove staph bacteria. As usual everyone at TWA / TWE wish Navarro a speedy recovery. Our thoughts and prayers are continuously with him.
A major sponsor has stepped up and is talking with TWE in regards to STAR WARZ. SW06 is slowly coming together and is shaping up to be THE pro wrestling event in the state of 2006. More details as they come...
Perhaps the most exciting tease from TWE is the announcement on the webpage that Shocker is Coming Soon to TWE. Shocker is one of the best, if not THE BEST Luchadores working in Mexico today. Fans should not pass up an opportunity to witness a performer of this stature. Details on the show have yet to be announced.
TWE CEO Rudy Boy Gonzalez is currently working on his STAR WARZ show scheduled for December 3rd and should be the biggest indy show of the year in Texas, perhaps even surpassing WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE last June. Keep posted on all TWE news at www.texaswrestlingentertainment.com
Local Wrestlers on the Road
Several wrestlers with connections to San Antonio will be on the road this weekend.
Spector and Rexx Reed have joined the roster of QFC in Austin and appear every Saturday. Spector was awarded the QFC Cruiserweight title in his first appearance with the company.
Saturday in El Campo, the main event at FEW will be feature a Fan Lumberjack Strap Six Man Tag Team Match pitting the team of Mark Orton and the Nerdy Boys against Hernandez and the Texas Treats.
Southwest Championship Wrestling
SWC will be presenting a show Saturday October 14th at Lackland AFB. Details are pending.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
September End Of Month Report
Rumors are running rampant concerning the state of the business. TWE, RCW, and several unnamed new promotions were the subjects of these rumors. The San Antonio Independent Wrestling Scene has made the mistake in the past of reporting content of rumors without confirmation. Having learned the lesson, The Scene recommends that fans not believe any rumor until it is officially announced by the promoter or on that promotions webpage or myspace page. Links to most of these pages can be found on this report. Additionally, when official announcements are made, The Scene will repeat them here. Fans should trust that big things are coming.
End of Month Rankings: Discontinued!
When The San Antonio Independent Scene started back in January, there were 3 promotions in San Antonio each running one show per month. At that time it made sense to believe that one reporter could attend every show, publish every result and compile a ranking based on those results. Since that time, as many as 10 different promotions have run shows in the San Antonio area. Sometimes 2 or more of these shows run simultaneously. Additionally, the range in the quality of these shows has also increased. As it has become impossible to attend and report every result, it would be unfair to only consider the work of wrestlers appearing on cards at which the Scene attended. On top of this, it seems unfair to give the same value to a Top Rate performance as is given to a match or show which might not be in the same class. While the Scene always stressed that the rankings did not reflect the "Best" wrestler in San Antonio, it was always a source of controversy that one wrestler would be ranked higher than another. The Scene Rankings were always objective, but since objectivity is no longer possible, the Rankings no longer serve the intended purpose. For this reason, the San Antonio Independent Wrestling Scene has suspended the Rankings until such time as objectivity can be restored.