Upcoming Events
- Show Dates and Details are subject to change without notice. Always check with the promotion to confirm.
- ****************************************************
- Saturday April 30 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday May 7 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday May 13 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday May 27 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday May 28 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday June 4 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday June 10 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday June 24 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday June 25 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday July 2 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday July 8 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday July 22 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday July 30 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday August 6 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday August 12 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday August 26 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday August 27 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday September 3 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday September 9 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday September 23 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday September 24 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday October 1 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday October 14 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday October 28 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday October 29 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday November 5 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday November 11 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday November 19 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Friday November 25 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday December 3 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Friday December 9 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday December 10 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- ****************************************************
- Please send results from any San Antonio area wrestling shows to bayou_926@hotmail.com (include "Wrestling" in subject line)
Sunday, April 27, 2008
SCW Show Results & Notes
Pearsall A&D Ballroom
Saturday April 26, 2008
(Results & Notes provided by SCW co-owner Don Holding. Thank you Haz)
Match # 1 - Joey the Cos with Kevin Douglas vs Dick Dallas (win)
with a submission from a full Nelson. After the match Joey the Cos blamed the loss on Kevin Douglas and and threw a cheap shot on Douglas and left the ring.
Match # 2 - Bull vs Doink the Clown (win)
The fans really enjoyed the show Doink put on and he was in top form, We do believe Mike Knoxville got the brunt of it all with several sneak attack Gooses.
Match # 3 - "Mad Dog" Ken Johnson(win) vs "Xtreme Bull Dawg" Rexx Reed
This was Rexx Reed's debut to SCW and was not very happy since he lost this match due to outside interference from Dick Dallas.
Match # 4 - Kevin Douglas vs Darin Childs (win)
Joey the Cos was able to land a cheap shot on Douglas while Mike Knoxville's back was turned and helping Childs to gain the victory.
Match # 5 -SCW Tag Team Championship Match
Challengers Big Dogg and "Cowboy" James Claxton vs. Champions Double Trouble - Tony Vega and Chris James (win and retain title)
Match # 6 - SCW Heavyweight and Open Division Championship Match
Challenger "Showtime" Scot Summers vs. Champion Spiro (No Contest)
This match started with a hand shake which had everyone to believe that this would be a clean match. That lasted for about 45 seconds then it was a brawl. Both men had pinfall opportunities but the match was ended when Darin Childs and Joey the Cos jumped Spiro. Showtime also joined the beat down on Spiro. Dusty Wolfe entered the ring and caught Childs with a big hook but then the attention of Showtime and Joey the Cos turned on Dusty. Ken Johnson and Kevin Douglas & Bull hit the ring and after a brief melee, Dusty, Ken, Kevin Douglas & Bull secured the ring as The ACW crew controlled the mic from the floor. The GM Dusty Wolfe, when it was all said and done, made it clear that no one was going to come into his house and try to run things so...
This set it up for Uvalde
Darin Childs vs. Dusty Wolfe. It appears battle lines are being drawn between ACW & SCW.
Also in a Tag Team Match, Super Star Dick Dallas and his new friend Max Muscles will take on Mad Dog Ken Johnson and the Xtreme Bull Dawg Rexx Reed.
Also on the card:
Bull vs. Joey the Cos
Kevin Douglas vs One Man Mike Dell
Rory Fox takes on Mike DiBiase
And in a SCW Tag Team Championship Match
Skitzo and Brett Thunder take on the Champions Double Trouble
The SCW Heavyweight Champion and SCW Open Division Spiro defends the Open Division Belt against the Barbarian.
It is a Double Shot Weekend, Saturday in Uvalde is a early bell time. The doors open at 3 and the bell rings at 5. Then it is on to Pleasanton for a Sunday afternoon show. Doors open at 2 and the bell rings at 3. On Sunday, just add Showtime Scot Summers to the mix and it will be a weekend for the ages .
CWF Show Results
Retama Park
Saturday April 26, 2008
Match # 1 - Introduction Match
ACH vs. Mr. Right (no contest - Sexy Fox-a-Dellics interfere)
Match # 2 - Tag Team Match
Sexy Fox-a-Dellics - Rory Fox & Mike Dell (win) vs. Joey Spector & Gabe the Babe
Match # 3 - W4CW Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger Joey Nitro vs. Champion Rocky Morocco (win & retain title)
Match # 4 - CWF Championship Tournament First Round Match
Don Juan vs. Homicide (win & advance)
Match # 5 - CWF Championship Tournament First Round Match
Rudy Russo vs. Tito Sanchez (win & advance)
Match # 6 - CWF Championship Tournament First Round Match
Cobra vs. Quinten Allen (win & advance)
Match # 7 - CWF Championship Tournament First Round Match
Cassidy Riley vs. Michael Shane (win & advance)
Match # 8 - CWF Championship Tournament First Round Match
Andy Dalton with Joey Spector & Gabe the Babe vs. Hernandez (win & advance)
Match # 9 - Main Event - Tag Team Match
The Big Time Playaz - Scott McKenzie & Danny Matthews (win) vs. Chris Marval & Sicodelico Jr.
Notes: CWF introduced new commissioner T-Bone who brought the new Championship Belt to the ring announcing the opening round of a tournament to name the first CWF Champion. CWF will return to their new home, Retama Park, in two weeks on Saturday May 10.
Friday, April 25, 2008
MAW Show Results
Sociedad Cruz Blanca
Friday April 25, 2008
Match # 1 - el Diablo vs. el Vikingo (no decision- double count out)
Match # 2 - American Eagle vs. Dragon X (win 2 falls to 1)
Match # 3 - Lone Star vs. Mr. Muerte (win 2 falls to 1)
Match # 4 - Main Event - Tag Team Match
Bello Florindo & Karla Maria vs. Universitario & Dragon X (win 2 falls to 1)
CWF SHow Venue Change - Tomorrow!
1 Retam
Bell Time 7PM
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
CWF show this weekend
If you could please release that CWF is having a show this weekend, and it will be at the Hamilton Rec Center, which is inside of Lady Bird Johnson Park (NE Side of SA), I will do a press release tomorrow about things that happened at the building and the exact address for this show, also this will start our Tournament for the Championship, and LAX returns to CWF. Cassidy Riley and Michael Shane will be back...
All fans will receive a free Hot Dog and Chips with the purchase of a ticket....
Thanks to our fans for the support and following us.....
Monday, April 21, 2008
Bret Thunder to compete in NJ Tourny
For release week of April 21
Questions contact Joe Panzarino (732) 888-1704
Pro Wrestling Benefit This Sat. In Manville
As everybody in central Jersey knows when pro wrestling is on their minds, the VFW Hall in Manville, NJ (600 Washington Avenue, just off Main Street & minutes from I-287) is the place to be this Saturday night April 26th, as the nation's premiere pro wrestling promotion, National Wrestling Superstars, returns to its perennial area home base for it's biggest night of the year, in a benefit for Boy & Cub Scout Troope #193, with a 7:35pm bell time.
It will be one of the more exciting occasions indeed as two former WWE superstars are scheduled to appear, the master of "The Worm" Scotty Too Hotty, and Heartthrobs tag-team member "Romeo" Roselli, who will still be making an appearance depite being injured. Roselli, who was scheduled to face Scotty one-on-one in Manville, says he is bringing a surprise for Scotty, but like the classic magician will keep the rabbit in his hat until the show.
Also on tap will be local mat standout Nate Mustang, who has the chance of lifetime this Saturday when he battles NWS Cruiserweight Champion, the "Delaware Loudmouth" J.D. Smoothie, in a return grudge match with the title on the line.
But the big talk among the wrestling industry and fans alike is the annual Chris Candido Memorial Jersey J-Cup Tournament. A tri-state area wrestling tradition that has been going on for over a dozen years, this tournament brings together a select group of the nation's best cruiserweight and middleweight wrestlers for a one-night elimination tournament to crown the best of the best. Three years ago, NWS renamed the tournament in memory of their friend Chris Candido, a Jersey native who thrilled audiences in the ring for years all around the world.
The opening round will consist of four triple-threat matches:
· Devon Moore versus Mighty Mikey Pacifica versus Minyon
· Nicky Oceans versus Sabotage versus Fantastic Maxx
· Rhett Titus versus Unbreakable Andy versus Drew Blood
· "Firebird" Jorge Santi versus Golden Lynx versus Brett Thunder
The four winners will go on to the Semifinals, and then the Final Match, to earn the coveted trophy.
This event will definitely be ranked up there with all the top wrestling spectaculars of 2008, whether on pay-per-view or otherwise, so don't miss out! Tickets are still available, at only $18 for adults and $16 for kids and seniors, and can be purchased at:
Manville: Midtown Deli, 111 South Main Street
Krauszer's, South Main Street & Route 623
Best Little Market In Town, 705 West Champlain Road
Hillsboro: Body Shop Total Fitness, 290 Route 206 South
South Bound Brook: Royal Mini Mart, 66 Main Street
You can also order tickets by calling NWS at (732) 888-1704. All major credit cards are accepted, and group rates are available for groups of ten or more. Remaining seats, if any, will go on sale at the door one hour before bell time.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
W4CW Show Results
Gathering of His Grace Church
Saturday April 19, 2008
Match # 1 - Venom of Death with Stone Pimp vs. Sean McBain (win)
Match # 2 - Tag Team Championship Match
Challengers Irish Red & Big John Murdoch vs. Champions The Cobra Kings - Chino Reyes & Cobra (win & retain title)
Match # 3 - Bruno Richie with Stone Pimp (win) vs. Joey Nitro
Match # 4 - Intercontinental Championship Match
Champion Filthy Rich (win & retain title) vs. Challenger Lionheart
Match # 5 - Street Fight
Gabe the Babe vs. Berry Breeze (win)
Match # 6 - "Wild Card" Ricky Vargas vs. ACH (win)
Match # 7 - Lady Disciple with Disciple vs. Foxy Roxy (win)
Match # 8 - Cruiserweight Title Match
Champion The Sergeant (win & retain title) vs. Challenger "JJ" Jimmy Jenkins
Match # 9 - Dark Patriot with Stone Pimp vs. American Patriot (win)
Match # 10 - Main Event - W4CW Heavyweight Title
Champion Rocky Morocco (win & retain title) vs. Challenger "JJ" Jimmy Jenkins
Note: W4CW announced an upcoming "Support Our Troops" fundraiser event for June 21st. Scheduled to appear is Cassidy Riley and Les Thatcher.
TWA Show Results
Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym
Friday April 18, 2008
Match # 1 - Dragon X (win 2 falls to 1) vs. Angel de la Fae
Match # 2 - Piloto Suicida vs. Rolampago Leon (win)
Match # 3 - Tag Match
C.J. Xavier & Lemus II vs. "Mad Dog" Ken Johnson & Dick Dallas (no decision - double dq)
Match # 4 - Tag Match
ACH & Lunar Eclipse (win) vs. Vince Vile & Hugo Strongmen
Match # 5 - Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger Mr. Right with Sin-Sational Sal (win & new champion) vs. Champion Cobra
Monday, April 14, 2008
SCW Carrizo Springs Show Results
Carrizo Springs Royal Palace Ballroom
Sunday April 13, 2008
Match # 1 - "One Man" Mike Dell vs. Kevin Douglas (win)
Match # 2 - "Super Star" Dick Dallas (win) vs. Joey the Cos
Match # 3 - Bull vs. "Mad Dog" Ken Johnson (win)
Match # 4 - Rory Fox vs. Honky Tonk Man (win)
Match # 5 - SCW Tag Team Title Match
Challengers Brett Thunder & Skitzo vs. Champions Double Trouble - Tony Vega & Chris James (win and retain title)
Match # 6 - "Winner Take All" Match for vacant SCW Heavyweight Title & SCW Open Division Title
Challenger John Saxon vs Spiro (win & new SCW Heavyweight Champion)
(Results and the following notes courtesy of SCW Co-Owner Haz - Thanks Don & Sandy)
Notes from the Double Shot Weekend: We would like the thank the Honky Tonk Man for coming in and spending the weekend with SCW. To see fans stand up and and get loud, I mean frenzy loud when he makes his entrance, And then to hear all of them both young and old singing that famous song of his with him was something I will never forget. We will be announcing his return in the next couple of months and I promise you, it is something you do not want to miss.
We would also like to thank and welcome John Saxon into SCW. On Saturday night in Castroville he and Showtime Summers had what was described as a war and then Sunday the battle continued on with Spiro. The Spiro/Saxon match was a classic. So many fans after the show came up to me and said they have never seen a better match anywhere than what they witnessed between these two guys and I just might have to agree. It seems like we just might have a rematch between these two on May 24th back in Carrizo Springs. If you have a chance to see John Saxon anywhere, you need to see this man work. We would like to congratulate Spiro on becoming our 3rd ever Heavy Weight Champion. When Spiro won the match, the 250 plus surrounded the ring and was just pounded it cheering. I mean frenzy loud. Spiro showed why he is the International Superstar.
With their successful matches this weekend, look for Kevin Douglas and Superstar Dick Dallas to move up in the SCW rankings. They could be making the cases to have their shot at SCW hardware soon.
Double Trouble continued to find a way to keep their Tag Team Belts against Brett Thunder and Skitzo. This has been a great series between these two teams. There will be more.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
ACW "Dismember The Alamo" Results
"Dismember The Alamo"
Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym
Sunday April 13, 2008
Match # 1 - ACW Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger Andy Dalton vs. Champion "Showtime" Scot Summers (win & retain title)
Match # 2 - Tag Team Match
"Heatseeker" Tony Morales & "High Profile" Preston James vs Rachel Summerlyn & Miss Dis_Lexia (win)
Match # 3 - Lethal Lottery Tag Match
Chad Thomas & Julio Garza vs. Black Rocker & Berry Breeze (win & advance to finals)
Match # 4 - Lethal Lottery Tag Match
Skylar Skelly & Jimmy Jacobs (win & advance to finals) vs. "One Man" Mike Dell & Jack-O-Lantern
Match # 5 - Lethal Lottery Tag Match
Problems & JT LaMotta (win & advance to finals) vs. "Lunar Eclipse" Junior Garza & Shawn Vexx
Match # 6 - Fan Lumberjack with Stapleguns match for ACW Hardcore Title
Challenger Rexx Reed vs. Champion Steve Amos (win & retain title)
Match # 7 - Lethal Lottery Finals Match - 6 man elimination scramble
(order eliminated) Jimmy Jacobs vs. JT LaMotta vs. Berry Breeze vs. Problems vs. Black Rocker vs. Skylar Skelly (win)
Match # 8 - Main Event - "House of Horrors" Deathmatch for ACW Heavyweight Title
Challenger Masada vs. Champion "Showtime" Scot Summers (win & retain title)
SCW in Castroville Show Results
Devine Garage Sports Bar
Saturday April 12, 2008
The show started by GM Dusty Wolfe announcing that SCW Heavy Weight Champ Solid Gold Greg Symonds had successful Shoulder surgery but will be out for 1 year, The SCW Title is now Vacant.
Match # 1 - "Cowboy" James Claxton vs. "Mad Dog" Ken Johnson (win due to outside interference from Dick Dallas)
Match # 2 - "Super Star" Dick Dallas (win) vs. Joey the Cos
Match # 3 - SCW Open Division Title Match
Challenger Kevin Douglas vs. Spiro (win and retain title)
Match # 4 - Bull vs. Honky Tonk Man (win)
Match # 5 - SCW Tag Team Title Match
Challengers Skitzo &Thunder vs. Champions Double Trouble - Tony Vega & Chris James (win and retain title)
Match # 6 - Main Event - To fill vacant SCW Heavyweight Title
ACW Heavyweight Champ "Showtime" Scot Summers vs. John Saxon (no decision - double count out - title remains vacant)
(Results courtesy of SCW Co-Owner Haz - Thanks Don & Sandy)
CWF Show Results
Coalition Coliseum
Saturday April 12, 2008
Match # 1 - W4CW Match
Bruno Richie vs. The Sergeant (win)
Match # 2 - Tag Match
Gabe The Babe & Joey Spector (win) vs. Andy Dalton & Marty Cone
Match # 3 - PWI Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger Blue Angel vs. Champion Mojo (win & retain title)
Match # 4 - El Latino vs. Rudy Russo (no decision - Tito Sanchez interferes)
Match # 5 - Tag Team Match
Quinten Allen & Sicodelico Jr. (win) vs. The Big Time Playaz - Scott McKenzie & Danny Matthews
Match # 6 - Tag Team Match
Rory Fox & Mike Dell (win) vs. Michael Shane & Cassidy Riley
Match # 7 - Vordell Walker (win) vs. Masada
Match # 8 - Main Event - Tag Team Match (non-title)
The Naturals - Andy Douglas & Chase Stevens vs. The Texas Treats - Don Juan & Chris Marval (win)
Saturday, April 12, 2008
TWA Lucha Libre Show Results
Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym
Friday April 11, 2008
Match # 1 - Lunar Eclipse (win) vs. Angel de la Fae
Match # 2 - CJ Xavier (win) vs. Cyber Man
Match # 3 - Deborador (win) vs. Resusitado
Match # 4 - ACW Preview Match - Hardcore Tag Team Match
Darin Childs & Laz (win) vs. Steve Amos & Black Rocker
Match # 5 - Main Event - Trios Match
Crazzy XL, Danger Man & El Ilegal (win) vs. Piloto Suicida, Angel de la Fae & Brindis del Aire
(Thanks to the 5150 Mafia for the results from this show)
Sunday, April 06, 2008
PWI Entertainment Show Results
S.P.L.A.C.H. Sports Bar
Saturday April 5, 2008
Match # 1 - Jerry Garza vs. Chico de Barrio (win)
Match # 2 - Manny Villalobos & Manny Villalobos Jr. vs. Scott "Bulldog" Blackheart & Bobby Garrett (win)
Match # 3 - Lemus II (win) vs. Mr. Right with Sin-Sational Sal
Match # 4 - Dragon X vs. Vince Vile (win)
Match # 5 - US Title Match
Challenger Ace Cage (win & new champion) vs. Champion The Great Ryu
Match # 6 - PWI Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger Blue Angel vs. Champion Mojo (no decision - double count out)
TWA Lucha Libre Mexicana Results
Lucha Libre Mexicana
Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym
Saturday April 5, 2008
Match # 1 - Tag Match
Chackal & Deborador vs. Muneco Nexxus & Gemelo Thunder (win 2 falls to 1)
Match # 2 - 4 man elimination match
(order eliminated) Galen Ramirez vs. Orgasmatron vs. Ice Man vs. Piloto Suicida (win)
Match # 3 -Tag Match
CJ Xavier & Danger Man (win 2 falls to 0) vs. Thunder King & Atrevido
Match # 4 - Mixed Tag Match
Maniaco & Claudia del Solis vs. Sicodelico Jr. & Princessa Azteca (win 2 falls to 1)
Match # 5 - Main Event Tag Match
La Parquita & Mascarita Sagrada (win 2 falls to 1) vs. Brasito de Plata & Pentagoncita
Saturday, April 05, 2008
TWA Show Results
Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym
Friday April 4, 2008
Match # 1 - Demonio Blanco (win 2 falls to 1) vs. Angel de la Fae
Match # 2 - Tag Team Match
"Mad Dog" Ken Johnson & Vince Vile vs. ACH & Lunar Eclipse (win)
Match # 3 - #1 Contenders Match
Mr. Right with Sin-Sational Sal (win) vs. CJ Xavier
Match # 4 - Main Event - Tag Team Match
Lemus II & El Ilegal vs. Piloto Suicida & Brindis del Aire (win 2 falls to 1)