March has proven to be another banner month for fans of independent wrestling in San Antonio. Wrestling Hero Al Snow appeared in town to run a one-day clinic for the Texas Wrestling Academy and the ensuing show several high points for Texas Wrestling Entertainment. River City Wrestling showed San Antonio what hard-core is all about with their “Breaking All Of The Rules” show which presented matches using not only tables, ladders and chairs but trash cans, thumb tacks, staple guns and a barb-wire wrapped baseball bat. American Championship Wrestling moved into a new home which will help open up the action in that promotion.
Top indy stars from around the state continue to come into town for shows, many of them promise to return for future events. On top of this, both TWE and ACW took their shows on the road, hitting Del Rio and Kerrville respectively.
Wrestlers from both TWE and RCW appeared on the WWE Raw show broadcast live from Beaumont. Don Juan of the Texas Treats competed on WWE Heat taped that same night. Milano Collection AT was announced as a participant in the prestigious Super 8 Tournament with more great things in his future. Hotstuff Hernandez signed a contract with TNA wrestling and will be appearing with Konnan’s Latin American Exchange on future TNA Impact Broadcasts. Local fans needn’t worry however; Hotstuff will still be able to defend his RCW heavyweight belt in San Antonio. Congratulations go out to all the wrestlers gaining national recognition.
Thoughts on SA Indy Wrestling Scene
After nearly three months of publishing the blog on the website and in this, the third Newsletter recap some points have arisen concerning this publication. First of all, The Scene is not about me. I am not an insider involved in any wrestling organization. I have no desire to become part of the show beyond that of the typical vocal fan. Nor do I feel qualified to tell any promotion how to run their shows. I just want to be a fan and mark out as much as possible. I publish this as much for my own entertainment as for the service it may or may not provide. If some fan looking for a show in San Antonio comes across my blog and is able to make a live event, then the main purpose has been served.
I will never publish anything overly negative about any promotion or wrestler despite any personal feelings I may have. I am not interested in the personality conflicts that exist behind the scenes and between individuals from rival promotions. I think the typical fan probably feels the same way. We are just interested in seeing an entertaining show. Out of respect for those individuals who run the shows, I will not be aggressively distributing the printed newsletter at any shows. Since the Scene promotes all wrestling, it might be a conflict of interests for one organization to allow advertisements for another at their shows. I usually will have copies on hand if approached by an individual. To receive a newsletter in the mail, email me to arrange postage and printing costs. As always, include the word “wrestling” in the subject line of any email.
March Rankings
Further congratulations go out to Milano Collection AT who earns the top spot on this month's list by earning maximum points for 2 successful main event title defenses. 14 points is by far the most earned by any San Antonio wrestler in the 3 months that the San Antonio Independent Wrestling Scene has been tracking results.
14 Milano Collection AT
7 Hotstuff Hernandez
7 Prince Fontenot
6 One Man Mike Dell
6 El Latino
6 Rudy Russo
5 "Titan" Quinten Allen
5 Bigg Dogg
5 Spector
5 Brett Thunder
5 Skitzo
5 Rudy Boy Gonzales
4 Johnny Ender
4 Kris Kronie
4 Texas Renegade
4 Fast Eddie Vegas
4 Ikaika
4 Jared Steele
4 Hector Navarro
4 Homeless Hugh Rogue
4 Cowboy James Claxton
4 "New Style" Ben Galvan
3 Don Juan
3 Chris Marval
3 Scott E. Charms
3 Hector Montoya
3 Masada
3 The Virus
3 Tito Sanchez
3 Mr. Prestigious
3 Vicki
3 Jeff Galvan
2 Vega
2 Cobra
2 Jacob Ladder
2 Aguila Negra
2 Spiro
2 Showtime Summers
2 Brett Barnes
2 Roxy
2 Papi C
1 Wind Walker
1 Martin Styles
Upcoming Events
- Show Dates and Details are subject to change without notice. Always check with the promotion to confirm.
- ****************************************************
- Saturday April 30 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday May 7 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday May 13 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday May 27 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday May 28 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday June 4 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday June 10 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday June 24 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday June 25 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday July 2 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday July 8 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday July 22 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday July 30 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday August 6 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday August 12 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday August 26 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday August 27 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday September 3 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday September 9 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday September 23 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday September 24 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday October 1 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday October 14 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Friday October 28 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday October 29 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Saturday November 5 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- Friday November 11 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday November 19 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Friday November 25 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday December 3 - Southern Championship Wrestling - 8:00 PM - SCW Sports Station - 3890 HWY 132 - Lytle
- Friday December 9 - Texas Wrestling Association - 7:45 PM - Texas Wolverine All-Star Gym - 1334 S. Flores
- Saturday December 10 - River City Wrestling - 8:00 PM - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - 1630 Goliad Rd.
- ****************************************************
- Please send results from any San Antonio area wrestling shows to (include "Wrestling" in subject line)
Sunday, March 26, 2006
TWE Show Notes & Results
TWE Entertains at Car Show
Texas Wrestling Entertainment presented a card of five matches Sunday March 26th at the LowLow Car Show. Hundreds of car enthusiasts were able to catch these matches as part of an all day event at Camargo Park. All five matches were solid and storylines for upcoming events were advanced. In the main event, TWE TV champion Milano Collection AT withstood a challenge from Rudy Boy Gonzalez. In other matches Rudy Russo bested Cowboy James Claxton who continues to impress. Brett Thunder beat Hector Navarro. Spector was able to prevail over Big Dogg after the match was restarted following an appearant victory by Big Dogg. Referee Windwalker had counted Spector pinned but El Latino intervened and pointed out that Big Dogg had cheated to get the pin. Later El Latino faced Skitzo getting the pin. After the three count Rudy Russo & Big Dogg ran in and began beating on Latino. The beating didn't last long as Cowboy Claxton, Spector and Navarro all came to his aid. This helps set up the tag match scheduled for April 8th where Russo & Big Dogg face El Latino and a Mystery Partner.
TWE Show Results
1. Cowboy James Claxton vs. Rudy Russo (win)
2. Spector (win) vs. Big Dogg
3. Brett Thunder (win) vs. Hector Navarro
4. El Latino (win) vs. Skitzo
5. Main Event - TWE TV Championship
Challenger Rudy Boy Gonzalez vs. Champion Milano Collection AT (win & retain title)
TWE To Present Wrestlemania Pre-Game Slam
Texas Wrestling Entertainment will be out in full force Sunday April 2nd at Fatso's Sports Bar 1704 Bandera Road. Live wrestling begins at 3 pm followed by the PPV. Tickets are only $10
TWE Announces Tentative Date For Bryan Danielson Appearance
Texas Wrestling Entertainment has updated its website including a tentative date for the previously announced match between Milano Collection AT and American Dragon Bryan Danielson. The date is set for June 11th. At this time no location or start time has been announced. This should be top notch event as Danielson is the current cornerstone for Ring of Honor and Milano continues to be rumored for a WWE deal and is already set to participate in ECWA's Super 8 tournament April 8th.
Texas Wrestling Entertainment presented a card of five matches Sunday March 26th at the LowLow Car Show. Hundreds of car enthusiasts were able to catch these matches as part of an all day event at Camargo Park. All five matches were solid and storylines for upcoming events were advanced. In the main event, TWE TV champion Milano Collection AT withstood a challenge from Rudy Boy Gonzalez. In other matches Rudy Russo bested Cowboy James Claxton who continues to impress. Brett Thunder beat Hector Navarro. Spector was able to prevail over Big Dogg after the match was restarted following an appearant victory by Big Dogg. Referee Windwalker had counted Spector pinned but El Latino intervened and pointed out that Big Dogg had cheated to get the pin. Later El Latino faced Skitzo getting the pin. After the three count Rudy Russo & Big Dogg ran in and began beating on Latino. The beating didn't last long as Cowboy Claxton, Spector and Navarro all came to his aid. This helps set up the tag match scheduled for April 8th where Russo & Big Dogg face El Latino and a Mystery Partner.
TWE Show Results
1. Cowboy James Claxton vs. Rudy Russo (win)
2. Spector (win) vs. Big Dogg
3. Brett Thunder (win) vs. Hector Navarro
4. El Latino (win) vs. Skitzo
5. Main Event - TWE TV Championship
Challenger Rudy Boy Gonzalez vs. Champion Milano Collection AT (win & retain title)
TWE To Present Wrestlemania Pre-Game Slam
Texas Wrestling Entertainment will be out in full force Sunday April 2nd at Fatso's Sports Bar 1704 Bandera Road. Live wrestling begins at 3 pm followed by the PPV. Tickets are only $10
TWE Announces Tentative Date For Bryan Danielson Appearance
Texas Wrestling Entertainment has updated its website including a tentative date for the previously announced match between Milano Collection AT and American Dragon Bryan Danielson. The date is set for June 11th. At this time no location or start time has been announced. This should be top notch event as Danielson is the current cornerstone for Ring of Honor and Milano continues to be rumored for a WWE deal and is already set to participate in ECWA's Super 8 tournament April 8th.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
TWE & RCW News
TWE Announces Splashtown Events
Texas Wrestling Entertainment has added 3 dates to its calander for Splashtown Water Park located at 3600 IH 35 North. The dates are:
Saturday May 27
Saturday June 24
Saturday July 29
All dates have a 5 PM start time and all events are co-produced with Splashtown Water Park and 99.5 Kiss radio Station.
RCW Commercial Available Online.
River City Wrestling has produced its second commercial which is now online at
The commercial is promoting the April 1st event at the YWCA 503 Castroville Rd. and mentions the scheduled title fight between Hotstuff Hernandez and Challenger Fast Eddie Vegas. Also mentioned in the commercial is the scheduled match pitting the Texas Treats against Ikaika & Johnny Ender of the Nerdy Boys
To view the commercial, click on the myspace link from the RCW main page.
Texas Wrestling Entertainment has added 3 dates to its calander for Splashtown Water Park located at 3600 IH 35 North. The dates are:
Saturday May 27
Saturday June 24
Saturday July 29
All dates have a 5 PM start time and all events are co-produced with Splashtown Water Park and 99.5 Kiss radio Station.
RCW Commercial Available Online.
River City Wrestling has produced its second commercial which is now online at
The commercial is promoting the April 1st event at the YWCA 503 Castroville Rd. and mentions the scheduled title fight between Hotstuff Hernandez and Challenger Fast Eddie Vegas. Also mentioned in the commercial is the scheduled match pitting the Texas Treats against Ikaika & Johnny Ender of the Nerdy Boys
To view the commercial, click on the myspace link from the RCW main page.
Monday, March 20, 2006
RCW Press Release
River City Wrestling sent out this press release today:
Monday, March 20, 2006
RCW News: April 1 news, March 18 results, and a statement about Breaking All of the Rules
For Immediate Release
Monday, March 20, 2006
For Information Contact:
Brandon Oliver
210-842-8398 or fax: 210-615-8832
RCW Update
RCW returns to live action April 1 at YWCA; March 18 results; statement regarding Breaking All of the Rules; plus more
The next River City Wrestling event has been announced for Saturday, April 1, 2006 at the YWCA, 503 Castroville Rd.
Tickets are $5 in advance, or $7 at the door.
Fans may purchase tickets at:
503 Castroville Rd.
(210) 433-9922
Or through PayPal at
A new alliance has been made, and this time it's revenge!
Matches include:
RCW Championship
Rematch from the Match of the Year Candidate
The "300-pound Tex-Mex T-Rex" Hotstuff Hernandez defends his title against Fast Eddie Vegas of the Texas Treats w/ Commissioner Yebisu
Ikaika (filling in for Kris Kronie) & 1/2 of RCW's Tag Team Champions Johnny Ender take on Don Juan & Chris Marval, The Texas Treats, w/ Commissioner Yebisu
The Hardbodies (J.T. Lamotta & Andrew Dalton) versus Hallowmass (Joey Corman & Logan)
Martin Styles makes his RCW debut against Mr. Beautiful Rudy Russo
Plus Quinten Allen, "One Man" Mike Dell, and much more!
River City Wrestling presented a hardcore night of action called "Breaking All of the Rules" on Saturday, March 18, at the YWCA. Almost 300 fans were in attendance, and new record was set for RCW for advance ticket sales. It was a wild, unpredictable, and incredible night of action that proved why RCW is gaining in popularity and why the in-ring (and sometimes out of the ring action) is unparalled in San Antonio.
When the crowd was settling into their seats, "Mr. Beautiful" Rudy Russo & Aguila Negro attacked Ikaika from behind with a chair as the "Hawaiian Warrior" was signing autographs.
In the opening contest, "Mr. Beautiful" Rudy Russo w/ Aguila Negro pinned Roxy in an inter-gender match. After the match, Russo continued to attack Roxy until Martin Styles made the save.
The second match had Ikaika defeat Mr. Showtime w/ Aguila Negro and Rudy Russo in a Street Fight. Words cannot describe this incredible match. Both men were beaten and taken to the limit, with Showtime bleeding profusely after a shot with a trash can. Chairs and tables were also involved. Ikaika pinned Showtime outside the ring after a frog splash through the table, and Ikaika was awarded five minutes per pre-match stipulations with Aguila Negro. Ikaika destroyed Aguila, then hit a Burning Hammer from the top turnbuckle all the way to the outside on Rudy Russo who was laying on a table.
The third match was the Lumberjack Fan Strap Match where Quinten Allen defeated Spiro. 12 lucky fans served as lumberjack, complete with leather belts. In the end, Allen scored the pin.
The Nerdy Boys (Johnny Ender & Kris Kronie) defeated The Texas Treats (Don Juan & Chris Marval w/ Commissioner Yebisu) and The Natural Athletes ("One Man" Mike Dell & Hector Montoya w/ Ray The Voice) in a Ladder Match to retain the RCW Tag Team Championship. This match was a half-hour of brutality and incredible aerial feats. Again, words cannot describe how great this match was. In the end, Kronie ascended the eight-foot ladder and grabbed the belts that hung from the ceiling. After the match, The Texas Treats and Yebisu attacked the Nerds, and insulted the crowd. Kronie was injured due to the attack.
Fast Eddie Vegas defeated Masada in a Best Two Out of Three Falls Match. Vegas and Masada went 45 minutes. Eddie captured the first fall with regular rules, then Masada got the second duke during a Submissions Only Fall. The third fall -- Last Man Standing -- saw chairs and ladders decimated. One highlight included Vegas hitting a huracarana from the top rope to the floor and Masada crashing through six chairs. In the end, Vegas scored the win, thanks to his newfound friends, The Texas Treats.
In the main event, Hotstuff Hernandez retained the RCW Championship in a No Holds Barred Match over "Homeless" Hugh Rogue w/ his case worker, Steve Moody. After exchanging chairshots, both men used thumbtacks, staples, and more tables. In the end, Hotstuff missle dropkicked Rogue while Rogue was inside of a garbage can. After the match, The Texas Treats attacked Hernandez and Fast Eddie issued a challenge. Ikaika and Ender made the save.
Quick note about "Breaking All of the Rules"....
For those of you with a faint heart and used to RCW's family-entertainment, Breaking All of the Rules was once in awhile deal where all of the rules were laid to rest. All of the athletes of RCW proved their heart... determination... and toughness. For that, I thank each and everyone of them.
Beginning with the April 1 show, we will return to our family-entertainment format. We apologize if anyone was upset with the brutality of the event, and RCW's family-friendly events will return April 1.
Breaking All of the Rules will happen again someday for those of you who enjoy hardcore, but will be with fair warning to those who may be offended.
River City Wrestling -- a San Antonio-based pro wrestling promotion -- is in the March 17 issue of Rumbo Magazine. This magazine is in Spanish, and is distributed through the Alamo CIty area.
To access the article, visit
River City Wrestling's Don Juan of the Texas Treats will apear on the upcoming WWE Heat Webcast. Don Juan wrestled Matt Striker at the WWE Monday Night RAW tapings this past Monday in Beaumont, Texas. He was the only Texas wrestler to receive a match. The match will be viewed at
River City Wrestling's Champion -- Hotstuff Hernandez -- also made headlines this week at NWA-TNA's TV tapings. "The 300-pound Tex-Mex T-Rex" will continue to make appearances for TNA.
For more information, including press photos, contact Brandon Oliver at (210) 842-8398, or visit Card is subject to change.
Monday, March 20, 2006
RCW News: April 1 news, March 18 results, and a statement about Breaking All of the Rules
For Immediate Release
Monday, March 20, 2006
For Information Contact:
Brandon Oliver
210-842-8398 or fax: 210-615-8832
RCW Update
RCW returns to live action April 1 at YWCA; March 18 results; statement regarding Breaking All of the Rules; plus more
The next River City Wrestling event has been announced for Saturday, April 1, 2006 at the YWCA, 503 Castroville Rd.
Tickets are $5 in advance, or $7 at the door.
Fans may purchase tickets at:
503 Castroville Rd.
(210) 433-9922
Or through PayPal at
A new alliance has been made, and this time it's revenge!
Matches include:
RCW Championship
Rematch from the Match of the Year Candidate
The "300-pound Tex-Mex T-Rex" Hotstuff Hernandez defends his title against Fast Eddie Vegas of the Texas Treats w/ Commissioner Yebisu
Ikaika (filling in for Kris Kronie) & 1/2 of RCW's Tag Team Champions Johnny Ender take on Don Juan & Chris Marval, The Texas Treats, w/ Commissioner Yebisu
The Hardbodies (J.T. Lamotta & Andrew Dalton) versus Hallowmass (Joey Corman & Logan)
Martin Styles makes his RCW debut against Mr. Beautiful Rudy Russo
Plus Quinten Allen, "One Man" Mike Dell, and much more!
River City Wrestling presented a hardcore night of action called "Breaking All of the Rules" on Saturday, March 18, at the YWCA. Almost 300 fans were in attendance, and new record was set for RCW for advance ticket sales. It was a wild, unpredictable, and incredible night of action that proved why RCW is gaining in popularity and why the in-ring (and sometimes out of the ring action) is unparalled in San Antonio.
When the crowd was settling into their seats, "Mr. Beautiful" Rudy Russo & Aguila Negro attacked Ikaika from behind with a chair as the "Hawaiian Warrior" was signing autographs.
In the opening contest, "Mr. Beautiful" Rudy Russo w/ Aguila Negro pinned Roxy in an inter-gender match. After the match, Russo continued to attack Roxy until Martin Styles made the save.
The second match had Ikaika defeat Mr. Showtime w/ Aguila Negro and Rudy Russo in a Street Fight. Words cannot describe this incredible match. Both men were beaten and taken to the limit, with Showtime bleeding profusely after a shot with a trash can. Chairs and tables were also involved. Ikaika pinned Showtime outside the ring after a frog splash through the table, and Ikaika was awarded five minutes per pre-match stipulations with Aguila Negro. Ikaika destroyed Aguila, then hit a Burning Hammer from the top turnbuckle all the way to the outside on Rudy Russo who was laying on a table.
The third match was the Lumberjack Fan Strap Match where Quinten Allen defeated Spiro. 12 lucky fans served as lumberjack, complete with leather belts. In the end, Allen scored the pin.
The Nerdy Boys (Johnny Ender & Kris Kronie) defeated The Texas Treats (Don Juan & Chris Marval w/ Commissioner Yebisu) and The Natural Athletes ("One Man" Mike Dell & Hector Montoya w/ Ray The Voice) in a Ladder Match to retain the RCW Tag Team Championship. This match was a half-hour of brutality and incredible aerial feats. Again, words cannot describe how great this match was. In the end, Kronie ascended the eight-foot ladder and grabbed the belts that hung from the ceiling. After the match, The Texas Treats and Yebisu attacked the Nerds, and insulted the crowd. Kronie was injured due to the attack.
Fast Eddie Vegas defeated Masada in a Best Two Out of Three Falls Match. Vegas and Masada went 45 minutes. Eddie captured the first fall with regular rules, then Masada got the second duke during a Submissions Only Fall. The third fall -- Last Man Standing -- saw chairs and ladders decimated. One highlight included Vegas hitting a huracarana from the top rope to the floor and Masada crashing through six chairs. In the end, Vegas scored the win, thanks to his newfound friends, The Texas Treats.
In the main event, Hotstuff Hernandez retained the RCW Championship in a No Holds Barred Match over "Homeless" Hugh Rogue w/ his case worker, Steve Moody. After exchanging chairshots, both men used thumbtacks, staples, and more tables. In the end, Hotstuff missle dropkicked Rogue while Rogue was inside of a garbage can. After the match, The Texas Treats attacked Hernandez and Fast Eddie issued a challenge. Ikaika and Ender made the save.
Quick note about "Breaking All of the Rules"....
For those of you with a faint heart and used to RCW's family-entertainment, Breaking All of the Rules was once in awhile deal where all of the rules were laid to rest. All of the athletes of RCW proved their heart... determination... and toughness. For that, I thank each and everyone of them.
Beginning with the April 1 show, we will return to our family-entertainment format. We apologize if anyone was upset with the brutality of the event, and RCW's family-friendly events will return April 1.
Breaking All of the Rules will happen again someday for those of you who enjoy hardcore, but will be with fair warning to those who may be offended.
River City Wrestling -- a San Antonio-based pro wrestling promotion -- is in the March 17 issue of Rumbo Magazine. This magazine is in Spanish, and is distributed through the Alamo CIty area.
To access the article, visit
River City Wrestling's Don Juan of the Texas Treats will apear on the upcoming WWE Heat Webcast. Don Juan wrestled Matt Striker at the WWE Monday Night RAW tapings this past Monday in Beaumont, Texas. He was the only Texas wrestler to receive a match. The match will be viewed at
River City Wrestling's Champion -- Hotstuff Hernandez -- also made headlines this week at NWA-TNA's TV tapings. "The 300-pound Tex-Mex T-Rex" will continue to make appearances for TNA.
For more information, including press photos, contact Brandon Oliver at (210) 842-8398, or visit Card is subject to change.
SA Indy Wrestling Scene Banner Available
Websites wishing to create a link to this blog may now use the banner below. create hyperlink to this address

Please email me with any questions or feedback. as always, include the word "wrestling" in the subject line.

Please email me with any questions or feedback. as always, include the word "wrestling" in the subject line.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Upcoming San Antonio Wrestling Events
Texas Wrestling Entertainment - Lowlow Car Show - Camargo Park, 5738 HWY 90 10 a.m.-7 p.m. (bell time not announced)
Saturday April 1st - River City Wrestling - YWCA, 503 Castroville Rd. 6:30 pm
Sunday April 2nd - Texas Wrestling Entertainment - Wrestlemania 22 Pre-Game Show - Fatso's Sports Bar, 1704 Bandera Rd. 3:30 p.m.
Saturday April 8th - Texas Wrestling Entertainment - Bellaire Baptist Church Gym, 105 Clovis 7 p.m.
Saturday April 9th - Texas Wrestling Entertainment - Lowlow Car Show - Camargo Park, 5738 HWY 90 11 a.m.-7 p.m. (bell time not announced)
Sunday April 23rd - American Championship Wrestling - The Venue, 800 Lexington 4 p.m.
Sunday May 21st - American Championship Wrestling - The Venue, 800 Lexington 4 p.m.
Saturday April 1st - River City Wrestling - YWCA, 503 Castroville Rd. 6:30 pm
Sunday April 2nd - Texas Wrestling Entertainment - Wrestlemania 22 Pre-Game Show - Fatso's Sports Bar, 1704 Bandera Rd. 3:30 p.m.
Saturday April 8th - Texas Wrestling Entertainment - Bellaire Baptist Church Gym, 105 Clovis 7 p.m.
Saturday April 9th - Texas Wrestling Entertainment - Lowlow Car Show - Camargo Park, 5738 HWY 90 11 a.m.-7 p.m. (bell time not announced)
Sunday April 23rd - American Championship Wrestling - The Venue, 800 Lexington 4 p.m.
Sunday May 21st - American Championship Wrestling - The Venue, 800 Lexington 4 p.m.
Weekend Report: RCW & ACW Shows Results & News
ACW Premieres in New Location!
American Championship Wrestling opened a new era Sunday March 19th presenting a show in an exciting new location. The Venue at 800 Lexington is a very nice location with multi-level seating, a smoking section, higher ceilings, excellent lighting and a fully stocked bar. The location just off Main Street about a mile or so from SAC should attract an new crowd of college-aged fans to the sport. ACW has already booked two additional dates at The Venue; April 23rd and May 21st. Both events are on Sundays at 4 pm so younger fans are sure to feel welcome as well as those wishing to enjoy an alcoholic beverage while they holler at the in-ring action.
ACW's latest show continued thier tradition of bringing in top independant talent from throughout Texas as the Galvan brothers, "New Style" Ben and Jeff traveled from Corpus Christi with Papi C to participate in the show along with Mr. Prestigious from the DFW area. Many of these wrestlers worked last night either at the ACW show in Kerrville or the RCW show here in San Antonio. Several wrestlers had lingering aches and pains but that did not prevent those who were able to wrestle from giving the fans best card of matches that ACW has had in San Antonio so far this year.
Texas Heavyweight Champion Scott E. Charms was injured but he still allowed his belt to be defended by The Texas Renegade in a match against challenger Jeff Galvan. Tito Sanchez and former partner Vega continued there feud. Former Tag-Team Partners "Titan" Quinten Allen and "One Man Mike Dell put on the "Match of the Night." Virus had little trouble with Papi C and demanded stiffer competition. Mr. Prestigious was very impressive against Cobra. In the Main Event, "New Style" pushed Champion Prince to the limit before Scott E. Charms inadvertantly knocked out "New Style" while attempting to interfer on his behalf.
ACW Show Results
March 19th
The Venue
1. Virus (win) vs. Papi C
2. Cobra vs. Mr. Prestigious (win)
3. Texas Heavyweight Title.
Challenger Jeff Galvan vs. Texas Renegade (win) - Defending title for injured Scott E. Charms
4. Tito Sanchez (win) vs. Vega
5. Titan vs. One Man Mike Dell (win)
6. ACW Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger New Style vs. Champion Prince (win & retains title)
(Thanks to ring Announcer Jeff Houston for help identifying all the wrestlers)
RCW Presents Breaking All Of The Rules
In a night of special stipulation matches that left the crowd of nearly 300 paying customers almost as worn out as some of the wrestlers, River City Wrestling returned to the YWCA at 503 Castroville Road Saturday March 18th. In attendance at the match was Martin Styles who will be making his in-ring debut with RCW in the near future. Fans were treated to 6 matches which included an intergender match (Rudy Russo vs. Roxy,) a bloody streetfight (Ikaika vs. Showtime Summers,) an audience participation Lumberjack Strap Match (Spiro vs. Quinten Allen,) a Triple-Threat Tag-Team Ladder Match (Nerdy Boys defending against The Natural Athletes and The Texas Treats,) a Two Falls out of Three match with special special stipulations in each fall (Fast Eddie Vegas vs. Masada,) and a Main Event No Holds Barred RCW Championship Match (Hotstuff Hernandez defending against "Homeless Hugh Rogue.)
Before the night was over, RCW owner Brandon Oliver had to pay for at least 3 tables, 3 ladders and more than 8 chairs which were destroyed during the various matches. On top of that, Oliver pitched in mopping up the blood that spilt when Showtime Summers inadvertantly received a 6 inch gash in his forehead from the handle of a trashcan. Despite the injury which occured early in the match, Summers continued the fight with Ikaika. When Ikaika finally put Summers down to stay, Ikaika was able to earn 5 minutes in the ring with Aguila Negro. Many fans were not prepared for the bloody and violent nature of this match. Summers wasn't the only wrestler who received injury during the night. Quinten Allen suffered a neck injury which left him numb for several minutes and had to be helped from the ring following his match. Kris Kronie of the Tag Champion Nerdy Boys was so seriously injured in the Ladder Match that he is not expected to be cleared to participate when RCW returns to the YWCA in 2 weeks. Ikaika will join forces with Johnny Ender at that time to battle the Texas Treats who turned heel during the course of the night.
The 2 falls out of three match between Fast Eddie Vegas and Masada was an incredible test of endurance for the two wrestlers who split the first two falls and had to compete in a Last Man Standing Match for the final fall. The match appeared over several times following particularly violent moves but the two kept at it until finally Fast Eddie prevailed. The Main Event was the No Hold Barred match between Hotstuff Hernandez and Homeless Hugh Rogue who was accompanied by his "Case Worker" Steve Moody. This final match featured tables, chairs, trash cans, a barb-wire wrapped baseball bat, a staple gun and a can full of thumb tacks.
RCW Show Results
March 18th
1. Inter-gender Match
Rudy Russo (win) vs. Roxy
2. Street Fight
Showtime Summers with Aguila Negro & Rudy Russo vs. Ikaika (win -Ikaika earned 5 minutes in the ring with Aguila Negro)
3. Audience Participation Lumberjack Strap Match
Quinten Allen (win) vs. Spiro
4. Triple-Threat Tag-Team Title Ladder Match
Challengers The Natural Athletes - Hector Montoya & One Man Mike Dell with Ray The Voice vs. Challengers The Texas Treats - Don Juan & Chris Marval with Commissioner Yebisu vs. Champions The Nerdy Boys - Johnny Ender & Kris Kronie (win & retain titles)
5. Best 2 out of 3 falls:
Fall # 1 win by pinfall, submission, countout or disqualification
Fall # 2 submission match
Fall # 3 Last Man Standing Match
Fast Eddie Vegas (win fall #1 & # 3. win match) vs. Masada (win fall # 2)
6. Main Event - No Hold Barred Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger Homeless Hugh Rogue with Steve Moody vs. Champion Hotstuff Hernandez (win & retain title)
American Championship Wrestling opened a new era Sunday March 19th presenting a show in an exciting new location. The Venue at 800 Lexington is a very nice location with multi-level seating, a smoking section, higher ceilings, excellent lighting and a fully stocked bar. The location just off Main Street about a mile or so from SAC should attract an new crowd of college-aged fans to the sport. ACW has already booked two additional dates at The Venue; April 23rd and May 21st. Both events are on Sundays at 4 pm so younger fans are sure to feel welcome as well as those wishing to enjoy an alcoholic beverage while they holler at the in-ring action.
ACW's latest show continued thier tradition of bringing in top independant talent from throughout Texas as the Galvan brothers, "New Style" Ben and Jeff traveled from Corpus Christi with Papi C to participate in the show along with Mr. Prestigious from the DFW area. Many of these wrestlers worked last night either at the ACW show in Kerrville or the RCW show here in San Antonio. Several wrestlers had lingering aches and pains but that did not prevent those who were able to wrestle from giving the fans best card of matches that ACW has had in San Antonio so far this year.
Texas Heavyweight Champion Scott E. Charms was injured but he still allowed his belt to be defended by The Texas Renegade in a match against challenger Jeff Galvan. Tito Sanchez and former partner Vega continued there feud. Former Tag-Team Partners "Titan" Quinten Allen and "One Man Mike Dell put on the "Match of the Night." Virus had little trouble with Papi C and demanded stiffer competition. Mr. Prestigious was very impressive against Cobra. In the Main Event, "New Style" pushed Champion Prince to the limit before Scott E. Charms inadvertantly knocked out "New Style" while attempting to interfer on his behalf.
ACW Show Results
March 19th
The Venue
1. Virus (win) vs. Papi C
2. Cobra vs. Mr. Prestigious (win)
3. Texas Heavyweight Title.
Challenger Jeff Galvan vs. Texas Renegade (win) - Defending title for injured Scott E. Charms
4. Tito Sanchez (win) vs. Vega
5. Titan vs. One Man Mike Dell (win)
6. ACW Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger New Style vs. Champion Prince (win & retains title)
(Thanks to ring Announcer Jeff Houston for help identifying all the wrestlers)
RCW Presents Breaking All Of The Rules
In a night of special stipulation matches that left the crowd of nearly 300 paying customers almost as worn out as some of the wrestlers, River City Wrestling returned to the YWCA at 503 Castroville Road Saturday March 18th. In attendance at the match was Martin Styles who will be making his in-ring debut with RCW in the near future. Fans were treated to 6 matches which included an intergender match (Rudy Russo vs. Roxy,) a bloody streetfight (Ikaika vs. Showtime Summers,) an audience participation Lumberjack Strap Match (Spiro vs. Quinten Allen,) a Triple-Threat Tag-Team Ladder Match (Nerdy Boys defending against The Natural Athletes and The Texas Treats,) a Two Falls out of Three match with special special stipulations in each fall (Fast Eddie Vegas vs. Masada,) and a Main Event No Holds Barred RCW Championship Match (Hotstuff Hernandez defending against "Homeless Hugh Rogue.)
Before the night was over, RCW owner Brandon Oliver had to pay for at least 3 tables, 3 ladders and more than 8 chairs which were destroyed during the various matches. On top of that, Oliver pitched in mopping up the blood that spilt when Showtime Summers inadvertantly received a 6 inch gash in his forehead from the handle of a trashcan. Despite the injury which occured early in the match, Summers continued the fight with Ikaika. When Ikaika finally put Summers down to stay, Ikaika was able to earn 5 minutes in the ring with Aguila Negro. Many fans were not prepared for the bloody and violent nature of this match. Summers wasn't the only wrestler who received injury during the night. Quinten Allen suffered a neck injury which left him numb for several minutes and had to be helped from the ring following his match. Kris Kronie of the Tag Champion Nerdy Boys was so seriously injured in the Ladder Match that he is not expected to be cleared to participate when RCW returns to the YWCA in 2 weeks. Ikaika will join forces with Johnny Ender at that time to battle the Texas Treats who turned heel during the course of the night.
The 2 falls out of three match between Fast Eddie Vegas and Masada was an incredible test of endurance for the two wrestlers who split the first two falls and had to compete in a Last Man Standing Match for the final fall. The match appeared over several times following particularly violent moves but the two kept at it until finally Fast Eddie prevailed. The Main Event was the No Hold Barred match between Hotstuff Hernandez and Homeless Hugh Rogue who was accompanied by his "Case Worker" Steve Moody. This final match featured tables, chairs, trash cans, a barb-wire wrapped baseball bat, a staple gun and a can full of thumb tacks.
RCW Show Results
March 18th
1. Inter-gender Match
Rudy Russo (win) vs. Roxy
2. Street Fight
Showtime Summers with Aguila Negro & Rudy Russo vs. Ikaika (win -Ikaika earned 5 minutes in the ring with Aguila Negro)
3. Audience Participation Lumberjack Strap Match
Quinten Allen (win) vs. Spiro
4. Triple-Threat Tag-Team Title Ladder Match
Challengers The Natural Athletes - Hector Montoya & One Man Mike Dell with Ray The Voice vs. Challengers The Texas Treats - Don Juan & Chris Marval with Commissioner Yebisu vs. Champions The Nerdy Boys - Johnny Ender & Kris Kronie (win & retain titles)
5. Best 2 out of 3 falls:
Fall # 1 win by pinfall, submission, countout or disqualification
Fall # 2 submission match
Fall # 3 Last Man Standing Match
Fast Eddie Vegas (win fall #1 & # 3. win match) vs. Masada (win fall # 2)
6. Main Event - No Hold Barred Heavyweight Title Match
Challenger Homeless Hugh Rogue with Steve Moody vs. Champion Hotstuff Hernandez (win & retain title)
Friday, March 17, 2006
RCW News
River City Wrestling has posted the following information on its myspace page:
Friday, March 17, 2006
RCW News: Rumbo; Don Juan on WWE Heat; Hernandez in TNA; RCW show March 18
For Immediate Release
Friday, March 17, 2006
For Information Contact:
Brandon Oliver
210-842-8398 or fax: 210-615-8832
RCW Update
River City Wrestling appears in Spanish newspaper; Don Juan on WWE Heat; Hernandez in TNA; show on March 18
River City Wrestling -- a San Antonio-based pro wrestling promotion -- is in the March 17 issue of Rumbo Magazine. This magazine is in Spanish, and is distributed through the Alamo CIty area.
To access the article, visit
River City Wrestling's Don Juan of the Texas Treats will apear on the upcoming WWE Heat Webcast. Don Juan wrestled Matt Striker at the WWE Monday Night RAW tapings this past Monday in Beaumont, Texas. He was the only Texas wrestler to receive a match. The match will be viewed at
River City Wrestling's Champion -- Hotstuff Hernandez -- also made headlines this week at NWA-TNA's TV tapings. "The 300-pound Tex-Mex T-Rex" will continue to make appearances for TNA.
The next River City Wrestling event has been announced for Saturday, March 18, 2006 at the YWCA, 503 Castroville Rd. This is a larger facility than previous events which have been "Standing Room Only." The February RCW event had 200 paying fans overflowing the room, so it might be a good idea for fans to take advantage of RCW's advance ticket program available through their webpage
Tickets are $5 in advance, or $7 at the door.
Fans may purchase tickets at:
503 Castroville Rd.
(210) 433-9922
Or through PayPal at
Promoter Brandon Oliver and Commissioner Yebisu have agreed that this event will "Break All of the Rules" as each match will have a special stipulation.
Matches include:
Best Two Out of Three Falls:
Fast Eddie Vegas vs. Masada
First Fall = Win by pinfall, submission, countout or disqualification
Second Fall = Submission Match
Third Fall (if necessary) = Pinfalls Count Anywhere Match
Lumberjack Strap Match
Where select fans will serve as the lumberjacks!
Spiro vs. Quinten Allen
RCW Championship Match - No Holds Barred
Hotstuff Hernandez defends against "Homeless" Hugh Rogue
RCW Tag Team Championship - Ladder Match - Three-Way Contest
The Nerdy Boys defend against The Texas Treats and the Natural Athletes
Street Fight
Ikaika vs. an opponent to be named by Aguila Negro
If Ikaika wins, he has five minute in the ring with Aguila
Upcoming RCW Events:
Saturday, March 18 - YWCA, 503 Castroville Rd. 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 in advance, $7 at the door.
Saturday, April 1 - YWCA, 503 Castroville Rd. 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 in advance, $7 at the door.
For more information, including press photos, contact Brandon Oliver at (210) 842-8398, or visit Card is subject to change.
Friday, March 17, 2006
RCW News: Rumbo; Don Juan on WWE Heat; Hernandez in TNA; RCW show March 18
For Immediate Release
Friday, March 17, 2006
For Information Contact:
Brandon Oliver
210-842-8398 or fax: 210-615-8832
RCW Update
River City Wrestling appears in Spanish newspaper; Don Juan on WWE Heat; Hernandez in TNA; show on March 18
River City Wrestling -- a San Antonio-based pro wrestling promotion -- is in the March 17 issue of Rumbo Magazine. This magazine is in Spanish, and is distributed through the Alamo CIty area.
To access the article, visit
River City Wrestling's Don Juan of the Texas Treats will apear on the upcoming WWE Heat Webcast. Don Juan wrestled Matt Striker at the WWE Monday Night RAW tapings this past Monday in Beaumont, Texas. He was the only Texas wrestler to receive a match. The match will be viewed at
River City Wrestling's Champion -- Hotstuff Hernandez -- also made headlines this week at NWA-TNA's TV tapings. "The 300-pound Tex-Mex T-Rex" will continue to make appearances for TNA.
The next River City Wrestling event has been announced for Saturday, March 18, 2006 at the YWCA, 503 Castroville Rd. This is a larger facility than previous events which have been "Standing Room Only." The February RCW event had 200 paying fans overflowing the room, so it might be a good idea for fans to take advantage of RCW's advance ticket program available through their webpage
Tickets are $5 in advance, or $7 at the door.
Fans may purchase tickets at:
503 Castroville Rd.
(210) 433-9922
Or through PayPal at
Promoter Brandon Oliver and Commissioner Yebisu have agreed that this event will "Break All of the Rules" as each match will have a special stipulation.
Matches include:
Best Two Out of Three Falls:
Fast Eddie Vegas vs. Masada
First Fall = Win by pinfall, submission, countout or disqualification
Second Fall = Submission Match
Third Fall (if necessary) = Pinfalls Count Anywhere Match
Lumberjack Strap Match
Where select fans will serve as the lumberjacks!
Spiro vs. Quinten Allen
RCW Championship Match - No Holds Barred
Hotstuff Hernandez defends against "Homeless" Hugh Rogue
RCW Tag Team Championship - Ladder Match - Three-Way Contest
The Nerdy Boys defend against The Texas Treats and the Natural Athletes
Street Fight
Ikaika vs. an opponent to be named by Aguila Negro
If Ikaika wins, he has five minute in the ring with Aguila
Upcoming RCW Events:
Saturday, March 18 - YWCA, 503 Castroville Rd. 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 in advance, $7 at the door.
Saturday, April 1 - YWCA, 503 Castroville Rd. 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 in advance, $7 at the door.
For more information, including press photos, contact Brandon Oliver at (210) 842-8398, or visit Card is subject to change.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
RCW Press Release
River City Wrestling president Brandon Oliver sent out this press release today:
For Immediate Release
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
For Information Contact:
Brandon Oliver
210-842-8398 or fax: 210-615-8832
Texas wrestlers appear at WWE Monday Night RAW
Don Juan wrestles Matt Striker in a match to be shown on WWE Heat
Three grapplers from the Lone Star State appeared at WWE's Monday Night RAW (March 13 episode) tapings in Beaumont, Texas. Don Juan, Chris Marval, and Fast Eddie Vegas were at the event.
Don Juan faced Matt Striker in a match that will be shown on WWE Heat, which is webcast through the Internet this week at
Marval and Vegas were on the live nationally-broadcast RAW as security guards during the Big Show/Kane/Triple H/John Cena segment.
River City Wrestling congratulates all three of these athletes. This opportunity is well-deserved, and look for more bright things ahead for The Texas Treats and Fast Eddie Vegas!
For more information, including press photos, contact Brandon Oliver at (210) 842-8398, or visit
For Immediate Release
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
For Information Contact:
Brandon Oliver
210-842-8398 or fax: 210-615-8832
Texas wrestlers appear at WWE Monday Night RAW
Don Juan wrestles Matt Striker in a match to be shown on WWE Heat
Three grapplers from the Lone Star State appeared at WWE's Monday Night RAW (March 13 episode) tapings in Beaumont, Texas. Don Juan, Chris Marval, and Fast Eddie Vegas were at the event.
Don Juan faced Matt Striker in a match that will be shown on WWE Heat, which is webcast through the Internet this week at
Marval and Vegas were on the live nationally-broadcast RAW as security guards during the Big Show/Kane/Triple H/John Cena segment.
River City Wrestling congratulates all three of these athletes. This opportunity is well-deserved, and look for more bright things ahead for The Texas Treats and Fast Eddie Vegas!
For more information, including press photos, contact Brandon Oliver at (210) 842-8398, or visit
Monday, March 13, 2006
TWE Al Snow Show Tremendous Success
Texas Wrestling Entertainment and the Texas Wrestling Academy presented a show March 11th at the Bellaire Baptist Church Gym following an all-day clinic run by WWE Talent Agent Al Snow. Six matches entertained the vocal crowd. The show marked the return of Vicki to the TWE ring in her intergender match with Spector. The Texas Wrestling Academy crew were all impressive with the youngsters continuing to grow as in-ring performers and the veterens showing off their skills. All the matches were solid. The battle of the Bretts, Barnes vs. Thunder was particularly impressive as was the Main Event pitting challenger Jared Steele against TV Title Champion Milano Collection AT.
TWE Coming Event Announced.
Texas Wrestling Entertainment announced their next local event scheduled April 8th at the Bellaire Baptist Church. Details will be forthcoming at the TWE website.
TWE Show Results
March 11th
Bellaire Baptist Church Gym
1. Vicki (win) vs. Spector
2. Skitzo (win) vs. Cowboy James Claxton
3. El Latino (win) vs. Jacob Ladder
4. Hector Navarro vs. Bigg Dogg (win)
5. Brett Barnes (win) vs. Brett Thunder
6. Main Event TV Title Championship
Challenger Jared Steele vs. Champion Milano Collection AT (win-retain title)
KISS-FM Car Show Cancels Wrestling
The wrestling matches advertised to occur at the KISS-FM "Best Damn Car Show" Sunday March 12th at Sam's Burger Joint were appearantly cancelled as no ring was set up and none of the workers selling tickets were able to provide further information.
TWE Press Release
Texas Wrestling Entertainment sent out the following press release.
Texas Wrestling Entertainment, Texas Only Major League Wrestling, continues its 2006 trend of bringing the very best Wrestling to the state of Texas, has a show sceduled for Del Rio Texas featuring 1/2 of a former WWE Tag Team Champion, the Wild Samoan Sika. TWE has recently come to terms on a talent trade with Sikas promotion out of Florida, and on 3/17, The Wild Samoan meets TWE head man Rudy Boy Gonzalez. Also, Sikas protege Bullldozer meets AA superstar Mr Texas.
Also, the Main Event features a rematch of a San Antonio match up between El Latino vs Big Dogg in a Mexican Street Fight. Also, Super 8 contender Milano Collection AT meets Brett Thunder for the TWE TV title, and Spector will issue an open challenge to ANYONE that wants to get in the ring with him. Plus, Vicki returns to TWE action.
Del Rio Civic Center
1915 Veterans Blvd.
Doors open 6:30.
$5 Kids and Advance sales.
$7 at the door.
RCW Press Release
River City Wrestling sent out this press release.
For Immediate Release
Saturday, March 11, 2006
For Information Contact:
Brandon Oliver
210-842-8398 or fax: 210-615-8832
River City Wrestling News
RCW's commercial, new matches announced for March 18, and April show announced
River City Wrestling, San Antonio's Pro Wrestling organization, has a commercial that premieres tonight -- Saturday, March 11 -- during the broadcast of NWA-TNA. The commercial will also be shown on Monday. To see the commercial, visit
Upcoming RCW Events:
Saturday, March 18 - YWCA, 503 Castroville Rd. 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 in advance, $7 at the door.
Saturday, April 1 - YWCA, 503 Castroville Rd. 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 in advance, $7 at the door.
New Matches for March 18!
The next River City Wrestling event has been announced for Saturday, March 18, 2006 at the YWCA, 503 Castroville Rd. This is a larger facility than the Hope of Glory Church which has been "Standing Room Only" since RCW moved in. The February RCW event had 200 paying fans overflowing the room, so it might be a good idea for fans to take advantage of RCW's advance ticket program available through their webpage
Tickets are $5 in advance, or $7 at the door.
Fans may purchase tickets at:
503 Castroville Rd.
(210) 433-9922
Or through PayPal at
Promoter Brandon Oliver and Commissioner Yebisu have agreed that this event will "Break All of the Rules" as each match will have a special stipulation.
New matches include:
Best Two Out of Three Falls:
Fast Eddie Vegas vs. Masada
First Fall = Win by pinfall, submission, countout or disqualification
Second Fall = Submission Match
Third Fall (if necessary) = Pinfalls Count Anywhere Match
This is going to be an incredible match on a night filled with stipulation matches. Fast Eddie has had a match of the night candidate for every contest he has had in RCW. His last match against RCW Champion Hotstuff Hernandez had everyone on their feet for 20-plus minutes, with alternating chants of "Let's go Hotstuff" and "Let's go Eddie!" Despite the loss, Eddie impressed a lot of RCW fans, and they have demanded a high-profile match.
Masada, meanwhile, made his Texas return after touring with Big Japan pro wrestling on February 25. Masada faced Quinten Allen, a pure fight that went outside the building and into the parking lot. Masada is a tough-as-nails, a true hardcore athlete.
The first two falls may favor Vegas, and he will try to put away Masada early. If the match does indeed go to a third fall, then it become a Pinfalls Count Anywhere match, which is right up Masada's alley. Who knows where they may end up.
Match Change
Lumberjack Strap Match
Where select fans will serve as the lumberjacks!
Spiro vs. Quinten Allen
Changed from a bullrope match, once again RCW proves that it is interactive with its fans, and what better way than by making them lumberjacks. Not only that, but each lumberjacks will have a belt! Here's how it works... during the show, RCW will hold a raffle. Ten fans will be selected. Bring your own belts! As a wrestler leaves the ring... voluntarily or by being thrown out... the lumberjacks will whip the wrestler until he re-enters the ring! It's going to be insane!
Spiro has been on a bit of a downturn. With a poor showing in the Tag Team Championship Tournament, he took out his frustrations by shoving his partner to the mat. And Spiro has been vocal about wanting a title shot as his match with Hernandez never took place due to plenty of outside interference.Meanwhile, Allen has been impressive. With Dell and Montoya by his side, this trio has captured the attention of plenty of RCW fans. Despite their cocky and arrogant attitude, you have to give the credit when it's due -- Allen's an athlete. His recent outright brawl with Masada proved that he does have the dedication.This is a must-win situation. Both Oliver and Yebisu look at these two combatants as a future #1 contender for the championship.
The line-up also features:
RCW Championship Match - No Holds Barred
Hotstuff Hernandez defends against "Homeless" Hugh Rogue
On February 25, Hernandez successfully defended his title over Fast Eddie in a spectacular match. However, the "Tex-Mex T-Rex's" victory celebration was cut short when "Homeless" Hugh Rogue entered the ring and attacked Hernandez with a chair and challenged him to a "No Holds Barred" match. While the "powers that be" do not agree with this match, Hernandez demanded it... and pretty much, it's hard to argue with a 300-pound monster.Not much is known about Rogue. The mystery man came out of nowhere, and apparently goes from territory to territory, attempting to take out each company's top guy. Rogue finds himself in RCW -- but did he bite off more than he can chew? With the rulebook thrown out, anything... ANYTHING... will come into play.
RCW Tag Team Championship - Ladder Match - Three-Way Contest
The Nerdy Boys defend against The Texas Treats and the Natural Athletes
An incredible Tag Team Championship Tournament took place at February's show in which The Nerdy Boys wrestled three times, as well as The Texas Treats. In the end, The Nerds scored the upset over The Treats to become RCW's first Tag Team Champions. On the way to the victory, The Nerds scored a victory over their most hated opponents -- The Natural Athletes, comprised of "One Man" Mike Dell and Hector Montoya.Commissioner Yebisu also became the manager of the Don Juan and Chris Marval, and immediately issued a title shot for his newfound team. Oliver, however, has decided to up the ante by throwing the Athletes into the mix. Furthermore, this match is a Ladder Match, and with these three teams, this has the potential to steal the show!
Street Fight
Ikaika vs. an opponent to be named by Aguila Negro
If Ikaika wins, he has five minute in the ring with Aguila
Ever since Aguila turned his back on his friend and mentor, he has been out to put Ikaika on the shelf. Last show, Aguila attempted to bring in a "ringer" in the form of Slam Shady. However, Ikaika got the best of Aguila's hired gun, and issued a challenge to Aguila to find anyone he can for a Street Fight -- come as you are in this no-rules contest.Who will Aguila bring in to face the Hawaiian Warrior? Aguila will make a careful selection, as if Ikaika wins, he has to stay in the ring for five minutes with the most intense fighter in RCW!
More matches to be announced! Keep checking back!
For more information, including press photos, contact Brandon Oliver at (210) 842-8398, or visit Card is subject to change.
ACW News Show Dates and Venue Announced.
Prince Fontenot was able to clear up the dates and venues for next weekends shows in an email response. American Championship Wrestling will be in Kerrville Saturday March 18th at the Notre Dame Auditorium at 7 pm. On Sunday March 19th, ACW will be back in San Antonio at The Venue at 800 Lexington doors open at 3 pm, bell at 4 pm. This is a new location for ACW and 3 dates have already been announced. Future events are April 23rd and May 21st. Get $1 off admission with a flyer available at
Upcoming San Antonio Events
Saturday March 18th - River City Wrestling - YWCA, 503 Castroville Rd. 6:30 p.m.
Sunday March 19th - American Championship Wrestling - The Venue, 800 Lexington 4 p.m.
Sunday March 26th - Texas Wrestling Entertainment - Lowlow Car Show - Camargo Park, 5738 HWY 90 11 a.m.-7 p.m. (bell time not announced)
Saturday April 1st - River City Wrestling - YWCA, 503 Castroville Rd. 6:30 pm
Sunday April 2nd - Texas Wrestling Entertainment - Wrestlemania 22 Pre-Game Show - Fatso's Sports Bar, 1704 Bandera Rd. - (start time to be announced)
Saturday April 8th - Texas Wrestling Entertainment - Bellaire Baptist Church Gym, 105 Clovis 7 p.m.
Saturday April 9th - Texas Wrestling Entertainment - Lowlow Car Show - Camargo Park, 5738 HWY 90 11 a.m.-7 p.m. (bell time not announced)
Sunday April 23rd - American Championship Wrestling - The Venue, 800 Lexington 4 p.m.
Sunday May 21st - American Championship Wrestling - The Venue, 800 Lexington 4 p.m.
Texas Wrestling Entertainment and the Texas Wrestling Academy presented a show March 11th at the Bellaire Baptist Church Gym following an all-day clinic run by WWE Talent Agent Al Snow. Six matches entertained the vocal crowd. The show marked the return of Vicki to the TWE ring in her intergender match with Spector. The Texas Wrestling Academy crew were all impressive with the youngsters continuing to grow as in-ring performers and the veterens showing off their skills. All the matches were solid. The battle of the Bretts, Barnes vs. Thunder was particularly impressive as was the Main Event pitting challenger Jared Steele against TV Title Champion Milano Collection AT.
TWE Coming Event Announced.
Texas Wrestling Entertainment announced their next local event scheduled April 8th at the Bellaire Baptist Church. Details will be forthcoming at the TWE website.
TWE Show Results
March 11th
Bellaire Baptist Church Gym
1. Vicki (win) vs. Spector
2. Skitzo (win) vs. Cowboy James Claxton
3. El Latino (win) vs. Jacob Ladder
4. Hector Navarro vs. Bigg Dogg (win)
5. Brett Barnes (win) vs. Brett Thunder
6. Main Event TV Title Championship
Challenger Jared Steele vs. Champion Milano Collection AT (win-retain title)
KISS-FM Car Show Cancels Wrestling
The wrestling matches advertised to occur at the KISS-FM "Best Damn Car Show" Sunday March 12th at Sam's Burger Joint were appearantly cancelled as no ring was set up and none of the workers selling tickets were able to provide further information.
TWE Press Release
Texas Wrestling Entertainment sent out the following press release.
Texas Wrestling Entertainment, Texas Only Major League Wrestling, continues its 2006 trend of bringing the very best Wrestling to the state of Texas, has a show sceduled for Del Rio Texas featuring 1/2 of a former WWE Tag Team Champion, the Wild Samoan Sika. TWE has recently come to terms on a talent trade with Sikas promotion out of Florida, and on 3/17, The Wild Samoan meets TWE head man Rudy Boy Gonzalez. Also, Sikas protege Bullldozer meets AA superstar Mr Texas.
Also, the Main Event features a rematch of a San Antonio match up between El Latino vs Big Dogg in a Mexican Street Fight. Also, Super 8 contender Milano Collection AT meets Brett Thunder for the TWE TV title, and Spector will issue an open challenge to ANYONE that wants to get in the ring with him. Plus, Vicki returns to TWE action.
Del Rio Civic Center
1915 Veterans Blvd.
Doors open 6:30.
$5 Kids and Advance sales.
$7 at the door.
RCW Press Release
River City Wrestling sent out this press release.
For Immediate Release
Saturday, March 11, 2006
For Information Contact:
Brandon Oliver
210-842-8398 or fax: 210-615-8832
River City Wrestling News
RCW's commercial, new matches announced for March 18, and April show announced
River City Wrestling, San Antonio's Pro Wrestling organization, has a commercial that premieres tonight -- Saturday, March 11 -- during the broadcast of NWA-TNA. The commercial will also be shown on Monday. To see the commercial, visit
Upcoming RCW Events:
Saturday, March 18 - YWCA, 503 Castroville Rd. 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 in advance, $7 at the door.
Saturday, April 1 - YWCA, 503 Castroville Rd. 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 in advance, $7 at the door.
New Matches for March 18!
The next River City Wrestling event has been announced for Saturday, March 18, 2006 at the YWCA, 503 Castroville Rd. This is a larger facility than the Hope of Glory Church which has been "Standing Room Only" since RCW moved in. The February RCW event had 200 paying fans overflowing the room, so it might be a good idea for fans to take advantage of RCW's advance ticket program available through their webpage
Tickets are $5 in advance, or $7 at the door.
Fans may purchase tickets at:
503 Castroville Rd.
(210) 433-9922
Or through PayPal at
Promoter Brandon Oliver and Commissioner Yebisu have agreed that this event will "Break All of the Rules" as each match will have a special stipulation.
New matches include:
Best Two Out of Three Falls:
Fast Eddie Vegas vs. Masada
First Fall = Win by pinfall, submission, countout or disqualification
Second Fall = Submission Match
Third Fall (if necessary) = Pinfalls Count Anywhere Match
This is going to be an incredible match on a night filled with stipulation matches. Fast Eddie has had a match of the night candidate for every contest he has had in RCW. His last match against RCW Champion Hotstuff Hernandez had everyone on their feet for 20-plus minutes, with alternating chants of "Let's go Hotstuff" and "Let's go Eddie!" Despite the loss, Eddie impressed a lot of RCW fans, and they have demanded a high-profile match.
Masada, meanwhile, made his Texas return after touring with Big Japan pro wrestling on February 25. Masada faced Quinten Allen, a pure fight that went outside the building and into the parking lot. Masada is a tough-as-nails, a true hardcore athlete.
The first two falls may favor Vegas, and he will try to put away Masada early. If the match does indeed go to a third fall, then it become a Pinfalls Count Anywhere match, which is right up Masada's alley. Who knows where they may end up.
Match Change
Lumberjack Strap Match
Where select fans will serve as the lumberjacks!
Spiro vs. Quinten Allen
Changed from a bullrope match, once again RCW proves that it is interactive with its fans, and what better way than by making them lumberjacks. Not only that, but each lumberjacks will have a belt! Here's how it works... during the show, RCW will hold a raffle. Ten fans will be selected. Bring your own belts! As a wrestler leaves the ring... voluntarily or by being thrown out... the lumberjacks will whip the wrestler until he re-enters the ring! It's going to be insane!
Spiro has been on a bit of a downturn. With a poor showing in the Tag Team Championship Tournament, he took out his frustrations by shoving his partner to the mat. And Spiro has been vocal about wanting a title shot as his match with Hernandez never took place due to plenty of outside interference.Meanwhile, Allen has been impressive. With Dell and Montoya by his side, this trio has captured the attention of plenty of RCW fans. Despite their cocky and arrogant attitude, you have to give the credit when it's due -- Allen's an athlete. His recent outright brawl with Masada proved that he does have the dedication.This is a must-win situation. Both Oliver and Yebisu look at these two combatants as a future #1 contender for the championship.
The line-up also features:
RCW Championship Match - No Holds Barred
Hotstuff Hernandez defends against "Homeless" Hugh Rogue
On February 25, Hernandez successfully defended his title over Fast Eddie in a spectacular match. However, the "Tex-Mex T-Rex's" victory celebration was cut short when "Homeless" Hugh Rogue entered the ring and attacked Hernandez with a chair and challenged him to a "No Holds Barred" match. While the "powers that be" do not agree with this match, Hernandez demanded it... and pretty much, it's hard to argue with a 300-pound monster.Not much is known about Rogue. The mystery man came out of nowhere, and apparently goes from territory to territory, attempting to take out each company's top guy. Rogue finds himself in RCW -- but did he bite off more than he can chew? With the rulebook thrown out, anything... ANYTHING... will come into play.
RCW Tag Team Championship - Ladder Match - Three-Way Contest
The Nerdy Boys defend against The Texas Treats and the Natural Athletes
An incredible Tag Team Championship Tournament took place at February's show in which The Nerdy Boys wrestled three times, as well as The Texas Treats. In the end, The Nerds scored the upset over The Treats to become RCW's first Tag Team Champions. On the way to the victory, The Nerds scored a victory over their most hated opponents -- The Natural Athletes, comprised of "One Man" Mike Dell and Hector Montoya.Commissioner Yebisu also became the manager of the Don Juan and Chris Marval, and immediately issued a title shot for his newfound team. Oliver, however, has decided to up the ante by throwing the Athletes into the mix. Furthermore, this match is a Ladder Match, and with these three teams, this has the potential to steal the show!
Street Fight
Ikaika vs. an opponent to be named by Aguila Negro
If Ikaika wins, he has five minute in the ring with Aguila
Ever since Aguila turned his back on his friend and mentor, he has been out to put Ikaika on the shelf. Last show, Aguila attempted to bring in a "ringer" in the form of Slam Shady. However, Ikaika got the best of Aguila's hired gun, and issued a challenge to Aguila to find anyone he can for a Street Fight -- come as you are in this no-rules contest.Who will Aguila bring in to face the Hawaiian Warrior? Aguila will make a careful selection, as if Ikaika wins, he has to stay in the ring for five minutes with the most intense fighter in RCW!
More matches to be announced! Keep checking back!
For more information, including press photos, contact Brandon Oliver at (210) 842-8398, or visit Card is subject to change.
ACW News Show Dates and Venue Announced.
Prince Fontenot was able to clear up the dates and venues for next weekends shows in an email response. American Championship Wrestling will be in Kerrville Saturday March 18th at the Notre Dame Auditorium at 7 pm. On Sunday March 19th, ACW will be back in San Antonio at The Venue at 800 Lexington doors open at 3 pm, bell at 4 pm. This is a new location for ACW and 3 dates have already been announced. Future events are April 23rd and May 21st. Get $1 off admission with a flyer available at
Upcoming San Antonio Events
Saturday March 18th - River City Wrestling - YWCA, 503 Castroville Rd. 6:30 p.m.
Sunday March 19th - American Championship Wrestling - The Venue, 800 Lexington 4 p.m.
Sunday March 26th - Texas Wrestling Entertainment - Lowlow Car Show - Camargo Park, 5738 HWY 90 11 a.m.-7 p.m. (bell time not announced)
Saturday April 1st - River City Wrestling - YWCA, 503 Castroville Rd. 6:30 pm
Sunday April 2nd - Texas Wrestling Entertainment - Wrestlemania 22 Pre-Game Show - Fatso's Sports Bar, 1704 Bandera Rd. - (start time to be announced)
Saturday April 8th - Texas Wrestling Entertainment - Bellaire Baptist Church Gym, 105 Clovis 7 p.m.
Saturday April 9th - Texas Wrestling Entertainment - Lowlow Car Show - Camargo Park, 5738 HWY 90 11 a.m.-7 p.m. (bell time not announced)
Sunday April 23rd - American Championship Wrestling - The Venue, 800 Lexington 4 p.m.
Sunday May 21st - American Championship Wrestling - The Venue, 800 Lexington 4 p.m.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
TWE & RCW Press Releases and Uncomfirmed Match Dates
TWE Star to Super 8 Tourney
Texas Wrestling Entertainment sent out the following press release today:
Add Milano Collection to the list of former Rudy Boy Gonzalez trainees to be invited to SUPER 8, a tournament held every year by ECWA. this years event will be held April 8, 2006 at the Greater Newark Boys' & Girls' Club in New Jersey, 109 Glasgow Drive.
Past individuals have been Paul London, Spanky(2), and American Dragon, with London winning the tournament in 2003.
The list of participants this year are as follows.....
Congratulations to all involved, and a HUGE congratulations to Milano Collection AT and good luck.FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THIS HUGE EVENT, AND THE PARTICPANTS, PLEASE GO
RCW Show Details
River City Wrestling Sent out the following press release today:
For Immediate Release
Tuesday, March 7, 2006
For Information Contact:
Brandon Oliver
210-842-8398 or fax: 210-615-8832
San Antonio's Pro Wrestling to Hold Next Event March 18 at the YWCA
The next River City Wrestling event has been announced for Saturday, March 18, 2006 at the YWCA, 503 Castroville Rd. This is a larger facility than the Hope of Glory Church which has been "Standing Room Only" since RCW moved in. The February RCW event had 200 paying fans overflowing the room, so it might be a good idea to take advantage of RCW's advance ticket program available through their webpage
Tickets are $5 in advance, or $7 at the door.
Fans may purchase tickets at:
503 Castroville Rd.
(210) 433-9922
Or through PayPal at
Promoter Brandon Oliver and Commissioner Yebisu have agreed that this event will "Break All of the Rules" as each match will have a special stipulation.
The line-up features:
RCW Championship Match - No Holds Barred
Hotstuff Hernandez defends against "Homeless" Hugh Rogue
On January 28, Hernandez successfully defended his title over Fast Eddie in a spectacular match. However, the "Tex-Mex T-Rex's" victory celebration was cut short when "Homeless" Hugh Rogue entered the ring and attacked Hernandez with a chair and challenged him to a "No Holds Barred" match. While the "powers that be" do not agree with this match, Hernandez demanded it... and pretty much, it's hard to argue with a 300-pound monster.Not much is known about Rogue. The mystery man came out of nowhere, and apparently goes from territory to territory, attempting to take out each company's top guy. Rogue finds himself in RCW -- but did he bite off more than he can chew? With the rulebook thrown out, anything... ANYTHING... will come into play.
RCW Tag Team Championship - Ladder Match - Three-Way Contest
The Nerdy Boys defend against The Texas Treats and the Natural Athletes
An incredible Tag Team Championship Tournament took place at January's show in which The Nerdy Boys wrestled three times, as well as The Texas Treats. In the end, The Nerds scored the upset over The Treats to become RCW's first Tag Team Champions. On the way to the victory, The Nerds scored a victory over their most hated opponents -- The Natural Athletes, comprised of "One Man" Mike Dell and Hector Montoya.Commissioner Yebisu also became the manager of the Don Juan and Chris Marval, and immediately issued a title shot for his newfound team. Oliver, however, has decided to up the ante by throwing the Athletes into the mix. Furthermore, this match is a Ladder Match, and with these three teams, this has the potential to steal the show!
Street Fight
Ikaika vs. an opponent to be named by Aguila Negro
If Ikaika wins, he has five minute in the ring with Aguila
Ever since Aguila turned his back on his friend and mentor, he has been out to put Ikaika on the shelf. Last show, Aguila attempted to bring in a "ringer" in the form of Slam Shady. However, Ikaika got the best of Aguila's hired gun, and issued a challenge to Aguila to find anyone he can for a Street Fight -- come as you are in this no-rules contest.Who will Aguila bring in to face the Hawaiian Warrior? Aguila will make a careful selection, as if Ikaika wins, he has to stay in the ring for five minutes with the most intense fighter in RCW!
Stipulation to be announced
Spiro vs. Quinten Allen
Spiro has been on a bit of a downturn. With a poor showing in the Tag Team Championship Tournament, he took out his frustrations by shoving his partner to the mat. And Spiro has been vocal about wanting a title shot as his match with Hernandez never took place due to plenty of outside interference.Meanwhile, Allen has been impressive. With Dell and Montoya by his side, this trio has captured the attention of plenty of RCW fans. Despite their cocky and arrogant attitude, you have to give the credit when it's due -- Allen's an athlete. His recent outright brawl with Masada proved that he does have the dedication.This is a must-win situation. Both Oliver and Yebisu look at these two combatants as a future #1 contender for the championship. More matches to be announced! Keep checking back!
For more information, including press photos, contact Brandon Oliver at (210) 842-8398, or visit Card is subject to change.
Brandon Oliver
Owner - River City Productions, est. 2002
Promoter - River City Wrestling, est. 2002
Phone - (210) 842-8398
Fax - (210) 615-8832
E-Mail -
Web -,
4319 Medical Drive, #131-126
San Antonio, TX 78229
Uncomfirmed Match Dates
After reporting yesterday that ACW is planning two shoes in March I began searching for confirmation of these dates and locations. The official ACW site is still not updated and makes no mention of any future dates. The schedule page at reports that Ladder will be in San Antonio 3 times in March. Ladder is scheduled to appear at the March 11th TWE show at the Bellaire Baptist Church 105 Clovis. Ladder also lists two ACW appearances. On March 12th, Ladder will be at an ACW show at Sam's Burger Joint 330 E. Grayson. No bell time is mentioned and the webpage for Sam's Burger Joint does not mention any wrestling on this date, instead listing a carshow sponsored by Kiss-FM Radio. The KISS webpage entry on the carshow does mention "wrestling matches" under the "More Attractions" heading but does not credit ACW or any other related information.
Jacob Ladder also lists a scheduled appearance for ACW on March 18th. There is no mention of venue or bell time. This date conflicts with the report filed yesterday that ACW will be doing a show March 19th. "Sam's Burger Joint" has a scheduled night of music on the 18th and nothing announced for the 19th. It is likely that the venue will be the Apollo Playhouse, but the date is up in the air. If Jacob Ladder's page is correct, then Quinten Allen would be scheduled to compete for two shows in one day. With the 4 pm start time that ACW regulary follows at the Apollo Playhouse, it would be possible for Quinten to make both shows, but it would be very challenging. If Quinten Allen is correct in telling me the date is the 19th, that would make Jacob Ladder wrong. I'm just not comfortable telling Jacob Ladder that he is wrong. If I can confirm the details of these shows, I'll report them post haste. I apologize for my error in reporting the shows earlier without confirmation.
One other wrestler lists an upcoming San Antonio appearance on his webpage. Andrew Dalton of the Hardbodies has recently updated his webpage to include an RCW appearance on April 1st. River City Wrestling has not officially announced a show on this date so no venue is known at this time. Hopefully this isn't some sort of cruel April Fool's trick perpetrated by the Second Generation Wrestler.
Details of these and other shows will be published as soon (if not sooner) as they are made public.
Texas Wrestling Entertainment sent out the following press release today:
Add Milano Collection to the list of former Rudy Boy Gonzalez trainees to be invited to SUPER 8, a tournament held every year by ECWA. this years event will be held April 8, 2006 at the Greater Newark Boys' & Girls' Club in New Jersey, 109 Glasgow Drive.
Past individuals have been Paul London, Spanky(2), and American Dragon, with London winning the tournament in 2003.
The list of participants this year are as follows.....
Congratulations to all involved, and a HUGE congratulations to Milano Collection AT and good luck.FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THIS HUGE EVENT, AND THE PARTICPANTS, PLEASE GO
RCW Show Details
River City Wrestling Sent out the following press release today:
For Immediate Release
Tuesday, March 7, 2006
For Information Contact:
Brandon Oliver
210-842-8398 or fax: 210-615-8832
San Antonio's Pro Wrestling to Hold Next Event March 18 at the YWCA
The next River City Wrestling event has been announced for Saturday, March 18, 2006 at the YWCA, 503 Castroville Rd. This is a larger facility than the Hope of Glory Church which has been "Standing Room Only" since RCW moved in. The February RCW event had 200 paying fans overflowing the room, so it might be a good idea to take advantage of RCW's advance ticket program available through their webpage
Tickets are $5 in advance, or $7 at the door.
Fans may purchase tickets at:
503 Castroville Rd.
(210) 433-9922
Or through PayPal at
Promoter Brandon Oliver and Commissioner Yebisu have agreed that this event will "Break All of the Rules" as each match will have a special stipulation.
The line-up features:
RCW Championship Match - No Holds Barred
Hotstuff Hernandez defends against "Homeless" Hugh Rogue
On January 28, Hernandez successfully defended his title over Fast Eddie in a spectacular match. However, the "Tex-Mex T-Rex's" victory celebration was cut short when "Homeless" Hugh Rogue entered the ring and attacked Hernandez with a chair and challenged him to a "No Holds Barred" match. While the "powers that be" do not agree with this match, Hernandez demanded it... and pretty much, it's hard to argue with a 300-pound monster.Not much is known about Rogue. The mystery man came out of nowhere, and apparently goes from territory to territory, attempting to take out each company's top guy. Rogue finds himself in RCW -- but did he bite off more than he can chew? With the rulebook thrown out, anything... ANYTHING... will come into play.
RCW Tag Team Championship - Ladder Match - Three-Way Contest
The Nerdy Boys defend against The Texas Treats and the Natural Athletes
An incredible Tag Team Championship Tournament took place at January's show in which The Nerdy Boys wrestled three times, as well as The Texas Treats. In the end, The Nerds scored the upset over The Treats to become RCW's first Tag Team Champions. On the way to the victory, The Nerds scored a victory over their most hated opponents -- The Natural Athletes, comprised of "One Man" Mike Dell and Hector Montoya.Commissioner Yebisu also became the manager of the Don Juan and Chris Marval, and immediately issued a title shot for his newfound team. Oliver, however, has decided to up the ante by throwing the Athletes into the mix. Furthermore, this match is a Ladder Match, and with these three teams, this has the potential to steal the show!
Street Fight
Ikaika vs. an opponent to be named by Aguila Negro
If Ikaika wins, he has five minute in the ring with Aguila
Ever since Aguila turned his back on his friend and mentor, he has been out to put Ikaika on the shelf. Last show, Aguila attempted to bring in a "ringer" in the form of Slam Shady. However, Ikaika got the best of Aguila's hired gun, and issued a challenge to Aguila to find anyone he can for a Street Fight -- come as you are in this no-rules contest.Who will Aguila bring in to face the Hawaiian Warrior? Aguila will make a careful selection, as if Ikaika wins, he has to stay in the ring for five minutes with the most intense fighter in RCW!
Stipulation to be announced
Spiro vs. Quinten Allen
Spiro has been on a bit of a downturn. With a poor showing in the Tag Team Championship Tournament, he took out his frustrations by shoving his partner to the mat. And Spiro has been vocal about wanting a title shot as his match with Hernandez never took place due to plenty of outside interference.Meanwhile, Allen has been impressive. With Dell and Montoya by his side, this trio has captured the attention of plenty of RCW fans. Despite their cocky and arrogant attitude, you have to give the credit when it's due -- Allen's an athlete. His recent outright brawl with Masada proved that he does have the dedication.This is a must-win situation. Both Oliver and Yebisu look at these two combatants as a future #1 contender for the championship. More matches to be announced! Keep checking back!
For more information, including press photos, contact Brandon Oliver at (210) 842-8398, or visit Card is subject to change.
Brandon Oliver
Owner - River City Productions, est. 2002
Promoter - River City Wrestling, est. 2002
Phone - (210) 842-8398
Fax - (210) 615-8832
E-Mail -
Web -,
4319 Medical Drive, #131-126
San Antonio, TX 78229
Uncomfirmed Match Dates
After reporting yesterday that ACW is planning two shoes in March I began searching for confirmation of these dates and locations. The official ACW site is still not updated and makes no mention of any future dates. The schedule page at reports that Ladder will be in San Antonio 3 times in March. Ladder is scheduled to appear at the March 11th TWE show at the Bellaire Baptist Church 105 Clovis. Ladder also lists two ACW appearances. On March 12th, Ladder will be at an ACW show at Sam's Burger Joint 330 E. Grayson. No bell time is mentioned and the webpage for Sam's Burger Joint does not mention any wrestling on this date, instead listing a carshow sponsored by Kiss-FM Radio. The KISS webpage entry on the carshow does mention "wrestling matches" under the "More Attractions" heading but does not credit ACW or any other related information.
Jacob Ladder also lists a scheduled appearance for ACW on March 18th. There is no mention of venue or bell time. This date conflicts with the report filed yesterday that ACW will be doing a show March 19th. "Sam's Burger Joint" has a scheduled night of music on the 18th and nothing announced for the 19th. It is likely that the venue will be the Apollo Playhouse, but the date is up in the air. If Jacob Ladder's page is correct, then Quinten Allen would be scheduled to compete for two shows in one day. With the 4 pm start time that ACW regulary follows at the Apollo Playhouse, it would be possible for Quinten to make both shows, but it would be very challenging. If Quinten Allen is correct in telling me the date is the 19th, that would make Jacob Ladder wrong. I'm just not comfortable telling Jacob Ladder that he is wrong. If I can confirm the details of these shows, I'll report them post haste. I apologize for my error in reporting the shows earlier without confirmation.
One other wrestler lists an upcoming San Antonio appearance on his webpage. Andrew Dalton of the Hardbodies has recently updated his webpage to include an RCW appearance on April 1st. River City Wrestling has not officially announced a show on this date so no venue is known at this time. Hopefully this isn't some sort of cruel April Fool's trick perpetrated by the Second Generation Wrestler.
Details of these and other shows will be published as soon (if not sooner) as they are made public.
Monday, March 06, 2006
March Shows Updates
San Antonio Wrestling fans should be thrilled to learn that there are 5 opportunites in the next 3 weeks to enjoy wrestling matches. While in Corpus Christi I attended a free Lucha Libre show and ran into Quinten Allen in the crowd. Quinten tells me that ACW will be running shows on the next two Sundays, March 12th and March 19th. The ACW webpage has yet to post the updates, but ACW shows generally start at 4 pm at the Apollo Playhouse 1216 West Avenue.
The schedule for the next three weeks:
March 11 TWE Bellaire Baptist Church Church Gym 105 Clovis 7 PM
March 12 ACW Apollo Playhouse 1216 West Avenue 4 PM
March 18 RCW YWCA 503 Castroville Road 7 PM
March 19 ACW Apollo Playhouse 1216 West Avenue 4 PM
March 26 TWE at the Lowlow Car Show 5738 Hwy 90 11 AM-7 PM
The schedule for the next three weeks:
March 11 TWE Bellaire Baptist Church Church Gym 105 Clovis 7 PM
March 12 ACW Apollo Playhouse 1216 West Avenue 4 PM
March 18 RCW YWCA 503 Castroville Road 7 PM
March 19 ACW Apollo Playhouse 1216 West Avenue 4 PM
March 26 TWE at the Lowlow Car Show 5738 Hwy 90 11 AM-7 PM
Saturday, March 04, 2006
TWE Announces Matches for March 11th
TV Title Match Announced
Rudy Boy Gonzalez, owner of Texas Wrestling Entertainment posted the following information on the TWE Website:
Thursday, March 02, 2006
1st Match signed for March 11th
On 2/15 TWE TV Champion Milano Collection was supposed to meet Texas Superstar Jared Steel in a title match fir the TV belt. Milano was held up in his native country of Japan, and was not able to get to San Antonio in time for the scheduled match with Steel.
Both individuals have agreed to a match on 3/11 at the Bellaire Baptist Church gym, located at 116 Clovis drive. Also, Former Shawn Michaels Wrestling Academy graduate Martin Styles returns to TWE to face Texas Wrestling Academy's Brett Thunder.
Scheduled to take part in the clinic that will be held earlier in the day will be Specter, Brett Barnes, Skitzo, and others from around the state.
For more information go to
Al Snow Clinic Information
Gonzalez also posted the following information concerning the Al Snow Clinic being run that day.
Friday, March 03, 2006
AL SNOW PRO WRESTLING CLINIC - Come Prepared Category: Sports
On Saturday March 11th, WWE superstar and Tough Enough head trainer Al Snow comes into San Antonio, Texas to run a special one day Pro Wrestling clinic. To date there have been several inquiries about what he's looking for, what is going to happen, etc, etc, etc. Hopefully this wil answer some of those questions.
Doors will open at 9am. The sooner everyone gets signed in, the sooner training starts. The fee is only $50. Please have exact change.
One of the main emphasis in being in the developmental program is training. The clinic will cover training. Cardio, Drills, Holds, etc, etc, etc. there will be a Question and Answer session set aside, but at anytime if you have a question....ask.
What are we looking for. Not neccassaryly the biggest guy or the fastest, or the guy with the coolest moves. The clinic has an emphasis on the fundamentals, and basics. Working your way through a match and making it entertaining while being safe to you and your opponent is #1.
Who has potential. You cant judge potential by just looking at some on in a match. Theres more to it. Training habits, attitude, and reaction all follow under that umbrella. Do you have an attitude? Do you think your better than the next guy? Is this clinic an inconvenience to you? Those are all atitudes that exist in the Indy enviroment, and why? If you were really that good you wouldn't be in the Indiesworking at a bingo hall for $25. Everyone that is at this level could use a little nudge.
After the clinic there will be a Tough Enough event. This is scheduled to start at 7pm. This is where you will be able to show that what ever was talked about, or demonstrated, you will put to use. Therefore, this event will be open to only those that participated in the clinic.
Do you have a tape..picture????? Bring it. This is something that a lot of Indy boys completely overlook. How can someone remember you after seeing a thousand others just like you in the course of a week. A picture gives you a sense of 'professionalism'. Sort of a business card. Make sure you introduce yourself. Dont assume you are known throughout the wrestling world. Your not.
Don't sit at home and say, 'why go, it won't happen to me'. Who told you that. Not me. It won't happen if you don't give it a chance to happen. If you have any kind of potential, you will get noticed.
Come prepared to sweat. learn and listen and entertain.
SA Indy Wrestling Scene Comments on March 11th show
Don't miss this show. Steele and Milano are top-rate talents. A title change could happen. Al Snow is one of the most entertaining personalities ever involved in professional wrestling. The "Tough-Enough" aspect of this show will provide an incredible range of talents striving to impress perhaps the most respected talent scout in the business. Get there early because this show should be standing room only no matter how large the gym at the Bellaire Baptist Church may be. Check out the TWE Webpage. Since the renovation, the page is being updated regularly.
Rudy Boy Gonzalez, owner of Texas Wrestling Entertainment posted the following information on the TWE Website:
Thursday, March 02, 2006
1st Match signed for March 11th
On 2/15 TWE TV Champion Milano Collection was supposed to meet Texas Superstar Jared Steel in a title match fir the TV belt. Milano was held up in his native country of Japan, and was not able to get to San Antonio in time for the scheduled match with Steel.
Both individuals have agreed to a match on 3/11 at the Bellaire Baptist Church gym, located at 116 Clovis drive. Also, Former Shawn Michaels Wrestling Academy graduate Martin Styles returns to TWE to face Texas Wrestling Academy's Brett Thunder.
Scheduled to take part in the clinic that will be held earlier in the day will be Specter, Brett Barnes, Skitzo, and others from around the state.
For more information go to
Al Snow Clinic Information
Gonzalez also posted the following information concerning the Al Snow Clinic being run that day.
Friday, March 03, 2006
AL SNOW PRO WRESTLING CLINIC - Come Prepared Category: Sports
On Saturday March 11th, WWE superstar and Tough Enough head trainer Al Snow comes into San Antonio, Texas to run a special one day Pro Wrestling clinic. To date there have been several inquiries about what he's looking for, what is going to happen, etc, etc, etc. Hopefully this wil answer some of those questions.
Doors will open at 9am. The sooner everyone gets signed in, the sooner training starts. The fee is only $50. Please have exact change.
One of the main emphasis in being in the developmental program is training. The clinic will cover training. Cardio, Drills, Holds, etc, etc, etc. there will be a Question and Answer session set aside, but at anytime if you have a question....ask.
What are we looking for. Not neccassaryly the biggest guy or the fastest, or the guy with the coolest moves. The clinic has an emphasis on the fundamentals, and basics. Working your way through a match and making it entertaining while being safe to you and your opponent is #1.
Who has potential. You cant judge potential by just looking at some on in a match. Theres more to it. Training habits, attitude, and reaction all follow under that umbrella. Do you have an attitude? Do you think your better than the next guy? Is this clinic an inconvenience to you? Those are all atitudes that exist in the Indy enviroment, and why? If you were really that good you wouldn't be in the Indiesworking at a bingo hall for $25. Everyone that is at this level could use a little nudge.
After the clinic there will be a Tough Enough event. This is scheduled to start at 7pm. This is where you will be able to show that what ever was talked about, or demonstrated, you will put to use. Therefore, this event will be open to only those that participated in the clinic.
Do you have a tape..picture????? Bring it. This is something that a lot of Indy boys completely overlook. How can someone remember you after seeing a thousand others just like you in the course of a week. A picture gives you a sense of 'professionalism'. Sort of a business card. Make sure you introduce yourself. Dont assume you are known throughout the wrestling world. Your not.
Don't sit at home and say, 'why go, it won't happen to me'. Who told you that. Not me. It won't happen if you don't give it a chance to happen. If you have any kind of potential, you will get noticed.
Come prepared to sweat. learn and listen and entertain.
SA Indy Wrestling Scene Comments on March 11th show
Don't miss this show. Steele and Milano are top-rate talents. A title change could happen. Al Snow is one of the most entertaining personalities ever involved in professional wrestling. The "Tough-Enough" aspect of this show will provide an incredible range of talents striving to impress perhaps the most respected talent scout in the business. Get there early because this show should be standing room only no matter how large the gym at the Bellaire Baptist Church may be. Check out the TWE Webpage. Since the renovation, the page is being updated regularly.
Friday, March 03, 2006
TWE at Ricky Morton Invitational Tag Tournament
The wrestlers of the Texas Wrestling Academy and TWE continue to travel and compete in events outside San Antonio and outside Texas. Several wrestlers familiar to San Antonio fans recently made the trip to Tulsa, Oklahoma to compete in the Ricky Morton Invitational Tag Tournament. Hector Navarro & El Latino defeated Spectre (sic) and Se7en in the quarterfinals and met up with the team of Brett Thunder & Skitzo in the Semi-Finals. Thunder & Skitzo advanced to the finals, eventually losing to the team of Ricky Morton & Aaron Armor. (results courtesy of
More TWE Events announced
The calendar of events at the Texas Wrestling Entertainment web page lists several upcoming events, both locally and outside the Alamo City. Wrestlers from TWE will be appearing in shows in Del Rio and Cornelia, Ohio during March. Additionally there is the Gym Wars/Tough Enough show March 11th with Al Snow which has been reported earlier. TWE also has entered into a relationship with the LOWLOW CARSHOWS. Two dates have been listed for shows at Camargo Park 5738 Hwy 90. The shows are March 26 and April 9. TWE wrestling is only a small part of the activities which will take place at those shows. The shows run from 11 am to 7 pm and cost $10 with a flyer available at the website $12 without the flyer. Details concerning what matches, how many matches and match times are not currently available. Hopefully TWE will provide some information on their webpage.
RCW Webpage Update
River City Wrestling has released the promotional poster for their upcoming show March 18th. The Poster features RCW Champion Hotstuff Hernandez with the Headline "Breaking All Of The Rules" and the words "Streetfight Tables! Ladders! Chairs!" which clearly refer to the two matches already announced. Hernandez faces Homeless Hugh Rogue and Ikaika is facing a mystery opponent chosen by Aguila Negro with the stipulation that if Ikaika wins he gets Aguila Negro in the ring for 5 minutes. Both matches are no disqualification matches.
The wrestlers of the Texas Wrestling Academy and TWE continue to travel and compete in events outside San Antonio and outside Texas. Several wrestlers familiar to San Antonio fans recently made the trip to Tulsa, Oklahoma to compete in the Ricky Morton Invitational Tag Tournament. Hector Navarro & El Latino defeated Spectre (sic) and Se7en in the quarterfinals and met up with the team of Brett Thunder & Skitzo in the Semi-Finals. Thunder & Skitzo advanced to the finals, eventually losing to the team of Ricky Morton & Aaron Armor. (results courtesy of
More TWE Events announced
The calendar of events at the Texas Wrestling Entertainment web page lists several upcoming events, both locally and outside the Alamo City. Wrestlers from TWE will be appearing in shows in Del Rio and Cornelia, Ohio during March. Additionally there is the Gym Wars/Tough Enough show March 11th with Al Snow which has been reported earlier. TWE also has entered into a relationship with the LOWLOW CARSHOWS. Two dates have been listed for shows at Camargo Park 5738 Hwy 90. The shows are March 26 and April 9. TWE wrestling is only a small part of the activities which will take place at those shows. The shows run from 11 am to 7 pm and cost $10 with a flyer available at the website $12 without the flyer. Details concerning what matches, how many matches and match times are not currently available. Hopefully TWE will provide some information on their webpage.
RCW Webpage Update
River City Wrestling has released the promotional poster for their upcoming show March 18th. The Poster features RCW Champion Hotstuff Hernandez with the Headline "Breaking All Of The Rules" and the words "Streetfight Tables! Ladders! Chairs!" which clearly refer to the two matches already announced. Hernandez faces Homeless Hugh Rogue and Ikaika is facing a mystery opponent chosen by Aguila Negro with the stipulation that if Ikaika wins he gets Aguila Negro in the ring for 5 minutes. Both matches are no disqualification matches.
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