As November comes to a close and we rapidly approach the end of the year, the list of wrestlers who have worked 10 or more shows in San Antonio during 2007 is just about set. During the last week of 2007 and the first week of 2008 the San Antonio Independent Wrestling Scene will be sponsoring a vote to determine the top wrestlers in San Antonio. Believe it or not, I was unable to attend or get reports from every show in SA this year. I know I missed several Texas Wrestling Association shows and many of the other Lucha Libre shows throughout Bexar County. I want to give those wrestlers the opportunity to be recognized as well. Below is the list of wrestlers (in alphabetical order) that I could confirm worked 10 or more shows in Bexar County so far this year. If any of you believe I have left a name off, please contact me either on myspace ( or on the Scene’s page ( or by email ( and we can work to confirm the number of shows a wrestler has worked. Please include the word “Wrestler” in the subject line.
Remember, to be considered a San Antonio Wrestler one had to have worked shows in San Antonio. Shows outside of Bexar County do not count. That being said, here is the list I have so far, including the latest addition New TWE TV Champion “Cowboy” James Claxton.
Chief Battu
Big Dogg
Blue Angel
Berry Breeze
Darin Childs
"Cowboy" James Claxton
Crazy Jimmy
Andrew Dalton
"One Man" Mike Dell
Miss Diss_Lexia
Don Juan
Dragon X
Rory Fox
Gabe "The Babe"
Julio Garza
Bull Harley
Chris James
"Maddog" Ken Johnson
Jacob Ladder
JT LaMotta
Lemus II
Jerry Lynn
Ozzy Manson
Chuey Martinez
Chris Marval
Scott McKenzie
Tony Morales
Mr. Muerte
Jaykus Plisken
Rexx Reed
Ricky Rhodes
"Hotsauce" Marco Riviera
Rudy Russo
The Great Ryu
Sicodelico Jr.
Skylar Skelly
Joey Spector
Rachel Summerlyn
"Showtime" Scot Summers
Gregory Symonds
Brett Thunder
Tony Vega
Shawn Vexx
"Showcase" Shance Williams
Thank you all for helping to complete this list fully and accurately.
Upcoming Events
- Show Dates and Details are subject to change without notice. Always check with the promotion to confirm.
- ****************************************************
- Saturday April 30 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday May 7 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday May 13 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday May 27 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday May 28 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday June 4 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday June 10 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday June 24 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday June 25 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday July 2 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday July 8 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday July 22 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday July 30 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday August 6 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday August 12 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday August 26 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday August 27 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday September 3 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday September 9 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday September 23 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday September 24 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday October 1 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday October 14 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday October 28 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday October 29 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday November 5 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday November 11 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday November 19 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Friday November 25 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday December 3 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Friday December 9 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday December 10 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- ****************************************************
- Please send results from any San Antonio area wrestling shows to (include "Wrestling" in subject line)
Friday, November 30, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
TWE "Heroes" Show Results & Notes
Texas Wrestling Entertainment
TWE Main Event Center
Wednesday November 28, 2007
Match # 1 - Ronnie the Red vs. Angelina (win)
Match # 2 - Draven vs. Dynamite Danny G (win)
Match # 3 - Lemus II vs. Windwalker (win)
Match # 4 - TWE Texas Ladies Championship Match
Challenger Angelina vs. Champion Becky Bayless (win & retain title)
Match # 5 - TWE TV Championship Match
Challenger "Cowboy" James Claxton (win & new champion) vs. Champion Mr. Wrestling III
Notes: The winner of the first match was supposed to win a "date" with Becky Bayless, but when Angelina won, she demanded instead that she receive a shot at the TWE Texas Ladies Championship.
Prior to the TV Title Match, Brett Thunder came out to challenge the winner to a title match at the TWE show in Del Rio on Friday. Thunder stayed ringside for the entire match and at the end, when Mr. Wrestling attempted to use a foreign object, Thunder prevented him from cheating which led to the victory by Claxton, the New TWE TV Champion.
TWE CEO Rudy Boy Gonzalez announced that in December, former WCW star Daffney would make her TWE debut. Also coming to TWE in December are WWE stars Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch, Brian Kendrick & Paul London and Indy Star "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson. Details will be announced soon.
TWE Main Event Center
Wednesday November 28, 2007
Match # 1 - Ronnie the Red vs. Angelina (win)
Match # 2 - Draven vs. Dynamite Danny G (win)
Match # 3 - Lemus II vs. Windwalker (win)
Match # 4 - TWE Texas Ladies Championship Match
Challenger Angelina vs. Champion Becky Bayless (win & retain title)
Match # 5 - TWE TV Championship Match
Challenger "Cowboy" James Claxton (win & new champion) vs. Champion Mr. Wrestling III
Notes: The winner of the first match was supposed to win a "date" with Becky Bayless, but when Angelina won, she demanded instead that she receive a shot at the TWE Texas Ladies Championship.
Prior to the TV Title Match, Brett Thunder came out to challenge the winner to a title match at the TWE show in Del Rio on Friday. Thunder stayed ringside for the entire match and at the end, when Mr. Wrestling attempted to use a foreign object, Thunder prevented him from cheating which led to the victory by Claxton, the New TWE TV Champion.
TWE CEO Rudy Boy Gonzalez announced that in December, former WCW star Daffney would make her TWE debut. Also coming to TWE in December are WWE stars Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch, Brian Kendrick & Paul London and Indy Star "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson. Details will be announced soon.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Warriors 4 Christ Wrestling Show This Saturday
Warriors 4 Christ Wrestling will present a show this Saturday December 1 at 7 PM at the Gathering of His Grace Church 5351 Glen Ridge Drive. Exit Evers outside Glen Ridge 1st Right on Evers. Announced to appear: Champion Sarge, Cobra, The Houligans, Curtis "The Nightmare" Stone, Judge Doom, Wolff McAllister, Fifthy Rich, Rocky Morocco, Steve Steele, Bruno Richie, Cumbia Kid & Manny Villalobos. Of course all wrestling cards are subject.
STPW in Pearsall Show Results
South Texas Pro Wrestling
Wishing Well Club - Pearsall
Sunday November 25, 2007
Match # 1 - Dragon X (win) vs. Mr. Right with Sin-Sational Sal
Match # 2 - Tito Sanchez (win) vs. Gabe the Babe with Sin-Sational Sal
Match # 3 - Cobra vs. Texas Renegade (win)
Match # 4 - Lemus II vs. Jaykus Plisken (win)
Match # 5 - Tag Team Match
Twisted Steel & Sex Appeal - Mr. Prestigious & Rory Fox vs. The Gulf Coast Connection - Rudy Russo & Ben Galvan (win)
Match # 6 - Main Event
Johnny Rage vs. Tito Sanchez (Double DQ)
Wishing Well Club - Pearsall
Sunday November 25, 2007
Match # 1 - Dragon X (win) vs. Mr. Right with Sin-Sational Sal
Match # 2 - Tito Sanchez (win) vs. Gabe the Babe with Sin-Sational Sal
Match # 3 - Cobra vs. Texas Renegade (win)
Match # 4 - Lemus II vs. Jaykus Plisken (win)
Match # 5 - Tag Team Match
Twisted Steel & Sex Appeal - Mr. Prestigious & Rory Fox vs. The Gulf Coast Connection - Rudy Russo & Ben Galvan (win)
Match # 6 - Main Event
Johnny Rage vs. Tito Sanchez (Double DQ)
TWE in Pleasanton Show Results
Texas Wrestling Entertainment
Honey's Family Pool Hall - Pleasanton
Sunday November 25, 2007
Match # 1 - Brett Thunder (win) vs. Big Dogg
Match # 2 - Ronnie the Red (win) vs. Angelina Brutality
Match # 3 - Dynamite Danny G (win) vs. Ronnie the Red
Match # 4 - Draven vs. Cowboy James Claxton (win)
Match # 5 - TWE Texas Tag Team Title Match (title vacant)
The Texas Hitmen: Skitzo & Big Dogg (win & new champions) vs. Brett Thunder & Windwalker
Match # 6 - Battle Royal - Winner gets a shot at TWE TV Title (currently held by Mr. Wrestling III)
(order eliminated) Cowboy James Claxton vs. Ronnie the Red vs. Draven vs. Dynamite Danny G (win)
Texas Wrestling Entertainment's next show will be this Wednesday at the TWE Main Event Center as TWE presents Heroes! TWE Texas Ladies Champion Becky Bayless is scheduled to defend her title.
Honey's Family Pool Hall - Pleasanton
Sunday November 25, 2007
Match # 1 - Brett Thunder (win) vs. Big Dogg
Match # 2 - Ronnie the Red (win) vs. Angelina Brutality
Match # 3 - Dynamite Danny G (win) vs. Ronnie the Red
Match # 4 - Draven vs. Cowboy James Claxton (win)
Match # 5 - TWE Texas Tag Team Title Match (title vacant)
The Texas Hitmen: Skitzo & Big Dogg (win & new champions) vs. Brett Thunder & Windwalker
Match # 6 - Battle Royal - Winner gets a shot at TWE TV Title (currently held by Mr. Wrestling III)
(order eliminated) Cowboy James Claxton vs. Ronnie the Red vs. Draven vs. Dynamite Danny G (win)
Texas Wrestling Entertainment's next show will be this Wednesday at the TWE Main Event Center as TWE presents Heroes! TWE Texas Ladies Champion Becky Bayless is scheduled to defend her title.
RCW International Title Defended in Japan
The International title defended
Nov. 18 2007
at Tokyo Shinkiba Arena
RCW International Champion, Kosakai defeated Seiji Takeda, challenger
with Dragon Suplex hold.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
ACW "Lone Star Classic '07" December 16
GO TO WWW.MYSPACE.COM/ACW_AUSTIN to get reserved front row tickets for only $20
Also, just added you can get general admission floor seating for only $15 via Paypal / credit card payment at
The Venue
800 Lexington
San Antonio, TX
BELLTIME: 5PM doors open @ 4:30

Floor Seating: $15
Balcony Seating: $10
The Rules and format have been altered from last year to make it more competitive as well as more exclusive.
v This Year it will be a 12 Person Tournament
v The First round will consist of four 3-Way Dances
v The Second Round will Consist of 2 one on one matches
v The Finals will also be One on One
v The Winner gets a guaranteed title shot to use anytime they see fit
Participants already announced:
1. “The Anarchist” Arik Cannon

2. Joey “Magnum” Ryan

3. Massive

4. Jimmy Jacobs

5. Darin Childs

6. Chris Hero

7. Human Tornado

8. JT LaMotta

9. “One Man” Mike Dell

10. Tony Morales

11. Gregory Symonds

12. Awesome Andy

Traditional wrestling Match
Rachel Summerlyn
Andy Dalton
#1 Contendership match for the Tag Team Titles
Double Trouble
Supreme Clientele
Nathan Sin & Dillon Stone
2Young Punks
Jacob Ladder vs. Showtime Summers vs. Jaykus Plisken vs. Skylar Skelly
(512) 531-9776
Also, just added you can get general admission floor seating for only $15 via Paypal / credit card payment at
The Venue
800 Lexington
San Antonio, TX
BELLTIME: 5PM doors open @ 4:30
Floor Seating: $15
Balcony Seating: $10
The Rules and format have been altered from last year to make it more competitive as well as more exclusive.
v This Year it will be a 12 Person Tournament
v The First round will consist of four 3-Way Dances
v The Second Round will Consist of 2 one on one matches
v The Finals will also be One on One
v The Winner gets a guaranteed title shot to use anytime they see fit
Participants already announced:
1. “The Anarchist” Arik Cannon
2. Joey “Magnum” Ryan
3. Massive
4. Jimmy Jacobs
5. Darin Childs
6. Chris Hero
7. Human Tornado
8. JT LaMotta
9. “One Man” Mike Dell
10. Tony Morales
11. Gregory Symonds
12. Awesome Andy
Traditional wrestling Match
Rachel Summerlyn
Andy Dalton
#1 Contendership match for the Tag Team Titles
Double Trouble
Supreme Clientele
Nathan Sin & Dillon Stone
2Young Punks
Jacob Ladder vs. Showtime Summers vs. Jaykus Plisken vs. Skylar Skelly
(512) 531-9776
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
TWE "Heroes" Rescheduled to Saturday
Due to the holiday, tonight's edition of TWE Heroes has been rescheduled to this upcoming Saturday, November 24th. Bell Time is 7:30 PM. Heroes will return to its regular Wednesday schedule on November 28th. TWE Texas Ladies Champion Becky Bayless and TWE TV Champion Mr. Wrestling III will both be on the card.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
ACW "War of Attrition - Night 2" Results
Anarchy Championship Wrestling
"War of Attrition - Night 2"
The Venue
Sunday November 18, 2007
Match # 1 - Young Guns Title Match
Challenger Awesome Andy vs. Champion Berry Breeze (win & retain title)
Match # 2 - Tag Team Match
Nathan Sin & Dillon Stone vs. Double Trouble: Tony Vega & Chris James (win)
Match # 3 - Jaykus Plisken (win) vs. Julio Garza
Match # 4 - Triple Threat Match
Adam Raw vs. "One Man" Mike Dell (win) vs. Massive
Match # 5 - Tag Team Match
Gary Jay & Dingo vs. The Submission Squad: Pierre Abernathy & Nick Tyson (win)
Match # 6 - "Solid Gold" Gregory Symonds vs. Human Tornado (win)
Match # 7 - ACW Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger - "Heatseeker" Tony Morales vs. Champion - Jerry Lynn (win & retain title)
Match # 8 - ACW Tag Team Championship Match - 4 Team Elimination Scramble
Challengers - Miss Diss_Lexia & Rachel Summerlyn vs. Halloween Crew: Black Rocker & Jack-O-Lantern (win & new champions) vs. Supreme Clientele: "Hotsauce" Marco Riviera & Shawn Vexx vs. Champions The Children of Pain: Darin Childs & Skylar Skelly
Match # 9 - Main Event - ACW Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger Jacob Ladder (win & new champion) vs. Champion "Showtime" Scot Summers
"War of Attrition - Night 2"
The Venue
Sunday November 18, 2007
Match # 1 - Young Guns Title Match
Challenger Awesome Andy vs. Champion Berry Breeze (win & retain title)
Match # 2 - Tag Team Match
Nathan Sin & Dillon Stone vs. Double Trouble: Tony Vega & Chris James (win)
Match # 3 - Jaykus Plisken (win) vs. Julio Garza
Match # 4 - Triple Threat Match
Adam Raw vs. "One Man" Mike Dell (win) vs. Massive
Match # 5 - Tag Team Match
Gary Jay & Dingo vs. The Submission Squad: Pierre Abernathy & Nick Tyson (win)
Match # 6 - "Solid Gold" Gregory Symonds vs. Human Tornado (win)
Match # 7 - ACW Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger - "Heatseeker" Tony Morales vs. Champion - Jerry Lynn (win & retain title)
Match # 8 - ACW Tag Team Championship Match - 4 Team Elimination Scramble
Challengers - Miss Diss_Lexia & Rachel Summerlyn vs. Halloween Crew: Black Rocker & Jack-O-Lantern (win & new champions) vs. Supreme Clientele: "Hotsauce" Marco Riviera & Shawn Vexx vs. Champions The Children of Pain: Darin Childs & Skylar Skelly
Match # 9 - Main Event - ACW Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger Jacob Ladder (win & new champion) vs. Champion "Showtime" Scot Summers
SCW in Castroville Results & Notes
Southern Championship Wrestling
Castroville Garage Sports Bar
Saturday November 17, 2007
Match # 1 - "Big Daddy" Dick Dallas vs. Marty Cone (win - DQ)
Match # 2 - Don Juan vs. Quinten Allen (win)
Match # 3 - "Maddog" Ken Johnson vs. Ryan Davidson (double DQ)
Match # 4 - Tag Team Tournament
Rory Fox & "One Man" Mike Dell (win & advance) vs. Chris Marval & Spector
Match # 5 - Tag Team Tournament
Double Trouble - Chris James & Tony Vega vs. The Big Time Playaz - Danny Matthews & Scott McKenzie (win & advance)
Match # 6 - SCW Heavyweight Title Match
Gemini vs. Ikaika (win & new champion)
Notes: (provided by SWC - Don Holding)
Me and Sandy would like to thank everyone who was a part of our first show. It took a lot of people to make this show a success, everyone did such a great job. We Thank you so much. We also want to thank everyone who honored us to come and see the show. There were over 150 of you and we thank you and applaud you for being our guest Saturday.
It was a night to remember, I will recap a little,
The night was started by Jeff Houston doing what he does, pumping energy to crowd Jeff Houston style. Jeff introduced Dusty Wolfe as the GM of Southern Championship Wrestling. Dusty explained that a drawing was held and two names were drawn to compete for the SCW Heavyweight Title. These guys were Ikakia vs Gemni. Both came out for a face off and man you could just feel the intensity between these two. Dusty also announced that whomever wins this match will accept a challenge issued by the XCW Champion Greg Symonds for December 15th. Both wrestlers accepted.
Dusty also went on to explain that tonight is the start of the SCW Tag Title tournament. As Dusty started announcing the teams, Big Daddy Dick Dallas came out with all of his glory if you will. Dallas took the mic from Dusty. After several insulting remarks, Dusty left the ring. Dallas then issued a challenge to any man in the back. The call out was answered by Marty Cone. Dallas won the match by hitting a reverse suplex but referee Alex reversed his decision as Dallas continued a beat down on Marty. Dusty Wolfe came to the ring to restore law and order. Dusty said he will teach Dallas a lesson on respect and announced that will be done on December 15th at the Garage in Castroville.
Match 2 featured Don Juan against Quinten Allen. This match lived up to the billing and then some. Don Juan hit a series of his classic moves and Quinten countered with high flying aerial assaults. At the end, both men were locked with their shoulders on the ground. Alex hit the 3 count and the bell was rung. Alex said right before he hit the 3 count, Quinten was able to lift his shoulder and get the win over Don Juan.
Match 3 featured Maddog Ken Johnson against Ryan Davidson. This was a great match. This was my first time to see Ryan and man he was great. SCW will have him back. Johnson was classic Johnson and really showed why he is great at any show. These guys battled it out but at the end they both kept pushing Alex away. Alex called for the bell and issued a double disqualification.
Match 4 was the first of the Tag team Tournament challenge. The Texas Treats Chris Marvel and Joey Spector against Rory Fox and Mike Dell. Before the match Don Juan also came to the ring and was asking Marvel why he chose Spector over him. Marvel reminded Don Juan that he chose Spector over him as the Texas Treats in Denton Texas. Alex then asked Don Juan to leave the ring. Rory Fox and Mike Dell were in rare form by insulting every person in Castroville by questioning their education and explained the correct way to speak English. With the match underway both teams showed that they were deserving their right to move on in the tag team tournament. Each team did well but at the end it was Fox and Dell moving on in the tournament with a pin on Spector. Don Juan at the end came back and was talking with Marvel and they left Joey Spector in the ring. No one knows what was said between them since there was not a mic in the ring.
Match 5 was the second tag team tournament match and was a dandy. It was Scott McKenzie and Danny Matthews against Chris James and Tony Vega (Double Trouble). Again this was a great match, both teams really showcased their talents. This match got rough and both teams got physical but at the end it was McKenzie and Matthews getting the win over Double Trouble. This sets up the qualifiers for the December15th card as McKenzie and Matthews take on Dell and Fox for the Tag Team Titles.
Match 6. When you talk about top matches that happen in 07, you would have to put this one up there in the top 5 for sure. My words would not do this match any justice but I will say that Gemini can chop with the best of them. This match had some of the most extreme chops by both men that I have ever seen. This was hard hitting wrestling with great scientific skills mixed in. This match will be one that will be on the "Best of SCW volume 1" in 08. SCW would like to congratulate Ikakia as being the first Champion to represent SCW. After the match, both men shook hands and lifted the belt as a show of sportsmanship and class and completed a night that will be remembered for a long time. Ikaika now will be defending his SCW Heavyweight Championship belt against the XCW champion Greg Symonds in what should be another great match on December 15th.
(Thank you Haz for the report and congratulations on a successful debut show)
Castroville Garage Sports Bar
Saturday November 17, 2007
Match # 1 - "Big Daddy" Dick Dallas vs. Marty Cone (win - DQ)
Match # 2 - Don Juan vs. Quinten Allen (win)
Match # 3 - "Maddog" Ken Johnson vs. Ryan Davidson (double DQ)
Match # 4 - Tag Team Tournament
Rory Fox & "One Man" Mike Dell (win & advance) vs. Chris Marval & Spector
Match # 5 - Tag Team Tournament
Double Trouble - Chris James & Tony Vega vs. The Big Time Playaz - Danny Matthews & Scott McKenzie (win & advance)
Match # 6 - SCW Heavyweight Title Match
Gemini vs. Ikaika (win & new champion)
Notes: (provided by SWC - Don Holding)
Me and Sandy would like to thank everyone who was a part of our first show. It took a lot of people to make this show a success, everyone did such a great job. We Thank you so much. We also want to thank everyone who honored us to come and see the show. There were over 150 of you and we thank you and applaud you for being our guest Saturday.
It was a night to remember, I will recap a little,
The night was started by Jeff Houston doing what he does, pumping energy to crowd Jeff Houston style. Jeff introduced Dusty Wolfe as the GM of Southern Championship Wrestling. Dusty explained that a drawing was held and two names were drawn to compete for the SCW Heavyweight Title. These guys were Ikakia vs Gemni. Both came out for a face off and man you could just feel the intensity between these two. Dusty also announced that whomever wins this match will accept a challenge issued by the XCW Champion Greg Symonds for December 15th. Both wrestlers accepted.
Dusty also went on to explain that tonight is the start of the SCW Tag Title tournament. As Dusty started announcing the teams, Big Daddy Dick Dallas came out with all of his glory if you will. Dallas took the mic from Dusty. After several insulting remarks, Dusty left the ring. Dallas then issued a challenge to any man in the back. The call out was answered by Marty Cone. Dallas won the match by hitting a reverse suplex but referee Alex reversed his decision as Dallas continued a beat down on Marty. Dusty Wolfe came to the ring to restore law and order. Dusty said he will teach Dallas a lesson on respect and announced that will be done on December 15th at the Garage in Castroville.
Match 2 featured Don Juan against Quinten Allen. This match lived up to the billing and then some. Don Juan hit a series of his classic moves and Quinten countered with high flying aerial assaults. At the end, both men were locked with their shoulders on the ground. Alex hit the 3 count and the bell was rung. Alex said right before he hit the 3 count, Quinten was able to lift his shoulder and get the win over Don Juan.
Match 3 featured Maddog Ken Johnson against Ryan Davidson. This was a great match. This was my first time to see Ryan and man he was great. SCW will have him back. Johnson was classic Johnson and really showed why he is great at any show. These guys battled it out but at the end they both kept pushing Alex away. Alex called for the bell and issued a double disqualification.
Match 4 was the first of the Tag team Tournament challenge. The Texas Treats Chris Marvel and Joey Spector against Rory Fox and Mike Dell. Before the match Don Juan also came to the ring and was asking Marvel why he chose Spector over him. Marvel reminded Don Juan that he chose Spector over him as the Texas Treats in Denton Texas. Alex then asked Don Juan to leave the ring. Rory Fox and Mike Dell were in rare form by insulting every person in Castroville by questioning their education and explained the correct way to speak English. With the match underway both teams showed that they were deserving their right to move on in the tag team tournament. Each team did well but at the end it was Fox and Dell moving on in the tournament with a pin on Spector. Don Juan at the end came back and was talking with Marvel and they left Joey Spector in the ring. No one knows what was said between them since there was not a mic in the ring.
Match 5 was the second tag team tournament match and was a dandy. It was Scott McKenzie and Danny Matthews against Chris James and Tony Vega (Double Trouble). Again this was a great match, both teams really showcased their talents. This match got rough and both teams got physical but at the end it was McKenzie and Matthews getting the win over Double Trouble. This sets up the qualifiers for the December15th card as McKenzie and Matthews take on Dell and Fox for the Tag Team Titles.
Match 6. When you talk about top matches that happen in 07, you would have to put this one up there in the top 5 for sure. My words would not do this match any justice but I will say that Gemini can chop with the best of them. This match had some of the most extreme chops by both men that I have ever seen. This was hard hitting wrestling with great scientific skills mixed in. This match will be one that will be on the "Best of SCW volume 1" in 08. SCW would like to congratulate Ikakia as being the first Champion to represent SCW. After the match, both men shook hands and lifted the belt as a show of sportsmanship and class and completed a night that will be remembered for a long time. Ikaika now will be defending his SCW Heavyweight Championship belt against the XCW champion Greg Symonds in what should be another great match on December 15th.
(Thank you Haz for the report and congratulations on a successful debut show)
ACW "War of Attrition - Night 1" Results
Anarchy Championship Wrestling
"War of Attrition - Night 1"
The Venue
Saturday November 17, 2007
Match # 1 - "One Man" Mike Dell (win) vs. Jacob Ladder
Match # 2 - Tag Team Qualifying Match # 1 - 3-way Elimintion
Supreme Clientelle - "Hotsauce" Marco Riviera & Shawn Vexx (win) vs. Double Trouble - Chris James & Tony Vega vs. The Halloween Crew - Black Rocker & Jack-0-Lantern
Match # 3 - Tag Team Qualifying Match # 2 - 3-way Elimination
Rachel Summerlyn & Miss Diss_Lexia vs. 2 Young Punks - Problems & Berry Breeze vs. The Children of Pain - Darin Childs & Skylar Skelly (win)
Match # 4 - Gary Jay (win) vs. Nick Tyson
Match # 5 - Julio Garza vs. Tony Morales (win)
Match # 6 - Andy Dalton with Starr (win - DQ) vs. Dingo
Match # 7 - Tag Team Title Finals Match
Supreme Clientelle - "Hotsauce" Marco Riviera & Shawn Vexx vs. The Children of Pain - Darin Childs & Skylar Skelly (win & new champions)
Match # 8 - Main Event - ACW Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger - The Human Tornado vs. Champion - Jerry Lynn (win & retain title)
Notes: The show began as "One Man" Mike Dell called out Jacob Ladder who accepted the match even though he was scheduled to take part in the tag-team tournament later. As it turned out, Ladder injured his knee shortly into the match and Dell took an easy victory. Jacob was taken to the lockerroom then to the hospital forcing him to miss the remainder of the show. This also puts in question Ladder's scheduled challenge for the Hardcore Title scheduled for Night 2 of the double shot weekend.
In the first qualifying match for the tag team championship, the team of The Halloween Crew scored their first pinfall on an opponent when Jack-O-Lantern fell on top of Tony Vega and scored the 3 count eliminating Double Trouble. Supreme Clientele acted quickly to seize the opportunity to pick up the deciding fall when Hotsauce forced Jack-O-Lantern to submit to a Texas Cloverleaf.
Left without a partner in the second qualifying match, Darin Childs called on former Children of Pain partner Skylar Skelly who had accompanied Rachel Summerlyn & Miss Diss_Lexia to the ring. Much of the early part of the match involved both of these teams working over Problems from the third team 2 Young Punks. Once the Punks were eliminated the match sort of slipped into a state of Anarchy as the teams enjoyed the opportunity to play around in the ring before getting serious about advancing to the finals. Eventually Skylar Skelly scored the pinfall on Miss Diss_Lexia to earn the coveted spot for the "Old School" Children of Pain.
A three word chant from the crowd best describes the fourth match of the night as Gary Jay pinned Nick Tyson: "That Was Awesome!"
The fifth match saw Julio Garza face "Heatseeker" Tony Morales in a hard fought match which ended with Morales hitting his "Borricua Bomb" finisher of the top turnbuckle. After the match, returning Massive made an impression on the evening by attacking Julio who, to Massive, represents all the "fake Mexicans" in San Antonio.
In one of the best matches of the night, Andy Dalton, accompanied by Starr faced Dingo. The end came as the two fought outside the ring with Dalton hitting a piledriver on Dingo on the hard concrete. As the sick thud echoed through the Venue, Rachel Summerlyn rushed to the ringside and attacked Dalton, leading to the DQ victory for Dalton. Rachel issued a challenge to Dalton and the two will face each other on December 16th during the Lone Star Classic show.
Next came the Tag Team Championship Finals which almost didn't make it into the ring as all four men wrestled through the seats as fans scattered and 2 referees struggled to maintain order. Finally "Hotsauce" and Darin Childs made it into the ring, while Vexx and Skelly continued to fight in the stands. Eventually, Childs gained enough of an advantage on "Hotsauce" to join his partner Skelly in double teaming Vexx who suffered the pinfall defeat outside the ring.
The main event of the evening saw Human Tornado challenge for the ACW Heavyweight title held by Jerry Lynn. This match-up certainly lived up to the hype surrounding it. Tornado impressed the ACW faithful in his debut and Jerry Lynn kept up with him move for move, even taking part in some dance move challenges. Lynn, who recently won the prestigious Super 8 Tournament on the East Coast seems to be rejuvenated and enjoying wrestling more than ever since parting ways with TNA and the fans are the primary beneficiaries. When Lynn hit the cradle piledriver and scored the victory, the fans cheered, not only for Lynn, but for his challenger Human Tornado as well.
Night 2 of "War of Attrition is only hours away as all 4 ACW titles will be on the line. Doors at the Venue (800 Lexington) will open at 4:30 and matches will begin shortly after 5 PM.
"War of Attrition - Night 1"
The Venue
Saturday November 17, 2007
Match # 1 - "One Man" Mike Dell (win) vs. Jacob Ladder
Match # 2 - Tag Team Qualifying Match # 1 - 3-way Elimintion
Supreme Clientelle - "Hotsauce" Marco Riviera & Shawn Vexx (win) vs. Double Trouble - Chris James & Tony Vega vs. The Halloween Crew - Black Rocker & Jack-0-Lantern
Match # 3 - Tag Team Qualifying Match # 2 - 3-way Elimination
Rachel Summerlyn & Miss Diss_Lexia vs. 2 Young Punks - Problems & Berry Breeze vs. The Children of Pain - Darin Childs & Skylar Skelly (win)
Match # 4 - Gary Jay (win) vs. Nick Tyson
Match # 5 - Julio Garza vs. Tony Morales (win)
Match # 6 - Andy Dalton with Starr (win - DQ) vs. Dingo
Match # 7 - Tag Team Title Finals Match
Supreme Clientelle - "Hotsauce" Marco Riviera & Shawn Vexx vs. The Children of Pain - Darin Childs & Skylar Skelly (win & new champions)
Match # 8 - Main Event - ACW Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger - The Human Tornado vs. Champion - Jerry Lynn (win & retain title)
Notes: The show began as "One Man" Mike Dell called out Jacob Ladder who accepted the match even though he was scheduled to take part in the tag-team tournament later. As it turned out, Ladder injured his knee shortly into the match and Dell took an easy victory. Jacob was taken to the lockerroom then to the hospital forcing him to miss the remainder of the show. This also puts in question Ladder's scheduled challenge for the Hardcore Title scheduled for Night 2 of the double shot weekend.
In the first qualifying match for the tag team championship, the team of The Halloween Crew scored their first pinfall on an opponent when Jack-O-Lantern fell on top of Tony Vega and scored the 3 count eliminating Double Trouble. Supreme Clientele acted quickly to seize the opportunity to pick up the deciding fall when Hotsauce forced Jack-O-Lantern to submit to a Texas Cloverleaf.
Left without a partner in the second qualifying match, Darin Childs called on former Children of Pain partner Skylar Skelly who had accompanied Rachel Summerlyn & Miss Diss_Lexia to the ring. Much of the early part of the match involved both of these teams working over Problems from the third team 2 Young Punks. Once the Punks were eliminated the match sort of slipped into a state of Anarchy as the teams enjoyed the opportunity to play around in the ring before getting serious about advancing to the finals. Eventually Skylar Skelly scored the pinfall on Miss Diss_Lexia to earn the coveted spot for the "Old School" Children of Pain.
A three word chant from the crowd best describes the fourth match of the night as Gary Jay pinned Nick Tyson: "That Was Awesome!"
The fifth match saw Julio Garza face "Heatseeker" Tony Morales in a hard fought match which ended with Morales hitting his "Borricua Bomb" finisher of the top turnbuckle. After the match, returning Massive made an impression on the evening by attacking Julio who, to Massive, represents all the "fake Mexicans" in San Antonio.
In one of the best matches of the night, Andy Dalton, accompanied by Starr faced Dingo. The end came as the two fought outside the ring with Dalton hitting a piledriver on Dingo on the hard concrete. As the sick thud echoed through the Venue, Rachel Summerlyn rushed to the ringside and attacked Dalton, leading to the DQ victory for Dalton. Rachel issued a challenge to Dalton and the two will face each other on December 16th during the Lone Star Classic show.
Next came the Tag Team Championship Finals which almost didn't make it into the ring as all four men wrestled through the seats as fans scattered and 2 referees struggled to maintain order. Finally "Hotsauce" and Darin Childs made it into the ring, while Vexx and Skelly continued to fight in the stands. Eventually, Childs gained enough of an advantage on "Hotsauce" to join his partner Skelly in double teaming Vexx who suffered the pinfall defeat outside the ring.
The main event of the evening saw Human Tornado challenge for the ACW Heavyweight title held by Jerry Lynn. This match-up certainly lived up to the hype surrounding it. Tornado impressed the ACW faithful in his debut and Jerry Lynn kept up with him move for move, even taking part in some dance move challenges. Lynn, who recently won the prestigious Super 8 Tournament on the East Coast seems to be rejuvenated and enjoying wrestling more than ever since parting ways with TNA and the fans are the primary beneficiaries. When Lynn hit the cradle piledriver and scored the victory, the fans cheered, not only for Lynn, but for his challenger Human Tornado as well.
Night 2 of "War of Attrition is only hours away as all 4 ACW titles will be on the line. Doors at the Venue (800 Lexington) will open at 4:30 and matches will begin shortly after 5 PM.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
TWA Show Results
Texas Wrestling Association
Texas Wolverines All-Star Gym
Friday November 16, 2007
Match # 1 - Lunar Eclipse (win) vs. Sexy Shawn Stern
Match # 2 - 4-Way Elimination Match
"Maddog" Ken Johnson vs. Lemus II vs. Crazy Jimmy vs. Bull Harley (no decision)
Match # 3 - Mr. Right with Sin-Sational Sal (win) vs. Hugo Strongman
Match # 4 - TWA Championship Gauntlet Match
Champion Cobra (win & retain title) vs. in order: Virus, Renegade & C.J. Xavier
Match # 5 - Main Event Tag Team Match
Hector Montoya & "Sx3" Soul Shakin' Slik (win) vs. Dragon X & Gabe the Babe with Sin-Sational Sal
Texas Wolverines All-Star Gym
Friday November 16, 2007
Match # 1 - Lunar Eclipse (win) vs. Sexy Shawn Stern
Match # 2 - 4-Way Elimination Match
"Maddog" Ken Johnson vs. Lemus II vs. Crazy Jimmy vs. Bull Harley (no decision)
Match # 3 - Mr. Right with Sin-Sational Sal (win) vs. Hugo Strongman
Match # 4 - TWA Championship Gauntlet Match
Champion Cobra (win & retain title) vs. in order: Virus, Renegade & C.J. Xavier
Match # 5 - Main Event Tag Team Match
Hector Montoya & "Sx3" Soul Shakin' Slik (win) vs. Dragon X & Gabe the Babe with Sin-Sational Sal
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
TWE "Heroes III" Results
Texas Wrestling Entertainment
"Heroes III"
TWE Main Event Center
Wednesday November 14, 2007
Match # 1 - Fatal 4-way to name # 1 contender to TWE TV Title
Draven vs. "Cowboy" James Claxton (win) vs. Skitzo vs. Rudy Boy Gonzalez
Match # 2 - Ronnie the Red vs. Soul Shakin' Slik (win)
Match # 3 - Sexy Shawn Stern (win) vs. Windwalker
Match # 4 - Dynamite Danny G (win) vs. Hector Montoya
Match # 5 - Main Event - TWE TV Title Match
Challenger Brett Thunder vs. Champion Mr. Wrestling III (win)
Notes: Texas Wrestling Entertainment hits the road this weekend, heading to the High Chaparral Civic Center in Robstown on Friday. Next Wednesday, TWE presents "Heroes" at the TWE Main Event Center.
"Heroes III"
TWE Main Event Center
Wednesday November 14, 2007
Match # 1 - Fatal 4-way to name # 1 contender to TWE TV Title
Draven vs. "Cowboy" James Claxton (win) vs. Skitzo vs. Rudy Boy Gonzalez
Match # 2 - Ronnie the Red vs. Soul Shakin' Slik (win)
Match # 3 - Sexy Shawn Stern (win) vs. Windwalker
Match # 4 - Dynamite Danny G (win) vs. Hector Montoya
Match # 5 - Main Event - TWE TV Title Match
Challenger Brett Thunder vs. Champion Mr. Wrestling III (win)
Notes: Texas Wrestling Entertainment hits the road this weekend, heading to the High Chaparral Civic Center in Robstown on Friday. Next Wednesday, TWE presents "Heroes" at the TWE Main Event Center.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
STPW in Devine Sunday
South Texas Pro Wrestling
Ric's Dance Hall in Devine
Sunday November 11, 2007
Match # 1 - Gabe the Babe with Sinsational Sal (win) vs. Dragon X
Match # 2 - Lemus II (win DQ) vs. Mr. Right with Sinsational Sal
Match # 3 - Tag Team Match
Mr. Prestigious & Cobra vs. Ben Galvan & Rudy Russo (win)
Match # 4 - Johnny Rage vs. Bio-Hazard Jaykus Plisken (win)
Match # 5 - Women's Division Match
Foxy Roxy vs. Jessica James (win)
Match # 6 - Texas Renegade vs. El Latino (win)
Match # 7 - Main Event - Hair vs. Hair
Tito Sanchez with Judge Doom vs. Chavo "Classic" Guerrero (win)
Notes: Ric's Dancehall in Devine was filled to capacity. In the second match, Mr. Right was disqualified for stealing the mask of Lemus II. In the main event, Judge Doom attempted to interfere on behalf of Tito Sanchez, but missed hitting Chavo with the massive gavel, hitting Tito instead, which lead to the loss for Sanchez. After the match, Tito was held in place while his head was shaved, but after the damage was done, Tito broke free and attacked Ben Galvan who had been helping to shave Tito. Afterwards Galvan challenged Sanchez to a match, even offering a shot at Galvan's UCW Heavyweight Title. Galvan demanded that the match take place in Devine at the next show at Ric's on January 6th. South Texas Pro Wrestling 's next scheduled show is at the Wishing Well Club in Pearsall Texas on November 25th.
Ric's Dance Hall in Devine
Sunday November 11, 2007
Match # 1 - Gabe the Babe with Sinsational Sal (win) vs. Dragon X
Match # 2 - Lemus II (win DQ) vs. Mr. Right with Sinsational Sal
Match # 3 - Tag Team Match
Mr. Prestigious & Cobra vs. Ben Galvan & Rudy Russo (win)
Match # 4 - Johnny Rage vs. Bio-Hazard Jaykus Plisken (win)
Match # 5 - Women's Division Match
Foxy Roxy vs. Jessica James (win)
Match # 6 - Texas Renegade vs. El Latino (win)
Match # 7 - Main Event - Hair vs. Hair
Tito Sanchez with Judge Doom vs. Chavo "Classic" Guerrero (win)
Notes: Ric's Dancehall in Devine was filled to capacity. In the second match, Mr. Right was disqualified for stealing the mask of Lemus II. In the main event, Judge Doom attempted to interfere on behalf of Tito Sanchez, but missed hitting Chavo with the massive gavel, hitting Tito instead, which lead to the loss for Sanchez. After the match, Tito was held in place while his head was shaved, but after the damage was done, Tito broke free and attacked Ben Galvan who had been helping to shave Tito. Afterwards Galvan challenged Sanchez to a match, even offering a shot at Galvan's UCW Heavyweight Title. Galvan demanded that the match take place in Devine at the next show at Ric's on January 6th. South Texas Pro Wrestling 's next scheduled show is at the Wishing Well Club in Pearsall Texas on November 25th.
Saturday Wrestling in Floresville & Gonzalez
Texas Wrestling Entertainment
"Floresville Fall Festival"
Floresville City Park
Saturday November 10, 2007
Match # 1 - Battle Royal
(order eliminated) Dynamite Danny G, Skitzo, Big Dogg, Rudy Russo, Ronnie the Red & Windwalker. (final 2 advance to Main Event) Brett Thunder & Cowboy James Claxton
Match # 2 - Dynamite Danny G (win) vs. Skitzo
Match # 3 - Big Dogg vs. Rudy Russo (win)
Match # 4 - Windwalker vs. Ronnie the Red (win)
Match # 5 - Main Event
Brett Thunder vs. Cowboy James Claxton (win)
Notes: The opening Battle Royal determined the participants and order of the following matches. Texas Wrestling Entertainment's next show is Wednesday's Weekly "Heroes" show at the TWE Main Event Center 9107 Marbach November 14 at 7:30 PM.
Texas Wrestling Federation
Gonzalez Edwards Community Center
Saturday November 10, 2007
Match # 1 - Mr. Prestigious vs. Ben Galvan (win)
Match # 2 - Light Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger Ann R. Key with El Latino (win & transfer title to El Latino) vs. Champion Jessica James
Match # 3 - Texas Renegade (win) vs. Cobra
Match # 4 - Light Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger Gabe the Babe vs. Champion El Latino
Match # 5 - Tag Team Match
David Stahr & Mr. Muerte vs. Golden Prince & Chaz Taylor (win)
Match # 6 - Heavyweight Title Match - Dog Collar Match
Challenger Johnny Rage (win & new champion) vs. Tito Sanchez
Notes: Former Light Heavyweight Champion El Latino declared that he would not beat on a woman so he therefore was going to allow his "Girlfriend" Ann R. Key to do his fighting for him. When Ann R. Key won the match with Latino's interference, she promptly handed the belt over to Latino.
TWF Owner Jimmy Dela Rosa Perez allowed the title to transfer hands, but declared that El Latino would have to defend the title later that night against a mystery opponent. Furthermore, Perez announced that he had stripped the TWF Ladies Title from ODB who is currently working in TNA and therefore unable to defend the belt. The belt will be on the line in Gonzalez on January 5th in a 4-way match. The participants have not yet been announced.
In the main event, Tito Sanchez attacked Rage before the bell, pounding him ruthlessly with the heavy chain. During the match, Renegade came to the ring to watch the action. Fans were certain he was there to help the Champion Tito since the two had attacked Rage earlier in the show. Instead, Renegade didn't interfere in the match until Tito brought a chair into play. Renegade refused to let Tito hit Rage with the chair. This allowed Rage to grab the victory and win the belt. Tito, Rage and the fans were left to wonder what motivated Renegade's actions.
"Floresville Fall Festival"
Floresville City Park
Saturday November 10, 2007
Match # 1 - Battle Royal
(order eliminated) Dynamite Danny G, Skitzo, Big Dogg, Rudy Russo, Ronnie the Red & Windwalker. (final 2 advance to Main Event) Brett Thunder & Cowboy James Claxton
Match # 2 - Dynamite Danny G (win) vs. Skitzo
Match # 3 - Big Dogg vs. Rudy Russo (win)
Match # 4 - Windwalker vs. Ronnie the Red (win)
Match # 5 - Main Event
Brett Thunder vs. Cowboy James Claxton (win)
Notes: The opening Battle Royal determined the participants and order of the following matches. Texas Wrestling Entertainment's next show is Wednesday's Weekly "Heroes" show at the TWE Main Event Center 9107 Marbach November 14 at 7:30 PM.
Texas Wrestling Federation
Gonzalez Edwards Community Center
Saturday November 10, 2007
Match # 1 - Mr. Prestigious vs. Ben Galvan (win)
Match # 2 - Light Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger Ann R. Key with El Latino (win & transfer title to El Latino) vs. Champion Jessica James
Match # 3 - Texas Renegade (win) vs. Cobra
Match # 4 - Light Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger Gabe the Babe vs. Champion El Latino
Match # 5 - Tag Team Match
David Stahr & Mr. Muerte vs. Golden Prince & Chaz Taylor (win)
Match # 6 - Heavyweight Title Match - Dog Collar Match
Challenger Johnny Rage (win & new champion) vs. Tito Sanchez
Notes: Former Light Heavyweight Champion El Latino declared that he would not beat on a woman so he therefore was going to allow his "Girlfriend" Ann R. Key to do his fighting for him. When Ann R. Key won the match with Latino's interference, she promptly handed the belt over to Latino.
TWF Owner Jimmy Dela Rosa Perez allowed the title to transfer hands, but declared that El Latino would have to defend the title later that night against a mystery opponent. Furthermore, Perez announced that he had stripped the TWF Ladies Title from ODB who is currently working in TNA and therefore unable to defend the belt. The belt will be on the line in Gonzalez on January 5th in a 4-way match. The participants have not yet been announced.
In the main event, Tito Sanchez attacked Rage before the bell, pounding him ruthlessly with the heavy chain. During the match, Renegade came to the ring to watch the action. Fans were certain he was there to help the Champion Tito since the two had attacked Rage earlier in the show. Instead, Renegade didn't interfere in the match until Tito brought a chair into play. Renegade refused to let Tito hit Rage with the chair. This allowed Rage to grab the victory and win the belt. Tito, Rage and the fans were left to wonder what motivated Renegade's actions.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
TWE "Heroes" Every Wednesday!
Wednesday November 14th
Texas Wrestling Entertainment presents 'Heroes'
TWE Main Event Center
9107 Marbach Rd
San Antonio, Tx 78245
TWE TV Title Match
Champion Mr. Wrestling III
Challenger Brett Thunder
TWE Stars Skitzo, Windwalker, Cowboy James
Claxton, and up and comers Dynamite Danny G, Draven and more.
Doors open at 7:00pm bell time 7:30pm
Tickets only $5
TWE presents 'Heroes' is a weekly event featuring many of the top indy stars in the area and more. Talks have begun for appearances by WWE stars Lance Cade, and Trevor Murdoch, Brian Kendrick, Paul London, Ring of Honor star 'American Dragon' Bryan Danielson, Texas Ladies Champion Becky Bayless, TNA stars Chris Daniels, Shawn Hernandez, Homicide, and more.
TWE "Heroes II" Results
Texas Wrestling Entertainment
"Heroes II"
TWE Main Event Center
Wednesday November 7, 2007
Match # 1 - Skitzo (win) vs. Ronnie the Red
Match # 2 - Alex Draven (win) vs. Windwalker
Match # 3 - Brett Thunder (win) vs. Danny Garcia
Match # 4 - TWE TV Title Match
Challenger Cowboy James Claxton vs. Champion Mr. Wrestling III (win - DQ)
Match # 5 - Main Event Battle Royal to name #1 contender
Winner Bret Thunder
Notes: Texas Wrestling Entertainment Heroes will return next Wednesday at the TWE Main Event Center. Additionally TWE will be a part of the Floresville Fall Festival this Saturday in the streets of downtown Floresville. Matches are scheduled to start at 3 PM. Check out Texas Wrestling Entertainment as it travels throughout Texas this fall with stops in Robstown, Pleasanton and Del Rio this month. Visit for details.
"Heroes II"
TWE Main Event Center
Wednesday November 7, 2007
Match # 1 - Skitzo (win) vs. Ronnie the Red
Match # 2 - Alex Draven (win) vs. Windwalker
Match # 3 - Brett Thunder (win) vs. Danny Garcia
Match # 4 - TWE TV Title Match
Challenger Cowboy James Claxton vs. Champion Mr. Wrestling III (win - DQ)
Match # 5 - Main Event Battle Royal to name #1 contender
Winner Bret Thunder
Notes: Texas Wrestling Entertainment Heroes will return next Wednesday at the TWE Main Event Center. Additionally TWE will be a part of the Floresville Fall Festival this Saturday in the streets of downtown Floresville. Matches are scheduled to start at 3 PM. Check out Texas Wrestling Entertainment as it travels throughout Texas this fall with stops in Robstown, Pleasanton and Del Rio this month. Visit for details.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
ACW "Showtime's Birthday Bash" Show Results
Anarchy Championship Wrestling
"Showtime's Birthday Bash"
The Falls
Monday November 5, 2007
Match # 1 - Tag Team Match
Children of Pain - Jacob Ladder & Darin Childs (win) vs. Tony Vega & Jack-O-Lantern
Match # 2 - Miss Diss_Lexia (win) vs. Starr
Match # 3 - "Maddog" Ken Johnson (win) vs. Problems
Match # 4 - "One Man" Mike Dell (win) vs. Jimmy Jacobs
Match # 5 - Main Event - Title vs. Title
ACW Hardcore Champion "Showtime" Scot Summers vs. ACW Heavyweight Champion Jerry Lynn (time limit draw)
"Showtime's Birthday Bash"
The Falls
Monday November 5, 2007
Match # 1 - Tag Team Match
Children of Pain - Jacob Ladder & Darin Childs (win) vs. Tony Vega & Jack-O-Lantern
Match # 2 - Miss Diss_Lexia (win) vs. Starr
Match # 3 - "Maddog" Ken Johnson (win) vs. Problems
Match # 4 - "One Man" Mike Dell (win) vs. Jimmy Jacobs
Match # 5 - Main Event - Title vs. Title
ACW Hardcore Champion "Showtime" Scot Summers vs. ACW Heavyweight Champion Jerry Lynn (time limit draw)
Sunday, November 04, 2007
ACW "Evolution of the Revolution" Show Results
Anarchy Championship Wrestling
"Evolution of the Revolution"
The Venue
Sunday November 4, 2007
Match # 1 - 4-way Elimination Match
(order eliminated) Pepe Rodriguez vs. Ricky Rhodes vs. Problems vs. Julio Garza (win)
Match # 2 - Chris James (win) vs. Miss Diss_Lexia
Match # 3 - Tony Morales (win) vs. Steve DeMarco
Match # 4 - Tag Team Match
The Halloween Crew - Jack O'Lantern & Black Rocker vs. The Children of Pain - Skylar Skelly & Darin Childs (win)
Match # 5 - Danny Matthews vs. Shawn Vexx (win)
Match # 6 - Rachel Summerlyn with Kissyboots vs. Tony Vega (win)
Match # 7 - Andy Dalton with Starr vs. Jimmy Jacobs (win)
Match # 8 - Main Event - Mystery Partner Tag Team Match
"Showtime" Scot Summers & Partner Jerry Lynn (win) vs. Jacob Ladder & Partner "One Man" Mike Dell with Scotty Riggs
"Evolution of the Revolution"
The Venue
Sunday November 4, 2007
Match # 1 - 4-way Elimination Match
(order eliminated) Pepe Rodriguez vs. Ricky Rhodes vs. Problems vs. Julio Garza (win)
Match # 2 - Chris James (win) vs. Miss Diss_Lexia
Match # 3 - Tony Morales (win) vs. Steve DeMarco
Match # 4 - Tag Team Match
The Halloween Crew - Jack O'Lantern & Black Rocker vs. The Children of Pain - Skylar Skelly & Darin Childs (win)
Match # 5 - Danny Matthews vs. Shawn Vexx (win)
Match # 6 - Rachel Summerlyn with Kissyboots vs. Tony Vega (win)
Match # 7 - Andy Dalton with Starr vs. Jimmy Jacobs (win)
Match # 8 - Main Event - Mystery Partner Tag Team Match
"Showtime" Scot Summers & Partner Jerry Lynn (win) vs. Jacob Ladder & Partner "One Man" Mike Dell with Scotty Riggs
PWI Entertainment Show Results
Pro Wrestling International Entertainment
S.P.L.A.C.H. Sports Bar
Saturday November 3, 2007
Match # 1 - Dragon X vs. El Gato (win)
Match # 2 - Mr. Right with Sin-Sational Sal vs. Tigre Mysterio (win)
Match # 3 - US Championship Match
Madness with Sin-Sational Sal & William Payne vs. The Great Ryu (win by DQ)
Match # 4 - Chief Battu with Tigre Mysterio & El Gato (win) vs. Gabe the Babe with Sin-Sational Sal
Match # 5 - Main Event - Fan Lumberjack Strap Match - Special Guest Referee Skunk
Blue Angel vs. Chuey Martinez (no contest)
Notes: Since the US Championship Match ended in a DQ victory by Ryu the title remains with Madness. The Main Event was a no contest as William Payne came to the ring to interfere on behalf of Blue Angel but when Guest Referee Skunk refused to count the pin by Blue Angel on an unconscious Chuey, Blue Angel attacked Skunk and then attacked ring announcer J.D. Kingston.
This show was the last of the season for PWI which will return in February. Check out for details on the upcoming season.
S.P.L.A.C.H. Sports Bar
Saturday November 3, 2007
Match # 1 - Dragon X vs. El Gato (win)
Match # 2 - Mr. Right with Sin-Sational Sal vs. Tigre Mysterio (win)
Match # 3 - US Championship Match
Madness with Sin-Sational Sal & William Payne vs. The Great Ryu (win by DQ)
Match # 4 - Chief Battu with Tigre Mysterio & El Gato (win) vs. Gabe the Babe with Sin-Sational Sal
Match # 5 - Main Event - Fan Lumberjack Strap Match - Special Guest Referee Skunk
Blue Angel vs. Chuey Martinez (no contest)
Notes: Since the US Championship Match ended in a DQ victory by Ryu the title remains with Madness. The Main Event was a no contest as William Payne came to the ring to interfere on behalf of Blue Angel but when Guest Referee Skunk refused to count the pin by Blue Angel on an unconscious Chuey, Blue Angel attacked Skunk and then attacked ring announcer J.D. Kingston.
This show was the last of the season for PWI which will return in February. Check out for details on the upcoming season.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
TWE "Heroes" Show Results & Notes
Texas Wrestling Entertainment
Texas Wrestling Academy
Thursday November 1, 2007
Match # 1 - Danny G vs. Daivari (win)
Match # 2 - Draven (win) vs. Ronnie the Red
Match # 3 - Windwalker vs. Skitzo (win)
Match # 4 - "Cowboy" James Claxton (win) vs. Rudy Boy Gonzalez
Match # 5 - Main Event
Brett Thunder (win) vs. Daivari
Notes: The show began as Texas Wrestling Academy student Ron Dunnings came out to complain to Rudy Gonzalez about being left off the card. Rudy refused to let Ron work the show so Ron introduced masked luchadore "Ronnie the Red." Finally Rudy agreed that Ronnie the Red could wrestle on the show.
The first match featured former WWE Superstar Daivari facing Academy student Danny G. In only his third match, Danny put up a good effort bus was not able to beat the veteran Daivari. After the match Daivari continued to berate and beat down Danny until Brett Thunder came to the ring to stop the attack. The main event was set up for Thunder and Daivari later in the show.
The second match featured Dravin and the masked Ronnie the Red. Draven seemed mostly annoyed with the antics of Ronnie. Eventually Draven was able to overcome the unorthodox style of Ronnie and pick up the victory.
In the third match, Skitzo was able to overcome the distractions from the crowd to beat Windwalker.
The fourth match saw Cowboy James Claxton face and defeat TWE CEO Rudy Boy Gonzalez in an entertaining match.
In the main event, Brett Thunder and Daivari faced off. Daivari did not find Thunder as easy to push around as Danny G has been. Despite numerous offensive surges, Daivari became frustrated by his inability to put Thunder away. Eventually Daivari was forced to resort to grabbing a steel chair to bring into the ring, but before he could use it, Danny G appeared ringside and pulled the chair away, distracting Daivari and giving Thunder all he needed to grab the victory.
During the show, several announcements were made. TWE "Heroes" will return next week as the show moves to Wednesday every week. On the last Wednesday of November (the 28th) TWE Texas Ladies Champion Becky Bayless will return to defend her title. Her opponent has yet to be named but there is plenty of speculation. Also on that show will be a special tag-team match featuring WWE Superstars Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch against Paul London & Brian Kendrick. Plus, in December, American Dragon Bryan Danielson returns to TWE. Danielson will not only take part in a show, but will conduct a week-long training seminar. For details, check out
Texas Wrestling Academy
Thursday November 1, 2007
Match # 1 - Danny G vs. Daivari (win)
Match # 2 - Draven (win) vs. Ronnie the Red
Match # 3 - Windwalker vs. Skitzo (win)
Match # 4 - "Cowboy" James Claxton (win) vs. Rudy Boy Gonzalez
Match # 5 - Main Event
Brett Thunder (win) vs. Daivari
Notes: The show began as Texas Wrestling Academy student Ron Dunnings came out to complain to Rudy Gonzalez about being left off the card. Rudy refused to let Ron work the show so Ron introduced masked luchadore "Ronnie the Red." Finally Rudy agreed that Ronnie the Red could wrestle on the show.
The first match featured former WWE Superstar Daivari facing Academy student Danny G. In only his third match, Danny put up a good effort bus was not able to beat the veteran Daivari. After the match Daivari continued to berate and beat down Danny until Brett Thunder came to the ring to stop the attack. The main event was set up for Thunder and Daivari later in the show.
The second match featured Dravin and the masked Ronnie the Red. Draven seemed mostly annoyed with the antics of Ronnie. Eventually Draven was able to overcome the unorthodox style of Ronnie and pick up the victory.
In the third match, Skitzo was able to overcome the distractions from the crowd to beat Windwalker.
The fourth match saw Cowboy James Claxton face and defeat TWE CEO Rudy Boy Gonzalez in an entertaining match.
In the main event, Brett Thunder and Daivari faced off. Daivari did not find Thunder as easy to push around as Danny G has been. Despite numerous offensive surges, Daivari became frustrated by his inability to put Thunder away. Eventually Daivari was forced to resort to grabbing a steel chair to bring into the ring, but before he could use it, Danny G appeared ringside and pulled the chair away, distracting Daivari and giving Thunder all he needed to grab the victory.
During the show, several announcements were made. TWE "Heroes" will return next week as the show moves to Wednesday every week. On the last Wednesday of November (the 28th) TWE Texas Ladies Champion Becky Bayless will return to defend her title. Her opponent has yet to be named but there is plenty of speculation. Also on that show will be a special tag-team match featuring WWE Superstars Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch against Paul London & Brian Kendrick. Plus, in December, American Dragon Bryan Danielson returns to TWE. Danielson will not only take part in a show, but will conduct a week-long training seminar. For details, check out
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