Upcoming Events
- Show Dates and Details are subject to change without notice. Always check with the promotion to confirm.
- ****************************************************
- Saturday April 30 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday May 7 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday May 13 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday May 27 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday May 28 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday June 4 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday June 10 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday June 24 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday June 25 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday July 2 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday July 8 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday July 22 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday July 30 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday August 6 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday August 12 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday August 26 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday August 27 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday September 3 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday September 9 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday September 23 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday September 24 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday October 1 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday October 14 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday October 28 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday October 29 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday November 5 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday November 11 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday November 19 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Friday November 25 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday December 3 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Friday December 9 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday December 10 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- ****************************************************
- Please send results from any San Antonio area wrestling shows to bayou_926@hotmail.com (include "Wrestling" in subject line)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
SCW in Devine Show Results
Devine Skylor's Skate Land
Saturday September 26, 2009
Match # 1 - Jason Dukes (win) vs. "Cowboy" James Claxton
Match # 2 - Jacob Kilgore with The Jakester vs. "Mr. Showtime" Scot Summers with John Saxon & the Irresistible Danielle (win)
Match # 3 - Triple Threat Match for SCW Open Division Title
Challengers Quinten Allen vs. Galan Ramirez vs. Champion "One Man" Mike Dell (win & retain title)
Match # 4 - The Jakester with Jacob Kilgore vs. John Saxon with The Irresistible Danielle & Scot Summers (win)
Match # 5 - Spiro (win) vs. Matt Bentley
Match # 6 - Main Event for SCW Heavyweight Title
Challenger Kid Camacho vs. Champion Rudy Boy Gonzalez (win & retain title)
Bonus Match - Six-Man Tag Match
Spiro, Jacob Kilgore & the Jakester (win) vs. Jason Dukes, Scot Summers & John Saxon with The Irresistible Danielle
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Changes to The San Antonio Independent Wrestling Scene
In January of 2006, The San Antonio Independent Wrestling Scene was born. Over the next 3 plus years, The Scene underwent many changes. One of the most significant changes occurred in February 2007 when the report drifted outside
To correct this, the options are to draw back to
One person cannot possibly hope to attend every show in an area covering such a large area, so I am soliciting reports from readers, fans, promoters and wrestlers attending these shows, I am in need of as much help and input as I can get in identifying promotions and shows.
Among the promotions I have identified are:
Reinagel Championship Wrestling (formerly River City Wrestling)
Pro Wrestling International Entertainment
TnT Championship Pro Wrestling
United Championship Wrestling
Mexican American Lucha Libre
Warriors 4 Christ Wrestling
Texas Wrestling Association (expected to restart in October)
Texas Wrestling Entertainment (no shows currently announced)
Southwest Championship Wrestling (no shows currently announced)
Ultimate Championship Wrestling
Anarchy Championship Wrestling
Total Championship Wrestling
International Pro Wrestling Alliance (no shows currently announced)
Miraculous Wrestling (expected to announce new shows soon)
(Surrounding Areas)
Southern Championship Wrestling
If I have left any qualifying promotion off this list, please send me a message immediately. Additionally, if anyone has information concerning the champions and upcoming shows of any of these promotions, please contact me.
With this expanded area of concern, another significant change must be made. For the last couple of years, I have named several awards for various categories and have conducted a reader vote for Wrestler of the Year. This year, winners of these awards will come from any of the eligible promotions. In December, I will be accepting nominations for several awards including:
Rookie of the Year
Lady Wrestler of the Year
Luchadore of the Year
Tag Team of the Year
Referee of the Year
Champion of the Year (a title-holder or tournament winner)
Breakout Star of the Year
Storyline of the Year
Match of the Year
Show of the Year
Promotion of the Year
I will still make the final decision in these categories based on the nominations and my own opinion, but I will be far more dependent upon reader input.
2 other categories will also be awarded.
Busiest Wrestler of the Year will be based on the number of shows reported in the results listed in The Scene. If a wrestler works a show, but I am unable to find the results, that show will not count toward the wrestler’s totals. This will either encourage individuals to send me results, or the award will be flawed and be discontinued in future years.
Wrestler of the Year will still be a reader vote; however readers will not be as limited in their votes. Any wrestler on the roster of any of the qualifying promotions can be eligible for the final vote; however I must be able to confirm that the wrestler actually worked in the area during the year. I won’t be printing a list of qualified wrestlers this year. The reader/voter will be on their own to come up with names on their own.
More details will be announced in December.
One thing won’t change. The page will remain the SA Indy Wrestling Scene. It would just cause too much trouble to change the name of the webpage.
I hope these changes will be greeted with enthusiasm as it opens thing up for more wrestlers, more shows and more promotions to receive recognition for their efforts to provide entertaining wrestling to the fans in this part of
Thank you
Monday, September 21, 2009
ACW "Evolution of the Revolution" Results
"Evolution of the Revolution"
Austin The Mohawk
Sunday September 20, 2009
Pre-Show Match # 1 - Tag Match
JW McCoy & Bubba Hatfield McCullough (win) vs. Danny Saint & Kris Wolfe
Pre-Show Match # 2 - Internet Exclusive
ACH (win) vs. JC Bravo with the Smurf Nation
Match # 1 - Joshi Tag Match
Jessica James & Super Electrodora (win) vs. Claudia Del Solis & Lillie Mae
Match # 2 - Tag Match
The Submission Squad: Evan Gelistico & Pierre Abernathy (win) vs. The Take-over: Robert Evans & Matthew Palmer
Match # 3 - #1 Contenders to Tag Title Match - Triple Threat Elimination
The Submission Squad: Gary Jay & "Spitfire" Davey Vega vs. The Smurf Nation: Berry Breeze & Chingo Smurf vs. The Rolling Stoned: Problems & Brent Masters (Simultaneous Pin - No Winners)
Match # 4 - Masada (win) vs. Spiro
Match # 5 - #1 Contender to Joshi Title Match
Sara Del Rey vs. Rachel Summerlyn (win)
Match # 6 - ACW Hardcore Title Match: Open Challenge
Champion "Lunar Eclipse" Junior Garza with Erin Star vs. Challenger Masada (win & new champion)
Match # 7 - Claudio Castagnoli vs. "Mr. Showtime" Scot Summers (win)
Match # 8 - Lady Poison (win) vs. Angel Blue with the Smurf Nation
Match # 9 - ACW Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger "Bio-Hazard" Jaykus Plisken vs. Champion "One Man" Mike Dell (win & retain title)
Sunday, September 20, 2009
STPW in Cotulla Results
Cotulla Archy's One Stop
Saturday September 19, 2009
Match # 1 - Alex Drazen vs. Virus (win)
Match # 2 - Cruiserweight Title Match
Challenger Joey Nitro vs. Champion Chad Williams (win & retain title)
Match # 3 - Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger Total PIMP vs. Champion Renegade (win & retain title)
Match # 4 - Main Event - Street Fight
Mr. Prestigious vs. Tommy Gunn (win)
TNT Show Results
Mi Mercado
Saturday September 19, 2009
Match # 1 - Vince Vile vs. Serge Anton (win)
Match # 2 - Tag Match
Tito Sanchez & El Latino (win) vs. Rudy Russo & Gabe the Babe with Katerina
Match # 3 - "Mad Dog" Ken Johnson (win by reverse decision) vs. "Bio-Hazard" Jaykus Plisken
Match # 4 - Resplendor vs. Mr. ATL (win by dq)
Match # 5 - Main Event TNT Title Match
Challenger Manu the Samoan vs. Champion Blue Angel (win & retain title)
Saturday, September 19, 2009
M.A.L.L. Lucha Show Results
Sociedad Cruz Blanca
Friday September 18, 2009
Match # 1 - La Migra vs. Manny Villalobos (win)
Match # 2 - Alex Drazen vs. "Mad Dog" Ken Johnson (win)
Match # 3 - Mask vs. Cruiserweight Title Match
Challenger Brindis del Aire with Porky USA (win 2 falls to 1 & new champion) vs. Champion Sirujano
Match # 4 - Trios Match
Henelo Thunder, Virus & Lemus II (win 2 falls to 1) vs. Jerry Garza, La Viagra & Bella Florindo
Match # 5 - Main Event Trios Match
Crazzy USA, Gato Diabolico & Monje Diabolico vs. Rey Lancer, Lobo & Nacho Libre (win 2 falls to 1)
Sunday, September 06, 2009
TWF in Cuero Show Results
Cuero VFW Post 3972
Saturday September 5, 2009
Match # 1 - "The Main Event" Les Mayne vs. Javi Hernandez (win by DQ)
Match # 2 - El Latino vs Nitro (No Contest due to outside interference)
Match # 3 - "The Blue Angel" Jesse Perez vs. Serg Anton (win)
Match # 4 - Semi Main Event TWF Title Match
Challenger Valik vs. Champion Tito Sanchez (win)
Match # 5 - Main Event TWF Tag Team Match
Champions Les Mayne & Tom Donovan vs. El Latino & Quinten Allen (win DQ no title change)
RCW "To Live and DIe in LAX"
"To Live and Die in LAX"
Church Triumphant
Saturday September 5, 2009
Match # 1 - Tag Match
Rudy Russo & Eric the Red (win) vs. Jojo Bravo & Eric the Snake with Paloma
Match # 2 - Jerome Daniels with Davi & Keith Lee (win) vs. Weazy Woo
Match # 3 - La Reina Pink & Joey Spector with Mr. Yebisu vs. Darci & Hernandez (win)
Match # 4 - Heavyweight Title Match
Champion Keith Lee with Jerome Daniels (win & retain title) vs. Challenger Ben Galvan with Rudy Russo
Match # 5 - Andy Dalton with Pink, Spector & Mr. Yebisu vs. Homicide (win)
Match # 6 - Tag Team Title Match
Challengers SKAM-13 & Ann Dromeda (win & new champions) vs. Champions The Texas Hitmen - Skitzo & Big Dogg
Friday, September 04, 2009
MALL Show Results
Sociedad Cruz Blanca
Friday September 4, 2009
Match # 1 - La Migra vs. "Cowboy" Bobby Garrett (double count-out)
Match # 2 - Alex Drazen (win by DQ) vs. Lemus II
Match # 3 - Angel Blue (win) vs. Erin Star
Match # 4 - Trios Match
Virus, Mata Suergas & el Lobo (win 2 falls to 1) vs. Gabe the Babe, La Viagra & Florindo Flores
Match # 5 - Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger King of Fire (win 2 falls to 1 and new champion) vs. Champion Porky USA
Match # 6 - Main Event Trios Match
Brindis del Aire, Temblor & Alamo Kid vs. Cirujano, Diabolito & Commandante Marcos (win 2 falls to 1)
Thursday, September 03, 2009
UCW (San Antonio) Results
La Rancherita Nite Club
Thursday September 3, 2009
Match # 1 - Black & White vs. Florindo Flores (win)
Match # 2 - Berry Breeze with JC Bravo & Chingo Smurf (win) vs. Gabe the Babe
Match # 3 - Smurf Nation: JC Bravo & Chingo Smurf with Berry Breeze vs. Monje Diabolico & Mr. Muerte (win)
Match # 4 - ACH vs. Chris Marval (win)
Match # 5 - Mike Mertz vs. "Mr. Showtime" Scot Summers (win)
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
W4CW Midwest News
Here is our results for this 3 day marathon this weekend in Topeka Kansas
Warriors 4 Christ Wrestling newest location
Warriors 4 Christ Midwest in Topeka Kansas
3 Events in 3 Days
Fri Night 8/28
Brian Jacobs vs Chance Prophet (w)
Wrath Vs Impressive Anthony Wayne (W)
Kid USA and the Patriot Vs Wrath and Brian Jacobs (W)
Blade vs. Kid Cassanova (w)
Bigg Dogg Vs Vash (w)
Jc Thunder and " the Irish Nightmare" Devan Scott vs Tommy Snow and WWE Rosey (No Contest)
"Showtime Shane Sanders and James Ewing Vs Oklahoma Outlaw Chuck Callaway and John Epperson (w)
20 man battle royale Chance Prophet (w)
Sat Night 8/29
Brian Jacobs and Wrath vs Chance Prophet and Impressive Anthony Wayne (w)
Kid USA Vs Patriot (w)
Four corners elimination match
Weezy Woo Vs Rocky Morroco (w)
Blade Vs Tommy Snow (w)
Bigg Dogg Vs Vash (w)
30 man Battle Royale – Debut appearance of San Antonio’s Ruckus & Wild Man Jack - Impressive Anthony Wayne (w)
Sun Night 8/30
Weezy Woo (w) Vs Rocky Morroco
Kid USA VS THE Patriot (w)
Chance Prophet (w) Vs Impressive Anthony Wayne for the Warriors 4 Christ Midwest Heavyweight Championship
Wrath Vs Iceman (w)
Bigg Dogg Vs Sportscaster Johnny Kane (w) and Devan Scott
Shane Sanders & James Ewing (w) Vs Chuck Calloway & John Epperson
Main Event Blade, Brian Jacobs, Vash, Kid USA VS Devan Scott, Tommy Snow JC thunder and WWE Rosey (w) in a 8 man elimination match.