Upcoming Events
- Show Dates and Details are subject to change without notice. Always check with the promotion to confirm.
- ****************************************************
- Saturday April 30 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday May 7 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday May 13 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday May 27 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday May 28 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday June 4 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday June 10 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday June 24 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday June 25 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday July 2 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday July 8 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday July 22 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday July 30 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday August 6 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday August 12 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday August 26 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday August 27 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday September 3 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday September 9 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday September 23 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday September 24 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday October 1 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday October 14 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday October 28 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday October 29 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday November 5 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday November 11 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday November 19 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Friday November 25 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday December 3 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Friday December 9 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday December 10 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- ****************************************************
- Please send results from any San Antonio area wrestling shows to bayou_926@hotmail.com (include "Wrestling" in subject line)
Sunday, September 30, 2007
TWE at SA Carshow 9-30
Cowboys Dance Hall
Sunday September 30, 2007
Match # 1 - Ronnie the Red vs. Danny Garcia (win)
Match # 2 - Triple Threat Match
Rudy Russo (win) vs. "White Fang" CJ Xavier vs. Windwalker
Match # 3 - Draven vs. "Cowboy" James Claxton (win)
Match # 4 - Brett Thunder (win) vs. Skitzo
Match # 5 - Main Event
Big Dogg vs. Hotstuff Hernandez (win)
Sunday, September 23, 2007
ACW "Sweet Destruction" Results
Sweet Destruction
The Venue
Sunday September 23, 2007
Match # 1 - 3 Way Elimination for Young Guns Title
Challenger "Hotsauce" Marco Riviera vs. Challenger Ricky Rhodes vs. Champion Berry Breeze (win & retain title)
Match # 2 - 6 Man Tag Match
Tony Vega, Rachel Summerlyn & Miss Diss_Lexia (win) vs. Problems and "The Mexican Jumping Beans" Pepe Rodriguez & Julio Garza
Match # 3 - "Sexy" Steve DeMarco vs. Jaykus Plisken (win)
Match # 4 - "The Infamous" Shawn Vexx vs. Darin Childs
Match # 5 - Yamato with Toshiro Nashida vs. "Solid Gold" Gregory Symonds (win)
Match # 6 - Tag Team Match
Gary Jay & Dingo (win) vs. "The Submission Squad" - Pierre Abernathy & Nick Tyson
Match # 7 - 3 Way Elimination for ACW Hardcore Title
Challenger "Showtime" Scot Summers (win & new Champion) vs. Challenger Masada vs. Champion Jacob Ladder
Match # 8 - J.T. LaMotta vs. BxB Hulk (win) with Toshiro & Yamato
Match # 9 - Main Event for ACW Heavyweight Title
Challenger "One Man" Mike Dell with Gregory Symonds vs. Champion Jerry Lynn (win & retain title)
Southern Thunder Pro Wrestling Show Results and Notes
The Biss Report airs every Wednesday (that Biss is sober) starting at 8:30 PM. Go to www.indywarzradio.com and follow the instructions to listen and to join the chatroom.
Southern Thunder Pro Wrestling
Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym
Saturday September 22, 2007
Match # 1 - Tag Team Match
The Houligans - Crazy Jimmy and Bull Harley (win) vs. Primetime (Ryan Johnson & C Kash) with Mr. B
Match # 2 - Dragon X (win) vs. Amos
Match # 3 - Cruiserweight Title Match
Challenger Cobra vs. Champion Mr. B (win & retain title) with Primetime
Match # 4 - Maddog Ken Johnson vs. Renegade (win)
Match # 5 - Draven (win) vs. Virus
Match # 6 - Main Event Tag Team Match
Team Dragon Gate - Yamato & BxB Hulk (win) vs. Team STPW - Rudy Russo & Gabe the Babe
Notes: The Houligans(w) vs Primetime w/Mr. B (note: The team of Primetime is Ryan Johnson & C Kash and along with Mr. B are known as "The Stallions")
Before the next match Virus came out and announced Dragon X and one of his new students
Dragon X (w) vs Amos
After the match both men shook hands. Then Virus rose both men's hands and turned on Dragon X. Draven made the save. Virus told Draven he was sticking his nose in "Liar of Despair" business and made a match between himself and Draven for later. The student was introduced as Amos “The South Texas Submission Machine"
Cobra vs Mr B (w) w/ Primetime For the Cruiserweight title
“Maddog” Ken Johnson vs Renegade (w)
Draven(w) with help from Dragon X vs Virus
BxB Hulk and YAMATO(w) vs Gabe the Babe and Rudy Russo
Both Gabe and Rudy should be commended on stepping up to compete against these top level athletes but in the end, the team from Dragon Gate got the better of them.
You can add this; The Biss Report highly recommends that San Antonio fans check out the Dragon Gate Fighters at the ACW show this Sunday.
Thanks again Justin for sending in this report. Check out www.myspace.com/stpwlair for information on upcoming Southern Thunder shows.
PWI Entertainment Show Results & Notes
SPLACH Sports Bar
Saturday September 22, 2007
Match # 1 - Dingo (win) vs. Nick Tyson
Match # 2 - Ace Cage (win) vs. The Great Ryu
Match # 3 - US Title Match
Challenger Pepe Rodriguez vs. Champion Julio Garza (win & retain title)
Match # 4 - Gary Jay vs. Madness (win) with Sin-Sational Sal
Match # 5 - Tag Team Championship Match
Challengers Shawn Vexx & "Hotsauce" Marco Riviera (win & new champions) vs. Champions Chief Battu & Lemus II
Match # 6 - Main Event - PWI Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger Pierre Abernathy vs. Champion Mojo (no decision - Mojo retains title)
Notes: PWI continues to showcase itself as a dynamic promotion, utilizing an influx of talent presenting exciting matches from opening to close.
In the opener, making their Texas debuts were Dingo and Nick Tyson. Dingo, a muscular Australian faced off against the crafty but skillful Tyson in a match the set the bar high for tonight's show. Dingo scored the victory with a Brainbuster Suplex.
The second match saw the renewal of the rivalry between Ace Cage and The Great Ryu. Since returning to PWI, Cage has shown an increase in viciousness with each match and in this case pushed the former champion to the limit, actually scoring the upset victory using his feet on the ropes for leverage.
Next on the card was the US Title match as Pepe Rodriguez faced the Champion who is now known by Julio Garza. These two young flyers competed at full speed for the entire match. The match was marred when the time-keeper missed the sign from the referee Jim Brody to ring the bell following a pin by Garza who had rolled through a top rope cross body from the top rope by Rodriguez. With no bell sounding, the pair continued to fight for almost an entire minute before theReferee signalled Garza the victory. Both wrestlers, the ring announcer and the crowd were all confused by this turn of events until the ref returned to explain the call. Julio Garza was the winner bypinfall and retained the US Title.
During an intermission that followed, Big Daddy Dick Dallas, who had been adding commentary ringside expressed his dissatisfaction at not getting a title shot atMojo and proclaimed he would not step into a PWI ring again until he was given his shot. Mojo came to the ring and stated he would fight right then and there, but apparently that was not good enough for Dallas who high-tailed it to the lockerroom.
Following intermission, PWI fans were treated to the return of Gary Jay as he faced Madness, who was accompanied to the ring by his manager Sin-Sational Sal. As is often the case when Sal is around, Gary's return was spoiled when the flamboyant manager distracted referee Alfred Olivares allowing Madness to hit a low blow on Gary and get the pin.
The Tag Team Championship match was next as challengers Shawn Vexx and "Hotsauce" Marco Riviera faced the newly named TEAM MEXICO made up of Chief Battu and Lemus II. This was a very entertaining match and the champions seemed inspired by their young challengers. Chief Battu was particularly energized as he attempted a suicide dive through the ropes at Hotsauce. The only problem was that Battu was so adrenalized that he actually soared over his opponent, clipping him on the head, but absorbing greater punishment as he crashed into the rows of seats beyond. AsBattu lay injured outside the ring, the Ref Olivares had his attention split between the action inside and outside the ring, missing the involvement of Ace Cage who snuck to the ring and hit Lemus with a title belt while Olivares was distracted. Vexx quickly rolled up Lemus and scored the victory, winning the Championship Belts for his team.
In the main event, PWI Heavyweight Champion Mojo faced returning star Pierre Abernathy who pushed the champ into one of his best matches in memory. The action started outside the ring where Mojo dominated Abernathy, hitting him first with the green mist and then
with bottles of water and cans of cola. By the time the pair rolled into the ring, Pierre was a slimy, sticky mess, but once inside the ring, Pierre was in hiselement and soon gained control. William Payne who had accompanied Abernathy to the ring involved himself in the match as often as he could get away with it, adding to Pierre's advantage. When the ref was knocked down during the match, Ace Cage rushed the ring with the other rule-breakers from the lockerroom and attacked Mojo. This group was followed quickly by the remainder of the lockeroom who came to Mojo's defense. At this point Referee Olivares threw the match out, declaring a "no decision" but the action did not stop. The tide turned in favor of the fan favorites when the familiar music played and Skunk hit the ring. In the end, Ace Cage, along with William Payne, Sin-Sational Sal and Madness suffered the humiliating beat down from Skunk, Mojo, Ryu and Garza as the rest of the roster watched on.
PWI returns to S.P.L.A.C.H. Sports Bar in 2 weeks on October 6th. Check out www.pwient.com for details.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
TWE "Heros" Wednesday September 26
TWE @ SA Car Show September 30
Texas Wrestling Entertainment has been invited to participate in the 7th Annual Auto Fest September 30 at Cowboys Music Hall (Far West Rode0) 3030 NE Loop 410 at IH-35. Presale tickets are $12 and $15 at the door. Children 12 and under ar free with an adult. The Car Show runs from Noon until 8PM with wrestling currently scheduled to begin at 3PM.
The San Antonio Independent Wrestling Scene has learned that TWE is bringing in a special guest for this show, so no wrestling fan in San Antonio will want to miss out. When Texas Wrestling Entertainment makes this announcement official, The Scene will publish it here.
Friday, September 14, 2007
STPW Saturday September 22
Thursday, September 13, 2007
ACW "Sweet Distruction" September 23
Bell Time is 5pm Doors open at 4:30
Reserved Front Row: $15
Floor Seating: $10
Balcony Seating: $8
Just Signed to Appear:
Dragon Gate Super Star
Dragon Gate Superstar
Gregory Symonds
Dragon Gate Super Star
Darin Childs
Shawn Vexx
Pierre Abernathy & Nick Tyson
Gary Jay & Dingo
--> --> --> -->
Also announced:
Double Trouble
The Mexican Jumping Beans
(Pepe Rodriguez & Julio Garza)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
PWI at SPLACH September 22nd
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Sunday September 9th Full Report
River City Wrestling
Low Low Car Show
Rosedale Park
Sunday September 9 2007
Match # 1 - Tag Team Match
Gregory Symonds & Rob Raw vs. Sicodelico Jr. & SKAM 13 (win)
Match # 2 - "One Man" Mike Dell vs. Dusty Wolfe (win-DQ)
Match # 3 - RCW Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger Rory Fox (win & new champion) vs. Champion Masada
Match # 4 - J.T. LaMotta vs. Rudy Russo (win)
Match # 5 - Main Event - RCW Tag Team Title Match - Triple Threat Match
Challengers # 1 - Ikaika & Marty Cone vs. Challengers # 2 - The Texas Treats: Don Juan & Chris Marval (win & new champions) vs. Champions - The Hardbodies: Andy Dalton & Joey Spector
Notes: RCW was a central part of the Low Low Car Show at Rosedale Park Sunday. The show began as RCW CEO Brandon Oliver called out the RCW Tag Team Champions The Hardbodies: Andy Dalton & Joey Spector. As it turns out, the Hardbodies are now the longest reigning Tag Champs in RCW history. At this point, Don Juan came out and demanded a shot at the title. Don Juan went so far as to say that Oliver could pick anyone on the RCW roster as his partner. When Marty Cone came out of the locker room and offered his service since he had previously won a shot at any championship in RCW. Don Juan balked at this offer and Brandon Oliver revealed that the two would not team. Rather they will each be assigned a partner and challenge for the belts in a 3 way dance. Brandon then called out the first man who would partner in the match, The Smashing Machine Ikaika. Unfortunately for Don Juan, Ikaika was being teamed with Marty Cone. Don Juan's partner was to be none other than Chris Marval, Don Juan's former partner in the Texas Treats. Neither Don Juan nor Chris Marval seemed terribly excited about the prospect of teaming once again.
The opening match was a tag team match featuring the team of Gregory Symonds and Rob Raw facing the enmascaradas Sicodelico Jr. & SKAM 13 from Mexico. The crowd was clearly behind the luchadores and thrilled by the victory when Sicodelico Jr. pinned Symonds.
In the second match, Dusty Wolfe faced "One Man" Mike Dell. The younger, more athletic Dell was never able to overcome the experience of the veteran Wolfe and eventually took his frustrations out on the referee Alex Marrozos who disqualified Dell, giving Dusty the win.
The third match was for the RCW Heavyweight Title as Rory Fox challenged for Masada's belt. At first Fox seemed intimidated by Masada, but eventually Fox engaged the big man from Big Japan. In perhaps the upset of the day, Rory managed to steal the victory with a handful of tights becoming the new RCW Heavyweight Champion.
In the next match, JT LaMotta renewed his rivalry with Rudy Russo and LaMotta's string of hard luck in RCW matches continued as Russo was able to pick up the victory with a Gory Bomb.
In the main event, both teams of challengers had difficulty cooperating as The former partners Don Juan and Chris Marval were barely able to avoid attacking one another, and the Smashing Machine Ikaika seemed more or less annoyed by the antics of the flamboyant Marty Cone. The Champions seemed confident that their experience and teamwork advantage would prevail. But in the end, the unthinkable occurred. Don Juan seized advantage of the confusion and scored the pinfall victory over Andy Dalton. The Texas Treats, reluctantly reunited were once again RCW Tag Team Champions. After the match, Joey Spector was livid at the loss, blaming his partner, Spector attacked Dalton, effectivly ending the partnership.
RCW returns to action at the Hope of Glory Church soon! Check out www.rcw-wrestling.com for for details on this show and an upcoming announcement.
Anarchy Championship Wrestling
A Matter of Life and Death
The Venue
Sunday September 9 2007
Match # 1 - Young Guns U-30 Tournament Semi-Final Match
Berry Breeze (win & advance) vs. "Showcase" Shance Williams
Match # 2 - Young Guns U-30 Tournament Semi-Final Match
"Heatseeker" Tony Morales (win & advance) vs. Awesome Andy
Match # 3 - "Old School" Eight-Man Tag Team Match
Tony Vega, Chris James, Dusty Wolfe & Rob Raw (win) vs. Mr. Destiny, Ricky Rhodes, Chad Thomas & Steve DeMarco
Match # 4 - 5-Man Elimination Scramble
(order eliminated) "Hotsauce" Marco Riviera vs. Julio Garza vs. Pepe Rodriguez vs. Dillon Stone vs. Nathan Sin (win)
Match # 5 - Massive vs. Joey "Magnum" Ryan (win)
Match # 6 - "Showtime" Scot Summers (win) vs. Problems
Match # 7 - "Showtime" Scot Summers (win) vs. Arik Cannon
Match # 8 - 3-way Dance
(order eliminated) Gregory Symonds vs. J.T. LaMotta vs. Masada (win)
Match # 9 - Mixed Tag Team Match
Portia Perez & Zach Storm vs. Miss Diss_Lexia & Andrew Dalton (win)
Match # 10 - Young Guns U-30 Tournament Finals
Berry Breeze (win & first ever champion) vs. "Heatseeker" Tony Morales
Match # 11 - Main Event - ACW Tag Team Championship 3-way Elimination
(order eliminated) Challengers Team # 1 - The Children of Pain: Darin Childs & Jacob Ladder vs. Challengers Team # 2 - The New Kissyboots - Rachel Summerlyn & Jimmy Jacobs vs. Champions - The Sexy Fox-a-Dell-ics: Rory Fox & "One Man" Mike Dell (win & retain titles)
Notes: A Matter of Life and Death: That was the name given to this last Sunday's ACW show at the Venue. It seems rather appropriate in hindsite as no fewer than 3 wrestlers were carried to the back following their matches. ACW wrestlers know that they take their lives into their own hands when they enter the ring to entertain the fans.
Before the first match, ACW Tag Team Champions The Sexy Fox-a-Dell-ics, Rory Fox and "One Man Mike Dell, along with their partner Gregory Symonds came to the ring to boast that they were the greatest tag teams in ACW history. As it turned out, The Children of Pain, Jacob Ladder and Darin Childs had a few things to say about that claim. A challenge was laid out, but before a match could be made, Kissyboots music played and Rachel Summerlyn came to the ring and stated she wanted in on the action, adding that her injured partner Skylar Skelly had hand selected a replacement. So a main event, 3 team tag team championship match was set up.
The first two matches on this night of eleven matches were semi-finals in the IWA Texas-ACW Young Guns Under 30 Title Tournament. In the first match, Berry Breeze advanced by beating "Showcase" Shance Williams using a Cloverleaf submission variation. In the second match"Heatseeker" Tony Morales advanced in a very tough match against Awesome Andy who was substituting for the injured Shawn Vexx. Breeze and Morales would meet later in the evening in the finals.
The next match was an 8-man "Old School" Tag Team Match. The first team was Double Trouble's Tony Vega & Chris James with Dusty Wolfe and Rob Raw from Brussels Belgium. The opposing team was made up of Mr. Destiny, Ricky Rhodes, Chad Thomas, and ACW newcomer Steve DeMarco. The team led by Dusty Wolfe showed great teamwork and managed to keep Ricky Rhodes in the ring for the majority of the match. As Rhodes' partners began to show their frustration all the men ran into the ring, leading to a melee which spilled out of the ring. Dusty Wolfe found himself alone in the ring with Rhodes. Dusty hit the piledriver and Rhodes was out.
Next came a 5 man scramble elimination match. These scramble matches have become among the most exciting and popular matches on the ACW shows, and this match was no exception. The highlight of the match was a Senton by Dillon Stone from the top of the stairs onto his opponents 15 feet below on the floor of the Venue. Shortly after that move, Stone hit a frogsplash onto "Hotsauce" Marco Riviera, eliminating Hotsauce. Then, following a 4 man tower Suplex, Julio Garza was pinned by Nathin Sin. Next eliminated was Pepe Rodriguez who was pinned by Stone following a Reality Check. With Sin and Stone the last two men, the action actually picked up. When Stone went for a huracanrana, Sin tossed him off. Stone landed awkwardly and Sin was in control, gaining the victory by pinfall following a vicious slam.
The featured match between Massive and NWA Tag Team Champion Joey "Magnum" Ryan was next. Ryan found himself in a very tough match as the "World's Largest Cruiserweight" Massive used his weight advantage to his benefit. Ryan was no stranger to big matches or big opponents and was ready for everything Massive threw at him. Just as Massive seemed poised to grab the victory, the loudspeakers played the familiar theme of Bio-Hazard Jaykus Plisken, who hadn't been seen in an ACW ring since Massive broke Plisken's ribs. Distracted, Massive turned his attention to the entrance to the lockerroom. Ryan seized the moment, and rolled Massive up. With both feet on the ropes, Ryan scored the pinfall victory and cleared out as fast as he could. Still unsure what had happened, Massive headed to the lockerroom, only to be met by Jaykus Plisken. Exhausted by the long hard match, Massive had no chance against Plisken. As the dust settled, it was Massive who needed to be helped to the back.
For the last 3 weeks, former ACW champion "Showtime" Summers has been issuing challenges to any ACW wrestler for a match. Imagine his surprise then, when his challenge was met by Problems. After recovering from his fit of laughter, Summers made short work of the rookie Problems, defeating him in less than 2 minutes, but before he could even get out of the ring, "Showtime" was stopped by the appearance of "The Anarchist" Arik Cannon who offered to give him a slightly tougher challenge. During his run as champion, Summers faced and defeated 13 of the toughest men in indy wrestling, but perhaps none of them gave him a harder challenge than Cannon did on this night. This was one of those rare matches in which the crowd watches in awe as the two wrestlers exchanged holds and counters until after nearly 20 minutes Cannon missed a Glimmering Warlock. Showtime slapped on a chokehold, but Cannon refused to tap out and somehow managed to avoid passing out. Showtime then converted the hold to a slam and scored the pin.
The next match was a 3 way elimination match which was a total clash of styles as JT LaMotta, Gregory Symonds and Masada faced off. This was one of the hardest hitting matches ever seen in an ACW ring. The first elimination came when Gregory Symonds caught LaMotta in a Torture Rack, but the hold was broken up as Masada hit Symonds in the face with a drop kick from the top turnbuckle. LaMotta scrambled atop Symonds for the pin. The Mind of Wrestling then turned his attention to the Bad Ass from Big Japan. Despite a tremendous size disadvantage, LaMotta didn't back down an inch. It appeared JT was actually going to continue his winning ways in ACW after hitting an inverted huracanrana and planting Masada on his head. This was not to be the case however as Masada avoided LaMotta's follow up Corkscrew Moonsault. Masada then hit a Masada-mizer for the victory.
The mixed tag team match featuring the team of Portia Perez and Zach Storm facing Miss Diss_Lexia and Andrew Dalton. Dalton seemed determined to make his official ACW debut impressive, refusing the help of his partner. Dalton remained in the ring for most of the match, focusing his attack on the talented but petite Perez while attempting to avoid the offense of Storm. Several times in the match, Miss Diss_Lexia had to rescue her unwilling partner. Eventually, Dalton managed to gain the pin over Storm, but afterwards attacked his own partner, stating basically that women in wrestling have no place in the ring. As Dalton continued his sexist tirade, Rachel Summerlyn rushed the ring and overwhelmed Dalton, leaving him unconscious in the ring.
The Young Guns Tournament Final was next on the card. Berry Breeze and Tony Morales returned for their title match, but it was announced that this match would be competed "Anarchy Rules" meaning that falls would count anywhere. Indeed the match was fought throughout the Venue, as Morales stated as the pair wrestled up the stairs "Every Seat is a Front Row Seat!" Heading up those stairs may have been the turning point in the match, however as it was Morales who was thrown down the stairs. Berry seized that advantage and never let up. When Berry hit his "Cherry Popper" finisher on Morales outside the ring on the hard concrete floor, the most unlikely champion in ACW history was named. Berry Breeze was named the first ever IWA Texas-Anarchy Championship Wrestling Young Guns Champion.
Next came the Main Event, the three team Tag Team Championship Match. Champions Rory Fox and Mike Dell were putting their belts on the line against the Children of Pain, Jacob Ladder and Darin Childs and the Team of the New Kissyboots, Rachel Summerlyn and her partner... Jimmy Jacobs. All six wrestlers were at the top of their game in this match and each had the opportunity to show why they should be called "Champion." Only one team however, can be called champions. When the action reached a boiling point, Rachel hit Jacob Ladder with a DDT onto a chair leading to the elimination of the Children of Pain. Shortly thereafter, Fox & Dell hit a double team move on Jimmy Jacobs and covered him for the pin and the victory.
ACW returns to the Venue in 2 weeks with "Sweet Destruction" on September 23rd. Check out www.anarchychampionshipwrestling.com for details on this show and all things related to ACW.
PWI Entertainment Show Results
S.P.L.A.C.H. Sports Bar
Saturday September 8, 2007
Match # 1 - Madness with Sin-Sational Sal (win) vs. The Great Ryu
Match # 2 - Mini-Diablo (win) vs. Tigre Mysterio
Match # 3 - Lemus II (win-DQ) vs. "The Wild Card" Ace Cage
Match # 4 - Chief Battu (win) vs. Ave Fenix
Match # 5 - Main Event - PWI Heavyweight Championship Match
Champion Mojo (win-DQ) vs. Challenger Mombassa with William Payne
Notes: Prior to the first match, William Payne came to the ring and promised a surprise for PWI Heavyweight Champion Mojo.
Madness won the first match following a low blow by his manager Sal on Ryu. Mini-Diablo also used a low blow to gain a victory in his match against Tigre Mysterio.
Blue Angel came to the ring to discuss his recent back injury and that his prognosis is not good. Mojo came to the ring and offered his support to Angel during his rehabilitation.
In the third match, the referee actually caught "The Wild Card" Ace Cage using a low blow on his opponent Lemus II. After the match, Cage attempted to remove Lemus' mask, but was thwarted by Lemus' tag team champion partner Chief Battu.
The fourth match ended suddenly when Ave Fenix suffered an apparent injury in his match against Chief Battu.
The main event was for the PWI Heavyweight Championship held by Mojo. Mojo's opponent Mombassa came to the ring with William Payne, but as it turned out, this wasn't the only surprise for Mojo. The referee showed a great deal of leniency in officiating the match as no one wanted this match to end without a clear victor. Mombassa brought a fork into the match which was used by both men to draw the blood of their opponent. The match ended in a disqualification when Ace Cage ran in and attacked Mojo. Cage was joined in his attack by Madness and Sal. Blue Angel came to the ring and stopped the attack, but surprised everyone when he turned on Mojo. In an even bigger surprise it was The Great Ryu who eventually came to Mojo's aid, apparently ending the longest feud in PWI history.
PWI Entertainment returns to S.P.L.A.C.H. Sports Bar 905 Nogalitos in two weeks September 22nd. Check out www.pwient.com for details.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
ACW "A Matter of Life and Death" This Sunday!
Belltime: 5pm doors open @ 4:30
Reserved Front Row Seating: $15
Floor seating: $10
Balcony Seating: $8
Just Confirmed!!!
JT LaMotta vs. Gregory Symonds vs. Rexx Reed vs. Masada!!!!
Miss Diss_Lexia & Andrew Dalton
Berry Breeze vs. Shance Williams
Shawn Vexx vs. Tony Morales
Nathan Sinn vs. Julio Garza vs. Marco Rivera vs. Awesome Andy vs. Dillion Stone vs. Problems
8 Man Old school tag team match up
Tony Vega, Chris James, Dusty Wolfe, Rob Raw
Mr. Destiny, Ricky Rhodes, Chad Thomas & Steve DeMarco
(512) 531-9776
Monday, September 03, 2007
RCW at Low Low Car Show Sunday September 9
RCW LIVE WRESTLING this Sunday, September 9!
Sunday, September 9
Rosedale Park
Wrestling starts at 2 p.m., car show begins at noon
340 Dartmouth -- San Antonio, TX
Admission is $15 per person
Children 12 & under free with an adult
Slated to appear:
Sicodelico Jr.
Chris Marval
Don Juan
Dusty Wolfe
RCW Tag Team Champions The Hardbodies
"Real Deal" Rory Fox
"One Man" Mike Dell
Rexx Reed
"Mind of Wrestling" J.T. Lamotta
"Mr. Beautiful" Rudy Russo
Sunday, September 02, 2007
A New Wrestling Promotion In San Antonio!
I remember as a kid going to the world famous Sportatorium in Dallas Texas, also at Tarrant County Convention Center in Fort Worth watching World Class Championship Wrestling. Man what great stars I was able to enjoy on Saturday nights, actually it was known as Big Time Wrestling from the late 60s when stars like Johnny Valentine, Stan Stasiak, Lord Alfred Hayes, Fritz VonErich which is when the actually feud started with Gary Hart that lasted over 20 years, I remember watching the Von Erich boys walking into the ring for there first time, The great feuds with the Freebirds was something that fans will never forget, I remember the news on the day in February when they found the great David VonErich no longer with us in Japan. Through all of the Ups and downs in this era of wrestling, One thing was a constant, the fans, the fans were always there, you can list the 1,000s of guys who performed in that square circle, so many things changed but the fans were always there, Were did they go? Where did I go?
I went to a local San Antonio promotion in January, I did not know anything about it until the day of, I was among 75 people and sitting in there something stirred in me, something I have not felt in some 20 years, The guys put on one heck of a show, It was almost a travel back in time, after the show, I was thinking, for that kind of entertainment and living in a city of a million people, where is everyone?
I started studying, I went to several more shows, I have talked with and met new upcoming stars in the business, I have talked with some legends, the more I talked, I listened even more, It got me excited, See, I think some where through all of this, it is the fans that were left out, Sure WWE has a following, I have been on the front row of a WWE show more than once, great stars, Vince is a genius, When I was on that second row in January with 75 other fans, that is what I was looking for. On that night and other shows that I have seen this year in the local venues, These guys who perform are second to none, the sacrifices these guys make to put on a show is incredible, After learning all of this, I have made one of the biggest and Boldest decisions of my life, I to am willing to give up something, See next year, I had a sponsor deal for me to fish at the next level, I have worked years for this, People who know me know what a passion I have for competitive Bass Fishing, I love it, all of the things I worked for so many years were set up for that next step in 08 but I have decided to put down the fishing poles, Not entirely but at the level I was to fish at, I am willing to do that because of what the vision I have in Wrestling.
I would like to announce that a new Promotion is born, I would like to introduce Southern Championship Wrestling. That’s right, Southern Championship Wrestling will be in business as of Sunday September 9-2-07 with our first show in November, The website will be completed in around 2 weeks and when it is completed the date will be announced for the show, time and location.
The one thing that is most important that I have learned over the last several months is respect, respect for the wrestlers, respect for the business, it is the biggest thing, The other promotions have mine, The wrestlers sure as heck have mine, I hope buy the way that I build this Southern Championship Wrestling, I earn the respect of fans, the wrestlers and other promoters who love wrestling as much as I do. I look forward on introducing some of the great talent that we have here locally and state wide, I hope with Southern Championship Wrestling that we can tell a story, a story of a treasured time in wrestling, a story that somehow was lost in a journey over the last 20 years, I give my word, I will work like other to get that story back out to the fans.
Look for the website is two weeks and look for the first Southern Championship Wrestling Show in November.
See You soon.
Don “Haz” Holding
Southern Thunder Announces Next Show
Saturday, September 01, 2007
TWE "Face-Off" Show Results & Notes
"Face Off"
Texas Wrestling Academy
Saturday September 1, 2007
Match # 1 - Gabe the Babe (win) vs. Windwalker
Match # 2 - Draven vs. Cowboy James Claxton (win)
Match # 3 - C.J. vs. Brett Thunder (win)
Match # 4 - Big Dogg vs. Derik Flair with Walker P. Finch (win)
Match # 5 - Main Event
Manny Fernandez (win) vs. Brett Thunder
Notes - Tonight's show was the second in a series of "Team RBG" vs. "Team Ragin' Bull" matchups at the Texas Wrestling Academy. In the previous show, "Team RBG" took a 2-0 advantage. The first 3 matches tonight were local wrestlers, while the 4th match and the Main Event were a continuation of the team rivalry.
In the first match, Gabe the Babe took on Windwalker in a hotly contested match-up. In previous meetings, Windwalker was frustrated by Gabe's flamboyant antics, but tonight Windwalker seemed more focused and unwilling to be distracted. Unfortunately for Windwalker, Gabe was able to hit a double knee back cracker to gain the victory.
In the second match, Draven faced Cowboy James Claxton. Draven seems to improve with every match and pushed the larger, more experienced Cowboy to the limit. Not many, however, get up from Claxton's big foot to the face, and such was Draven's fate on this night. Watch out for Draven, as his progress continues, he is no push-over.
The third match saw TWE newcomer C.J. face Brett Thunder. C.J. was clearly stepping up the level of competition he has faced previously by stepping into the ring with a man the caliber of Thunder. The big man made a fine showing, disrupting Thunder's offense, but when C.J. missed a corner splash, Thunder was able to roll him up for the pin.
Following intermission, fans were treated to a team challenge face off as "Team RBG" was represented by Big Dogg, while "Team Ragin' Bull" was represented by second generation wrestler Derik Flair and his manager Walker P. Finch. Surprisingly, Big Dogg was unable to capitalize on the home crowd advantage as most fans backed Flair in the match. Both men took advantage of the inexperienced referee by resorting to occasional rule breaking, but it was the man on the outsider of the ring, Walker P. Finch, who was the deciding factor as Walker distracted Big Dogg long enough for Flair to roll him up from behind.
The main event was originally slated to see The Ragin' Bull Manny Fernandez face Skitzo who had called out Fernandez in the last show. Unfortunately Skitzo came to the ring in his street clothes. TWE CEO Rudy Boy Gonzalez explained that earlier in the week Skitzo had been stabbed twice and was unable to fight. Manny would have none of this, pointing out that he had been stabbed 9 times and shot once in his day and still managed to wrestle. Fernandez then attacked Skitzo who was unable to defend himself. When RBG attempted to shield Skitzo from the attack, he too suffered a beating. It was then that Brett Thunder made his return to the ring, taking Skitzo's place in the match. Brett found himself in a very tough match as Manny was no rookie, having been a wrestler since before Thunder was born. Thunder showed incredible heart, coming back against the crafty veteran. He even seemed poised to take the victory when Ronnie the Ref was knocked out. Thunder climbed to the top turnbuckle, but did not see William P. Finch return to the ringside. Finch pulled Thunder's leg causing Brett to fall, crotching himself on the ropes. Fernandez reacted quickly and climbed the corner. Manny hit Thunder with what amounted to a Brainbuster from the top rope. The ref recovered enough to count the pin. Brett rolled outside the ring and lay motionless for several minutes, apparently suffering a potentially serious injury.
With the victory, "Team Ragin' Bull" evens the series at two matches each. Action returns to the Texas Wrestling Academy on Thursday September 6th as TWE presents the first in the Academy shows featuring graduates and students of the Texas Wrestling Academy as well as special invited guests. Shows will be held every other Thursday at 7 PM.
In other TWE news, RBG announced that in October, WWE Talent Relations Al Snow will be returning. Also coming to TWE, in November, is former ECW diva Ariel Martinez. In December TWE will present Star Warz. www.texaswrestlingentertainment.com is currently down for repair but announcements will be made soon and the San Antonio Independent Wrestling Scene will report those announcements here.
South Texas Pro Wrestling in Devine 8-31 Show Results
Ric's Dancehall, Devine
August 31, 2007
Match # 1 - Triple Threat Match
Surge (win) vs. Mr. Right with Sin-Sational Sal vs. Hatchet
Match # 2 - Gabe the Babe with Sin-Sational Sal (win) vs. Lemus II
Match # 3 - Rudy Russo (win) vs. Cobra
Match # 4 - Tito Sanchez (win) vs. Blaine Steele
Match # 5 - No DQ match
Renegade (win) vs. Tommy Gunn
Match # 6 - Main Event
Virus vs. "The Classic Legend" Chavo Guerrero (win)
Notes: A large and boisterous crowd filled Ric's Dancehall in Devine Texas Friday Night as South Texas Pro Wrestling came to town with a show headlined by the Classic Legend Chavo Guerrero. In the first match, Surge picked up the win in a triple threat match following a senton bomb on Mr. Right, whose manager Sin-Sational Sal was unable to guide to victory.
Sal returned in the second match as his man Gabe the Babe faced the masked man from East LA, Lemus II. Gabe picked up the victory following a low blow to Lemus.
In the third match, Rudy Russo picked up the win with a move clearly dedicated to Chavo Classic who was watching from the wings as Russo hit the Gory Bomb on Cobra.
The next match saw Tito Sanchez pick up the victory over Blaine Steele with a DDT.
The fifth match was a no-DQ match between Renegade and Tommy Gunn who battled in and out of the ring, using chairs as well as pool ball as weapons. The end came when Renegade hit a "Clothesline from Heck" (this was after all a family show) on Gunn. After the match, Gunn promised to get revenge on Renegade at the next show, even if he has to fight him all the way into the parking lot.
The main event pitted Virus against Chavo Guerrero. Chavo seemed inspired by the crowd as he showed some of the trademark moves he and his family made famous. Virus responded well, but it wasn't until the referee Alex Marrozos was knocked out that Virus was able to seize control of the match when Tito Sanchez rushed the ring and helped Virus double team Chavo. Rudy Russo rushed to the ring to assist Chavo, but Virus managed to roll up Chavo in a pinning combination as Tito revived Marrozos who counted the pin. As Virus and Tito celebrated, second referee Marty Green rushed in and informed Marrozos about the interference. Promoter Mike Silva ordered the match restarted. As Marrozos, Sanchez and Russo spilled out of the ring, Chavo rolled up Virus and Green counted the pin.
After the match Tito and Virus attacked Chavo until Russo was able to return to help out Chavo. It was announced that at the next South Texas Pro Wrestling Show on September 30th, these four men would meet in a No-DQ Tag Match. The show is at Ric's Dance Hall (603 Highway 173 in Devine on a Sunday and has an early start time of 6PM for the younger fans.
In attendence at the show were promoters from throughout South Texas who announced a cooperative effort to promote shows with a shared vision of wholesome family entertainment in the communities of South Texas. Aside from the South Texas Pro Wrestling show on September 30th, Miraculous Wrestling is having a show next Saturday September 8th at the Calvary Temple Church 3000 Loop 534 in Kerrville. The show starts at 7 PM. Also, United Championship Wrestling in Corpus Christi in running a show on Sunday the 16th at the Molina Neighborhood Center.