Upcoming Events
- Show Dates and Details are subject to change without notice. Always check with the promotion to confirm.
- ****************************************************
- Saturday April 30 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday May 7 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday May 13 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday May 27 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday May 28 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday June 4 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday June 10 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday June 24 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday June 25 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday July 2 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday July 8 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday July 22 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday July 30 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday August 6 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday August 12 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday August 26 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday August 27 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday September 3 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday September 9 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday September 23 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday September 24 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday October 1 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday October 14 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday October 28 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday October 29 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday November 5 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday November 11 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday November 19 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Friday November 25 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday December 3 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Friday December 9 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday December 10 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- ****************************************************
- Please send results from any San Antonio area wrestling shows to bayou_926@hotmail.com (include "Wrestling" in subject line)
Sunday, December 30, 2007
TWE in Pleasanton Results
Honey's Family Pool Hall
Saturday December 29, 2007
Match # 1 - Draven vs. Ronnie the Red (win)
Match # 2 - C.J. Xavier (win) vs. Skitzo
Match # 3 - Rudy Boy Gonzalez vs. Dynamite Danny Gee (win)
Match # 4 - TV Title Match
Challenger Windwalker vs. Champion Brett Thunder (win & retain title)
Match # 5 - Main Event
Big Dogg vs. Heidenreich (win)
Saturday, December 29, 2007
TWA Lucha Libre Results
Lucha Libre
Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym
Friday December 28, 2007
Match # 1 - Fire Bird (win) vs. Matador
Match # 2 - Bandito de Texas (win) vs. Aguaman
Match # 3 - TWA Lucha Libre Title Match
Lemus II vs Black & White (win & retain title)
Match # 4 - Nacho Libre vs. Muneco Nexxus (win)
Match # 5 - Tag Team Match
Cobra & Virus (win) vs. Ice Man & Dragon X
Match # 6 - Semi-Final
Piloto Suicida (win) vs. Demonio Blanco
Match # 7 - Main Event - 6-Man Tag
Brindis del Aire, Mini Diablo & Aerostar (win) vs. El Ilegal, Santana Express & Jerry Garza
Notes: (These results and notes were sent to the Scene by Lucha Libre Fans Raul & David. Thanks Guys!) This was the final show of the year for the TWA promotion, both American and Lucha. All the wrestlers, as they finished their matches were given trophies in appreciation of their work.
Some wrestlers that did not wrestle tonight also received trophies of appreciation for their work this year. these wrestlers include: Gato Diabolico, El Diablo, Mr. Right, Gabe "The Babe", "Sinsational" Sal, CJ Xavier and Lunar Eclipse.
Virus announced he was going to take a leave of absence from wrestling due to personal reasons. he announced that he wanted his last match to be against Dragon X. the challenge was accepted, and the match is scheduled for January 18.
Illegal also announced that he will retire at the end of 2008.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
TWE "Heroes" Show Results
TWE Main Event Center
Wednesday December 26, 2007
Match # 1 - #1 Contendership for TV Title
Ronnie The Red vs. Draven (win)
Match # 2 - Skitzo vs. Windwalker (win)
Match # 3 - "Mr. Beautiful" Rudy Russo vs. "Dynamite" Danny Gee (win)
Match # 4 - #1 Contendership for Texas Title
Gregory Symonds (win) vs. Windwalker
Match # 5 - Main Event - TV Title Match
Challenger Draven vs. Champion Brett Thunder (win)
TWE Announcements: Texas Wrestling Entertainment presents "Heroes" every Wednesday Night at the TWE Main Event Center. Doors open at 6:45 PM and Bell Time is 7:30 PM. Tonight, it was announced that on January 30th, TWE welcomes the return of TWE Texas Champion American Dragon Bryan Danielson who will defend against Solid Gold Gregory Symonds. Also on that card will be indy star Sara Del Ray. Also announced, on March 1st, Texas Wrestling Entertainment will travel to Robstown. On that card, TNA's LAX Hernandez and Homicide will make an appearance.
T.N.T. Championship Pro Wrestling
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Vote For San Antonio's Top Wrestler
Vote for
For the next two weeks The San Antonio Independent Wrestling Scene is holding a fan vote to name the Top Wrestler in
The Voting period will run from now until Sunday January 6th. The results will be announced shortly after that.
Alphabetical List of San Antonio Wrestlers (10 or more shows confirmed)
Quinten Allen
Chief Battu
Bigg Dogg
Blue Angel
Darin Childs
"Cowboy" James Claxton
Marty Cone
Crazy Jimmy
Andrew Dalton
"One Man" Mike Dell
Miss Diss_Lexia
Dragon X
Rory Fox
Gabe "The Babe"
Julio Garza
Jerry Garza
Dynamite Danny Gee
Bull Harley
Chris James
"Mad Dog" Ken Johnson
Jacob Ladder -
J.T. LaMotta
Lemus II
Jerry Lynn
Ozzy Manson
Chuey Martinez
Chris Marval
Scott McKenzie
Mini Diablo
Tony Morales
Mr. Muerte
Jaykus Plisken
Rexx Reed
Ricky Rhodes
"Hotsauce" Marco Riviera
Ronnie The Red
Rudy Russo
The Great Ryu
Sicodelico Jr.
Skylar Skelly
Joey Spector
Rachel Summerlyn
"Showtime" Scot Summers
Gregory Symonds
Brett Thunder
Don Juan Valenz
Tony Vega
Shawn Vexx
Shance Williams
Dusty Wolfe
C.J. Xavier
Saturday, December 22, 2007
ACW "Holiday Music Havoc" Results
"Holiday Music Havoc"
Bonds 007 Rock Club
Saturday December 22, 2007
Match # 1 - Tag Team Title Match
Challengers The Old School Children of Pain - Darin Childs & Skylar Skelly vs. Champions The Halloween Crew - Jack-O-Lantern & Black Rocker with Steve Amos (win & retain titles)
Match # 2 - Hardcore Title Match
Challenger Problems vs. Champion Steve Amos (win & retain title)
Match # 3 - Rachel Summerlyn (win) vs. Julio Garza
Match # 4 - Young Guns Title Match
Challenger Miss Diss_Lexia vs. Champion Shawn Vexx (win & retain title)
Match # 5 -Julio Garza vs. Jack-O-Lantern with Black Rocker (win)
Match # 6 - Young Guns Title Match
Challenger Berry Breeze vs. Champion Shawn Vexx (win & retain title)
Match # 7 - Skylar Skelly vs. Spiro (win)
Match # 8 - Rachel Summerlyn (win) vs. Miss Diss_Lexia
Match # 9 - Main Event - "An ACW Family Bloodbath" Gauntlet
(1st step) Darin Childs (win) vs. Jack-O-Lantern
(2nd step) Darin Childs (win) vs. Black Rocker
(3rd step for ACW Hardcore Championship) Challenger Darin Childs vs. Champion Steve Amos (win & retain title)
Announcements: At the music festival, it was announced the Anarchy Championship Wrestling would be involved in two additional upcoming rock shows. On February 9th, ACW will open for WASP. The location and bell time have not been announced. On February February 22, ACW will open for L.A. Guns at Bonds 007 Club.
ACW will celebrate its first anniversary with the "Guilty By Association 2" Show at the venue 800 Lexington on January 20th. Check out www.anarchychampionshipwrestling.com for details.
TWA Show Results
Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym
Friday December 21, 2007
Match # 1 - Piloto Suicida vs. Nacho Libre (win)
Match # 2 - Tag Team Match
The Houligans - Bull Harley & Crazy Jimmy (win) vs. Lunar Eclipse & Dragon X
Match # 3 - Triple Threat Match - TWA Championship
Champion Cobra (win & retain title) vs. Maddog Ken Johnson vs. Lemus II
Match # 4 - Tag Team Match
Hector Montoya & SX3 (win) vs. Virus & Demonio Blanca with Dragon X
Match # 5 - Main Event - Handicap Match
Hugo Strongman vs. Mr. Right & Gabe the Babe with Sin-Sational Sal (win)
Friday, December 21, 2007
San Antonio Independent Wrestling Scene - 2007 End of Year Awards!
Rookie of the Year: 2006 – No Award (I honestly don’t know who would have been a rookie in 2006) 2007 – Draven. It should be no surprise that the winner of this award is affiliated with the Texas Wrestling Academy. After changing his trainer, Draven showed incredible improvement in every aspect of his game. Keep an eye on this young man. Others deserving mention: Dynamite Danny Gee and Ronnie the Red.
Busiest Wrestler of the Year: 2006 – “One Man” Mike Dell 2007 – Gabe “the Babe.” No one worked more shows in San Antonio this year than Gabe. In addition to the local shows, Gabe worked shows throughout South Texas as well appearing in Nueva Laredo. Last year’s winner Dell might well have repeated had he not missed several shows following his head injury.
Lady Wrestler of the Year: 2006 – Simply Luscious 2007 – Rachel Summerlyn. Women wrestlers rarely get the attention they deserve in San Antonio, but Rachel seems determined change that, facing any challenger, male or female put in the ring with her, even holding the ACW Tag Team Championship for several months in 2007.
Luchador of the Year: 2006 – Mr. Muerte 2007 – Mini Diablo. Despite losing his match late in the year, this mini had an outstanding year, facing luchadors of all sizes and more often than not, being the most exciting element in all the matches in which he appeared.
Tag Team of the Year: 2006 – The Texas Treats (Don Juan & Chris Marval) 2007 – No Award. Despite a large number of great teams competing in 2007, virtually all the top candidates for this award broke up during the year. Had they stuck together, The Children of Pain (Darin Childs & Jacob Ladder) would probably have won, but it just seems wrong to name a winner in this category after Steve Amos (Jacob Ladder) dissolved this team last month.
Referee of the Year: 2006 – Alex Marrozos 2007 – Rick Porter. Truth be told, San Antonio is fortunate to have two of the best refs in the business. A great ref won’t make a bad match great, but a poor ref can ruin an otherwise great match.
Champion of the Year: 2006 – Hotstuff Hernandez 2007 – “Showtime” Scot Summers. While there were several Champions holding important titles such as Masada and Jerry Lynn, it was Summer’s impressive run in ACW at the beginning of the year that was most impressive, successfully defending against top talent from around the world while helping to define the upstart promotion.
Breakout Wrestler of the Year: 2006 – “One Man” Mike Dell 2007: JT LaMotta. If this was an award for accomplishments throughout the entire state of Texas, Gregory Symonds would probably have won, but in San Antonio, no one came farther in improving their performance and being recognized as one of the very best. LaMotta went from a position of frustration to the pinnacle of San Antonio wrestling in less than a year and now fans, promoters and his fellow wrestlers recognize how good he truly is.
Storyline of the Year: 2006 – TWE invades American Championship Wrestling 2007: The Texas Treats Break-Up. With a story that started in RCW and was touched upon in promotions all over the state and continues into Southern Championship Wrestling, the relationship between Chris Marval and Don Juan Valenz, along with Joey Spector has all the elements of a great wrestling story.
Match of the Year: 2006 – Children of Pain vs. Skitzo & Hector Navarro (Tables Match at When Worlds Collide) 2007 – Jerry Lynn vs. Showtime Summers (Lynn wins the IWA-Texas Title in 29:58.) In a year with so many great matches (including my personal favorite of LaMotta vs. Sydal) any one of a number of matches could be called the best, but the importance of this match, with Jerry Lynn establishing himself as part of the San Antonio wrestling landscape combined with the announcement of the recognition of IWA-Texas makes this match the choice for match of the year.
Show of the Year: 2006 – TWE’s When Worlds Collide 2007 – ACW’s Lone Star Classic ’07. From the first match to the main event, this star-studded show delivered top notch entertainment. In a year filled with great shows, this one stands over the others.
Promotion of the Year: 2006 – River City Wrestling 2007 – Anarchy Championship Wrestling. Although it may upset some people to admit it, it would be hard to dispute the fact that ACW changed the face of wrestling in San Antonio over the course of the year. ACW is clearly the most dynamic promotion in the city and have established themselves as more than just “That Hardcore Match Promotion.”
And Finally,
The Wrestler of the Year…
will be voted on by the readers of The San Antonio Independent Wrestling Scene. Details will be announced Sunday December 23.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
TWE "Heroes" Show Results
TWE Main Event Center
Wednesday December 19, 2007
Match # 1 - Triple Threat Match
Ronnie the Red vs. Windwalker vs. Draven (win)
Match # 2 - Danny Matthews vs. Skitzo (win)
Match # 3 - Dynamite Danny Gee (win) vs. Rudy Russo
Match # 4 - TWE TV Title Match
Challenger Black Katana vs. Champion Brett Thunder (win & retain title)
Match # 5 - TWE Texas Title Match (Title Vacant)
"Solid Gold" Greg Symonds vs. "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson (win & new champion)
Brief Notes: In the main event, Symonds & Danielson battled to fill the vacant TWE Texas Championship last held by Mike Foxx. Even though Danielson trained in San Antonio, he had never held a singles title in Texas prior to winning this match.
During the show, RBG announced that coming in January, Women's Wrestling Star Sara Del Ray would make her TWE debut. Also announced was the return of "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson.
TWE "Heroes" returns next Wednesday with a special show only $3 admission at the door.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
TWE Presents Symonds vs. Danielson
Dragon has spent the last week training at the Texas Wrestling Academy, and has ventured out to a couple of promotions including XCW where he faced Kevin Douglas, and ACW where he was involved in a 4 way match, and then in TWE he faced Bret Thunder.
Dragon has never held a singles title while he was doing his time in Shawn Michaels' Texas Wrestling Alliance, facing fellow SMWA alumn Spanky (Brian Kendrick) and Lance Cade, as well as TWE promoter Rudy Boy Gonzalez. but he has achieved a reputation as being one of the best of the best in the world since those days, including reigning as Ring of Honor World Champion.
Greg Symonds is currently the XCW Champion, and has been on a string of hard battles including a brutal match vs SCW Champion Ikaika, yet another SMWA grad. For Greg Symonds to truly be considered one the elite in the long list of Texas Wrestling names, McDaniels, Blanchard, Von Erich, Funks, Austin, Michaels, Guerreros, and Hernandez, Symonds has to step up, and meet the challenge.
Only to add more significance to this match up, this match is being labeled as a Texas Title match. Mike Foxx vacated the title in mid '07, and TWE is looking for a new Champion.
This should be a great match.
Also, TV Champion Brett Thunder defends his title, Dynamite Danny D is truing to extend his winning streak, Draven, Ronnie the Red, Windwalker, plus many more.
Main Event Center
9107 Marbach Rd
San Antonio, Texas 78245
All Ages Gen Admission only $5
Doors open at 6:45
Bell Time is 7:30
ACW on the River December 22nd
Anarchy Championship Wrestling will be a part of the 2nd Annual Holiday Music Havoc rock show at Bond's 007 Rock Club 450 Soledad on Saturday December 22nd. 45 bands will perform on 3 stages as the wrestlers of ACW do what they do best. The music will begin at 2 PM and run until 2 AM. The Wrestling Bell-time will be about 3-3:30 with the main event around 9:00 PM.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Texas Wrestling Entertainment -Texas Wrestling Academy News
American Dragon Bryan Danielson is scheduled to appear at the TWE Main Event Center 'Heroes' event on Wednesday December 19th.
Bryan Danielson is one of the most talked about Independent talents in the world today. Former Ring of Honor Champion, Dragon has had several classic encounters vs some of the top names in today's wrestling. TNA's Samoa Joe, Homicide, AJ Styles, Low-Ki, WWE's Brian Kendrick, and Paul London, Jamie Noble, and even WWE Champion John Cena.
Danielson is on a 1 week Texas swing where he has already met some of the upper tier talent the state has to offer, Brett Thunder, a Texas Wrestling Academy standout in San Antonio, and Dentons XCW's Kevin Douglas. Danielson is slated to appear at the Lone Star Classic in San Antonio on 12/16. He has one date scheduled, and that is with TWE's weekly Wednesday night Heroes show where he is scheduled to meet unnamed opponent for the Texas title.
Doors open at 6:45.
Bell Time is 7:30.
Tickets for this big event are
Gen Admission $7
RBG Training Seminars
TWA Head Trainer Rudy Boy Gonzalez is now taking and conducting seminar dates. If you are interested in having one of the top pro wrestling trainers in the business, come to your wrestling school to help teach your students the 'in and outs' of what it takes to be successful in the business, this is the person to do it.
Rudy Boy Gonzalez was the head trainer of the Shawn Michaels Wrestling Academy, and was directly responsible to the training and development, as well as building the foundation of Lance Cade, Brian Kendrick, Michael Shane, Simply Luscious, and Bryan Danielson. Gonzalez was also instrumental in the careers of Paul London, and LAX's Shawn Hernandez as well as others.
Shawn Michaels has been quoted as saying 'Rudy is one of the most technically sound individuals I know'. That says a lot considering some of the people Michaels has been around. For more quotes of other pro wrestling insiders, go to http://www.texaswrestlingacademy.com/ and go to the 'What They Are Saying' page, and read their comments.
If your interested in bringing in Rudy Boy Gonzalez to your training session for one of the most indepth seminars out there, contact him directly at 210.394.5968. Or email him at texaswrestlingacademy_sa@yahoo.com. Dates are limited.
Texas Wrestling Academy
ACW "Lone Star Classic '07" Results
"Lone Star Classic '07"
The Venue
Sunday December 16, 2007
Match # 1 - Lone Star Classic First Round Match - 3-Way Elimination
Awesome Andy vs. Human Tornado (win & advance) vs. "Heatseeker" Tony Morales
Match # 2 - Lone Star Classic First Round Match - 3-Way Elimination
Joey "Magnum" Ryan (win & advance) vs. "Solid Gold" Gregory Symonds vs. "One Man" Mike Dell
Match # 3 - Lone Star Classic First Round Match - 3-Way Elimination
Steve Amos vs. Massive vs. "The Mind of Wrestling" JT LaMotta (win & advance)
Match # 4 - Lone Star Classic First Round Match - 3-Way Elimination
"The Anarchist" Arik Cannon (win & advance) vs. Jimmy Jacobs vs. Chris Hero
Match # 5 - Special Challenge Match
Rachel Summerlyn vs. Andy Dalton (win)
Match # 6 - Lone Star Classic Semi-Final Match
Human Tornado (win & advance) vs. Joey Ryan
Match # 7 - Lone Star Classic Semi-Final Match
JT LaMotta (win & advance) vs. Arik Cannon
Match # 8 - ACW Young Guns Title Match - Scramble Elimination Rules
Champion Berry Breeze vs. Problems vs. Nathan Sin vs. Dillon Stone vs. Shawn Vexx (win & new champion) vs. "Hotsauce" Marco Riviera
Match # 9 - Fatal Four-Way - One Fall
Jaykus Plisken vs. Skylar Skelly vs. "Showtime" Summers (win) vs. "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson
Match # 10 - Main Event - Lone Star Classic 2007 Championship Match
Human Tornado vs. JT LaMotta (win)
Brief Notes: In the third match, Darin Childs was scheduled to compete, but his former partner Steve Amos (the former Jacob Ladder) attacked Childs prior to the match, and as an owner of ACW inserted himself into the tournament in Childs' place. Childs gained a measure of revenge by causing Amos to lose the deciding fall to eventual champion JT LaMotta.
During the inter-gender match between Rachel Summerlyn & Andy Dalton, Miss Diss_Lexia and Chesty LaRue both came to the ring to support Rachel, but an attempt to interfere on Rachel's behalf backfired as Dalton seized the steel chair LaRue had passed to Rachel while Lexi distracted the ref. Dalton used the chair and was able to gain the victory. Dalton announced that he was accepting Summerlyn's challenge to a Texas Death Match on January 20th at the ACW "Guilty By Association 2" show.
In the Semi-final, Steve Amos had been scheduled to appear, but due to earlier events was replaced in the match by "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson. Since Amos was not involved, the match was no longer for the ACW Hardcore Championship and instead of elimination rules became a single fall to a finish. During the match, Jaykus Plisken & Skylar Skelly wrestled outside the ring into the lockerroom, leaving Danielson and "Showtime" Scot Summers. After defeating Danielson, Summers was attacked by Steve Amos and former ACW star Spiro. Bryan Danielson returned to save Summers from a continued beatdown.
The main event saw an incredible match resulting in JT LaMotta being awarded the trophy for the 2007 Lone Star Classic. By winning this event LaMotta has earned a shot at the ACW Heavyweight Title at any time of his choosing. An emotional LaMotta thanked the fans, the promoters and the other wrestlers for their support leading up to this defining moment in his career.
ACW will be participating in the 2nd Annual Holiday Music Havoc next Saturday downtown on the Riverwalk at Bond's 007 Rock Bar 450 Soledad @ Convent. 45 bands on 3 stages. The show will run from 2 PM to 2 AM. Scheduled Bell-Time has not been announced.
check out www.myspace.com/acw_austin for details on all Anarchy Championship Wrestling news.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
SCW in Castroville Show Results
Castroville Garage Sports Bar
Saturday December 15, 2007
Match # 1 - "Big Daddy" Dick Dallas vs. Dusty Wolfe (win)
Match # 2 - Andy Dalton vs. "Maddog" Ken Johnson
Match # 3 - Chris James w/ Tony Vega (win) vs. Chris Marval w/ Don Juan Valens
Match # 4 - Don Juan Valens vs. Quinten Allen (win)
Match # 5 - Tony Vega w/ Chris James vs. Joey Spector w/ Chris Marval
Match # 6 - SCW Tag Team Title Finals
The Sexy Fox-a-Dellics: Rory Fox & "One Man" Mike Dell vs. The Big-Time Playaz: Danny Matthews & Scott McKenzie (win in new champions)
Match # 7 - Main Event - SCW Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger "Solid Gold" Gregory Symonds vs. Champion Ikaika (double disqualification)
Notes: The first match saw "Big Daddy" Dick Dallas renew his rivalry with SCW Commissioner Dusty Wolfe as the veteran Wolfe attempted to teach the youngster about respect. Despite his strength and size advantage, Dallas was unable to grab a solid advantage over the crafty vet. In the end, Dallas clamped a full nelson hold onto Dusty, but as the two fell over backwards, it was Dallas whose shoulders were on the mat, Referee Alex Marrozos counted the pin despite Wolfe being out. Dallas then refused to release the hold until Maddog Ken Johnson rushed the ring swinging his chain. This issue appears far from settled.
In the second match, SCW newcomer Andy Dalton faced Maddog Ken Johnson. Dalton seemed confused by the wild man's antics and eventually fell victim to the dreaded tombstone piledriver.
The next match featured one half of the tag team Double Trouble, Chris James, who came to the ring with his partner Tony Vega. James' opponent Chris Marval represented The Texas Treats. Although Marval came to the ring alone, Don Juan Valens came out shortly and offered his moral support. Marval still appears uncertain that he can trust Don Juan who turned on him last summer and only recently made an effort to settle the differences. Marval did his best to ignore the distractions coming from outside the ring as Don Juan attempted to cheer him on and Tony Vega attempted to assert himself into the match. In the end, Marval seized enough of an advantage over James to climb to the top turnbuckle, but Vega interfered, knocking Marval to the mat allowing Chris James to pick up the victory.
Don Juan Valens had a match next, but came to the ring conspicuously alone to face the high flyer Quinten Allen. With the crowd solidly behind Allen, Don Juan was stretched to the limit, but seemed on the verge of victory when Joey Spector came ringside. As Don Juan and Spector spit at one another and yelled insults, Quinten Allen was able to take advantage and seize the victory.
Joey Spector returned for the next match as he faced the other half of Double Trouble Tony Vega. While Vega was accompanied to the ring by Chris James, Spector initially came out alone, but soon as James tried to interfere, Chris Marval came out to help his partner. Eventually the men outside the ring had a deciding affect on the match. James made an effort to interfere and Marval attacked him. As the ref was distracted by the action outside, Don Juan returned and snuck into the ring, hitting a stunner on Spector and escaping without being noticed. Vega covered Spector for the win. After the match, Don Juan convinced his former partner Chris Marval to leave the ring without helping his fallen teammate Spector. Eventually this situation is destined to explode.
The next match was the finals of a tournament to name the first ever SCW Tag Team Champions. First out of the lockerroom was the team of The Sexy Fox-a-Dellics, Rory Fox and "One Man" Mike Dell. Next came the team of the Big Time Playaz, Danny Matthews and Scott McKenzie. This match was a classic example of tag-team wrestling with all the familiar markings. The fan favorites Matthews and McKenzie controlled the action early until the villains used an underhanded trick to gain the advantage. From then on it was Fox and Dell, making quick tags, illegal double team tactics and taunting McKenzie as they beat on Matthews. When Matthews was finally able to make the tag, McKenzie was ready and began clearing house. Fox and Dell fought their way back to even footing with Matthews and McKenzie, even hitting a vicious high impact double team move. But before they could score the victory, a miscommunication resulted in Fox accidentally knocking Dell from the ring allowing Matthews and McKenzie to hit Fox with a top rope double team move of their own. Dell could not recover quickly enough to save his partner from the pinfall and the Big Time Playaz were awarded the victory and the titles of First Ever SCW Tag Team Champions.
Last month, Ikaika won the SCW Heavyweight Title in a classic match against Gemini. Tonight he faced yet another top opponent as the XCW Heavyweight Champion "Solid Gold" Gregory Symonds came down from Denton to challenge for Ikaika's title. Symonds has been one of the breakout performers in Texas wrestling this year and people are really starting to take notice. Ikaika is one of the toughest men in the state and has a style that mixes hard hitting power moves and precision technical mat work that is overwhelming for most opponents. Symonds proved up to the challenge as he went blow for blow and move for move against the champion. At first the two showed respect and sportsmanship toward one another, but eventually Symonds seemed to lose composure, hitting Ikaika as he was stepping back into the ring after having been thrown out a moment earlier. From that point on, the action escalated as the two combatants went head to head. Losing focus on the goal, neither man responded to the ref's efforts to break cleanly in the corner and Ikaika threw Marrozos across the ring. A second effort to separate the men resulted in Marrozos being tossed off by Symonds. At this point Alex Marrozos had had enough, calling for the bell. Wrestlers poured from the lockerroom in an effort to separate the two. Although the official match ended in a double disqualification, the action continued for several minutes as Ikaika and Symonds fought to get at one another. When calm was finally restored, it was Ikaika retaining the belt due to the double dq finish.
Fans in Castroville will welcome SCW back to the Garage Sports bar next year on March 15th, but Southern Championship Wrestling will be making appearances throughout the area during the coming months. Check out www.myspace.com/southernchampionship for all dates and information concerning SCW.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
TWA Lucha Libre Results
Lucha Libre
Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym
Friday December 14, 2007
Match # 1 - El Deborador (win 2 falls to 1) vs. Fire Bird
Match # 2 - Piloto Suicido (win 2 falls to 1) vs. Ice Man
Match # 3 - Tag Match
Los Diabolicos: El Diablo y Gato Diabolico vs. Teamo Extremo: Santana Express y Lunar Eclipse (win 2 falls to 1)
Match # 4 - Muneco Nexxus vs. Nacho Libre (win 2 falls to 1)
Match # 5 - Lucha Estrella - Tag Team Match
Jerry Garza y Lemus II vs. Virus y Black & White (win 2 falls to 1)
Friday, December 14, 2007
TWE "A Black and Blue Christmas" This Saturday
Thursday, December 13, 2007
DVD Sale and Autograph Signing
Come see me Don Juan and Gregory Symonds Friday Dec 14 at the new HEB on Potranco and 1604 from 6-8 pm.
We will be promoting the new XCW dvd's that will also be available for purchase.
Show your support for XCW and keep the buzz going.
See ya there!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
TWE "Heroes" Show Results & Notes
TWE Main Event Center
Wednesday December 12, 2007
Match # 1 - Red Bull Challenge
Brett Thunder (win) vs. Skitz0
Match # 2 - Rudy Boy Gonzalez vs. Dynamite Danny G (win)
Match # 3 - Ronnie the Red (win) vs. Lemus II
Match # 4 - Draven vs. Windwalker (win)
Match # 5 - Main Event
Brett Thunder vs. "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson (win)
Notes: Tonight was the highly anticipated return to Texas of The American Dragon Bryan Danielson who got his start and was trained by TWE CEO Rudy Boy Gonzalez. Unfortunately, RBG announced, no one had stepped up to accept Dragon's challenge so tonight he would only be selling T-Shirts, posing for pictures and signing autographs. This announcement prompted Skitzo to come out from the lockerroom. Skitzo, one half of the TWE Tag Champions, stated that he was here and ready to face Danielson. Before RBG could make the match however, TWE TV Champion Brett Thunder came out and stated that he too was ready to take that challenge. After heated discussion, it was decided that Thunder and Skitzo would face each other in the first match to determined who would face Danielson in the Main Event. In a very even match, Brett Thunder was able to squeak out a victory following a high knee drop kick to Skitzo's sternum.
The second match saw Rudy Boy Gonzalez face one of the young stars of the Texas Wrestling Academy Dynamite Danny G. Danny showed that he was indeed a star student and kept up with his trainer despite Rudy using a few tricks he may not have shown during training. In the end, Danny was able to hit his running Shooting Star Press for the victory.
In the third match, it was masked man vs. masked man as the rookie Ronnie the Red faced the veteran Lemus II. Lemus might have been able to win the match if he had concentrated on pinning his young opponent rather than attempting to remove his mask, but Lemus seemed determined to take the trophy to show Ronnie how important the mask is to a luchadore. Ronnie was able to take advantage of this misdirected focus and hit a backslide on Lemus II to gain the pin.
The next match pitted the charismatic yet enigmatic Draven against Windwalker. The Native American Windwalker showed a great deal of determination in this match, while Draven attempted to bully his opponent. At one point it appeared that Draven was in total control, but rather than make a solid cover, he lay down in a lackadaisical manner across Windwalker who reversed the pin for the victory.
Prior to the Main Event, Bryan Danielson stated that while training in San Antonio, one thing had always eluded him, that being a singles title. Although his opponent Brett Thunder is the current TWE TV Champion, this match was to be a non-title match. However, Danielson pointed out, he knew that next Wednesday, Rudy planned to have a match to fill the vacant TWE Texas Title. Danielson asked that Rudy award a spot in that match to the winner of this contest tonight. Rudy confirmed that if Danielson was indeed victorious, he would change his scheduled departure from Texas and be available for the match. With that assurance, Rudy was thrilled to make that stipulation.
Bryan Danielson has been called the best wrestler in the world by some fans and some experts, but Brett Thunder has faced some of the stiffest competition around so he was not in the least intimidated by Danielson's reputation. The match itself would easily stand up as one of the best matches seen in San Antonio during 2007. At first, both men shook hands and showed good sportsmanship during the action, but about 10 minutes in, Danielson started to show some frustration at not being able to dominate his young opponent, and turned up his intensity noticeably. Thunder struggled to come back from the innovative offense of the American Dragon and actually was beginning to take command when Danielson was able to catch Thunder coming off the corner turnbuckle and slap on the vicious Cattle Mutilation submission finisher in the middle of the ring. Thunder had no choice but to tap out.
With the victory, San Antonio fans were guaranteed at least one more opportunity to watch Bryan Danielson in a TWE ring as he will face a yet to be announced opponent next Wednesday to determine the new TWE Texas Champion. Aside from this show, Rudy Gonzalez announced that this coming Saturday, December 15th, Texas Wrestling Entertainment would return to the TWE Main Event Center for a special show. Bell time is 7:30 and it should be noted that this event is BYOB. Check out www.texaswrestlingentertainment.com for details and further announcements for all TWE events.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Big Week of Wrestling Coming Up!
Texas Wrestling Entertainment presents 'Heroes'
Wednesday December 12th
Plus TWE Stars: "TWE TV Champion" Brett Thunder, Skitzo, Windwalker, Dynamite Danny G, Ronnie the Red, Angelina, Draven and more...
TWE presents 'Heroes' is a weekly event featuring many of the top indy stars in the area and more.
Expect future appearances by WWE stars Lance Cade, and Trevor Murdoch, Brian Kendrick, Paul London, and more.
TWE Main Event Center
9107 Marbach Rd
San Antonio, Tx 78245
Southern Championship Wrestling returns to the Garage Sports Bar on HWY 90 W in Castroville, just a few miles past loop 1604 this Saturday December 15th. Doors open at 6PM Belltime is 7:30PM. Check out www.myspace.com/southernchampionship for details.
GO TO WWW.MYSPACE.COM/ACW_AUSTIN to get reserved front row tickets for only $20
Also, just added you can get general admission floor seating for only $15 via Paypal / credit card payment at www.myspace.com/acw_austin
IWA-Texas/ACW presents: The Lone Star Classic
Add to My Profile | More Videos
The Venue
800 Lexington
San Antonio, TX
BELLTIME: 5PM doors open @ 4:30
Floor Seating: $15
Balcony Seating: $10
The Rules and format have been altered from last year to make it more competitive as well as more exclusive.
v This Year it will be a 12 Person Tournament
v The First round will consist of four 3-Way Dances
v The Second Round will Consist of 2 one on one matches
v The Finals will also be One on One
v The Winner gets a guaranteed title shot to use anytime they see fit
Just added to appear:
Former Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Champion:
American Dragon Bryan Danielson
Participants already announced:
1. “The Anarchist” Arik Cannon
2. Joey “Magnum” Ryan
3. Massive
4. Jimmy Jacobs
5. Darin Childs
6. Chris Hero
7. Human Tornado
8. JT LaMotta
9. “One Man” Mike Dell
10. Tony Morales
11. Gregory Symonds
12. Awesome Andy
Traditional wrestling Match
Rachel Summerlyn
Andy Dalton
Jacob Ladder vs. Showtime Summers vs. Jaykus Plisken vs. Skylar Skelly
(512) 531-9776
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
TWE "Heroes" Show Results & Notes
TWE Main Event Center
Wednesday December 5, 2007
Match # 1 - Draven (win) vs. Windwalker
Match # 2 - TWE TV Title Contender Tournament Round 1
Skitzo (win) vs. Ronnie the Red
Match # 3 - TWE TV Title Contender Tournament Round 1
Dynamite Danny G (win) vs. Draven
Match # 4 - TWE TV Title Contender Tournament Final
Skitzo (win) vs. Dynamite Danny G
Match # 5 - TWE Texas Ladies Title Match "Winner Leaves Town"
Challenger Angelina vs. Champion Becky Bayless
Match # 6 - Main Event - TWE TV Title Match
Challenger Skitzo vs. Champion Brett Thunder (win & retain title)
Notes: The night began with TWE CEO Rudy Gonzalez explaining that last Friday, in Del Rio "Cowboy" James Claxton lost the TWE TV Title to Brett Thunder. Tonight's show would be built around a mini-tournament to name a challenger to face Thunder for the title in the main event.
Skitzo and Dynamite Danny G advanced with victories over Ronnie the Red and Draven. Skitzo managed to get the victory using a handful of tights and the ropes for leverage.
TWE Texas Ladies Champion Becky Bayless came out next to confront Gonzalez. Since she had defended her title last week, Bayless explained she didn't have to fight tonight as she is only contractually obligated to defend once a month. Rudy explained that her title defenses were in November, and this being December, she would have to defend again tonight. Bayless grudgingly accepted but declared that the match would be a "Winner Leaves Town" match as she was so confident that she would win that once she was done, she was anxious to get out of Texas and back to the East Coast. As it turned out, Bayless was successful and proved true to her prediction of victory over Angelina.
In the main event, Skitzo fought for the third time tonight as he challenged Brett Thunder for his TWE TV Title. Despite this disadvantage, Skitzo controlled much of the match before Thunder was able to successfully defend his title.
Announced at the show is that the American Dragon Bryan Danielson will be at next Wednesday's edition of TWE "Heroes." Also, coming soon to TWE are former WCW superstar Daffney and WWE star Lance Cade. Also announced is that Texas Wrestling Entertainment will have a special,. additional San Antonio show on Saturday December 15th at the TWE Main Event Center. Check out www.texaswrestlingentertainment.com for details.
Monday, December 03, 2007
TWE "Heroes" and American Dragon News
Texas Wrestling Entertainment presents 'Heroes'
Wednesday December 5th
Special Mixed Tag Match
Dynamite Danny G & Angelina
Draven & Becky Bayless
Plus TWE Stars: "TWE TV Champion" Brett Thunder, Skitzo, Windwalker, and more...
TWE presents 'Heroes' is a weekly event featuring many of the top indy stars in the area and more.
Expect future appearances by WWE stars Lance Cade, and Trevor Murdoch, Brian Kendrick, Paul London, Ring of Honor star 'American Dragon' Bryan Danielson, and more.
TWE Main Event Center
9107 Marbach Rd
San Antonio, Tx 78245
More details as they are made available.
TWE in Del Rio 11-30 Results and News
Del Rio Civic Center
Friday, November 30, 2007
Match # 1 - Erico (win) vs. Colin Troy
Match # 2 - Hector Navarro (win) vs. Windwalker
Match # 3 - Skitzo (win) vs. Ronnie the Red
Match # 4 - Draven vs. Dynamite Danny G (win)
Match # 5 - TWE Texas Ladies Title Match
Challenger Angelina vs. Champion Becky Bayless(win & retain title)
Match # 6 - TWE TV Title Match
Challenger Brett Thunder (win & new champion) vs. Champion "Cowboy" James Claxton
Match # 7 - Main Event
Heidenreich (win) vs. Big Dogg
Notes: Hector Navarro returned to the ring after a 15 month layoff, due to an illness(welcome back, HBG)
Skitzo suffered a broken index finger in Pleasanton, Tx the prior week, but still wrestled anyway.
Rudy Boy Gonzalez acted as special referee for the Ladies Title match.
Cowboy James suffered a tear in his rotator cuff during the match.
Heidenriech arrived to the building late, which lead to a brief beat down on Del Rio's Mix 96 DJ Tommy Deluxe, who had accepted a challenge from Bigg Dogg to meet him in the ring after several past altercations, including one in front of over 1000 at BikiniFest. The stipulation was to get in the ring, or find someone that will stand up for him.
TWE and Mix 96 have begun talks, that will give the promotion an even stronger presence in the area.
TWE returns to Del Rio on Saturday April 5th
Texas Wrestling Entertainment CEO Rudy Boy Gonzalez has made the following announcement:
One of the top wrestling stars in the business comes to Texas for 3 days only. American Dragon Bryan Danielson is accepting bookings for December 14, 15, and 16. December 16th is already booked and it went quick. Two days remain. If you are a promoter in the Texas area, and you are interested in booking one of the most heralded Indy Talents today, please contact the Texas Wrestling Entertainment office at 210. 394.5968
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Warriors 4 Christ Wrestling Show Results
Gathering of His Grace Church
Saturday December 1, 2007
Match # 1 - Aguila Blanca (win) vs. Manny Villalobos Jr.
Match # 2 - Six-Man Tag Team Match
Steve Steele & Bruno Richie with Lola & Texan J vs. Rocky Morocco, Filthy Rich & Curtis "The Nightmare" Stone with Monique (win)
Match # 3 - Gabe "the Babe" (win) vs. Dancing Don
Match # 4 - Tag Team Match
The Houligans - Bull Harley & Crazy Jimmy (win) vs. Manny Villalobos & Manny Villalobos Jr.
Match # 5 - Main Event - W4CW Texas Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger Cobra vs. Champion The Sergeant (win & retain title)
Notes: The first match was interrupted by the Houligans who attacked Manny Villalobos Jr. and then placed Aguila Blanca over him. The referee Mr. Martin counted the pin, giving Aguilar the victory. Afterwards, The Houligans continued to beat upon both wrestlers until Manny Villalobos Sr. came to the ring to rescue his son. A tag team match was set up for later in the show, but the Villalobos were unable to overcome the rule breaking tactics of the pair from Australia.
In the main event, Cobra challenged The Sarge for the Heavyweight title. The two men shook hands prior to the match and then again at the end, showing great sportsmanship despite the heated battle.
W4CW will return to Gathering of His Grace Church on January 5. Details will be announced.