Upcoming Events
- Show Dates and Details are subject to change without notice. Always check with the promotion to confirm.
- ****************************************************
- Saturday April 30 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday May 7 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday May 13 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday May 27 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday May 28 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday June 4 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday June 10 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday June 24 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday June 25 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday July 2 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday July 8 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday July 22 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday July 30 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday August 6 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday August 12 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday August 26 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday August 27 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday September 3 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday September 9 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday September 23 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday September 24 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday October 1 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday October 14 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday October 28 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday October 29 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday November 5 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday November 11 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday November 19 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Friday November 25 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday December 3 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Friday December 9 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday December 10 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- ****************************************************
- Please send results from any San Antonio area wrestling shows to bayou_926@hotmail.com (include "Wrestling" in subject line)
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Biss Report Indywarz 100 Bracket Mania
"Ok so this is how this is going to work, we will be having a vote in the chat rooms of the Biss Report and Indywarz Radio. So before you go and say why the hell did so and so make it and why is he only a 6 seed and hes a 2 seed. The seeds come right from the Indywarz top 100, well the top 64. I took 4 people out Necro, Hoyt, (Dog) Russell Simpson, and Mitch Ryder because they are either not in Texas or have a full time contract. In their place as 16 seeds are 4 Indy warz wild cards Vexx, Danny Mathews, AOS and Hotsauce. All picked for their involvement with Indywarz, Indywarzradio and the Biss report. The only Votes that will count are those of fans in the chat room for either the Biss Report on Wednesdays at 9 pm CT or the Indywarz Radio show on Mondays at 8 pm CT. You can view the brackets and even fill out your own at Biss Report IW top 100 Bracket Madness" (http://www.bracketmaker.com/tlist.cfm?tid=239769)
Remember, you must be in the chat room during the shows to vote. The Biss Report is broadcast Wednesday nights beginning at 9 PM Central Time while Stan's Indywarz Radio airs on Monday Nights starting at 8 PM Central. Two match ups will be voted on each show until the final two wrestlers meet in the main event.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
STPW 8-25 Show Results & Notes
Texas Wrestling Academy
Saturday August 25, 2007
Match # 1 - "Mad-Dog" Ken Johnson (win) vs. Atlas Strong
Match # 2 - Big Dogg (win) vs. Draven
Match # 3 - Virus vs. Skitzo (win)
Match # 4 - 2nd Annual STPW Cruiserweight Invitational - For Trophy and to Fill Vacant Cruiserweight Title - 6 Man Elimination Match with Scramble Rules.
(order eliminated) Jose Valiente vs. Von Velocity vs. Polaris vs. Dragon X vs. Manny Domingo vs. Mr. B (win & new champion)
Match # 5 - Main Event - STPW Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger Brett Thunder vs. Champion Rudy Russo (win & retain title)
Notes: The first match saw long-time veteran "Mad-Dog" Ken Johnson face newcomer Atlas Strong. Strong is a formidable young man standing 6'6" and weighing 265 lbs, but his strength and enthusiasm were no match for the experience of the crafty Johnson who used the added leverage of his feet on the ropes to gain the pin.
In the second match, Big Dogg faced Alex Draven whose popularity with the fans seems to be growing. As in the earlier match, the veteran Big Dogg was able to take advantage of an inexperienced referee Ron Dunnings (The most honest ref in indy wrestling) and steal a victory by pulling Draven's tights.
In the third match, Virus was confused by the antics of Skitzo who seemed convinced that this was a tag-team match and would regularly "tag out" to a partner only Skitzo could see. The frustration and confusion on Virus's part paid dividends for Skitzo who picked up the victory following an elbow drop from the top rope.
Next came the 2nd Annual STPW Cruiserweight Invitational. This year, the battle was even more important as the winner would, aside from taking home the trophy, be named to fill the vacant STPW Cruiserweight Title. Six of the top cruiserweights in Texas competed in an elimination match with scramble rules, meaning any two men could be in the ring at any given time regardless of tags. These matches are always exciting as the participants are eager to show their innovative offense. After several minutes of action, the first man was finally eliminated when Von Velocity hit a corkscrew plancha from the top turnbuckle onto Jose Valiente. Von himself was next eliminated when Manny Domingo hit a 45o splash from the top rope. Polaris was eliminated next when Dragon X hit a standing moonsault. Dragon X was next eliminated when Mr. B hit him with a "Windy City Drop." The last two men, Mr. B and Manny Domingo then battled intensely until B was able to gain the advantage and hit a second "Windy City Drop" and pick-up the victory.
In the Main Event, new STPW Heavyweight Champion Rudy Russo faced the challenge of Brett Thunder. This was a great match as Russo seems to be relishing his new-found popularity with the fans. Thunder would be considered a top challenger for any belt he sets his eyes on, and since the STPW belt has his name "Thunder" on it, Brett appeared destined to victory. It only takes one mistake however to determine a match on this level and Russo was the one to take advantage, hitting Thunder with a Gory Special followed up by a single leg Boston Crab. Thunder was forced to tap out.
After the match, Renegade came to the ring and demanded a shot at the belt. Russo, despite being exhausted from a hard-fought victory agreed to meet him at the next STPW show.
The date for the next STPW show will be announced soon on www.myspace.com/stpwlair and here at the San Antonio Independent Wrestling Scene. The Texas Wrestling Academy will host the second "Face Off" event next Saturday, August 1st as Manny Fernandez brings Team Ragin' Bull to face off against TWE's Team RBG. Check out http://www.texaswrestlingentertainment.com/ for details on this show as well as the beginning of Wednesday night's at the Texas Wrestling Academy. These informal shows will begin September 5th and take place every other Wednesday. They will feature students from the Texas Wrestling Academy as well as past graduates of the academy and special invited talent. Check out http://www.texaswrestlingacademy.com/ for details on one of the top wrestling schools in the country and the only venue in San Antonio exclusively set up with pro wrestling in mind.
PWI Entertainment 8-25 Show Results
S.P.L.A.C.H. Sports Bar
Saturday August 25, 2007
Match # 1 - Chief Battu (win) vs. Joey Spector
Match # 2 - The Great Ryu with William Payne (win) vs. Madness with Sin-Sational Sal
Match # 3 - "Big Daddy" Dick Dallas (win) vs. el Medico Azul
Match # 4 - Mombassa (win) vs. Ace Cage
Match # 5 - Main Event - PWI Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger Chuey Martinez vs. Champion Mojo (win & retain title)
Notes: A significant event occured during the second match as rival managers William Payne and Sin-Sational Sal each attempted to guide their man to a victory. Despite winning the match with a Dragon Claw submission, The Great Ryu was reprimanded after the win by his advisor Wm. Payne for ignoring his instructions during the match. While Ryu was distracted by this, Madness and Sal attacked Ryu and were joined in the beatdown by Payne.
Pro Wrestling International Entertainment returns to S.P.L.A.C.H. on September 8th and will continue to run shows every other Saturday. Bell time is at 8 PM. PWI promised many surprises in the coming weeks including new and returning talent. Check out http://www.pwient.com/ for details.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
ACW "Our Time to Shine" Results & Notes
"Our Time to Shine"
The Venue
Sunday August 19, 2007
Match # 1 - 3 Way Elimination Match
Berry Breeze vs. Shawn Vexx (win) vs. Problems
Match # 2 - 3 Way Elimination Match
Nathan Sin (win) vs. Awesome Andy vs. Dillon Stone
Match # 3 - Falls Count Anywhere
Miss Diss_Lexia vs. Rachel Summerlyn (win)
Match # 4 - 6-Man Tag Match "Old School vs. New School"
Tony Vega, Chris James & Dusty Wolfe (win) vs. Julio Garza, Matt Garza & Ricky Rhodes
Match # 5 - ACW Hardcore Title Match
Challenger Massive vs Champion Jacob Ladder (no contest)
Match # 6 - Angel of S.I.N. vs. Mr. Destiny (win)
Match # 7 - Darin Childs (win) vs. Rory Fox
Match # 8 - Rexx Reed vs. Masada (win)
Match # 9 - Main Event
"One Man" Mike Dell (win-DQ) vs. "Showtime" Summers
Notes: Less than one week after being notified that IWA Mid-South was not going to be able to participate in the scheduled Anarchy Championship Wrestling show "Remember the Butcher," the wrestlers of IWA Texas presented "Our Time to Shine." No one involved considered for a moment cancelling the show. The fans, upon hearing the news, instead of complaining, adopted the attitude of "Let's make this a party!" The chosen name "Our Time to Shine" proved to be appropriate, not only for the local wrestlers who worked the show, but the fans as well, who were treated to one of the best ACW shows in the short history of the company.
The first match was a 3-way elimination match featuring Berry Breeze, Shawn Vexx and Problems. Shawn Vexx was clearly upset about facing two men who regularly work as a tag team. At first Problems and Berry did work as a team against Vexx, but eventually they turned on one another, breaking up the other's pin attempts. After a particularly vicious slam, Berry went for a cover on Problems, but Vexx tossed Berry out and stole the pin for himself. Shortly thereafter, Vexx hit Berry with a torture rack slam and scored the pin. After the match, Vexx continued beating on Berry, tossing him violently across the ring.
The second match was also a 3-way elimination match, this one featuring Nathan Sin, Awesome Andy and newcomer Dillon Stone. This match included perhaps the high point of the night as Andy performed a suicide dive over the railings of the balcony into the ring twelve feet below. All three men impressed the crowd during the match. Andy eliminated Stone with a piledriver variation and Sin eliminated Andy with a slam from the top corner post and earned the victory in a match that left the crowd standing and cheering.
The next match was a falls count anywhere match between Rachel Summerlyn and Miss Diss_Lexia. These two have met before and this match was announced to be their final match so the falls count anywhere stipulation was the only way to settle this feud. Once again these two women proved to be as tough as any two men in the locker room. When the final pin came, it was Rachel who walked away with the victory.
The Old School vs. New School Challenge was next; a six man tag team match. Representing the Old School was Double Trouble, Tony Vega and Chris James with their partner Dusty Wolfe. New School was represented by Ricky Rhodes and Julio & Matt Garza. The veteran team of Vega, James and Wolfe controlled most of the action in the match. Even though the Garza Brothers and Rhodes put up a good effort, it was the team work of their opponents that proved to be the deciding factor as Dusty Wolfe ended the match, pinning Matt Garza.
Next was the ACW Hardcore Championship Match. Both the Champion Jacob Ladder and the Challenger Massive were further motivated to win by the promise of facing Rexx Reed at an upcoming show. Once the match started, however, neither man thought about Reed, focusing instead on their opponent. As is the case with most ACW Hardcore Title matches, this one was bloody, violent and intense. Eventually the match was declared a "no contest" when neither of the exhausted men were able to answer the ten count.
Following an intermission, ACW fans were treated to a match-up of two huge men as Angel of S.I.N. made his return against the debuting Mr. Destiny. This was a hard hitting match between two powerful men which ended when A.O.S. missed a corner spash, crashing his head into the corner post. Mr. Destiny moved in quickly for the roll up and the pin.
Next up, Darin Childs faced one half of the ACW tag champions, Rory Fox. No man in ACW gets a bigger response from the crowd than Rory Fox and tonight was no exception as Fox was in fine form, berating the fans and the city of San Antonio in his opening remarks. Darin Childs eventually grew impatient with Fox's antics and the action intensified. Childs remained focused the entire match, but Fox found himself repeatidly distracted by the taunts of the crowd, eventually falling to Childs. After the match, Fox insisted on reminding the crowd that he was still a tag team champion.
Next came the feature match between Rexx Reed and Masada. Originally scheduled to be a regular match, this quickly escalated to a hardcore battle as chairs, ladders and tacks were brought into play. Masada's ringside advisor Mr. Yebisu brought his Kendo Stick and almost suffered for it. While Masada is known world-wide as a hardcore specialist, Reed has been living up to his nickname "The Xtreme Bulldawg." Despite losing the match to Masada, Reed insisted this rivalry is not over and swore to extract revenge on the Bad-Ass from Big Japan.
The Main Event was a match 8 months in the making. "One Man" Mike Dell finally got his chance to face "Showtime" Summers. Referee Rick Porter asserted himself early, banishing Dell's partner Rory Fox to the lockerroom. As Dell and Summers battled, Fox found his way back out, hitting Summers with a chair before Porter and second ref Mike Knoxville were able to force Fox back to the lockerroom with the threat of disqualifying Dell. Fox accepted the decision, but the damage had already been done. Unfortunately for Dell, hitting Summers with a chair only served to further anger Summers. Summers quickly took control of the match, but ironically was unable to control himself, slapping a chokehold on Dell. Dell reach the ropes, but Summers refused to break the hold. As Dell succumbed to the chokehold, Porter was forced to disqualify Summers for failing to break. An unconscious Dell was declared the winner, but Rick Porter paid for the call as Summers kicked him in the face. Mike Knoxville rushed to the ring to try to restore order and calm the frantic Summers and Knoxville also paid the price on the receiving end of a powerbomb. Summers ranted about the decision, declaring that where he came from the winner of the fight was the man still standing. Clearly this is one battle that will continue long into the future.
Anarchy Championship Wrestling returns to the Venue on September 9th with a show in which plenty of surprises are promised. Watch www.anarchychampionshipwrestling.com for upcoming announcements.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
TWE "Face-Off" Show Results & Notes
Texas Wrestling Academy
Saturday August 18, 2007
Match # 1 - Danny Garcia (win) vs. Ron Dunning
Match # 2 - Hot Boy Jason vs. Skitzo (win)
Match # 3 - Derik Flair with Uncle Cracker vs Brett Thunder (win)
Match # 4 - Brett Thunder vs. Skitzo (win)
Match # 5 - Number One Contenders Match
Skitzo (win - DQ) vs. Cowboy James Claxton
Notes: This was the first TWE event at the new Texas Wrestling Academy location at 9107 Marbach ste. 109. The first match featured two of the current class of the Academy as Danny Garcia faced off against Ron Dunning. The students did a good job but Danny had to resort to using the ropes to get the victory over Ron.
The next two matches represented face-offs between "Team RBG" and "Team Ragin' Bull" as TWE CEO Rudy Boy Gonzalez and Commissioner Manny "The Ragin' Bull" Fernandez sent representatives in a "friendly" competition. In the first match-up Team RBG was represented by Skitzo and Team Ragin' Bull was represented by Hot Boy Jason. The next match-up saw Brett Thunder representing Team RBG and second generation wrestler Derik Flair (with manager Uncle Cracker) representing Team Ragin' Bull. On this night, Team RBG came out victorious in both matches.
The winners of those two matches then faced off with the stipulation that the winner would face Cowboy James Claxton in the main event to name the #1 contender to the TWE Texas Title. Skitzo and Brett Thunder, each wrestling in their second match of the night, faced off in this renewal of their rivalry. These two have fought numerous times since graduating from the Texas Wrestling Academy with each winning their share of the matches. In this case, it was Skitzo who came out victorious.
After the match, Skitzo got on the microphone and began berating Manny Fernandez. Skitzo claimed that he had been promised a shot at Fernandez, but that the Ragin' Bull was injured and wouldn't face him. During Skitzo's rant Cowboy James Claxton came out and eventually lost patience with Skitzo, attacking him in Fernadez's defense. Fernandez, however did not forget the insults and at the end of the match, The Ragin' Bull got up on the ring apron and clocked Skitzo with a blow to the head. The referee saw this and had no choice but to award the match to Skitzo.
During the show, TWE CEO made 2 significant announcements. First, coming to TWE --- LAX. Second, TWE presents the next "Face-Off" on September 1st at the Texas Wrestling Academy. Check out www.texaswrestlingentertainment.com for future details.
Also, The Texas Wrestling Academy will play host to Southern Thunder Pro Wrestling next Saturday. Check www.myspace.com/stpwlair for details concerning Southern Thunder.
Friday, August 17, 2007
RCW August 18 Event Cancelled due to Flooding & Rain
August 18 event CANCELED due to flooding & rain!!
Earlier today, River City Wrestling conversed with Tiffany's Billiards, and it was decided to cancel the Saturday, August 18 event due to flooding and rain in San Antonio.
RCW's main concern are those driving in from out of town. Although chances of rain have lowered, due to Tiffany's being an outside venue, it would be better to cancel the event in advance and let those wrestlers from out of town know. First, the weather is definitely a safety concern for those driving in, and it would be a terrible situation if the guys from Dallas, Houston, Louisiana, etc. drove all the way to San Antonio and the show was rained out.
RCW would like to apologize to the fans for this cancellation. For those who ordered tickets through PayPal, you have the option of:
1) receiving a full refund or
2) your ticket orders will be valid for the next RCW date.
All you need to do is send an email to rcwprez@rivercitywrestling.net or call (210) 842-8398.
RCW will announce its upcoming dates shortly.
Brandon Oliver
Owner of River City Wrestling
(210) 842-8398
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Details Announced: TWA/TWE presents FACE OFF at The Texas Wrestling Academy
5 of the top wrestling prospects of the TWA/TWE will be representing Team RBG, as they will meet 5 representatives of Manny Fernandez' Team Ragin Bull.
Tickets only $5 available at the door. Doors open at 7pm
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
River City Wrestling This Saturday
Saturday, August 18
Tiffany's Sports Bar & Billiards
7011 San Pedro Ave.
San Antonio, TX
Doors open at 7:15 p.m. & event begins at 8:00 p.m.
All ages welcome!
FRONT ROW: $10 (whether in advance or at the door)
$7 at the door
$5 in advance
To purchase advance tickets:
- call (210) 842-8398, and leave your name, address, and how many tickets you want to reserve.
- order online with PayPal! PayPal is fast, easy, and secure! Signing up for an account is free, and you can purchase tickets with a credit card or check!
RCW Championship
Masada defends the championship against "The Smashing Machine" Ikaika
Fan Lumberjack Strap Match
Chris Marval vs. Don Juan
10 fans will be selected as lumberjacks armed with belts!
Raffle tickets will be sold at $2 a ticket
RCW Tag Team Championship
The Hardbodies (Joey Spector & Andy Dalton) defend the titles against Hot Flashes (RCW Cyber Champ Scott McKenzie & Danny Matthews)
"Real Deal" Rory Fox
"One Man" Mike Dell
Rexx Reed
Steve Anthony
John Saxon
"Mind of Wrestling" J.T. Lamotta
Kris Kronie
Marty Cone
... plus much more!
Team RBG vs. Team Ragin' Bull This Saturday August 18th
News Update Concerning IWA Texas -ACW Show This Sunday August 19th
IWA-MS announced that following the Gathering of The Juggalos show, Ian Rotten's back has become infected in the burns that he received during the flaming barbed wire match against Freak Show. He definitely will not be recovered enough to sit in a car for a drive down to Texas this weekend. Due to that, The IWA-MS show has been postponed. It will be rescheduled. Tickets already purchased will be good for the rescheduled show. More news on this when it becomes available. Stay tuned to the message boards for updates on Ian's health and further announcements on the shows.
IWA Texas-Anarchy Championship Wrestling reacted quickly announcing that there will indeed be a show this Sunday at the Venue.
Reserved front row is only $10, Floor seating $8 and Balcony seating $6
"One Man" Mike Dell vs. Showtime Scot Summers!!!
This not a message I enjoy posting for several reasons.
We at IWA Texas / Anarchy Championship Wrestling wish Ian a speedy recovery.
- Darin Childs
Just Announced!
BELLTIME: 5 PM doors open at 4:30
Reserved front row: $10
Floor: $8
Balcony: $6
The match that is 8 months in the making!!!
“Showtime” Scot Summers
“One Man” Mike Dell
Texas Indy dream match
Big Japan Pro Wrestling Superstar
ACW Hardcore Championship match
Jacob Ladder
(512) 531-9776
The post show party will go on as scheduled, only no cover!
More Matches to be announced .
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Vela's Promotions Show Results
"Lucha Libre Mexicana"
Club Ka-Lua
Sunday August 12, 2007
Match # 1 - La Chicanita (win 2 falls to 1) vs. La Chota
Match # 2 - Gabe the Babe with Sin-Sational Sal vs. Dragon X (win 2 falls to 1)
Match # 3 - Tag Team Match
Atrevido & Soldado Infernal vs. Bello Florindo & Karla Maria (win 2 falls to 1)
Match # 4 - Tag Team Match
Universitario & Einsolito (win 2 falls to 1) vs. Kendor & Black Killer
Match # 5 - Main Event - Tag Team Match
Sicodelico Jr. & Mongol Chino (win 2 falls to 1) vs. Gato Volador & Tinieblas Jr.
Notes: In the main event, the Rudo team of Sicodelico Jr. & Mongol Chino won the third fall and the match when Mongol fooled the referee into believing that Gato Volador had committed a foul. This sets up a one on one match at next month's show.
Vela's Promotions has announced that Lucha Libre Mexicana will be running monthly shows at Club Ka-Lua and will be bringing in top talent from Laredo and from Mexico. Next month's show is September 9. Bell time is 4 PM. Scheduled to appear are Pirata Morgan, Divino and Pentagon Black. Also the lady luchadores will be back as Sochi faces La Bruja.
Vela Promotions does not have a web page but you can call 210.669.2465 or 210.316.7163 for information on this and coming shows.
PWI Entertainment Show Results
S.P.L.A.C.H. Sports Bar
Saturday August 11, 2007
Match # 1 - Gabe the Babe with Sin-Sational Sal vs. The Great Ryu with William Payne (win)
Match # 2 - Madness with Sin-Sational Sal (win) vs. Blaine Steele
Match # 3 - Lemus II vs. Renegade (no decision)
Note: Match ended in a No-Decision when The Great Ryu returned to the ring, Super-Kicking Lemus II and applying the Dragon Claw to Renegade.
Match # 4 - Colin Troy vs. el Medico Azul (win)
Match # 5 - "Big Daddy" Dick Dallas vs. Blue Angel (win)
Match # 6 - Main Event - PWI Heavyweight Championship Match
Challenger Erico vs. Champion Mojo (win & retain title)
TWE "Wet 'n' Wild III 2007" Results
"Wet 'n' Wild III 2007"
Saturday August 11, 2007
Match # 1 - Windwalker (win) vs. Gabe the Babe
Match # 2 - Draven vs. Brett Thunder (win)
Note: Match ended in a DQ victory for Thunder when Draven's partner Mad Max interfered. Skitzo came to the ring to make the save, setting up a tag-team match later in the show.
Match # 3 - Colin Troy (win) vs. Erico
Match # 4 - Bigg Dogg vs. Rudy Russo (win)
Match # 5 - Tag Team Match
Draven & Mad Max vs. Skitzo & Brett Thunder (win)
Match # 6 - Main Event
Rudy Boy Gonzalez vs. Cowboy James Claxton (win)
Thursday, August 09, 2007
TWE "Wet 'n' Wild III 2007" This Saturday
PWI Entertainment Flyer
STPW Announces Next Show
STPW Announces Next Show
Sunday, August 05, 2007
ACW "Distrust, Dismay and Anti-Social Behavior" Results & Notes
Anarchy Championship Wrestling
"Distrust, Dismay and Anti-Social Behavior"
The Venue
Sunday August 5, 2007
Match # 1 - Awesome Andy vs. Julio Garza (win)
Match # 2 - Young Guns U-30 Tournament Opening Round Match
Nathan Sin vs. "Heatseeker" Tony Morales (win & advance)
Match # 3 - Young Guns U-30 Tournament Opening Round Match
Kris Katera vs. "The Infamous" Shawn Vexx (win & advance)
Match # 4 - Three-Way Elimination Match
"Hotsauce" Marco Riviera vs. Jason Gore vs. Rachel Summerlyn (win)
Match # 5 - ACW Hardcore Title Match
Champion Jacob Ladder (win & retain title) vs. "The Lone Star Kid" Ricky Rhodes
Match # 6 - Impromptu Match
"The Xtreme Bulldawg" Rexx Reed (win) vs. "The World's Largest Cruiserweight" Massive
Match # 7 - Tag Team Match
Double Trouble - Tony Vega and Chris James (win) vs. 2 Young Punks - Problems & Berry Breeze
Match # 8 - J.T. LaMotta (win) vs. Matt Sydal
Match # 9 - Main Event - 6 Man Tag Match
The Golden Fox-a-Dellics - "Solid Gold" Gregory Symonds, "Real Deal" Rory Fox & "One Man" Mike Dell (win) vs. "The Show Stealer" Darin Childs, "Showtime" Scot Summers & "The New F'n Show" Jerry Lynn
Notes: Prior to the show, Victoria Castro sang the National Anthem. As she reached the final bars of the song, Rexx Reed came to the ring, the threatened
The opening match featured the ACW debut of Awesome Andy facing Julio Garza. Fans quickly learned to appreciate Andy as a "This is Awesome" chant was heard early in the match. The two youngsters got the show off to a great start and had the crowd on their feet by the time Julio scored the pineal victory.
The next two matches were opening round matches in the ACW Young Guns Under 30 Title Tournament. Last week, Berry Breeze and "Showcase" Shance Williams advanced to the second round. This week 4 more men were competing to join them. First Nathan Sin faced "Heatseeker" Tony Morales. Although still young, these two men have a great deal of experience and their technical expertise showed in the match. In the end, it was Morales winning and advancing. Next Kris Katera made his ACW debut against "The Infamous" Shawn Vexx. This was also a well fought match and Katera certainly impressed the crowd, but it was Shawn Vexx who won following a torture rack slam. Vexx and Morales join Breeze and Williams in the second round. The semi-finals and finals of this tournament will be held at the ACW show on September 9th. Pairings will be announced on www.anarchychampionshipwrestling.com soon.
Next came a three-way elimination match. "Hotsauce" Marco Riviera faced the returning Jason Gore and Rachel Summerlyn. Gore & Hotsauce started the match and eventually Rachel joined in, helping Gore to double team the rather large Hotsauce. Apparently not understanding the elimination rules, Gore broke up a cover by Rachel on Hotsauce, causing Rachel to tear into Gore. Anyone who has seen Rachel angry knows that when riled she is possessed and virtually unstoppable. Gore never really recovered from the initial onslaught. Rachel eventually pinned Gore following a pyramid slam from the top turnbuckle. Rachel then turned her attention to Hotsauce. Put delicately, Rachel focused her attack on Hotsauce on one part that most men prefer to protect. Following a couple of well-placed punches, Rachel was able to turn Hotsauce over in a Texas Cloverleaf and get the submission victory. Rachel had little time to celebrate as, from out of the back, Andy "F'n"
The new ACW Hardcore Champion Jacob Ladder was officially pulled from a brief retirement and faced his first challenger in the next match. The Lone Star Kid Ricky Rhodes put up a good challenge but was clearly intimidated by Ladder who toyed with
Immediately after getting the three count, Ladder was attacked by Rexx Reed who seemed to blame Ladder for all the problems he has had over the last two shows. Massive saw this as his opportunity to exact revenge and attacked Reed in turn. As Ladder found his way to the back, Referee Mike Knoxville called for a bell, declaring this an official ACW match. The two largest men in ACW then proceeded to beat the crap out of one another. The remnants of the hardcore match that had preceded lay strewn about the ring and Reed and Massive took advantage of the weapons at their disposal. At one point, Reed left the ring, looking for Massive's family, to which Massive responded by stapling Reed repeatedly in the back until Reed returned to the ring. The end of the match came as suddenly as it had started as Reed slammed Massive onto a chair in the ring, gaining the three count victory. Massive swore that this battle was not over.
While at virtually every other show in
The second half of the show kicked off with a tag team match between Double Trouble and 2 Young Punks. Double Trouble, the former number 1 contenders to the tag titles were hoping to get back on a winning track following last weeks loss in a 4 way match in which The Sexy Fox-Dellics won the belts. Tony Vega and Chris James were facing the youngest team in ACW, Berry Breeze & Problems, both of whom had picked up their first singles victories in ACW last week. The veterans Vega and James controlled virtually the entire match. Despite the athleticism of the young team, they were not able to get past the double team tactics and when Chris James ducked
The next match was the feature match of the evening. In his first ACW match in
The main event was next. The team of "Solid Gold" Gregory Symonds and the ACW Tag Team Champions "Real Deal" Rory Fox and "One Man" Mike Dell, known collectively as "The Golden Fox-a-Dellics," faced off against the team of "The Showstealer" Darin Childs, "Showtime" Scot Summers and ACW Heavyweight Champion "The New F'n Show" Jerry Lynn in a six man tag team match. It is difficult to describe the action in matches with this many people, but all 6 men got in their share of offense. Darin Childs took the beating from the Golden Fox-a-Dellics for the largest portion of the match, but eventually was able to make the tag at which point hell broke loose. As much of the action spilled outside the ring, Referee Mike Knoxville found himself trying to regain control. While
The next show is the big IWA Mid-South, IWA Texas co-promoted show on August 19th entitled "Remember the Butcher" Several huge matches have already been announced including a main event tag match of Hernandez and Low-Ki facing
Saturday, August 04, 2007
San Antonio's Top Wrestlers
With this in mind, The San Antonio Independent Wrestling Scene is collecting a list of wrestlers who work here, specifically, those who work in San Antonio often enough to be considered "San Antonio Wrestlers." By reviewing the reports at http://blog.myspace.com/www.saindywrestlingscene.blogspot.com I have come up with a list of 22 wrestlers (in alphabetical order) who have wrestled on at least 10 shows in San Antonio. At least seven more wrestlers will join this list by the end of August. At the end of the year, The Scene will sponsor a vote to name "San Antonio's Top Wrestlers." This will be similar to the Indy Warz Texas Top 100 (http://blog.myspace.com/www.indywarz.com) but be limited to those who have worked the requisite number of shows in San Antonio.
While Internationally known talent such as Jerry Lynn, Masada and Hotstuff Hernandez have all had major impact on San Antonio wrestling this year; none has thus far worked the minimum number of shows and are therefore absent (so far) from the list of qualified wrestlers. A second vote might be held for those who don't end the year with ten appearances. A third vote might also be held for the one-shot wrestlers.
Voting will begin in late December, but I am printing and updating the list here. If there is a wrestler whose name seems to be missing, please let me know so I may investigate further. I don't get to see every show, and unless someone sends a report to The Scene I cannot confirm who wrestled on shows I did not attend.
To be counted, the show must have been inside Bexar County (San Antonio Shows, Lackland AFB and the STPW shows in Shertz qualified, but shows in Seguin, Boerne, Bandera and beyond do not.) Wrestlers who work under numerous names/personas are judged based on the matches for each persona. For example… Berry Breeze has worked under the name "Berry" and "Berry Breeze." Both names refer to the same persona, so the totals are added. However, Berry worked a few shows early in the year as "Jared Haasham." This was a different persona and those shows are not included in the number that qualify Berry to be on the list. It is therefore possible that one person could be on the list twice as two different personas if he worked enough under both names. For the record, I received permission from Berry before revealing his alter-ego. Most of those who work two or more personas prefer to not have that secret revealed.
So, the list of Wrestlers who have wrestled on a minimum of 10 shows in Bexar County thus far in 2007 are, in ALPHABETICAL ORDER:
Berry Breeze
Darin Childs
Andrew Dalton
"One Man" Mike Dell
Dragon X
Rory Fox
Gabe "The Babe"
Don Juan
Jacob Ladder
Lemus II
Ozzy Manson
Chris Marval
Mr. Muerte
Jaykus Plisken
Rexx Reed
Rudy Russo
The Great Ryu
Sicodelico Jr.
Joey Spector
Rachel Summerlyn
Showtime Summers
Shawn Vexx
Please note. If you have any disagreement with any of the names on this list, remember that The San Antonio Independent Wrestling Scene is MY report. This is MY list. And this will be MY contest. Therefore, MY decision will be final.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
ACW "Distrust, Dismay and Anti-Social Behavior"
AUGUST 5th 2007
“The Venue”
800 Lexington
San Antonio, TX
Belltime: 5pm - Doors open at 4:30pm
Reserved Front Row: $15
To purchase reserved front row seats please go the www.myspace.com/ACW_AUSTIN under the “interests” section.
Floor Seating: $10
Balcony Seating: $8
Double Trouble
2 Young Punks
Tony Morales
Nathan Sinn
Kris Katera
Shawn Vexx
(512) 531-9776