Texas Wrestling Entertainment made it's first appearance of the summer at Splashtown Saturday Evening. I was unable to attend due to the earlier start time, but San Antonio wrestling fan JStead sent the following results:
Texas Wrestling Entertainment
3600 IH 35 North
May 27
Match #1 - Hector Navarro vs. Logan of Hallowmass (win-interference by Joseph)
Match # 2 - Cowboy James Claxton (win) vs. Brett Thunder
Match # 3 - Windwalker (win) vs. Big Dogg
Match # 4 - Main Event - Tag Title Match
Challengers Hallowmass - Logan & Joseph vs. Champions Hector Navarro & Skitzo
The next Splashtown Wet & Wild Show is June 10th, Sponsored by 99.5 KISS-FM. The following day, June 11th is TWE's big show "When Worlds Collide"
Bellaire Baptist Church Gym
116 Clovis
Ring of Honor
TICKETS $5 ADVANCE-available at the Texas Wrestling Academy
$8 at the door
RCW Show Results & Huge News
River City Wrestling held its second "Welcome To Our World Event" at the Arts of the Scholar Warrior Gym at 1126 Hildebrand Saturday night May 27th. Ring announcer Jeff Houston introduced Brandon Oliver who started the night off with perhaps the biggest news in local wrestling all year: RCW is returning to Television! RCW has been added to the UPN 2 schedule beginning Thursday night June 29th (Technically Friday morning at 12:30 am.) This is exciting news as UPN 2 is available from Austin to the Valley, making RCW available to an extremely large audience of South Texas Wrestling Fans. Congratulations Brandon, RCW and all the RCW family.
The actual show began as referee Alex Marrozos came out to the ring. The first match pitted Spector, who was greeted with a tremendous response once again, against the Hardbodies' Andrew Dalton, who received an entirely different response. The crowd was greatly into this match as Spector and Dalton exchanged the advantage before Dalton's partner J.T. LaMotta came to the ring and distracted the ref. During the distraction, Dalton landed a hard shot to Spector's groin allowing Dalton to steal the pin. After the match, Spector swore to extract his revenge sometime during the night.
Before the second match, Brandon Oliver announced the main event for the evening would be an 8-man tag team match featuring the IPS (International Power Station - Spiro, Fast Eddie, Chris Marval & Don Juan) and the team of Hotstuff Hernandez, Ikaika & the Nerdy Boys (Johnny Ender & Kris Kronie.) With this announcement, the entire IPS accompanied to the ring by their manager Commissioner Yebisu hobbled to the ring, clearly battered from the beating they took at the hands of the LAX at Tiffany Billiard 3 weeks ago. Spiro wore slings on both arms, Marval was on crutches and a catatonic Fast Eddie was in a wheel chair pushed by an equally bandaged Yebisu. The only non-injured member, Don Juan explained that the IPS would be unavailable for a match tonight, and thanked the crowd for paying $5 to come see them. Brandon Oliver ordered the IPS to either fight or be fired. This threat had a miraculous effect on the team, but even more miraculous was the response when Oliver revealed that the special referee for the match would be none other than... Brandon Oliver.
The second match of the night was another in a series of "Beautiful Challenges" from Mr. Beautiful himself, Rudy Russo. Russo challenged anyone in the back to come face him. The crowd and Russo were shocked when from out of the back came San Antonio Wrestling Legend Dusty Wolfe. Dusty, who recently returned home from a wrestling tour of Asia, forced Russo to raise his game to a new level in fighting the more experienced veteran. Russo used every trick he could muster, even smacking Wolfe with the mirror in an effort to gain the win, but Wolfe proved too much for him in the end. Following the match, Spiro came out and welcomed Dusty to RCW, commenting on how River City Wrestling was an equal opportunity employer, hiring wrestlers of all colors, races, shapes and sizes, and NOW, a "Senior Citizen." Let's just say Dusty's response to this greeting was not too subdued.
Match #3 featured the second member of the Hardbodies against the returning madman Wally Darkmon who won the crowd over with his exciting and athletic maneuvers and his unconventional behavior. When Darkmon scored his finisher, the crowd rose to their feet in cheers. After the match, Darkmon must have been distracted by the voices in his head, because he was unable to deter the attack by LaMotta's partner Andrew Dalton. As the The Hardbodies proceeded to beat down Darkmon, Joey Spector returned to make the save, setting up a tag match for later that evening.
Prior to the next match, The Honduran Hitman Hector Montoya came to the ring, setting up the match between his two former partners in the Natural Athletes. Recently crowned "Bling King" Quinten Allen dismissed Montoya rudely upon arrival to the ring. Allen's opponent, One Man Mike Dell, however accepted the greeting of Montoya cordially. The match itself was very even as both combatants seemed to know the other's moves, strengths and weaknesses. Eventually Dell built his advantage, setting up his finisher, but Allen avoided it, deflecting the tackle to referee Alex Marrozos. While Marrozos lay stunned in the ring, Hector Montoya sneaked in and hit a move on Dell, setting up a pin by Allen and revealing Montoya's true allegiances. This set up the match at Sunday's car show between Dell and Montoya which is scheduled to be a Lumberjack Strap match, with fans as lumberjacks.
Following the intermission, Aguila Negro came to the ring to discuss the injuries he received at the hands of Ikaika last show. Aguila Negro swore revenge was coming against the Smashing Machine as soon as the injuries healed. Also announced at this time was the winner of the first ever RCW Fan of the Month. Chosen from among the first four Fans of the Week was Andrew "Punk" who celebrated his win exuberantly in the ring with Brandon Oliver & Jeff Houston. Congratulations go out to Andrew and to all the RCW Fans of the Week.
The next match was the announced Tag Match between the Hardbodies and the newly formed team of Joey Spector & Wally Darkmon. The shadow alliance of Spector & Darkmon, despite having never tagged before, showed remarkable teamwork. Spector actually seemed to be able to communicate with the bizarre Darkmon. Unfortunately however, the Hardbodies were able to grab control of the match, and using double team tactics, keep Spector in the ring for a long period of the match. When Darkmon was finally able to get in the match, the fan favorites extracted a measure of revenge on the Hardbodies. In the end however, the underhanded tactics of Dalton & LaMotta paid off with the win.
The Main Event was now set. First to the ring was the team of the IPS, accompanied by Commissioner Yebisu. Then Special Referee Brandon Oliver. Next came the team of Tag Champions The Nerdy Boys (Johnny Ender & Kris Kronie,) the RCW Heavyweight Champion Hotstuff Hernandez and finally The Smashing Machine Ikaika. The match started with Hotstuff & Don Juan. All 8 men found themselves in the ring in turn as the fan favorites began to show their dominance. When the IPS was able to regroup, they were able to isolate Johnny Ender of the Nerdy Boys, heaping punishment upon the smallest of the men in the match until Chris Marval was able to pin and eliminate Ender. The next victim of the IPS was Ender's partner Kronie who also had to face countless double teams before being pinned and eliminated by Spiro. This made the match up 4 men to 2 in favor of the IPS, but when the 2 are Ikaika and Hotstuff it hardly seemed fair to the IPS. Ikaika came in and seemed destined to the same fate as the Nerdy Boys as all the members of the IPS took turns double and triple teaming the big Hawaiian. Finally Hotstuff was able to get into the match, clearing the ring quickly of the IPS. That left Hotstuff and Ikaika alone in the ring when the unimaginable occurred! Hotstuff Hernandez turned on his own partner, slamming him to the canvas. The IPS watched on in shock as Hernandez punished not only Ikaika but the returning Nerdy Boys. In the end, Hotstuff proclaimed that there is only room for one superstar in RCW and that he was that superstar. Hernandez then left carnage behind and headed to the lockerroom. At this point the IPS returned like a pack of hyenas, preying on the fallen Ikaika, Ender & Kronie, as well as referee Brandon Oliver. When they put Ikaika through a table they finally seemed satisfied with the damage they had inflicted. It was then that they turned their attention back to Brandon Oliver, demanded several matches be set up for the car show on Sunday. Don Juan demanded to face Ikaika in a Tables match. Spiro & Marval demanded a shot at the Tag Titles from the Nerdy Boys, and Fast Eddie demanded another shot at the Heavyweight Title held by Hernandez. Brandon Oliver, never backing down from providing the fans with the best matches possible agreed to these matches and Ikaika suggested they add some chairs to his table match. As the show closed, the crowd seemed in awe of the events that had just occurred. Many expressed their intention to make the show on Sunday to see what could possibly happen next.
River City Wrestling
Arts of the Scholar Warrior Gym
1126 Hildebrand
May 27
Match # 1 - Spector vs. Andrew Dalton w/ J.T. LaMotta (win)
Match # 2 - Beautiful Challenge
"Mr. Beautiful" Rudy Russo vs. Dusty Wolfe (win)
Match # 3 - J.T. LaMotta w/ Andrew Dalton vs. Wally Darkmon (win)
Match # 4 - "Bling King" Quinten Allen w/ Hector Montoya (win) vs. One Man Mike Dell
Match # 5 - Tag Match
The Hardbodies - Andrew Dalton & J.T. LaMotta (win) vs. Spector & Wally Darkmon
Match # 6 - Main Event - 8-man Elimination Tag Match
The International Power Station (IPS) - Spiro, Fast Eddie Vegas, Don Juan & Chris Marval vs. Ikaika, Hotstuff Hernandes & the Nerdy Boys - Johnny Ender & Kris Kronie (no decision)
Check out www.rivercitywrestling.net for more announcements concerning upcoming shows and the new TV program debuting on UPN 2 June 29
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